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张悝悝 《海外英语》2011,(7):208-209
The development or the spread of any kind of language depends on a certain cultural background.As a part of Chinese culture,idioms are full of Chinese custom,Chinese culture and Chinese thinking style of Chinese people.How do we translate them into English when we encounter such special Chinese expressions,which always appear in the Chinese daily life? It is hard to fix one or two strategies when we translate.During the process of translating Chinese idioms,we may adopt some main translation strategies such as literal translation,free translation,addition and borrowing.  相似文献   

熊春秀 《海外英语》2011,(15):163-164
The Chinese food is well-known in the world as one important part of traditional Chinese culture, which the foreign tourists would like very much to sample and enjoy whenever they visit China. Generally speaking, the foreign tourists also want to make sure, how and with what raw material the Chinese food is cooked while they enjoy it. So the English translation of Chinese menus plays a key role in spreading the tranditional Chinese culture. This paper attempts to explain to readers that: 1)the demands on the English translation of Chinese menus; 2)how to set about translating the Chinese menus; 3)the methods for the English translation of Chinese menus.  相似文献   

谭海艳 《海外英语》2013,(9X):152-153
With the accelerated pace of globalization, trades between countries are becoming more and more frequent. It is under this circumstance that the English demonstrate its importance. As an international language, English has been attached much importance and has enjoyed a world popularity. For example, in recent years, China’s foreign trade has been increasing, which has promoted the development of its enterprises. As a result, the business English is playing an important role in the foreign trades and the business English translation talents are in great demands. It is very important to have a correct business English translation, which does not simply mean the literal translation, but require translation from certain context, and only by doing this can we have more accurate translation of professional nouns as well as promote the business transactions between China and other countries.  相似文献   

王子宁 《英语辅导》2014,(2):180-187
A certain kind of culture always leaves its special stamp on its language which de- cides the relationship of culture and translation. Without mastering the foreign coun- tries' cultures, non-native learners may find it hard to understand. As we all know, humans use languages to communicate with each other, however, different kinds of languages may cause us many problems. Different cultures may conflict with each other, so a literal translation is not always the closest to the original meaning. Culture differences add difficulties to translation. That's why translation plays an important role in the different languages' communication. It is not because transla- tion is the transformation of language but also because it interprets culture. In the development of intercultural communication, translation has its undeniable mission. However, there appears a phenomenon in the highly advanced society that people are using more and more methods instead of translating to help communication. Naturally, people doubt whether the existence of translation is necessary; that is the key points of this thesis. After showing the development of translation and culture, and the relationship among culture, language and translation, the author draws a conclusion that translation would disappear in the cultural fusion.  相似文献   

By analyzing Chinese and English loan words,this paper first points out that the extent of infiltration of both languages in terms of linguistics and culture.English loan words have great effect on Chinese culturally,linguistically and semantically.Many English words reflect in the latest technological and cultural development are borrowed by Chinese vocabulary.Tracing these words back in the Etymology way,we can find the influence brought by the English language culture to Chinese language culture.From another aspect,through analyzing words borrowed from Chinese in form in recent years,which are listed as new words in English dictionaries,and through exploring the Chinese tradition and culture these loan words mainly based on,this paper reflects that Chinese culture has affected English culture to a certain degree.With the rapid development of cultural communication,words borrowed are increasing and will be gradually included within the given standards.Finally the paper presents a discussion on the mutual influence of loan words and culture infiltration.  相似文献   

肖聪 《海外英语》2013,(16):137-138
As a large number of foreign films have flooded into the Chinese film market, subtitling translation plays an important role in helping the audience understand and learn about some information and cultures from different countries. This paper mainly uses Peter Newmark’s"equivalent effect"as a theoretical foundation to analyze the features of two kitties’(Garfield and Prince) source language (English) and target language (Chinese) in the film Garfield Ⅱ based on their living surroundings and social status.  相似文献   

耿玉芳 《海外英语》2011,(9):250-252
Literary writing is inseparable from aesthetic values and it is the same as with literary traslation.However,due to different social and cultural traditions,people from different culture have different presuppositions and expectations of beauty,which cause difficulty in conveying this beauty in literary translation.This paper tries to analyze the respective effects of the Chinese and western aesthetic values on the translation between the Chinese language and the English one.By analyzing the differences in the aspects of philosophical influence,moral standards and the form between the Chinese culture and the English one,this paper concludes that it is the task of the translators to make some adjustment in order to cater to the aesthetic values of the target language and convey the beauty of the original work to readers at the same time.  相似文献   

唐弢 《海外英语》2012,(8):149-151
The translation of brand names is a new branch in the field of translation along with the development of economy and trade between countries,which has its own characteristics.As the language and culture of English and Chinese both differ from each other,this essay is explored to study the transliteration of brand names from English to Chinese so as to examine how meanings are embodied in the translation.  相似文献   

卜崇妮 《海外英语》2012,(7):185-186
Pun is a usual figure of speech in English and Chinese.Pun,as a common rhetoric,can enrich language expressions,enforce the effect of language.In everyday life,in communication and literature works is widely used.Puns in English and Chinese have much in common in the formation,ways of expressions,functions.However,as languages and culture differ,there are some differences between them.The translation between English and Chinese puns is considered most challenging in the field of translation.This thesis tries to talk about some practical translation methods of puns.  相似文献   

