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1.day可指24小时的整天,也可单指白天,与night相对。如:There are 365(or 366)days in a year.一年有365(或366)天。(指一整天)  相似文献   

同学们都知道,白天用英语说是"day";晚上是"night"了,可是你知道"日日夜夜"怎样说吗?那就是"day and night"。  相似文献   

inin→在(某范围或某空间)内。例如:The telephone is in my study.电话在我书房里。Which hotel shall we stay in?我们住哪个旅馆?Don’t stand in the rain.别站在雨里。What were you doing in the South?你在南方干什么?He was standing in a queue.他在排队(买东西)。Let’s go up in the lift.咱们坐电梯上去吧!in→在(一段时间)内。例如:Rome was not built in a day.罗马不是一天建成的。(谚)Do you work in the day time or at night?你是白天工作还是夜间工作?I return to China in the middle of Octo-ber.我十月中旬回到中国。注意:介词in有时也可表示“……之后”。例如:I’ll come round in a day or two.我一两天就回来。We’ll be back in no time.我们一会儿就回来。in→进入;放入,意思接近into...  相似文献   

1.day/date 这两个词都和“天”有关:day表示“日子”、“天”,一般表示泛指,我们可以表达a day“一天”,somedays“一些天”等,what day 一般用来询问“星期几”。date则特指具体的“日期”、“时日”,一般只有单数形式,常用来表示某月某日,也能指”年代”、“时代”等。what date一般用来询问“几月几号”。如:  相似文献   

1.day,date 这两个单词都与“天”有关。day用来表示“日子”、“天”,是“某一天”的意思,也含有“节日”、“假日”、“生日”的意思。例如: He works eight hours a day.他一天工作八小时。They stayed in Beijing for three days.他们在北京呆了三天。——What day was yesterday?昨天是星期几?  相似文献   

It's round and it's bright.它又圆又亮, In the day it hangs in the sky and gives out light.白天挂在空中发光, But nobody can see it at night.晚上谁也别想见到它。What is it?它是什么呢?  相似文献   

1.day,date day和date这两个单词都与"日子"有关。day表示"日子,天"时,通常是指"某一天"的意思,它还含有"节日,假日,生日"的意思。例如:He works eight hours a day.他一天工作8个小时。They stayed in Beijing for three days.他们在北京呆了3天。day还可以表示"天气"。例如:What a fine day!多好的天气啊!而date通常用来指"日期,时日,年代"等,它不仅包括一般的年、月中的"日期",而且可以指历史上的某一"年代"或"日期"。例如:  相似文献   

Unit2 1Mainly revision1.Oh,you can come?Great!( L .82 )you can come?为陈述句式的一般疑问句。使用这种句式往往表示说话人要求对方确认某一事实。如 :You can do it?Wonderful!你能做那件事 ?太好了 !2 .- What a beautiful day!- Yes,it is,isn't it?( L.82 )1)“Yes”在此处是用来表示自己同意对方的看法 ,意思是“对 ,不错 ,是啊”。如 :- I think we must make a plan right now.- Yes,you're right.2 )… isn't it?形式上是问句 ,但并不要求别人回答 ,仅用来加强肯定的口吻 ,译为“可不是吗 ?”说话时用降调。3.Read this …  相似文献   

1. It's round and it's bright.In the day it hangs in the sky and gives out light.But nobody can see it at night .What is it?  相似文献   

1.how much与how many[个性展示]how much和how many都表示“多少”之意,但how much后面接不可数名词;how many后面接可数名词复数。例如:How much milk do you want?你要多少牛奶?How many students are there in your class?你们班有多少学生?但是how much还可以用来询问“什么价钱”。例如:How much is the book;这本书多少钱?[自我挑战]根据句意,用how much或how many填空。1.—hours are there in a day?—24.2.—is the shirt?—$30.3.pens do you have?Key:1.How many2.How much3.How many2.each,every与all[个性展示]each是个代…  相似文献   

