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Pre- and postpubertal play soliciting behavior was observed in intact males, castrate males, sham-operated males, and female controls. Although play soliciting decreased markedly with age in all groups, male treatment groups did not differ reliably on pre- or postpubertal tests. Males, however, engaged in reliably greater play soliciting than females on all measures in both preand postpubertal tests. These results suggest that the major decrease in social play associated with the attainment of sexual maturity is apparent in the play soliciting behavior of both sexes and may be attributed to maturation effects other than that associated with gonadal hormones. The results are discussed in reference to organizational and activational effects of male gonadal hormones on measures of social play behavior.  相似文献   

Male and female laboratory rats invariably investigate a novel conspecific placed in their home cages. In Experiment 1, mature male rats were exposed in their home cages to active and inactive juvenile males. Inactive juveniles were pretreated with haloperidol to induce behavioral stasis in a normally upright, quadrupedal stance. In repeated daily observations, males exposed to active juveniles displayed significantly longer intervals of investigation than did males exposed to inactive juveniles. In Experiment 2, mature males and females were repeatedly exposed to active and inactive castrate females. Males investigated significantly longer than did females, active female castrates were investigated significantly longer than were inactive female castrates, and sex of subject interacted significantly with activity-nonactivity of the social stimulus animal. In Experiment 3, mature males and females were repeatedly exposed to active and inactive castrate males. Males investigated significantly longer than did females, active male castrates were investigated significantly longer than were inactive male castrates, and sex of subject interacted significantly with activity-nonactivity of the social stimulus animal. The results demonstrate that sexual dimorphism in persistence of social investigation may be interpreted as a sex difference in response to normal movement cues of a stimulus complex characterizing a conspecific.  相似文献   

In Study 1, a questionnaire was designed to investigate secondary school pupils' participation in, and perceptions of, playful and aggressive fighting. It was administered to a sample of 13- to 16-year-old male and female pupils who attended 5 different schools. The majority of pupils (and significantly more males than females) reported that they did engage in playful fighting. Most pupils also indicated that it was possible to tell whether other students were engaged in playful as opposed to aggressive fighting, attesting to the view that playful and aggressive fighting should be seen as separate categories of behavior. Other results converged to indicate that, unlike during the childhood years, playful fighting may be used by some individuals (especially males) to establish and display dominance positions. The responses of some pupils (again more males than females) also suggested that prowess in aggressive fighting was valued, in many cases because it deterred other pupils from directing unwanted behaviors (such as aggression and teasing) at them. In Study 2, more detailed individual interviews with 5 males and 5 females were carried out. These were used to illustrate some of the issues surrounding adolescents' participation in, and perceptions of, playful and aggressive fighting. Overall, the results of both Study 1 and Study 2 supported the hypothesis that some bouts of playful fighting are used during adolescence to settle dominance disputes. Results also suggested that aggression may be introduced into bouts of playful fighting in order to achieve these ends. Theoretical explanations are presented.  相似文献   

In Study 1, a questionnaire was designed to investigate secondary school pupils' participation in, and perceptions of, playful and aggressive fighting. It was administered to a sample of 13- to 16-year-old male and female pupils who attended 5 different schools. The majority of pupils (and significantly more males than females) reported that they did engage in playful fighting. Most pupils also indicated that it was possible to tell whether other students were engaged in playful as opposed to aggressive fighting, attesting to the view that playful and aggressive fighting should be seen as separate categories of behavior. Other results converged to indicate that, unlike during the childhood years, playful fighting may be used by some individuals (especially males) to establish and display dominance positions. The responses of some pupils (again more males than females) also suggested that prowess in aggressive fighting was valued, in many cases because it deterred other pupils from directing unwanted behaviors (such as aggression and teasing) at them. In Study 2, more detailed individual interviews with 5 males and 5 females were carried out. These were used to illustrate some of the issues surrounding adolescents' participation in, and perceptions of, playful and aggressive fighting. Overall, the results of both Study 1 and Study 2 supported the hypothesis that some bouts of playful fighting are used during adolescence to settle dominance disputes. Results also suggested that aggression may be introduced into bouts of playful fighting in order to achieve these ends. Theoretical explanations are presented.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to examine the relationships among the sexual cycle of the female, sex pheromones, and the agonistic behavior of male rats. Data suggest that the presence of an inaccessible sexually receptive female provokes increased intermale fighting. The present research investigated the possibility that a sex pheromone from the female mediates the change in male hostilities. In Experiment 1, a combination between-subject and within-subject design was used to expose half the males to the female by several sensory modalities. The other males were exposed to the female primarily by olfaction. In Experiment 2, a completely between-subject design was used to expose some males only to the soiled bedding of the female. The results suggest that olfaction is sufficient to increase the male’s aggressiveness in the presence of an estrous female, although additional sensory input, such as the female’s movements, may be necessary to produce the full aggression-inducing effect.  相似文献   

