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体育院系运动人体科学实验课群是指包括多门内容相关的运动人体科学类实验课的总和,据调查发现运动人体科学实验课程现行的主要授课模式包括传统课程实验模式和独立实验课模式,这两种教学模式各有所长和不足。在综合上述两类教学模式优缺点的基础上提出了全新的"混合式"教学模式改革,并通过教学改革试验提出了运动人体科学实验课程"混合式"教学模式的课时分配、项目选择和教案编写的基本原则。在此基础上以体育教育专业为范式,制定了运动人体科学实验课程群混合式"教学模式案例。"混合式"课程教学模式对提高运动人体科学实验课程教学效果明显。  相似文献   

分子细胞生物学主要在分子水平上研究细胞生命活动的基本规律,是生命科学前沿学科之一。分子细胞生物学实验技术已经成为运动人体科学专业研究的重要工具。分子细胞生物学实验课程教学在运动人体科学研究生教育中的重要性日显突出。本文以首都体育学院为例,在运动人体科学研究生分子细胞生物学实验课程开设的必要性、教学团队建设、教学内容、教学形式与方法及考核方式等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

运动人体科学,是运动训练专业的重要课程之一,在大多数体育教学专业中,运动人体科学课程都是开设的重要课程之一,是目前教学体系的重要方面。体育教学中,运动人体科学实验教学的方法,是这门学科的重要教学方法之一,对于学科体系的构建和教学水平的提升具有重要意义。  相似文献   

运动人体科学专业的生理学课程建设应围绕明确培养目标,体现交叉学科特点;理顺生理学与其他学科的关系;构建科学合理的教学体系,完善理论和实验教学;加强师资培养等方面进行。  相似文献   

根据当前运动人体科学实验教学中存在的问题,本文提出单独设立运动人体科学实验课程、改革运动人体科学实验教学方法和完善实验教学考核体系的改革思考,对于深化实验教学改革具有一定的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

运动人体科学是一门多学科交叉的边缘学科,是利用生物和医学的基本知识研究体育运动与人体形态结构、功能和代谢等方面的相互关系及其规律的学科,其内容包括了体育科学、生物科学、医学、心理学及社会学等的基本理论和应用性知识.作为二级学科,运动人体学科涵盖了运动解刮学、运动生理学、运动生物化学、运动生物力学、运动保健与康复、运动营养学等众多三级学科,甚至涵盖了生物科学和医学等学科的基础和应用学科.  相似文献   

侯改霞  习雪峰 《广西教育》2011,(3):28+31-28,31
根据当前运动人体科学实验教学中存在的问题,本文提出单独设立运动人体科学实验课程、改革运动人体科学实验教学方法和完善实验教学考核体系的改革思考,对于深化实验教学改革具有一定的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

运动人体科学实验室是高校众多实验室中一个具有特色的实验室。实验室的建设、发展和管理不仅要考虑实验教学和科研工作,培养综合型体育教育人才的需要,同时还要为全民健康服务,为竞技体育服务。建设特色运动人体科学实验室,加强实验室的开放性管理是学科发展以及人才培养的需要,是搭建实验教学、科研和社会服务平台的关键,从而真正体现运动人体科学实验室的价值,达到实验室仪器设备资源共享。  相似文献   

以河南师范大学体育学院运动人体科学专业导师制建设为个案,对本科生导师制实施现状进行调查,分析导师制实施的条件、成效及实施过程中存在的问题,寻找运动人体科学专业导师制建设的影响因素及有效途径,为本专业建设及人才的培养提出合理化建议.  相似文献   

高校体育院系运动人体科学实验室开放新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动人体科学实验室作为高校体育院系中重要的体育教学资源,不仅要为学生服务,同时还要为社会健康服务,为提高竞技运动水平服务,而实现这些服务的有效措施就是加强实验室的开放,真正体现运动人体科学实验室的价值,以开放促建设,实现实验室的全面发展。本文以文献资料法为主要研究方法,借鉴管理学领域有关理论,通过对目前我国高校体育院系运动人体科学实验室开放现状进行分析,提出建设"开放型"运动人体科学实验室的观点,为我国高校体育院系运动人体科学实验室的开放,给予科学决策和管理层面上的理论参考。  相似文献   

The arrangement of course information in a logical sequence for molecular life science (MLS) courses remains a matter of some controversy, even within a single subdiscipline such as biochemistry. This is due to the explosion of knowledge, the latest bioinformatic revelations, and the observation that new discoveries sometimes reveal specific connections between previously disparate topics. However, the general outlines of biomedical information are in place, at least the knowledge that should be conveyed to undergraduates taking cell and molecular biology and biochemistry. Despite the increasing amount and complexity of the information to be presented, integration and unification are possible because the molecular reactions and interactions that underlie all life processes are coming into view: they are common to all cellular structural rearrangements, nucleic acid functions, and biochemical reactions, whether of plant or animal origin. Also, it is no longer possible to draw clear boundaries between cell biology, biochemistry, and molecular biology that would not violate the fundamental unity of our understanding. Therefore, an arrangement of content is proposed for a two-semester course that aims to present a unified portrait of upper-division undergraduate MLS.  相似文献   

