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OBJECTIVE: In a previous study, we found that new mothers could and would express concerns about their parenting, including concerns about maltreatment and poor care. In this study, we examine the utility of early maternal concerns for predicting parenting stress in the first year. Parenting stress is important because it has been shown to be related to maltreatment and poor parent-child relationships. METHOD: A sample of 246 mothers were interviewed shortly after delivery in a publicly funded hospital about their parenting concerns, and 93% were reinterviewed in their homes about their parenting when the infants were 6 to 12 months old. Standardized measures with demonstrated psychometric properties were employed, including a measure of parenting stress due to the demands of the parenting role, characteristics of the child that make him or her difficult to care for, and stress due to difficult interactions. RESULTS: Multiple regression results indicate that both mothers concerns at delivery and sociodemographic variables are significant predictors of all three types of parenting stress in infancy. Maternal concerns were more powerful than sociodemographics in predicting stress related to the demands of parenting, while sociodemographics were more powerful for the prediction of stress related to difficult child characteristics and difficult mother-infant interaction. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that knowledge of new mothers' parenting concerns might be useful for predicting parenting problems, as well as for engaging mothers' in and enhancing the effectiveness of parenting services.  相似文献   

李琳 《成人教育》2014,(5):53-56
榜样教育是对公民进行思想道德建设的重要方法。近几年来,我国许多城市都开展了"身边好人"的评选活动,这些当选的"身边好人"贴近生活,贴近现实,贴近受教育者。运用"身边好人"的榜样事例进行公民思想道德教育,有利于引导市民见贤思齐,加强公民道德建设。为进一步完善"身边好人"的榜样教育,我们可以适当调整榜样的人选,积极营造学习榜样的社会氛围,在政治上、工作上、生活上关心关爱榜样等,弘扬社会正气,进一步加强公民道德建设。  相似文献   


So where are we? Primary teachers should be asked to do fewer things. If we as Curriculum Theorists keep piling on more things they will either, sensibly, ignore us or try to do them all-ineffectively.

Everyone who bothers to look at the evidence will see the vast majority of primary teachers are conscientious but we are just providing a ridiculous ‘list’ of things for them to feel guilty at not doing. Curriculum theory must guide priorities, help reduce lists and demands. It must help teachers do less more fully. This is what the Curriculum Matters series is so signally failing to do. Its orientation is deeply Secondary and specialist not Primary and generalist. More importantly the same fault makes it too much about bits of being educated rather than providing perspectives on the whole enterprise. Even the whole curriculum one2 (THE CURRICULUM 5–16). Curriculum Matters Series No. 2 HMSO 1985) gives little guidance on simplifying.

I have suggested three key purposes that could guide this simplification without demeaning the importance of quality and development in learning. Whilst I have called them Surviving, Cooperating and Celebrating I am somewhat encouraged by some similarities to the old trinity of Truth, technology ‘tests’ truth by seeing if it works), Goodness, (co-operating skills are essentially about working together, treating others as you would be treated yourself) and Beauty, (what better test of beauty can there be than the awe it inspires?).

If these were the basics we could even ‘go back to the basics’ and progress.  相似文献   

培养什么人、怎样培养人,是教育工作的核心问题。以立德树人为目标导向,推进高校素质教育,必须深刻理解立德树人的思想内涵、出场的时代境域和历史意义,准确把握当代高校素质教育的时空维度和历史语境。基于立德树人的高校素质教育实现路径机制可概括为五个方面:践行立德为先,强化师德为范,创新育人机制,提升实践能力,完善评价体系。  相似文献   

随着国际交流活动的不断增多、历史的发展和社会的不断进步以及人类的生活水平的不断提高,道德在社会生活中日益显示出其重要性。语言翻译作为信息传播和交往的主要方式,在道德建设中起着举足轻重的作用。翻译职业离不开道德的引导,翻译工作者和翻译中介的行为都应有道德制约,以防译作的粗制滥造给社会造成不良影响。同样,翻译中的言语道德也是一个不可忽视的问题,在道德建设中起着举足轻重的作用,它有其自身的特点。语言翻译同其他行业一样,有较高的职业素质要求,也应遵循道德原则。  相似文献   