Play fighting is a common form of play reported among species of mammals, birds, and some other taxa. The competition present in play fighting revolves around gaining some advantage, such as biting a partner without being bitten. The behavior simulated during play fighting need not be restricted to that present in adult serious fighting, but can involve competitive interactions derived from amicable behavior, such as sex and social grooming, or from nonsocial competition, such as predation. What unifies play fighting, irrespective of the functional behavior being simulated, is that it involves some degree of reciprocity, or turn taking, that requires that the competition be attenuated by cooperation. However, there are several different ways in which cooperation can be inserted into playful interactions, and these vary in use across different species. The moderation of competition with cooperation forces animals to monitor their own actions and those of their partners, and this common feature appears to be one vehicle through which the experience of play fighting in the juvenile period can train animals for greater psychological resilience. The monitoring and contextual adjustment of actions influences the development of executive functions of the brain, which, in turn, leads to the development of more adaptable adults.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of rearing and housing manipulations on the affiliative behavior of male and female rats. Animals were tested in same-sex pairs in an open field for time spent in contact and for socially facilitated activity. The results revealed a sex difference in both the degree and the form of affiliative behavior of rats. In general, males were more affiliative and more responsive to a second animal. Males engaged in more rough-and-tumble play, whereas females spent more time in social grooming. Housing conditions of adult animals and rearing conditions were found to influence the degree to which males engaged in male-like affiliative behaviors and females engaged in female-like affiliative behaviors. Social behavior appears to be a function of the interaction between the affiliative repertoire of the animals involved, the nature of the social stimulus, and the features of the environment.  相似文献   

Male and female rats were weaned at 14 days of age and raised in social isolation or with three other animals. At maturity the male isolates displayed less male sexual behavior than the socially reared Ss. Female isolates, after ovariectomy and injection with androgen, exhibited much less male sexual behavior than control females similarly tested. After being brought into estrus by injections of estrogen and progesterone, the female sexual behavior of female social and isolate Ss did not differ. Data were interpreted as indicating that social isolation during development deprives rats of critical experiences necessary for development of appropriate responses to social stimuli eliciting male copulatory behavior in both sexes.  相似文献   

The waning of aggressive behavior in two groups of community-housed maleBetta was studied by observing incidences of display and fighting behaviors. In Experiment 1, observations were made during the establishment of a community, while it was maintained at a stable size, and during systematic removal of the dominant (alpha) males. Experiment 2 investigated the aggressive interactions of males in a stable-sized population, maintained for a period of 10 weeks. The results indicate that prolonged periods of constant conspecific exposure do not necessarily result in a significant attenuation of display behaviors. The data further indicate that the social organization (as determined from aggressive interactions) appears to be one in which the top- and bottom-ranking males are clearly defined. It is suggested that the maintenance of aggressive behavior among community-housed maleBetta may well be related to their social position.  相似文献   

