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This paper considers whether the promotion of an environmental ethic in schools is compatible with the political liberal's commitment to ‘neutrality’. A new account of the implications of John Rawls's political liberalism for the ‘basic structure’ of education is developed. The prima facie incompatibility of political liberalism and the promotion of an environmental ethic is misleading. Rawls's political liberalism requires—as a matter of intergenerational justice—the promotion of the ‘sustainability virtues’. Moreover, it permits the promotion of ‘greener’ ideals.  相似文献   


This paper uses Durkheim's critique of Kant to criticize Kohlberg's theory of morality. After examining the applicability of Durkheim's criticism of Kant's definition of morality to Kohlberg's equation of morality with justice structures, it explores Durkheim's psychological views on emotional and dispositional aspects of morality, which are typically neglected by Kantians. Some standard criticisms of Durkheim's moral theory are re‐examined and the argument is advanced that Durkheim's social ethic is substantively at Stage Six on Kohlberg's developmental schema. Several modifications of Kohlberg's theory are proposed, using Durkheimian insights.  相似文献   

This study examined the perceptions of parents of exceptional students concerning their child's problems and the educational services provided; the nature and extent of their involvement in school; levels of satisfaction; needs and recommendations. Three hundred and twenty‐five parents of five categories of exceptional students responded to a 30‐item questionnaire; findings revealed that while parents tended to have an accurate perception of both their child's problems and the services provided, they perceived themselves as having low levels of involvement in school, including IEP meetings. Nevertheless, the majority were very satisfied with the child's education. Information and training needs were identified, together with parent recommendations. Some significant differences by type of exceptionality were found. The article concludes with discussion of training needs for both parents and educators.  相似文献   

This study investigated the instructional strategies mothers used when interacting with their child on a concept-learning task and the effect of this interaction on subsequent independent child performance. Also investigated was whether mothers' behaviors and perceptions differed depending on the child's age, task difficulty, or the child's needs for assistance. Sixty 3- and 5-year-old children participated in a three-phase sequence of tasks that required the matching of opposite concepts. The pretest and posttest phases were identical for all children, but during the second phase half the children completed the tasks with their mothers and half continued to work independently. During each phase, children received both an easy and a difficult version of the task. Children who interacted with their mothers matched more concepts correctly on the posttest and gave more correct explanations for their matches than children who worked independently. Mothers of 3-year-olds provided more assistance than mothers of 5-year-olds, and mothers provided higher levels of assistance on the difficult task than on the easy task. Most mothers were sensitive to their child's needs in that the instructional strategies they adopted throughout the interaction were appropriately modified in response to their child's successes and failures. There was some evidence that individual differences in maternal sensitivity were related to variations in children's independent performance. Mothers' perceptions of the task, of their child's needs for assistance, and of their own role in the interaction were related to their overt behaviors. Intervention programs aimed at fostering parents' skills in interacting with their children should emphasize the importance of scaffolded instruction tuned to the child's capabilities.  相似文献   

The use of retreat spaces by 65 children in 9 family child care homes was assessed in this study. Family child care providers used daily diaries to collect information about children's retreat frequency and associated behavior. The findings revealed that nearly half of the children used informal, readily available retreats during the research period. Playing with toys was the most frequent and stable retreat activity across age groups. Yet the number of passive and engaged behaviors varied based on child characteristics such as age, gender, and child's mood for the day. Retreat use can be viewed as a potentially adaptive environmental strategy that children apply as their needs change in a given day and from one developmental period to the next. Thus, it is recommended that child care professionals provide access to retreats and support children's varied use of retreat space.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty students from both Brazil and Norway were tested with Skoe's Ethic of Care Interview (ECI), which is a test of Gilligan's hypothesized gender‐related ethic of care. Subjects were also tested with Bem's Sex Role Inventory and Triandis's Test of Cultural Orientations. The ECI was shown to be related neither to gender nor to sex‐role concepts, and lower ECI scores from the Brazilian sample could be related to their higher collectivism scores on Triandis's test. The results suggest that Gilligan's ethic of care, as tested by the ECI, is not gender‐related and may be culture specific.  相似文献   

Teachers are novices at any stage of their careers when they are faced with incidents that disrupt their expected patterns of teaching and learning. A first-day-of-school incident experienced by the author illustrates the evolution of a teacher's personal pedagogical theory construction, which is ultimately illuminated through the lens of Nel Noddings's ethic of care.  相似文献   

This paper discusses and evaluates four different approaches used by the writer and several other researchers to study special educational needs. The first approach, the Difference Model, is seen as poorly suited to addressing both a continuum of special educational needs and motivational issues integral to these needs. The second approach, the Developmental Model, discusses work within a Vygotskian paradigm, and offers important information on the human mediation needed to enhance learning. The third approach, the Ecological Model, highlights contextual factors and the child's perspective, as expounded within Bronfenbrenner's theory. It encourages an understanding of the wider cultural and socio-economic factors impinging on special educational needs. Finally, the fourth approach, the Discursive Model, emphasises a collaborative development of meanings and is valuable in the adoption of a partnership approach towards special educational needs. The evaluation of these differing approaches suggests the wisdom of adopting a multiple approach to the study of special educational needs.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on parents’ involvement with their child's schooling and the possible influences upon this. At a time when parental involvement is regarded as being highly important to a child's school achievement and given the Government's promotion of the role of parents in education, the conditions should be particularly conducive to involving all parents in this significant role. It will be argued, however, that in spite of increased statutory rights and a changing attitude towards parents by teachers and schools, parents’ social class location continues to have a direct impact upon their ability to intervene in their child's schooling. The paper concludes that increased parental involvement is probably desirable but the nature of this and its operationalisation needs to be carefully thought out.  相似文献   

