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日本的每家报社都有强大的销售网络,每个网络上的发报点仅销售一家报纸,发报点靠发行这一家报纸来维持生计,因此他们能竭尽全力扩大发行量,在日本各报的激烈竞争中,专卖制是维持庞大的报纸发行量的一个极为重要的组成部分。 专卖体制下的发行系统 30多年前,《朝日新闻》、《读卖新闻》、《每日新闻》的发行量都是400万份左右,但到1997年,《朝日新闻》为837万份、《读卖新闻》1017万份,《每日新闻》则仍维持在394万份上下。《朝日新闻》及《读卖新闻》的发行量能迅速增长的一个  相似文献   

孔祥熙与蒋介石、宋子文和陈果夫、陈立夫被称为中国官僚资产阶级的四大家族。孔祥熙与我国新闻事业也有直接的关系。早在抗战以前,他就是当时著名的《时事新报》、《大陆报》(英文)、《大晚报》和《申时电讯社》(简称四社)的后台老板。当时孔祥熙曾想把中文、英文的日报、晚报和通讯社组成一个新闻事业的垄断集团,来掌握舆论界。抗战爆发以后,《时事新报》、《大陆报》、《大晚报》先后停刊,《申时电讯社》也关了门。国民党政府迁都重庆后,经孔祥熙多方设法,《时事新报》还是复刊了,设社址于牛角沱附近,先后委任崔唯吾和张万里负责主持。  相似文献   

报纸——发行量大、知识水平高,不敢碰硬日本人是极大的新闻迷。经常看报的日本人占日本人口总数的93%,以人口平均计算,日本报纸销售量远远高于除瑞典之外的世界其他国家。在美国一些日报的发行量持续下降的情况下,日本地方出版物却继续呈现出欣欣向荣的景象。全国性日报也继续畅销。日本三家全国性报纸——《朝日新闻》、《读卖新闻》、《每日新闻》都是大报。《每日新闻》发行量有450万份,《朝日新闻》发行量将近750万份,《读卖新闻》发行  相似文献   

张铃鹿 《传媒》2015,(16):56-58
《北方新报》创办于2001年3月20日,是《内蒙古日报》的子报,也是内蒙古地区第一份都市类报纸.自创刊以来,无论是在发行量、广告收入、覆盖范围、本地读者的认可度还是在新闻人才占有方面,《北方新报》相对于内蒙古地区其他报纸来说,都具有相当大的优势.《北方新报》反映本土新闻、都市生活,提供丰富的生活资讯,宣扬蒙古族文化,得到了广大读者的肯定,已经成为内蒙古的主流媒体.  相似文献   

日本虽只是一个一亿二千万人口的岛国,但却堪称是一个报业大国。全日本报纸122种,总发行量5360万份,户均1.1份,其中《读卖新闻》发行量为1020万份,《朝日新闻》为850万份,《每日新闻》、《日本经济新闻》等也均在300万到400万份之间,即使在电视媒介极其发达及经济不景气的近几年,日本报纸发行量仍以百分之二的幅度递增。区区一个岛国,报业竟如此兴旺,其奥秘何在?前不久,笔者  相似文献   

日本媒体,政权“宠物狗”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
两种截然不同的媒体 尽管越来越多的国家兴奋于迎接信息的洪流,但是日本的主流媒体仍旧沉醉于他们举世无双的巨大发行量。《读卖新闻》发行量1030万份,居全球之首;《朝日新闻》发行量830万份;另有15种日报,包括体育报纸,也在世界报纸发行量排行中位列前100位以内。每天早上,全日本要印刷共约5370万份报纸,其中有4740万份报纸为家庭订阅。  相似文献   

2007年8月26日,位于贵州日报报业集团大楼20楼的《新报》社,美女云集。这里是《新报》社、新报风尚网、贵州德昌祥药业有限公司主办,并由金伯利钻石贵阳专卖店友情赞助的"德昌祥"杯首届贵州时尚大赛彩妆项目的分会场。本次彩妆大赛邀请到了在我省化妆界备受敬重的老前辈罗继华老师、"潇洒造型"总裁  相似文献   