学校道德教育向生活世界的回归并不必然导致道德教育的高效。回归生活世界的道德教育仍然需要对一些问题作出回答:生活世界中的道德是应如何生活还是事实上如何生活;基本的道德认识是把道德看成是道德德性还是权利;“做人”的道德规范是否完善。在现代性条件下,学校道德教育应当关切基本道德规范的教育;关切道德规范背后的道德权利教育;关切“做人”的道德规范的教育。这些问题不解决,学校道德教育即便回归生活世界也无法提高效率。  相似文献   

Portfolio assessment is one of the most interesting and widely discussed of the new alternative assessments. In this paper we explore the portfolio metaphor as it is applied to literacy portfolios. We suggest that portfolios provide a powerful tool for the enhancement of instruction and assessment, addressing educators' concerns about authentic assessment, documentation of academic progress, and teacher and student involvement. However, we caution that there are many important and unresolved issues that must be confronted if portfolio assessment is to succeed. Fundamental issues of validity and reliability must be addressed as well as practical issues of implementation, standard setting, sufficient resources, and teacher expertise. We argue that the ultimate success of portfolios will rest on our ability to communicate portfolio-based assessment information to others. We offer the teacher's class portfolio as a promising strategy for aggregating and reporting information, while preserving the integrity of individual student portfolios and teacher judgment. Whether the emphasis is on individual student portfolios or classroom portfolios, educators must be committed to the staff development and additional research that portfolio assessment demands.  相似文献   

学校管理道德观的冲突与发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学校管理道德是学校发展的重要基础。学校管理者的道德观表现出了功利与权利的冲突,效率与公平的冲突,“人治”与“法治”的冲突。这些冲突不仅导致学校管理道德失范,也直接侵犯着教育者与受教育者的切身利益,影响着学校的形象和质量。学校管理道德观的冲突根源于学校管理者的多方面因素,受制于学校管理者多方面认识。学校管理必须走出狭隘的、封闭的、专制的怪圈,遵守社会公德和法律,转变学校管理观念,明确学校管理职能,彰显学校管理的育人功能。  相似文献   

In this article we respond to the call to action that is the crisis among seniors called The Silver Tsunami! We describe the education of students through the use of Feil's Validation Therapy. There are growing concerns among social service providers regarding the rapid increase of the elderly population and the lack of adequate staff to provide care for our seniors. If we as educators, agency administrators, or committed family members ignore this call to action, the cycle of the employee “revolving door” will continue with inadequately trained and emotionally disconnected personnel working with aging persons. Frontline workers are the backbone of any agency. They are the ones who interact with seniors and their loved ones and collaborate with other medical and community professionals. We, as their teachers, must enhance their knowledge and skills so they many continue to provide service to the second most vulnerable population.  相似文献   

学校公民意识教育意义深远,然而,目前我国学校公民意识教育中仍然存在许多问题。要提高学校公民意识教育的实效性,必须正确处理好理论与实践、公民意识教育与传统德育、教育者与受教育者、校内教育与校外教育等方面的关系。  相似文献   

江泽民提出的"以德治国"思想,表明道德建设对我们这个社会至关重要。要搞好道德建设,就必须澄清以下五个基本问题:德治并不一定比法治重要,德治必须跟法治结合起来;观念道德并不等于现实道德,观念道德要转化为现实道德需要一个过程;经济发展并不必然带来道德进步,离开了道德教化,经济发展就有可能成为新一轮道德堕落的罪恶渊薮,只有社会主义制度才能将经济与道德统一起来;道德并不能最终制导权力,在一个权力本位社会里,伦理道德将不可避免地成为权力的帮凶;道德与知识需要融合,无论以道德代替知识,还是以知识代替道德,都是不科学的,只有将知识与道德有机融合,才有利于"四有"新人的培养。  相似文献   