Parents' and kindergarten teachers' beliefs about the effects of child care on children's adjustment to school were investigated. Using a standardized behavioral rating scale, both groups were asked to rate two hypothetical children just entering kindergarten; one with full-day child care experience and one who had only experienced care in the home by a parent or relative. There was an interaction between the experience of the believer and their ratings of the two hypothetical children. Parents who had used child care for their own children rated the ‘day care child' most positively. Parents who had kept their own children at home rated the 'home care child' most positively. Kindergarten teachers rated both hypothetical children equally, but more negatively than parents. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

邓小平义利学说是邓小平伦理思想的重要组成部分,是社会主义改革开放时期党、国家和人民道德生活实践经验的科学总结和集体智慧的结晶。邓小平将毛泽东的无产阶级革命功利主义发展为社会主义功利主义,并论述了在发展商品经济中弘扬社会主义道义精神的问题,在此基础上主张两个文明一起抓、两手都要硬,建立起了义利并重义利统一的义利学说。邓小平义利学说从宏观上揭示了中国社会主义改革开放时期伦理活动和伦理建设的发展规律,它为马克思主义义利学说的发展注入了新的活力,已经成为并将继续成为中国社会主义伦理文化建设的理论指南。  相似文献   

本文对制度伦理的研究对象、特点、功能及其与个体伦理的区别,作了系统阐述,在分析对比两种极具典型的社会制度公正模式即以罗尔斯为代表的正义论和以诺齐克为代表的权利论基础上,提出了建立在历史唯物主义基础之上的现代制度伦理的公正观和我国社会主义市场经济条件下坚持制度公正之伦理实践的操作要点。  相似文献   


Most criminal justice programs began as extensions of vocational technical training courses, but within the last decade they have begun to parallel the liberal arts programs originally proposed. As a result of this reorientation, criminal justice instructors lack many of the instructional methods used by colleagues in other fields. In addition, the dual nature of criminal justice instruction, requiring both experience and theory, places demands on criminal justice instructors that their colleagues may not experience. The field needs an instructional approach that blends the best of the vocational aspects and the theoretical underpinnings. This paper reviews cognitive learning theory, specifically Kolb's experiential learning model. Recommendations are offered for the application of this model to instruction in criminal justice courses.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to survey and interview caregivers of children with disabilities (ages 2–5 years) to obtain their input as to whether current playground equipment meets their child's needs. A total of 149 participants agreed to participate. Caregivers (i) indicated that their child with a disability could not fully participate in the playground's offerings, (ii) felt that the playground was not appropriate for their child with a disability and (iii) dreamed of a fully inclusive playground that met their child's needs. The results also demonstrate that social participation barriers continue to remain for families who have children with disabilities despite the passing of international human rights standards targeting individuals with disabilities and a global focus in improving the overall well‐being of children with disabilities.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that socially critical work has, thus far, articulated a theoretical base for curriculum development and theorizing that is too narrow. First, a brief, selective overview of the history of socially critical work in physical education provides an outline of its achievements. Second, in addition to an ethic of justice and emancipation, which currently serves as the underlying moral basis for much socially critical theorizing, this paper proposes that an ethic of care and responsibility be included and given equal weight. In addition, socially critical work must pay more attention to how children learn, develop, and experience physical education. Finally, three programs are described to stimulate thinking about theory. These programs illustrate and provide precedents for aspects of the broader agenda proposed here.  相似文献   

Research Findings: In the United States a shift has occurred in how children are identified for long-term special education services. Since 2004, U.S. funding for special education services has included a provision for early intervention services, focusing on the importance of providing supplemental instructional opportunities to students who are not successful in learning from the core classroom instruction. Commonly referred to as response to intervention, this model involves educators monitoring how well students respond to intervention instruction, with referral for special education services for those who make little progress. Practice or Policy: In this article, we propose that intervention instruction should be responsive to the learner as well as focus on how well the learner responds to the intervention. Given that contextual circumstances, including instructional experiences, impact the child's literacy achievement, providing intervention instruction that is contingent upon each child's literacy strengths and needs is the best way to ensure each child's successful response to intervention instruction. As an example of an intervention using responsive instruction, this article describes different instructional approaches provided by Reading Recovery teachers with 3 children who were initially the lowest readers and writers in their classes. All 3 children were able to progress to on-grade-level reading and writing proficiency as a result of the intervention.  相似文献   

This article examines the pedagogy of assignments in social justice teacher education programs. Employing a programmatic view, this study aims to understand the collective representation of social justice provided by assignments across multiple courses. Findings come from a qualitative case study of two social justice programs. Drawing on concepts from sociocultural theory and a theory of justice, this study reveals that the conceptions of justice assignments that were emphasized varied from a focus on the individual needs of students to an emphasis on the sociopolitical conditions of schooling. When assignments drew on teachers' field placement experiences, they overwhelmingly stressed an individualistic notion of justice. The diversity among students in teachers' placements substantially shaped teachers' opportunities to engage this notion. When assignments emphasized the sociopolitical conditions of schooling, they focused on general principles for teaching and were disconnected from teachers' field placement experiences. Implications for practice and research in social justice teacher education are considered.  相似文献   

From a developmental perspective, hothousing is a matter of concern, for it is based on a conception of the preschool child's future which is too narrow to include the complex creative and social needs these children will face. The idea that children must be prepared for a technologically dominant future may be responsible for a mandate for hothousing. Preschool children need a “Back to Basics” preschool program which focuses on broad psychological goals and a developmental base rather than the limited achievement goals usually associated with such programs. Outside of the school, parents influence the preschool child's attitudes about intellectual growth, individuality and belonging, and coping with change. Parents and schools should provide complementary systems to deal with the challenging developmental needs of preschoolers.  相似文献   

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