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地方高校图书馆文献资源的招标采购,作为馆藏文献资源建设的重要方式,既有利也有弊。针对地方升本高校图书馆在图书招标采购工作中存在的诸多问题,提出了解决的方法与对策,目的在于进一步完善高校图书馆的图书招标采购工作,使图书招标采购工作更好为地方高校图书馆的文献资源建设服务。  相似文献   

纸质图书采购是高职图书馆馆藏资源建设的核心环节,图书馆必须按照节约型社会的建设要求,从源头做好纸质图书采购工作。通过认真分析出版社、图书供应商及图书馆等纸质图书采购流程中的各个环节,可以发现每个环节存在的各种客观问题,这些问题给纸质图书的节约型采购带来种种困扰。图书馆员需要利用数据分析、调查研究等方法,深入分析产生问题的内在原因,继而针对这些问题,从提高采访效率、优选图书供应商、改进决策机制等方面提出应对策略,以达到节约采购资金、提高文献资源利用率、推进节约型图书馆建设的目的。  相似文献   

图书采购招标,作为图书馆目前正在实施,并且今后仍将实施的一种采购模式,给图书馆传统的馆藏资源建设带来一定的变革。但从目前实际效果看,存在着一些不尽完善之处。图书馆的馆藏质量、供应商提供的服务、读者对图书馆工作的满意度,并没有由于采用招标模式而得到实质性的提高。文章对采购招标实施过程衍生的一些问题进行分析、反思,指出应提高图书馆在招标过程中的主导作用,完善招标程序,加强质量控制,使图书采购招标工作合法、合理和规范。  相似文献   

高职院校图书馆的图书质量直接决定着服务质量与服务水平,为了获取优质图书资源,合理运用图书采购经费,图书馆可借助采购招标的方式来与优秀书商建立合作关系,同时可将图书编目加工业务外包给第三方单位,以此减轻采编图书管理人员的编目工作量,使其能够专注地完成图书服务与馆藏研究等更有价值的工作。文章剖析高职院校图书采购招标及编目加工业务外包过程中的问题与对策,以此提高图书采购与编目加工水平。  相似文献   

图书馆书刊的采购招标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆书刊的招标采购工作进行的科学、规范与否,直接关系到到图书馆的馆藏资源结构与质量,也影响着读者对所需知识的诉求.而图书的招标采购过程,也是图书管理工作中一个相对敏感的环节,他涉及到图书馆采编部、招标公司、投标公司以及政府等多个部门共同参与.尽管参与部门错综复杂,我们仍然应该清醒的意识到,中标书商才是图书馆采购流程的关键内控点,只有建立公平合理的书商准入机制,才能保障图书馆后续的图书供应质量,确保馆藏的连续性,满足读者需.因而,我们应将对书商的全面考核作为图书馆书刊招标采购工作的重中之重,切实的抓好、落实.  相似文献   

图书剔除与图书采购是中学图书馆(室)工作的两个重要组成部分,若只剔除不采购图书,就会造成馆藏数量不足、使用率下降;若只采购而不剔除图书,势必造成馆藏图书与馆藏规模之间的矛盾。  相似文献   

论中小学图书馆(室)图书文献采购招标(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前.在施行《政府采购法》以后.许多地方教育主管部门将中小学图书馆(室)文献采购纳入到政府采购范畴.实行招标采购图书文献。本文分析了中小学图书馆图书文献采购招标的优点和问题.提出了做好中小学图书馆藏书建设的相应策略。  相似文献   

应用布拉德福定律研究核心出版社──徐州师院图书馆中文图书书源统计分析乔文明,索大武,韩莉莉,姚斌藏书建设是图书馆最主要的基础工作之一,也是衡量一个图书馆的工作水平和工作成就的重要标志之一。以往在讨论馆藏图书采购工作的问题上往往凭经验进行,缺少准确的数...  相似文献   

本文通过对宁夏师范学院图书馆2011-2012年馆藏英语图书零借阅率、利用率数据统计分析,比较利用率较高的图书类别、所属出版社及出版时间,提出该类图书馆藏优化和质量控制建议与策略。  相似文献   

馆藏图书是图书服务的基础和保障。高职院校图书馆购书途径主要有采取书目预定和现货采购相结合的办法、采取多种形式采集图书的办法。  相似文献   

This research examined press rankings in criminology and criminal justice (C/CJ). Based on a large sample of respondents (N = 812) from the American Society of Criminology and the American Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, the authors solicited quality and familiarity rankings on 81 presses that publish in the area of C/CJ. The research revealed that university presses such as Oxford, Cambridge, University of Chicago, and Harvard University dominated the quality rankings. On the other hand, commercial academic presses such as McGraw‐Hill, Sage, and Prentice‐Hall dominated the familiarity rankings. Commercial academic presses including Prentice‐Hall and Sage were the presses most desired by scholars for future book publishing plans. The authors also discuss the significance of the findings for faculty in C/CJ.  相似文献   

