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城市流动儿童的学校欺负与学校适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以758名流动儿童为被试对象,采用儿童欺负问卷和在校行为子量表施测,探索城市流动儿童的学校欺负与学校适应及其关系。结果发现:卷入受欺负和欺负的流动儿童比例相对较高;男生欺负他人的比例显著高于女生,而受欺负比例低于女生;不同性质学校的流动儿童受欺负和欺负他人的比例没有显著性差异;学校适应的性别和学校性质的交互作用不显著,主效应均达到了统计学意义的显著性水平;不同欺负类型的流动儿童学校适应差异显著,具体体现在常规、师生关系和同学关系上;受欺负、欺负他人程度与学校适应及其五个维度之间均呈负相关。  相似文献   

对北京市某三所打工子弟学校随机抽取301名小学高年级和初中流动儿童施测人际交往能力问卷、身体锻炼等级量表、学校归属感问卷以及城市适应问卷,探讨流动儿童城市适应特点以及人际交往能力、体育锻炼对城市适应的影响。结果表明:(1)流动儿童的城市适应在性别和年级上存在显著差异,女生适应好于男生,初中生在兴奋与好奇、震惊与抗拒、探索与顺应上得分显著高于小学生。(2)流动儿童人际交往能力、体育锻炼与城市适应呈显著相关。(3)学校归属感在人际交往能力对城市适应四个维度的影响中起中介作用;在体育锻炼对城市适应中的震惊与抗拒和探索与顺应的影响中起中介作用。  相似文献   

采用中小学生学校适应不良图式问卷和中学生学习拖延问卷,对394名城市流动儿童进行测查,发现:流动儿童在自我放纵性图式上存在性别差异;流动儿童的不信任感和自我放纵性图式、学业拖延存在显著的年级差异;流动儿童学校适应不良图式与学业拖延存在显著的正相关;无助感、自我放纵性、不信任感、自我放弃感等图式对学业拖延有极其显著的正向预测力。这些表明,高年级学生的不良图式与学业拖延相对而言比较严重,且流动儿童学校适应不良图式与其学业拖延关系较为密切。  相似文献   

采用整群取样法对河南省408名流动与非流动儿童进行问卷调查,从家庭环境考察流动与非流动儿童心理健康状况。结果显示,(1)不同外出类型城市流动儿童在家庭环境的情感表达和控制性两个因子上存在统计学意义差异;(2)流动儿童与城市儿童的躯体化、人际关系、焦虑、恐怖情绪四个因子上存在统计学意义差异;(3)外出时间长短不同的流动儿童,其心理健康状况与在城市时间呈正相关;(4)流动儿童主观家庭环境包括亲密度、情感表达、矛盾性、独立性、文化性、娱乐性、道德宗教观念、组织性与心理素质的多数维度呈现统计学意义相关关系。结论:(1)关注流动儿童的心理健康状况;(2)创造和谐的家庭环境可以有效提升流动儿童的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

教育安置方式与流动儿童城市适应的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用整群取样法对北京市1164名流动儿童,525名当地儿童及流动儿童主要来源省份的568名农村儿童进行问卷调查,考察流动儿童城市适应现状及其与教育安置方式的关系。结果表明,与北京当地儿童相比,流动儿童社会文化及心理适应不足,但与农村儿童相比,他们的社会文化适应更强,但心理适应不佳;公立学校流动儿童在社会文化和心理适应上都明显优于打工子弟学校儿童;控制了性别、年龄、来京时间及家庭经济地位等影响因素后,教育安置方式对流动儿童城市适应仍然有显著预测作用,公立学校流动儿童社会文化适应更好,自尊更高,且更少产生孤独、抑郁等心理适应问题。  相似文献   

流动儿童亲子沟通特点及其与心理健康的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨流动儿童亲子沟通的特点及其与心理健康的关系,采用亲子沟通问卷、主观幸福感自我评定量表、自尊问卷和问题行为问卷对北京市1016名流动儿童和446名城市户籍儿童施测.结果发现,与城市儿童相比,流动儿童亲子沟通的频率、时间和主动性较低.在亲子沟通各维度上,城市儿童得分都显著高于流动儿童.在流动儿童与父母沟通的倾听反应维度上,女生得分高于男生.在父子沟通的开放表达、分歧冲突解决和理解性维度和母子沟通的开放表达和倾听反应维度上,存在显著的年级差异,初二年级得分最低.流动儿童亲子沟通的开放表达、理解性和分歧冲突解决维度可正向预测主观幸福感,亲子沟通的四个维度都可正向预测自尊,开放表达和理解性负向预测内化问题行为,理解性、倾听反应和分歧冲突解决负向预测外化问题行为.由此可以得出如下结论,流动儿童与父母的沟通频率低,时间短,主动性不强,沟通质量较低.亲子沟通各维度可显著预测流动儿童的心理健康水平.  相似文献   