世界报业和新闻出版物协会(WAN—IFRA)日前发布《世界报业趋势2011》报告。根据2011年的发行量数据,该协会评选出世界十大报纸,中国的《参考消息》排名第五,发行量超过300万份。在世界十大报纸排名中,《读卖新闻》排名第一。发行量达到1000万份。其后依次是《朝日新闻》、《印度时报》、《每日新闻》、《参考消息》、《日本经济新闻》、《太阳报》、《图片报》、《中日新闻》、《觉悟日报》。  相似文献   

2006年6月世界报业协会发表《2005年世界报业趋势报告》指出,全球发行量最大的报纸70%在亚洲,中国每天发行9660万份,日本则有6970万份。在全球发行量最大的10份报纸中,有7份在日本,其中《读卖新闻》、《朝日新闻》、《每日新闻》、《日本经济新闻》和《中日新闻》排在前五名,《产经新闻》、《东京体育报》也分别位列第七和第十位。  相似文献   

运动本身从1985年3月起,日本全国性三大报之一的《朝日新闻》,在社内开展了一个“通俗化运动”,也就是新闻写作通俗化运动。目标主要是解决“硬派新闻”——政治、经济新闻的艰涩难懂问题,使报道向读友靠近一步。《朝日新闻》老将、退役后现任日本新闻协会审查室审查委员的后藤文康先生,曾向《朝日新闻》提交一份《后藤报告书》,把审查工作中接触到的读者的意见,反映给了报社。  相似文献   

本研究采用内容分析法,以《人民日报》与《朝日新闻》20世纪80年代至2018年的转基因议题报道为例,基于议程注意周期,对中日主流媒体的争议性科技议题的报道框架进行深入考察。研究发现,两份报纸的转基因议题报道同步进入下降期,但上升期并不同步,相较于《朝日新闻》,《人民日报》的转基因报道进入议程注意周期的时间略晚。报道框架亦存在显著差异,《朝日新闻》始终将关切包裹置于最重要的位置,而《人民日报》的报道尽管不断减少对进步包裹的使用,但进步包裹却始终是首要的框架类型。在关切包裹的运用上,《朝日新闻》将妥善管理和公众参与或教育置于同等重要的位置,而《人民日报》则始终最为强调妥善管理。两份报纸都倚重政府和专家等权威信源,但倚重的专家类型有所区别。本研究从两国转基因技术发展与应用的现实背景以及两份报纸的办报立场两个层面解释了两份报纸转基因议题报道存在差异的原因。  相似文献   

This article introduces the use of choice-based conjoint analysis to measure the content preferences of newspaper readers. Its importance lies in its role as part of an economic theory of newspaper finance that connects various measures of news quality to circulation and to circulation revenue. In addition, choice-based conjoint provides another way to operationalize “quality” in terms of how much readers like various kinds of content and the relative amounts of that liking. Content preferences were obtained from a large sample of readers of a newspaper of about 100,000 in circulation from the Southeastern United States using the proposed methodology and subsequently, the results were used by the newspaper to modify its content accordingly. Four months after the content changes were made, the publisher of the newspaper reported a significant maintenance of circulation even as print price was increased by 75%. The findings are consistent with the economic model of newspaper demand, and suggests that preferences measured using choice-based conjoint provide impetus for making key management decisions.  相似文献   

本文以走在信息科技应用前列的香港作为个案,探讨传统日报(私营部分)的生态及其萎缩趋势。通过电视新闻冲击、免费报纸竞争、互联网挑战三方面分析,指出异军突起的免费报纸、日益增长的“数码人口”正在令传统日报走向边缘化。传统日报萎缩趋势将随着城市人口知识结构的新陈代谢,在20年间日趋恶化。为了求存,可以支撑下去的传统日报将进行脱胎换骨的变革。  相似文献   