我国法学本科教育规模与质量的冲突由来已久,并在新世纪后愈演愈烈。对我国法学本科教育现状的评判必须坚持历史分析与比较研究的科学方法,即尊重我国法治现状,认清法治建设仍处于初级阶段的事实,并据此明确其素质教育的目标定位,在借鉴国外法学教育模式的基础上,制定相应的改进举措。只有将更新理论知识、注重当下参与、加强实践锻炼、塑造...  相似文献   

通过对一般本科院校音乐专业二胡教学现状的分析,指出现在一般本科院校音乐专业二胡教学存在的不足。从师资力量、教学设备、活动场地、授课形式、艺术实践等方面进行分析,并从师资队伍、教学、教材、课程设置、艺术实践等方面进行改进,从而让学生在四年的学习中学到更多的专业知识,让学到的知识更能适合社会的发展需求,不断完善教学,让二胡的发展道路更加宽广。  相似文献   

Indiana recently passed legislation requiring teacher preparation programs to educate future teachers on how to identify and refer struggling readers, including students with learning needs related to dyslexia. The purpose of this study was to examine whether a university course that covers content in response to legislation was effective in improving preservice teachers’ knowledge about the topic of dyslexia. Participants included 62 undergraduate students enrolled in general education teacher preparation programs. One group of 23 participants had taken a required course with content regarding reading challenges and targeted instruction; the remaining 39 participants had not yet taken the required course. Preservice teachers who took the course had more accurate knowledge about dyslexia than those who had not taken the course. There were no differences between groups for confidence in ability to help students struggling with dyslexia. Additional implications regarding legislation and teacher preparation will be included in the discussion.  相似文献   

The observation that anatomical course offerings have decreased in undergraduate biology curricula is supported by a survey of undergraduate institutions in the state of Washington. This reduction, due partially to increased emphasis in other areas of the biology curriculum, along with the lack of anatomy prerequisites for admission to most medical and dental schools, has resulted in many biology majors who have little or no exposure to the anatomical sciences. This is a disservice to our students who need to understand organismal form and function to better connect our rapidly expanding knowledge of life at the cell and molecular level to our understanding of the role of organisms in ecosystems and as the primary target of natural selection in evolutionary change. Undergraduate anatomical courses can also serve as an extension of the anatomy curriculum in professional healthcare programs, where anatomical sciences are also experiencing a reduced allocation of instructional time. Given the importance of anatomical knowledge along with the many demands and constraints on biology curricula, what can we do? One suggestion, a course in integrative anatomy for undergraduates, is proposed and discussed. Anat Sci Educ 3:73–76, 2010. © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

An undergraduate teaching assistant (UTA) training course was developed using existing best practices and Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives as a framework. Course goals included developing assistants’ content knowledge, procedural knowledge, and metacognition regarding teaching. Across three semesters, UTAs’ (N?=?68) pre- and post-test responses showed significant increases in their teaching-related knowledge, confidence in their skills, consideration of a teaching-related career, and perceived benefits of being a UTA. The course provides an efficient method by which assistants learn to support students and faculty in a range of undergraduate courses, serving as a potential model for other teaching assistantship programs.  相似文献   

The American Kinesiology Association has constructed an undergraduate core for degree programs that reside in kinesiology-based academic units. Since many Physical Education Teacher Education programs are housed in such units, there is a need to prioritize the areas of the undergraduate core, particularly the place of the scientific dimensions of physical activity and the practice of physical activity, in Physical Education Teacher Education curricula. Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy of the lived body is employed to (a) challenge the predominant inclusion of the scientific dimensions of physical activity in teacher preparation curricula and (b) suggest that preservice physical education teachers need “lived body knowledge” of the subject matter to teach physical education. Lived body knowledge is skillful and meaningful engagement in dance, exercise, games, play, and/or sport. It is then argued that the practice of physical activity deserves a significant presence in Physical Education Teacher Education curricula.  相似文献   

文章详细介绍了麻省理工学院的本科培养目标、课程结构、个性化培养制度、实践创新教育项目,并对麻省理工学院的本科培养方案进行了总体评价,对我国高校本科教育改革具有十分重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Students in an interdisciplinary undergraduate introductory course were required to complete a group video project focused on nutrition and healthy eating. A mixed-methods approach to data collection involved observing and rating video footage of group work sessions and individual and focus group interviews. These data were analyzed and used to evaluate the effectiveness of the assignment in light of two student learning outcomes and two student development outcomes at the University of Minnesota. Positive results support the continued inclusion of the project within the course, and recommend the assignment to other programs as a viable means of promoting both content learning and affective behavioral objectives.  相似文献   

新建本科院校发展阶段分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新建本科院校是我国高等教育大众化过程中的产物,承担着本科教育不断拓展的任务.新建本科院校的发展可以分为升格转向、建设评估、改造提升和稳步发展等基本阶段,在各个阶段具有相应的特点与任务.只有明确了新建本科院校的发展规律,才能更好地引导与促进其发展目标的实现.  相似文献   

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