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法国女性主义在西方女性主义的后现代理论转向过程中做出了突出贡献。本文分析了法国女性主义后现代理论转向的思想渊源,剖析了法国后现代女性主义三大家希克苏斯、伊里格芮、克里丝蒂娃的主要思想及有关理论,并对它们作了简短的评价,预测其发展未来。  相似文献   

法国女性主义在西方女性主义的后现代理论转向过程中做出了突出贡献。文章分析了法国后现代女性主义的思想渊源即拉康的精神分析学、法国的后现代社会理论和德布娃的存在主义的女性主义,并认为探寻其思想渊源可以帮助我们更全面地理解法国后现代女性主义。  相似文献   

陶丽·莫伊(TorilMoi)作为美国当代著名的女权批评家,其思想主要表现为对女性主义理论政治性的诉求,以及对法国女性主义理论的批判。在对波伏娃进行研究的过程中,她转向了对具身的存在的关注,为理解波伏娃思想翻开了新的篇章,使后现代主义浪潮中争论不休的性别问题在情境化的身体观中迎刃而解。由此,她在女性主义批评上完成了从政治性到身体性的过渡,使女性主义理论获得了新的发展方向。  相似文献   

援用与批判--试论后现代视阈下的女性主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为与当代诸多文学思潮共同步入后现代语境的理论流派,后现代女性主义是在后现代主义的影响下发生"后现代转向"的产物.后现代女性主义援用后现代主义的诸多传统,如对以等级制度为基础的二元对立结构的反叛,对多元性、异质性、边缘性的强调,反对宏大叙事等等.同时,女性主义鲜明的政治实践指向与严肃的人本主义立场,又使其对后现代主义的虚无、盲目消解产生激烈的批判.本文试论述女性主义与后现代主义的相遇,女性主义对后现代主义的援用以及二者的分歧,探析后现代女性主义所面临困境及其自救的途径.  相似文献   

作为女性主义的最新发展形式,后现代女性主义在当代产生了极为重要的影响。后现代女性主义的理论观点主要包括后现代女性主义的话语/权力观、主体观、差异观和身体观四个方面。考察后现代女性主义的相关内容,结合实际借鉴吸收其理论观点的合理内核,对丰富我国女性主义研究、加强女性的社会管理创新具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

《廊桥遗梦》中后现代女性主义的体现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪80年代后期,在女性主义内部出现了一种后现代转向的趋势,形成了后现代女性主义。这一时期出现了许多优秀的后现代主义文学作品,《廊桥遗梦》就是其中之一。故事讲述了一对人到中年的情侣的爱情,一次不期的偶遥让两个人找到了真爱,然而命运又残酷地将他们分开。文中将从后现代女性主义这个视角解读《廊桥遗梦》。通过分析女主人公弗朗西丝卡所面临的矛盾与困惑来探讨后现代女性主义在故事中的体现。  相似文献   

传统、现代、后现代:当代女性主义教育的三重视野   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甘永涛 《教育科学》2007,23(2):22-26
女性主义作为一种教育思潮可以追溯到18世纪的法国,传统女性主义教育持两种妇女观,一是“父权制”妇女观,二是“父权制”批判妇女观。但是,自20世纪60年代以来有两种态度:一是激进女性主义的态度。二是当代社会主义女性主义态度。现代女性主义教育在理论与实践上都具有明显的先进性,但仍旧没有走出两性二元对立的思维模式。对于传统女性主义教育的批判性重建,还必须从后现代文明中的精神内核和价值观念需求借鉴。只分析性地找出传统、现代、后现代三种女性主义教育类型地一般特征与具体表现还是不够地,女性主义教育学更重要的使命,是要整合这三种教育资源,女性主义教育建构尚需要实现传统、现代、后现代三重视野的“视界融合”。  相似文献   

后现代主义因其对主流观念的激烈批判而在许多方面与当代女性主义有融合的趋向。后现代女性主义科学观从后现代主义那里汲取丰富的理论资源,对传统科学展开了彻底的批判。后现代女性主义科学观对当代女性主义及女性主义科学观的发展都具有极其重大的意义。  相似文献   