为了探讨流动儿童区域文化适应的特点及对其城市适应的影响,本研究采用区域文化适应问卷和城市适应问卷,对北京市7所中小学的992名流动儿童进行了问卷调查,结果表明:(1)流动儿童人际观念适应困难显著高于生活方式适应困难;(2)流动儿童文化适应、文化认同和城市适应均在家庭经济状况、年级、来京时间、性别、学校类型等方面存在显著差异;(3)流动儿童城市适应与文化适应有密切的联系,区域文化适应能在一定程度上预测城市适应。  相似文献   

以重庆和成都509名流动儿童和245名城市儿童为被试,采用问卷法考察两地流动儿童自尊发展特点及其与学校归属感的关系.结果表明:(1)非流动儿童自尊平均得分显著高于流动儿童;(2)流动儿童的自尊发展水平存在显著的性别差异显著,男生的自尊水平显著低于女生;(3)流动儿童的自尊与同伴关系和学校融入显著正相关,与学校环境和教师行为相关不显著.  相似文献   

以北京市1016名流动儿童和446名城市儿童为被试,采用问卷法考察北京市流动儿童学校满意度及其与师生关系、学业行为之间的关系.结果发现:(1)流动儿童的学校满意度水平存在学校差异,打工子弟学校学生的学校满意度水平显著低于公立校和混合校;(2)流动儿童的学校满意度水平有显著年级差异;(3)师生关系中,师生亲密性、支持性和低冲突性显著正向预测流动儿童的学校满意度;(4)学业行为中,学习兴趣和学习效能感显著正向预测流动儿童的学校满意度.  相似文献   

以重庆和成都509名流动儿童和245名城市儿童为被试,采用问卷法考察两地流动儿童自尊发展特点及其与学校归属感的关系。结果表明:(1)非流动儿童自尊平均得分显著高于流动儿童;(2)流动儿童的自尊发展水平存在显著的性别差异显著,男生的自尊水平显著低于女生;(3)流动儿童的自尊与同伴关系和学校融入显著正相关,与学校环境和教师行为相关不显著。  相似文献   

The current study examined the mediating effects of emotional/behavioral problems and academic competence between parental abuse/neglect and a child’s school adjustment by investigating 2070 student surveys from the Korean Child Youth Panel Study (KCYPS). A path analysis yielded the following key findings. Firstly, childhood abuse and neglect showed a significant negative and direct effect on school adjustment. It is particularly important to note that the effect of neglect was bigger than that of abuse in this study. Secondly, emotional/behavioral problems were found to partially mediate between abuse/neglect and school adjustment. Thirdly, academic competence partially mediated the effect of neglect on school adjustment, while it did not mediate the effect of abuse on school adjustment. The indirect effect of parental neglect via emotional/behavioral problems and academic competence was stronger than that of parental abuse. The influence of parental abuse and neglect on children’s school adjustments was discussed in terms of emotional/behavioral problems and academic competence considering unique Korean cultural context.  相似文献   

