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所谓新媒介,指的是互联网和信息技术领衔的新的传播媒介,它颠覆了传统的"电视、报纸、广播"式的新闻传播方式,是传媒发展到一定程度呈现的较为高级的形式。在新媒介环境下,新闻的传播将会无孔不入、无处不在,它能最大程度地让受众知晓发生了什么事。当然,与此同时,新媒介的发展也给新闻记者提出了更高的要求,新闻记者的工作重点将逐渐从报道新闻向用什么手段获取新闻,通过什么渠道传播新闻转变,新闻记者必须具备较强的综合能力和用数字化工具获取信息、处理信息、传播信息的能力。本文主要分析了新媒介发展对新闻记者基本素质的具体要求。  相似文献   

新闻报道既要把信息准确、快速地传递给大众,又要让读者感同身受,起到很好的引领作用,这对新闻工作者提出了更高的要求,尤其是对身处新闻前线的记者而言,其素质高低直接影响到新闻的价值。让每篇报道都生动鲜活起来,要求记者除了具有良好的新闻职业道德和责任心,丰富的创造力,  相似文献   

本文以对“扬州火箭神女”的有关报道作为个案研究,探析了新媒介生态下各类媒体尤其是新媒体与传统媒体之间在新闻生产中存在的媒体循环与媒体博弈现象,并试图通过这一个案研究对新媒介生态下传统媒体的存续之道提出些许思考和建议.  相似文献   

杨宏斌 《新闻前哨》2000,(10):38-38
近来年,随着我国各类新闻媒体在报道形式上的创新,随着社会经济生活节奏的不断加快,随着人们对新闻信息量的要求越来越高,我国广播、电视、报纸等新闻媒体越来越多地采用“一句话新闻”这一报道形式。“一句话新闻”在节目、栏目或版面中所占的比重正在提高,这是一个可喜的发展,更是一个必然的趋势。国外媒体更是如此,当前国外一些著名的广播电台播出的每一档新闻节目中,每篇稿件都很短,许多就是“一句话新闻”。 “一句话新闻”报道形式的兴起,其根本原因在于受众心理的改变和编辑记者新闻写作观念的改变。受众对许多事情只想了…  相似文献   

随着科技的不断发展和信息的不断更新,人们对新闻的要求也越来越高,人们总是希望在新闻中寻找新鲜点和亮点,这也对新闻的报道者——记者提出了更高的要求,如何提高新闻采访的艺术成为摆在记者面前的重大问题。本文将就这个问题结合新闻记者采访现状进行分析和思考。  相似文献   

党的新闻事业发展几十年来,形成了许多好的传统和作风。这些传统和作风是我们做好新闻工作的无价之宝。任何事物都有发展的过程,新闻事业好的传统和作风也需要与时俱进。特别是在经济全球一体化进程加快的新形势下,对党的新闻事业提出了更高的要求,也对新闻从业人员提出了更高的要求。多深入基层采访、客观公正报道新闻事实等好的传统和作风必须继承好、发扬好的前提下,如何改进我们的新闻作风,以适应新时期新闻工作的需要显得尤其重要。作为新时期的一名地市报记者,笔者认为,除必须发扬新闻工作好的传统和作风外,在采访写作中还应具备“六双眼”。  相似文献   

刘佳 《声屏世界》2008,(10):39-39
出镜记者的现场报道是电视新闻报道的重要组成部分,特别是在民生新闻以及突发事件中,已经成为一种常态报道行为。出镜记者现场报道最大的信息载体是有声语言,而出镜记者现场报道的新闻语言与新闻播音员、新闻主播的新闻语言存在着明显差异。出镜记者的新闻语言包括新闻报道、新闻播报、新闻采访、新闻评论等形式,  相似文献   

广播记者是新闻创优的主要执笔人和宣传者,优秀新闻的完成过程是要求广播记者根据自己所见或亲身经历的事件或人物用恰当的唯美的文字进行实事求是的报道,对广播记者素养提出了更高的要求。本文想通过对记者素养在新闻创优过程中的重要性谈谈一篇优秀的新闻报道要求广播记者应当具备的素质,进而从新闻创优的过程中来彰显记者真善美的高贵素养。  相似文献   

广播电台具有报道事件真相以及执行舆论监督的作用,广播电台的记者是广播电台新闻传播中的重要组成部分,其在进行新闻素材的采访以及编写时的素养对新闻整体质量有着直接影响。随着经济发展,人们对广播电台的新闻质量提出了新的要求,也对广播电台记者的整体素养提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

对一些重大、突发的新闻事件的报道,电子媒体(广播、电视、网络)在制作新闻节目时越来越多地采用记者现场报道的形式。记者置身于新闻事件发生的现场,报道自己的所见所闻。与一般新闻报道相比,受众更能感知它的真实性和即时性,因而受到了人们的喜爱。 电子媒体的现场报道是与一般报道比较而言的,它是指记者在新闻发生的现场直接把发生的事实口头报告给受众。它有如下的特点:记者必须置身现场,同时进行口头播报。记者、现场、口头播报构成了现场报道的三个基本元素。现场报道要求记者必须在新闻发生地用较短的时间(有时是同步进行)完成一条或多条新闻的采、编、播,直接与受众见面。因而,它对记者提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