本文从女性主义的三次浪潮出发,分析了后现代女性主义的缘起,并在此基础上论述了后现代教育学的概念表述、后现代女性主义教育学中唯本论、建构论等派别的观点,最后介绍了其他派别对后现代女性主义教育学的批判性观点。  相似文献   

余红顺。杜朝明在《湖北广播电视大学学报》2012年第1期《论美国妇女运动的新发展》一文中指出,20世纪90年代以来,美国妇女运动由女权过渡到女性主义,并与后现代主义融合,从而进入了后现代女权主义发展时期。后现代女权主义者深受法国怀疑主义哲学大师福柯的影响,致力于批判所有高大宏伟和涵盖一切的现代理论,试图建立社区理论,  相似文献   

From 1955 to 1975, the French and the Americans were both active in the educational field in South Vietnam, but their objectives were different. The French were concerned with preserving their influence with the Vietnamese elites and relied on the Mission Culturelle – the heir of the colonial Direction of Education – and its prestigious high schools. The Americans wanted to improve the level of education of the population and strived to reform the Vietnamese administration in order to make South Vietnam a nation strong enough to bar the advance of communism. The main operator was USAID, which coordinated and funded the activities of expert teams, and particularly of academic missions. The French deeply resented the American intrusion into what they believed to be their historical area of cultural influence, and they perceived the United States as aggressive towards them. The Americans did not oppose the French cultural presence but they did try to eliminate those parts of the French legacy – particularly the teaching methods and the administrative structures – that they considered to be obsolete and an obstacle to their reforms. The battle between those two cultural traditions was waged by their Vietnamese supporters, with long-time Francophiles on one side and US-trained educators and administrators on the other. However, this competition was partly artificial, as the French and Americans actually needed each other. Their educational missions also had to deal with the circumstances of the war in Vietnam. In the early 1970s, the French resigned themselves to the dismantling of their educational network while American reform met with substantial resistance in South Vietnamese society, which resented the Americanisation of an educational system that mixed the Confucian and the French academic traditions, as symbolised by the enduring popularity of the Baccalaureate examination that still exists today in Vietnam.  相似文献   

在工业化的影响下,19世纪法国资产阶级妇女的社会角色发生了嬗变。工业化的初期,初掌政权的资产阶级在理论上、法律上强化了男子在家庭中的绝对权威,妇女则完全被囿于家庭之中,在“家庭天使”的光环下,资产阶级妇女成为丈夫的附属物,既无政治权利,也无经济地位。随着工业化的进一步发展,资产阶级妇女的女权意识觉醒,19世纪后半期她们开始了争取自身解放的努力。但是由于法国的文化传统,直到一战前她们所取得的权利仍然相当有限。  相似文献   

潘恩的《人权论》和柏克的《法国革命论》从不同角度评价法国大革命,代表着两派截然不同的观点,改良和革命是其最根本的分野。柏克以尊重传统为理由反对法国大革命,主张以改良的方式解决社会问题;潘恩则注重理性原则的应用,极力赞美和宣扬法国革命。归根结底,对一个民族变革之路的历史评价,最重要的标准是能否使其自身获得可持续发展。  相似文献   

法国大革命期间提出的“自由、平等、博爱”的口号,成为法国人一种美好的向往,也给世界各国人民树立了反对压迫、反对剥削的一个典范,但是法国大革命又带来了沉重的惨祸,杀人流血事件层出不穷,这又使世界各国人民担惊受怕。在中国,改良派与革命派展开了关于法国大革命与自由的争论,它们争论的焦.董在于中国能否进行革命实现自由。这场争论使人们看到了出发点不同导致了思考问题的思路的不同。  相似文献   