马姝 《海外英语》2011,(15):172-177
Idioms are gems of a language which have been refined through ages of use. Idioms are thus always rich in cultural connotation and national flavor. Lots of cultural information is embedded in idioms. Language is a part of culture. Language is the important carrier of culture. Language and culture have close relationship with each other. The study of the relationship between language and culture has been considered a subject of great value. Owing to this, translation theorists and translators have put more attention to the cultural barriers that exist in translation. Therefore, translators have to better understand the relationship between language and culture and the relationship between culture and translation so as to render idioms from the SL into the TL faithfully and effectively.  相似文献   

杜廷茹  钟平 《海外英语》2012,(1):133-135
近年来,学说汉语和欣赏中文电影成为了一股无法阻挡的潮流。越来越多的优秀国产影视作品开始冲出国门,走向世界。然而大多数外国观众并不具备直接欣赏中文电影的能力,因此,字幕翻译在跨文化交流上的重要作用不言而喻。冯小刚是我国优秀的影视导演之一,其作品语言具有独特的"冯氏幽默",令人回味无穷。该文将以目的论为视角,以冯小刚导演的电影——《唐山大地震》的字幕翻译为素材,研究译者在该影片字幕翻译中所选取的翻译策略。  相似文献   

随着中外交流的日益加强,作为文化交流一部分的英文电影被大量引入中国电影市场,英文电影的翻译就成了一项必不可少的活动。由于中英文化差异,译者要兼顾电影的本来意思和其所蕴涵的文化信息。文章从文化角度分析电影片名,指出电影对文化的贡献和影片名中承载的文化因素,从而得出受文化因素影响应从微观和宏观两个角度翻译电影片名。  相似文献   

伪译本在被揭穿之前是作为译本存在并得到目的文化认可的,有些伪译本在本国文化中风靡一时,甚至促进了文学样式的革新。伪译在某种程度上回应局域文化或文学缺失,受意识形态和诗学观念影响,有利于异质文化的合法传播。虽然它与真正意义的翻译毫不相干,也不可回避地成为翻译研究的对象之一。  相似文献   

翻译采用归化策略还是异化策略,是由面向何种类型的读者决定的。以往的翻译主要以归化翻译为主,但随着越少越多的人学习外语,接触外国文化,读者已能接受许多异化的表达方法。异化翻译更忠实原文,更准确的传达原文意义,能丰富译入语的文化,英译汉的趋势将越来越向异化翻译靠拢。  相似文献   

在经济全球化的背景下,各国文化交流日趋频繁,不同文化之间呈现出融合的大趋势,但是这种融合往往是不平等的。本文通过回顾中国历史上的三次翻译高潮和中国的传统文化及国情,指出译者必须正确对待文化融合中的不平等现象:既要传达异域文化,又要弘扬中华文化。反映在翻译过程中就是采取恰当的策略,再现原文的文化思想,以促进两种文化达到真正意义上的平等交流和发展。  相似文献   

汉学是指国外一切研究中国的学问;汉学翻译与普通的翻译活动相比有其自身的特点,即所要翻译的外语内容正是用来体现汉语语言所在的社会或环境下的文化、历史、语言和文学等;因而相对于异质文化,具有较强的可比性,更注重结合考虑中国的实际,遵循并发展中国的翻译理论,其中,回译是汉学翻译中一个非常重要的方法。总之,汉学翻译是沟通国学与汉学发展的桥梁,对传承文明、构建和谐世界意义重大。  相似文献   

文学翻译的主要目的是促进不同文化的相互交流。由于各民族文化的独特性,文化差异构成了等值翻译中一道难以逾越的鸿沟。因此,文学翻译中要取得目的语文化和源语文化的完全等值并非易事。本文探讨了如何在丈学翻译中最大限度地提高文化等值的“度”,以便读者更好地欣赏异域丈化。  相似文献   

文化是国家发展的软实力,因此文化的吸收与输出都同样重要.在开展汉译英的时候,需要克服语言和文化双重障碍,也应当考虑中外文化交流的双向性,既要适当吸收外来文化,又要适当对外介绍华夏文化.因此,对于汉英翻译中文化词汇的解读,提倡尽最大限度保存并再现本国文化,促进跨语言、跨文化的交流.  相似文献   

模因论(Memetics)是基于达尔文进化论的观点来解释文化进化规律的新理论。作为一门新兴学科,模因论从诞生后就表现出强大的传播性。各个领域的学者们都在将模因论与各自的学科相结合以获得新的启示。电影集文化性、艺术性以及商业性于一体,国外电影的逐渐普及使得影片片名的创作和翻译也显得极其重要。在人们心中早已成为思维定势的成语、典故、俗语等中国传统文化因子常常被借用、模仿和复制在外国电影的片名中。拟从模因论的理论出发,分析、解释模因在外国电影片名翻译中的影响。  相似文献   

英汉翻译中的文化因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
翻译是一门跨语言、跨文化的学科。如果不了解中西文化的差异,在翻译过程中就很难避免误译、错译,也就无法收到完美的译学效果。在翻译过程中应多了解一些有关英汉文化、生活习惯、思维方式、宗教信仰等方面存在的差异,以加深译者对文化背景知识的了解,提高翻译水平。  相似文献   

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