Elemental Forms     
This paper considers the way the nineteenth-century newspaper was oriented towards information. Despite their political differences, nineteenth-century newspapers were often discussed as if they were universal, with a paper for every segment of society. My argument is that this apparent universality, where the newspaper was figured as a print genre potentially open to all, laid the foundations for the emergence of the popular press. The paper is in two parts. The first considers the nineteenth-century newspaper as a genre, arguing that its periodicity enabled it to serve as a perfect medium, passing on content derived from elsewhere. The second explores the way information was conceived in the period. By looking at the way the newspaper drew upon, represented, and distributed information, it is possible to understand how it functioned as material media. In conclusion, I look at the way the nineteenth-century newspaper is changed through digitization today. When scholars access nineteenth-century newspapers through digital resources, they engage with a different material media that, in turn, reconfigures the source material. Such encounters foreground the importance of genre while providing new opportunities for its study.  相似文献   

陈赛花 《新闻界》2007,(6):27-28
本文从宏观的角度分析了我国目前的报业结构和竞争形态,以及传媒产品的两个市场,并为区域媒体走向市场提供了一些建议.  相似文献   


The impact of financial markets on media management practices is apparent in Canada, where public trading in newspaper company shares has contributed significantly to concentrated press ownership. Fluctuations in newspaper share values have often shaped firm strategies as a result. This paper presents the Southam newspaper chain as a case study of the impact of financial markets on newspaper management practices. Historical analysis is used to show how Canada's oldest and largest newspaper chain, which was known for its commitment to quality journalism and for allowing its local publishers editorial independence, made a fateful decision when it went “public”; with a share issue in 1945. The increasingly widespread ownership of its stock led to Southam's gradual takeover in 1996 by Hollinger Inc., which cut costs and reduced staff chain‐wide. Sale of the Southam newspapers in 2000 to CanWest Global Communications has seen editorial control centralized at company headquarters and partisan support shown for the ruling federal Liberal party, contrary to Southam's founding principles. As a result, the Canadian Senate began hearings into the media in 2003, bringing the possibility of government regulation to reverse the impact of financial markets on the management of media firms there.  相似文献   

周云倩 《新闻界》2007,(4):119-120
美国新闻界针对报纸差错展开的专门研究发端早,自成体系,并积累了丰硕成果。其长于定量研究、注重实地调查,突出多维视角,讲求对报纸差错整体性动态过程考察的研究特点和研究范式为我国开展相关研究提供了有益的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

陶开俭 《新闻界》2007,(6):70-71
本文基于目前全国新闻报刊开设漫画专版此起彼伏的现象,通过对漫画专版在新闻报刊中的角色、特点和新闻属性以及如何应对当今动漫大潮等方面的问题的阐述,分析了新闻报刊中漫画专版的作用和地位,强调了新闻化运作在漫画专版中的重要性.  相似文献   

Lewis Young 《Media History》2016,22(1):123-134
On 1 January 1930 the Communist Party of Great Britain's (CPGB) new daily newspaper, the Daily Worker, was published for the first time. It was heralded by the CPGB as a maturing of the British Communist movement, and an opportunity for the Party to spread its message to a much wider audience than previous weekly newspapers would allow. With leading Party members in control of the paper, the Daily Worker was very much a Party newspaper; however, the CPGB wanted it to be much more than an internal bulletin. This paper examines the attempts by the CPGB to create a newspaper that spoke both for and with the voice of the working-classes, whilst also spreading the Party's message. It will ultimately conclude that the CPGB's depiction of it as a paper ‘by the working-classes, for the working-classes’ reflected the Party's efforts at locating its own place within the working-class movement.  相似文献   

The 1930s represent a contentious period between the radio and newspaper industries. In the middle of the press-radio war, a new technology, the broadcast radio facsimile, emerged with the potential to bring together the warring industries. Although the radio facsimile was short lived, its story, seen through the lens of the press-radio war, provides an interesting look at the forces shaping a new technology.

Envisioned as a technology that would allow subscribers to receive the newspaper via a radio receiver, the facsimile presented an interesting dilemma: Who would control the creation and dissemination of news—the newspaper or radio industry? This article explores this question through an examination of industry narratives about the facsimile. In analyzing the discourses, this study focuses on how the newspaper and radio industries envisioned the future of the facsimile. Was the facsimile viewed as a means for cooperation or as a point of contention?  相似文献   

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