Maltreatment experiences are complex, and it is difficult to characterize the heterogeneity in types of maltreatment. Subtypes, such as emotional maltreatment, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect commonly co-occur and may persist across development. Therefore, treating individual maltreatment subtypes as independently occurring is not representative of the nature of maltreatment as it occurs in children’s lives. Latent class analysis (LCA) is employed herein to identify subgroups of maltreated children based on commonalities in maltreatment subtype and chronicity. In a sample of 674 low-income urban children, 51.6% of whom experienced officially documented maltreatment, our analyses identified four classes of children, with three distinct classes based on maltreatment subtypes and chronicity, and one group of children who did not experience maltreatment. The largest class of maltreated children identified was the chronic, multi-subtype maltreatment class (57% of maltreated children); a second class was characterized by only neglect in a single developmental period (31% of maltreated children), and the smallest class was characterized by a single subtype of maltreatment (emotional maltreatment, physical, or sexual abuse) occurring in a single developmental period (12% of maltreated children). Characterization of these groups confirms the overlapping nature of maltreatment subtypes. There were notable differences between latent classes on child behavioral and socio-emotional outcomes measured by child self-report and camp counselors report during a one-week summer camp. The largest differences were between the non-maltreated class and the chronic maltreatment class. Children who experienced chronic, multi-subtype maltreatment showed higher levels of externalizing behavior, emotion dysregulation, depression, and anxiety.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between childhood abuse/neglect experiences (sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and child neglect) and adult life functioning among Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) drop-outs. METHOD: 432 subjects who dropped out of MMTP were recruited in New York City in 1997-1999. Adult life functioning was measured by HIV drug and sex risk behaviors, Addiction Severity Index (ASI) composite scores, and depression. The chi(2) tests, t tests, correlation, and multiple logistic regressions were performed to examine the relationships between abuse experiences and adult life functioning. RESULTS: The prevalence of child abuse/neglect history was high among MMTP drop-outs: sexual abuse-36%; physical abuse-60%; emotional abuse-57%; child physical neglect-66%; all four experiences-25%. As assessed via ASI composite scores, those who had been abused in childhood had significantly more medical, legal, relationship, and psychological problems than those who had not. Overall, several significant associations were found between the abuse experiences and HIV risk behaviors. Those who had experienced child neglect were more likely to be HIV positive. In multivariate analyses, childhood physical abuse was a significant predictor of having multiple sex partners while depression was significantly related to injection drug use in adulthood (p<.05). There were trends for the relationships between childhood sexual abuse and HIV sex risk behavior (p<.10) and between gender and injection drug use (p<.10). CONCLUSIONS: The findings support a need for drug treatment programs that include specialized therapies for those who suffered childhood abuse and neglect experiences.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The main objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between age of the very young victim and the type of abuse perpetrated against that victim. A secondary objective was to examine gender and racial differences in child abuse and neglect in children between the ages of birth and 7 years. METHOD: Archived data for all cases of substantiated abuse of children for the years of 1990-1996 inclusive were retrieved from a data bank at a county children services department (N = 876). Chi-square analyses were used to determine age, gender, and racial differences in child abuse and neglect in children 0 to 7 years of age. RESULTS: Neglect was the most common form of primary substantiated abuse recorded for this population of children under the age of 7 years, although the incidence of neglect decreased as chronological age of the child increased. Sexual abuse increased in occurrence as the children got older. Girls were more likely to be victims of sexual abuse than boys. No significant age differences were observed for physical abuse or for emotional abuse, and no racial differences were detected for any of the four types of abuse examined. CONCLUSIONS: Although the findings of this study are in agreement with those of previously published reports, there is some question as to whether archived data are an accurate reflection of actual patterns of maltreatment occurring in very young children or whether they represent the types of abuse that are subjectively identified and reported by authorities.  相似文献   

Child maltreatment negatively affects children's development and wellbeing. This study investigated the associations between child maltreatment (i.e., emotional neglect, emotional abuse, and physical abuse) and interpersonal functioning, including parent–child relationship, teacher–student relationship, and peer relationships among children with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). A total of 256 children with ODD and their parents and class master teachers from Mainland China completed questionnaires. Results showed a negative correlation between emotional abuse (parent-reported) and children's interpersonal relationships with parents, teachers, and peers. Emotional neglect and physical abuse were related to poor parent–child relationships. Latent profile analysis revealed three profiles of child maltreatment among children with ODD. ODD children with more severe levels of one type of maltreatment were also more likely to have experienced severe levels of other types of maltreatment. Children with ODD who were in the group of high maltreatment had the poorest quality of interpersonal relationships. Our findings highlight the urgent need to prevent child maltreatment and promote more positive parenting in families with ODD children.  相似文献   