迁移是研究语言习得的一个重要概念。法语由于其与英语的特殊关系以及长期受到英语学习的影响,英语专业的学生在学习二外法语时倾向用英语知识来构建法语,从而带来了正负双重迁移。基于此,从英语和法语的迁移理论着手,结合两种语言在语音方面的异同比较,分析探讨英语专业学生在二外法语语音习得阶段,如何合理利用迁移定势,促进正迁移,从而更好地学习二外法语。  相似文献   

The present study tests the assumption that the stable vs. unstable character of the structural relationship between groups influences the type of bias to which differentiation may lead, and affects the likelihood of identification with one's ingroup. Study 1 was conducted in Canada with university students and Study 2 in two French highschools; they both measured the impact of membership in a prestigious vs. a non-prestigious group on intergroup perceptions. In the Canadian sample, the structural relationship between groups was unstable, in a way that status asymmetry due to prestige differences might in time be eased out to the advantage of the less prestigious group. In the French study, the structural relationship was stable and not likely to evolve. As predicted, data from both samples' prestigious groups demonstrate a clear ingroup bias. Students from the less prestigious Canadian university situated in an ascending movement did not judge their competencies as lower than those of the prestigious university students, and further expressed the wish to enrol their children in their own university rather than the prestigious university. As expected, data collected from French high school students in the less prestigious study programme demonstrate a clear outgroup bias. Contrary to the initial hypothesis, in Canada, the prestigious university students identify less strongly with their ingroup than the less prestigious university students. This effect may be interpreted as participants distancing themselves from their ingroup prototype and it was also observed in the students of the prestigious study programme in the French high schools.  相似文献   

Linguistic influences on networks of professional communication and recognition among engineers at two Quebec universities were examined. It was hypothesized that chemists and engineers affiliated with the French medium University of Montreal and the Ecole Polytechnique would be less active in research and more likely to obtain scientific recognition locally and to feel professionally unrecognized outside Quebec compared to their colleagues at McGill University. The findings suggest that the localizing effects of using a medium of scientific training which is not the predominant language of international scientific communication and recognition (French) are ambiguous. Although chemists and engineers at the French medium institutions were less active researchers, their language of professional communication with other scientific communities was English and there was little sense of isolation.This research has been supported by grants from the Canadian Council and the Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal. The authors also wish to thank Miss Madeleine Palmer, Miss Daniella Quiniou and Miss Rosalba Casas for their help in data collection for this paper.  相似文献   

针对"2+2"中法合作办学项目国内教学阶段中呈现出的特殊性和复杂性,探索适应中法合作办学项目法语教学的方法,由比较式教学法入手,通过英语法语比较分析法、中法文化比较导入法和教育方式比较教学法,进一步激发学生学习兴趣,加强对法国文化的深入了解,提前适应国外专业学习和日常生活。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the predictive value of a dynamic test of English and French lexical specificity on at-risk reading classification in 13 at-risk and 44 not at-risk emerging English (L1)–French (L2) bilingual Grade 1 children (M = 75.87 months, SD = 3.18) enrolled in an early French immersion program in Canada. Lexical specificity was assessed with a computerized word learning game in which children were taught new English (e.g., “foal” and “sole”) and French (e.g., bac “bin” and bague “ring”) word pairs contrasted by minimal phonological differences. The results indicated that the dynamic test of lexical specificity in English contributed significantly to the prediction of children’s French at-risk reading status at the end of Grade 1 after controlling for French phonological awareness and nonverbal reasoning skills. However, French lexical specificity did not predict children’s reading risk classification in French after controlling for French phonological awareness. Thus, it may be feasible to identify at-risk status in emerging bilinguals using dynamic measures in their stronger language.  相似文献   

The relationship between anagram solving and reading aloud proficiency was studied in Italian and French 6th grade children. Whereas a statistically significant relation was found in Italian, the link was not so direct in French. French children's ability in solving anagram problems seemed to benefit from their capacity in recognising written word-forms (lexical decision) and using the direct lexical reading route. Statistical properties concerning lexical entries appeared to be in an intermediate stage of computation. It is thus concluded that anagram solving may highlight some developmental stages and processing strategies in the acquisition and elaboration of written language.  相似文献   

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