在列举和分析相关事实和数据的基础上,通过理论与具体文本相结合方法,探讨现代英美报刊在后现代文化影响下的消费文化和解构文化的演变和发展的一些轨迹。  相似文献   

Fast response and stable torque output are crucial to the performance of electric screw presses. This paper describes the design of a direct torque control (DTC) system for speeding up torque response and reducing the starting current of electric screw presses and its application to the J58K series of numerical control electric screw presses with a dual-motor drive. The DTC drive system encompasses speed control, torque reference control, and switching frequency control. Comparison of the DTC dual-AC induction motor drive with corresponding AC servo motor drive showed that for the J58K-315 electric screw press, the DTC drive system attains a higher maximum speed (786 r/min) within a shorter time (1.13 s) during a 250 nun stroke and undergoes smaller rise in temperature (42.0 ℃) in the motor after running for 2 h at a 12 min-1 strike frequency than the AC servo motor drive does (751 r/min within 1.19 s, and 50.6 ℃ rise). Moreover, the DTC AC induction motor drive, with no need for a tachometer or position encoder to feed back the speed or position of the motor shaft, enjoys increased reliability in a strong-shock work environment.  相似文献   

新世纪以来,北京儿童图书出版迎来了新的发展,北京各家出版社都看好越来越大的儿童图书市场,纷纷瞄准了儿童图书的出版,于是原来少儿图书出版这块蛋糕主要由几家专业少儿社来切的局面被打破,而代之以群雄奋起。具体来说,新世纪北京童书出版主要呈现四种特点:一是在商业化语境下也走向了市场运作的道路,童书出版与传媒炒作亲密结合;二是经典童书的重复出版而原创童书出版不足;三是童书出版与家庭教育、学校教育密切结合;四是在多元化中逐渐走向儿童本位。  相似文献   

The structure stiffness of presses has great effects on the forming precision of workpieces, especially in near-net or net shape forming. Conventionally the stiffness specification of presses is empirically determined, resulting in poor designs with insufficient or over sufficient stiffness of press structures. In this paper, an approach for the structure design of hydraulic presses is proposed, which is forming-precision-driven and can make presses costeffective by lightweight optimization. The approach consists of five steps:(1)the determination of the press stiffness specification in terms of the forming precision requirement of workpieces;(2)the conceptual design of the press structures according to the stiffness and workspace specifications, and the structure configuration of the press;(3)the prototype design of the press structures by equivalently converting the conceptual design to prototypes;(4)the selection of key structure parameters by sensitivity analysis of the prototype design; and(5)the optimization of the prototype design. The approach is demonstrated and validated through a case study of the structure design of a 100 MN hydraulic press.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的迅速拓展,矿业图书馆的采访工作面临着新的挑战,为了适应新的发展形势,应通过调查研究确定馆藏体系,保证特色、突出重点,加强矿业图书馆间的合作、实现资源共享。  相似文献   

在全面推进依法治国的背景下,对政府购买教育服务进行法治化,首先要确保政府购买教育服务在法律范围内展开,这是政府购买教育服务法治化的根本准则;其次要确保通过立法、司法及公民权利等法治手段控制政府购买教育服务权,这是政府购买教育服务法治化的治本之策;最后要确保对政府购买教育服务活动中的违法主体实施民事、行政和刑事制裁,这是政府购买教育服务法治化的内在要求。由此构架了政府购买教育服务法治化的基础内容。  相似文献   

高校集中采购的实践与探索   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
结合浙江师范大学成立集中采购机构,将全校物资实行集中采购的实践和取得的成效,阐述了高校成立集中采购机构的必要性,并针对采购中出现的问题,提出了进一步完善高校集中采购的对策和建议。  相似文献   

In July 1989 the special school where I was head was closed down and I found myself appointed to run a small ‘behaviour support service’ which was to provide support to secondary schools in South Cambridgeshire and to make (or purchase from an external provider) a very small amount of ‘alternative provision’ at KS4 (maximum 10 places). The early days of the service were an unmitigated disaster. As I slowly began to understand what the service needed to provide, I wanted to study further the role which an external (to the school) support teacher might provide which would enable schools to work effectively with ‐ or, at least, not exclude ‐ potentially difficult to manage students. This article describes briefly a piece of research which I have carried out into ‘behaviour’ support work in secondary schools which looks at the role which is effective from a support teacher's view and also at that which heads/senior managers are willing to purchase ‐either directly or by endorsing the LEA's ‘top‐slicing’ of its potential schools budget.  相似文献   

英语中的性别歧视论略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言是价值观的载体,同时又影响人们的思维.文章探讨英语中隐藏的对女性的语言歧视,从历史语言学及社会语言学角度对这一现象进行追溯和分析,这一问题也引起了女性组织、政府部门、出版行业等的关注,当今西方社会的语言正确运动的出现也是源于此.  相似文献   

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