The verification of social media content and sources are increasingly critical to journalists and news organisations. In this study, we report on findings from qualitative interviews conducted with 24 journalists working with social media in major news organisations in Europe. Our findings contribute to new knowledge on journalists' social media working practices. We find that social media content are often used as the primary news source, and journalists use several different verification strategies to verify social media content and sources. Journalists are also found to have various competences in verifying social media content, in particular visual content. Moreover, our study suggests user requirements for future innovations in tools to support the verification of social media content. To avoid trade-offs between verification and fast-paced publishing, journalists will need efficient and easy-to-use support both in the verification process and in structuring and organising an overwhelming amount of social media content.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):492-506
This article looks closely at the issue of unionization among a sample of Arab journalists working in transnational media. Although divided geographically, these media share the same trait of addressing Arab audiences all over the Arab region and indeed the whole world. The main question addressed in this article is how those journalists perceive the role of unions and whether there are differences among those who work in Europe, particularly London, vis-à-vis those in the Gulf. The article is based on interviews with 25 journalists from such outlets, who were asked about their membership and views of journalism unions in their local or host countries. I argue that journalists who work in London and who have joined the British National Union of Journalists (NUJ) see the NUJ as part of the British political scene and consider it to be a powerful potential tool in defending journalists' rights when reporting inside the Arab region.  相似文献   

American newsrooms are adopting social media as an innovation for greater engagement. However, several organizational and individual factors may affect the extent to which news outlets adopt social media innovations. In particular, there is assumed to be a divide among different age groups of journalists in embracing social media. Utilizing a structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis, the study seeks to understand how social media culture in newsrooms affects journalists’ strategies of taking social media as an innovation, and how journalists of different age groups differ in the SEM model fit. The analyses indicated Twitter engagement mediates social media culture and journalists’ attitude toward social media. However, that was not the case with Facebook. Additionally, while younger journalists favored Twitter, older journalists embraced Facebook and middle-aged journalists adopted both Facebook and Twitter. The analyses showed the more that middle-aged journalists interacted on Twitter, the more they tended to have a positive attitude toward social media. However, the more that younger and older journalists engaged on Twitter, the more they tended to have a negative attitude toward social media. Journalists from all three age groups tended to hold a negative attitude toward social media if they engaged more on Facebook.  相似文献   

Journalists with social media accounts can face conflict between the personal nature of their posts while operating as representatives of their news organisations. The addition of another publishing platform has also continued to change the role of the journalist as gatekeeper, with more decisions to be made over dissemination choices in traditional, online and social media. This comparative study of sports journalists in India and Australia examines gatekeeping influences at individual and organisational levels. It combines in-depth interviews with 22 sports journalists with a content analysis of 2085 Twitter posts from sports journalists covering the Australia–India Test cricket series of 2014–2015. The results highlight how multi-media gatekeeping has become a factor for contemporary sports journalists in both nations.  相似文献   

Parliamentarians have to compete against each other to make it into the news, and some of them succeed more than others. Based upon news value theory, I consider MPs’ characteristics as news factors to explain their newsworthiness. I take an innovative approach by conducting a factorial survey experiment with political journalists. This allows me to study first which MPs are considered newsworthy and second whether journalists judge MPs’ newsworthiness regardless of their own personal background. In total, 73 Belgian journalists each judged 8 fictional press releases in which we carefully manipulated 4 characteristics of the MP sending it: party affiliation, issue specialization, media reactivity, and political action. Results show that parliamentarians from larger parties, those who react on mediatized issues, and those who communicate about their bill proposals are more newsworthy. Journalists’ judgments do not differ according to their gender, age, education, or political leaning.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(10):1277-1291
As journalists continue integrating social media into their professional work, they wrestle with ways to best represent themselves, their organizations, and their profession. Several recent studies have examined this trend in terms of branding, raising important questions about the changing ways in which journalists present themselves and how these changes may indicate shifts in their personal and professional identities. This study combines a visual content analysis of the images journalists use in their Twitter profiles with analyses of their profile text and tweets to examine how journalists present themselves online with an eye toward individual and organizational branding. Findings indicate journalists choose a branding approach and apply it consistently across their profiles, with most profiles consisting of a professional headshot while notably lacking organizational identifiers such as logos. Journalists also tend to lean toward professional rather than personal images in their profile and header photographs, indicating a possible predilection for professional identity over personal on social media.  相似文献   

Local television news remains a primary news source for Americans and is a key source of consumer health information. This study explores why local television health journalists cover particular topics and assesses why health journalism newsgathering practices often differ from the normative newsgathering practices of general assignment reporters. Fifteen in-depth telephone interviews were conducted with health journalists from varying geographical regions and media markets. Influence from local hospitals and personal interest in a health topic often determined the health content the journalists produced. Journalists said it was difficult to cover health issues in addition to other newsroom responsibilities.  相似文献   

This study helps bridge the existing divide between the knowledge on health news reporting in mainstream mass media and health reporting in media outlets serving Native American populations in the United States. The current work presents the first survey of journalists working in Native-serving media outlets to identify role conceptions, perceived importance, and actual practices of health reporting. Aided in data collection by the Native American Journalists Association, findings indicate journalists (N?=?100) place a high value on their role as disseminators of culturally relevant health information. However, results conflict in regard to the prioritization of health news reporting. Although journalists recognize health news should be a top priority, they point to a general lack of will from news leadership to make it an organizational priority. Additionally, results show that although journalists have comfort and confidence in health-related reporting, access to qualified sources remains an area for opportunity.  相似文献   

This survey study examines the applicability of role congruity theory on journalists in Vietnam. Findings show that journalists hold stereotypical perceptions of female leaders. Journalists see female leaders as more communal while male leaders as more agentic. Journalists believe it is more important to report information on female leaders’ domesticity and physicality than it is on male leaders. In addition, journalists from families with a traditional division of labor tend to hold stronger gender stereotypes. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

当今日本新闻业的实用主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今日本的新闻业看上去充满了民主之风,实际上却出现了一些问题,原因在于日本政府的政策和媒体自身。文章分析了日本新闻业和政治的相互关系,揭示了日本新闻业实用主义风潮的本质,对新闻业唯政治马首是瞻的情况进行了批评并分析了问题产生的原因和目前的解决措施。  相似文献   

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