面对当前的新形势,如何努力提高大学生的思想道德素质,真正把《公民道德建设实施纲要》落到实处,需要一个新思路。  相似文献   

课程改革对教师提出了新的要求 ,要改变学生的学习方式 ,教师就要坚持学习、积极实践 ,努力实现在角色转变、知识结构、思维方式、教学能力、教学手段等方面的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

中国古代儒家文化在当今社会具有除弊补偏的功效,其文化审美价值重大。孔子所强调的“仁”,不仅关涉实践主体的践履,而县直指实践主体内心,把人的精神境界的提升看作是实现“仁”之理想的重要手段;孟子舍生取义、反求诸己的主张在当代具有权高的价值。文化全球化的理想状态,应当是在全世界拥有共同价值尺度前提下的各民族文化的异彩纷呈,而不应当是单一文化模式的全球复制。  相似文献   

教育投资效率浅议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大力发展教育 ,不能忽视教育投资效率。现有的教育机构利用率低 ,教育设置与实际需要脱节 ,劳动力市场反映的“知识失业”说明教育过度 ,以及形式多样的智力外流 ,应成为我们急切关注的问题。需要及时调整教育投资的结构 ,把重点放在提高全民文化素质和劳动技能的基础教育上 ,适当控制高等教育的膨胀发展 ;适应不同人才的社会需求 ,深入改革教学内容 ;完善政策 ,留住人才 ,减少“知识失业” ,确保教育投资回报  相似文献   

道德以实践精神的方式把握现实世界,是形而上与形而下的统一,规范、德性和善行实际上构成了作为社会现象的道德的具体存在方式。道德教育要完整地体现其实践意义,必须全面把握道德的存在方式,将受教育者持守规范、提升德性、追求善行作为自身的价值目标。只有从道德存在的三个层面入手开展道德教育,才能使道德的主体性与规范性、实然与应然、他律与自律在价值中获得统一。道德教育的三个价值向度组成一个有机和谐的道德系统,不断促进道德实践的发展和人的全面发展。  相似文献   

人无信不立。国无信不昌,践行“以德治国”方略,必须恪守诚信。当前,我国诚信缺失严重,实践以德治国.必须重铸诚信。  相似文献   

高师续本科是指在师专的基础上通过培训 ,为基础教育培养德育合格和学历合格的人才。为此 ,必须加强思想道德教育 ,并把它放在学校工作的首位 ,在实践中不断探索思想道德教育的方法 ,解决当前思想道德教育在学校中存在的不足  相似文献   

教育善的求索:实然与应然   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育伦理学作为一门求索教育善的真谛及其实现的学问,在当今中国社会转型和教育改革的宏观背景下,其研究必须注意以下方面:在教育伦理的规范建设中,不仅要设定教育者行为之应然,而且要昭明这种应然之内在依据;在教育伦理的目标设定上,既要坚持主导道德的一元性,又要承认多元道德取向的现实合理性;在教育伦理的功能向度上,不仅要注重贬抑教育行为之“恶”,又应褒扬教育行为之“善”;在教育伦理的价值追求上,不仅应研究个体如何致善,而且要关注社会善的实现。相信对这一系列问题的切实关注和有效解决,将有利于提升教育伦理学的学科价值。  相似文献   


This essay tells my story of using the moral orientations of justice and care to help me think about an incident of cheating in a seminar I taught. My story takes as a starting point the idea that teaching is a relational activity and that morality fundamentally concerns relations among people. These moral orientations gave me options to think about exploring, with my students, what it means to make moral choices in our everyday life. This narrative is about my own moral choice‐making in this dilemma and it reveals how using these psychological constructs helped me in my reflective practice of teaching. It also reveals the conflicts I faced in attempting to solve this dilemma and the questions and conflicts which still remain.  相似文献   

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