同学们,你们己经学过单词白天(day)和晚上(night)了,可是你们知道怎样说“日日夜夜”吗?那就是“day and night”。在西方一些国家,人们有这样一个习惯:如果一个上白班的人(a dayman)每天(every day)都上一整天(all day long)的班,那么当夜幕降临时,他就可以去夜总会(night club)享受一下夜生活(night life),痛痛快快地玩一个晚上,甚至可以彻夜不归(have a night out)。  相似文献   

!$【课本原句】1.Howmuch is the red sweater?这件红色的毛衣多少钱?【一点通】how many和how much都表示“多少”,但二者有区别:◆how many修饰可数名词复数如:How many bananas do you want?你想要多少香蕉?◆how much修饰不可数名词如:How much milk is there in the bottle?瓶子里有多少牛奶?◆how much可以用来询问价钱,表示“多少钱”How much is...?常用来表示单数意义。商品的价格,回答时要用“It is 价格”,其中的it指代前面表单数的商品。如:How much is the hat?这帽子多少钱?◆How much are...?常用来表示复数意义的商品的…  相似文献   

Sun[sΛn]1.It's round and it's bright. In the day it hangs in the sky and gives out light. But nobody can see it at night. What is it?  相似文献   

day和date这两个名词都可以表示“天”、“日”的意思,实际上两者的所指并不相同。day是泛指“日子”,a day表示“一天”,days表示“一些日子”;date指的是具体的日期,即“(某年)、某月、某日”,一般用单数形式。试比较:I can t rem em ber the date ofthat m eeting.我记不清那次会议的日期。Illnever forgetthe days when w e stayed together.我将永远忘不了我们在一起的那些日子。用date提问时,问的是“几月几号”,而用day提问时,问的是“星期几”。例如:W hat is the date today?今天几号?W hat day is(it)today?今天星期几?day天天…  相似文献   

Teacher: Which is more important to us, the sun or the moon? Pupil: The moon. Teacher: Why? Pupil: The moon gives us light at night when we need it but the sun gives us light only in the day time when we don't need it.—M um,whatare you cooking?—It's bean soup!—I don'tcare whatithas been;Ijustwantto know whatitis now!“An abstract noun(抽象名词),”the teacher said,“is som ethingyou can think of,butyou can'ttouch it.Can you give m e an exam ple ofone?”“Sure,”a teenage boy replied,“M…  相似文献   

【一般将来时】一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或者存在的状态。通常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,next year,next month,next week,in 100 years等。Ⅰ.be going to do(动词原形)结构:表示打算、准备做的事情或者肯定要发生的事情。例:It is going to rain.天要下雨了。Ⅱ.will do结构表示将来的用法:1.表示预见例:Do you think it will rain?你认为会下雨吗?你好好休息一下就会了  相似文献   

1.day,date 这两个单词都与“天”有关。day用来表示“日子”、“天”,是“某一天”的意思,也含有“节日”、“假日”、“生日”的意思。例如: He works eight hours a day. 他一天工作八小时。  相似文献   

Chinese New Year or Spring Festival is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays.It is sometimes called the "Lunar (阴历的)New Year" by English speakers.The festival traditionally begins on the first day of the first month in the Chinese calendar and ends on the 15th;this day is called Lantern Festival.  相似文献   

一、时间段的"道别"与朋友分手时,按分手的时间,可分为:上午见面打招呼后分手时说"Good morning"。但这时一般Good次重读,morning读升调,表示祝对方上午过得愉快;一般在下午分手时说"Good day"(日安);黄昏分手时说"Good evening";在晚上分手或上床前说"Good night",对方回答时一般也说"Good night",但多用降调,既表示"再见",也表示"谢意"。  相似文献   

Part 1: Teacher: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Nice tomeet you. Class: Good afternoon, teacher. Nice to meet you,tOO. Teacher: What day is today, do you know? Class: It's Friday. Teacher: Now let's sing an English song—"This isthe way we wash our clothes. "I'11 invite some volunteers to sing and do the actions. OK? Class: OK! (Some volunteers come to the front and  相似文献   

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