Children investigated for maltreatment are particularly vulnerable to experiencing multiple adversities. Few studies have examined the extent to which experiences of adversity and different types of maltreatment co-occur in this most vulnerable population of children. Understanding the complex nature of childhood adversity may inform the enhanced tailoring of practices to better meet the needs of maltreated children. Using cross-sectional data from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being II (N = 5870), this study employed latent class analysis to identify subgroups of children who had experienced multiple forms of maltreatment and associated adversities among four developmental stages: birth to 23 months (infants), 2–5 (preschool age), 6–10 (school age), and 11–18 years-old (adolescents). Three latent classes were identified for infants, preschool-aged children, and adolescents, and four latent classes were identified for school-aged children. Among infants, the groups were characterized by experiences of (1) physical neglect/emotional abuse/caregiver treated violently, (2) physical neglect/household dysfunction, and (3) caregiver divorce. For preschool-aged children, the groups included (1) physical neglect/emotional abuse/caregiver treated violently, (2) physical neglect/household dysfunction, and (3) emotional abuse. Children in the school-age group clustered based on experiencing (1) physical neglect/emotional neglect and abuse/caregiver treated violently, (2) physical neglect/household dysfunction, (3) emotional abuse, and (4) emotional abuse/caregiver divorce. Finally, adolescents were grouped based on (1) physical neglect/emotional abuse/household dysfunction, (2) physical abuse/emotional abuse/household dysfunction, and (3) emotional abuse/caregiver divorce. The results indicate distinct classes of adversity experienced among children investigated for child maltreatment, with both stability across developmental periods and unique age-related vulnerabilities. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the characteristics and patterns of child abuse among immigrant Korean families in Los Angeles and critical variables that contribute to the type of placement made by the child protective services (CPS) system. METHOD: Data were obtained from reviewing and analyzing 170 active Korean case files maintained by the Asian Pacific Unit (APU) of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (LAC-DCFS) during July through September, 2001. Logistic regression analysis was employed to examine the odds of children being kept in or removed from the home. RESULTS: Some of the major findings from this study include: (1) immigrant Korean families are more likely to be charged with physical abuse (49.4%) and less likely to be charged with neglect (20.6%) in comparison with all other groups in Los Angeles (13.2% and 27.1%, respectively); (2) the circumstance under which physical abuse occurred most frequently was corporal punishment used by Korean parents with an intention to discipline their children; and (3) the context under which emotional abuse occurred among the Korean families was likely to be children's witnessing domestic violence. In addition, the logistic regression showed that response status, referral source, living arrangement, victim's relationship to perpetrator, and chronicity of abuse were significant in predicting out-of-home placement. CONCLUSIONS: An analysis of Korean child abuse cases reported to child protective service revealed that culture and child rearing practices shaped the patterns of child maltreatment. A culturally sensitive approach is strongly suggested for effective child abuse prevention and intervention services with this group by CPS agencies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the differential effects of multi-types of maltreatment in an adolescent sample. Different combinations of maltreatment (emotional, sexual, physical, neglect) were examined in relation to both negative affect and externalizing symptoms in male and female youth. METHOD: One thousand four hundred fifty-two middle and high school youth were recruited from urban schools and a mandated early warning truancy program. Youth completed an anonymous survey that included measures of child maltreatment, depression, suicide proneness, hopelessness, delinquency, hostility, substance use, and promiscuity. Respondents were categorized into groups of different combinations of maltreatment by their reports of sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect (emotional and physical), and emotional abuse. RESULTS: Nearly two-thirds of boys and girls reported some form of maltreatment, and multi-type maltreatment was common (e.g., 13% reported experiencing both physical and sexual abuse and neglect). Individuals with maltreatment histories were more depressed (F=52.78, p<.0001), suicide prone (F=24.29, p<.001), and hopeless (F=32.07, p<.0001) than non-abused individuals. Maltreated adolescents were also more hostile (F=35.03, p<.0001), and they engaged in more delinquent behavior (F=26.76, p<.0001), promiscuity (F=8.54, p<.0001), and drug and alcohol use (F=9.61, p<.0001). Individuals experiencing multi-type maltreatment were the most symptomatic, particularly youth with histories of physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. In general, gender differences in effects were not observed. CONCLUSIONS: The results highlight the importance of studying combined types of maltreatment, as well as understanding the particularly deleterious effects of neglect and emotional abuse. The results are generally consistent with an additive model of maltreatment effects.  相似文献   



Childhood maltreatment is a robust risk factor for poor physical and mental health. Child welfare youths represent a high-risk group, given the greater likelihood of severe or multiple types of maltreatment. This study examined the relationship between childhood maltreatment and self-compassion – a concept of positive acceptance of self. While not applied previously to a child welfare sample, self-compassion may be of value in understanding impairment among maltreatment victims. This may be most pertinent in adolescence and young adulthood, when self-identity is a focal developmental process.


The present sample was drawn from the Maltreatment and Adolescent Pathways (MAP) Longitudinal Study, which followed randomly selected adolescents receiving child protection services across two years within an urban catchment area. Child maltreatment was assessed at baseline using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire ( [Bernstein et al., 1994] and [Bernstein et al., 2003] ). Mental health, substance and alcohol use problems, suicide attempt, and self-compassion were assessed at the two-year follow-up point. There were 117 youths, aged 16–20 years (45.3% males) who completed the self-compassion scale (Neff, 2003). Bivariate correlations were computed between adolescent self-compassion and each form of self-reported maltreatment (physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, emotional neglect, and physical neglect). Finally, hierarchical, stepwise regression was used to examine unique contributions of child maltreatment subtypes in predicting adolescent self-compassion, as well as maltreatment-related impairment.


Higher childhood emotional abuse, emotional neglect, and physical abuse were associated with lower self-compassion. Controlling for age and gender, emotional abuse was significantly associated with reduced self-compassion, even when the effects of emotional neglect and physical abuse were taken into account. Youths with low self-compassion were more likely to have psychological distress, problem alcohol use, and report a serious suicide attempt, as compared with those with high self-compassion. A number of maltreatment-related areas of impairment, identified by screening instruments, were significantly associated with lower self-compassion.


Self-compassion may be a fruitful aspect of research to pursue in an effort to better understand the impact of childhood emotional abuse on adolescent functioning, particularly considering the under-researched group of those receiving child protective services.  相似文献   

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