Adult Syrian hamster females (Mesocricetus auratus) learn to discriminate against familiar heterospecific males (Turkish hamster, M. brandti). We investigated whether females learn to avoid any heterospecific male after exposure to just one heterospecific male. We predicted that, after being exposed to one heterospecific male, a female would avoid mating not only with that familiar male but also with any unfamiliar heterospecific male. We exposed females to a heterospecific male across a wire-mesh barrier for 8 days and then paired the female with (a) that same heterospecific male or (b) an unfamiliar heterospecific male. Females exhibited lordosis faster and for a longer duration toward the unfamiliar than toward the familiar heterospecific male. However, females were similarly aggressive toward familiar and unfamiliar heterospecific males. Perhaps exposure to stimuli from several heterospecific males (a likely scenario in the wild) would result in females behaving similarly toward familiar and unfamiliar heterospecific males.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of preweaning and juvenile experiences on adult maternal behavior, two experiments were completed. In Experiment 1, pups were separated for long periods or short periods or were left undisturbed over the 1st week. Following weaning, the rats were exposed to foster pups over a 5-day period or were left undisturbed. There were no effects of early experience on juvenile behavior. In adult postpartum maternal tests, short separations reduced latencies to express maternal behaviors, whereas long separations combined with juvenile exposure to pups increased latencies. In Experiment 2, pups were separated for long periods or were left undisturbed over the 1st week. Following weaning, the rats were exposed to foster pups for 4 days or 8 days or were left undisturbed. Long separation retarded maternal responding in juvenile animals but had no effect on the adults. Four days of juvenile experience had negative effects on adult behavior, whereas 8 days did not have an effect.  相似文献   

A sample of adults (N = 44) was shown an edited videotape of episodes of playful and aggressive fighting involving middle school pupils that had previously been shown to a sample of 8 and 11 year‐old children. Each participant was asked to say whether she/he thought each episode was playful or aggressive and then to give the reasons for her/his choice. The majority view of the adults’ perceptions of the episodes matched the majority view of the children. As individuals, all 20 of the males and 22 of the 24 females showed significant agreement with the standard view of these episodes. Overall, the adults made significantly fewer errors than the 8 year‐olds had done, but did not differ in this respect compared to the 11 year‐olds. Adult males in this study were more likely to mistakenly view aggressive episodes as playful than to mistakenly view playful episodes as aggressive, with the opposite being the case for adult females. Among the adults, the most frequently reported criteria for deciding upon the nature of the episodes were the nature of the physical actions, inferences about action/intent, facial expressions, and whether the children in the episodes remained together or separated after the interaction. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for playground supervision and behaviour management.  相似文献   

Studies of the social learning of courtship behaviors and mating preferences of brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) are reviewed. Earlier work has suggested that cowbirds from behaviorally distinct populations mate preferentially with others from the same population. Studies are described which indicate that patterns of courtship behavior that differ by population can be socially transmitted across generations are described. Social background affects male songs, female preferences for males as mates, and courtship interactions between females and males. Thus, social traditions influence mating decisions and may, ultimately, impact reproductive success in this species. Recent work on possible social mechanisms involved in the ontogeny of courtship behavior is described. The implications of these findings are discussed, and future research directions are suggested.  相似文献   

The duration of active social investigation by sexually mature male rats, following exposure to a novel conspecific, was investigated to assess the influence of former social experience. In Experiments 1 and 2, pretest social isolation of older males with extensive heterosexual experience and of younger males with limited heterosexual experience failed to affect their subsequent persistence in social investigation. Older and sexually experienced rats, however, engaged in significantly less investigatory behavior than did younger, sexually inexperienced males. Experiments 3, 4, and 5 demonstrated that this difference was associated with prior copulatory experience. A single copulatory series with either an intact female or a hormone-primed castrate female effected a significant and sustained decrease in social investigatory behavior. The results are interpreted as demonstrating a form of long-term memory for associations formed during initial copulatory experience.  相似文献   

Rats were trained in a triangular-shaped pool to find a hidden platform that maintained a constant relationship with two sources of information, an individual landmark and one part of the pool with a distinctive shape. In Experiment 1, shape learning overshadowed landmark learning but landmark learning did not overshadow shape learning in males, while landmark learning overshadowed shape learning but shape learning did not overshadow landmark learning in females. In Experiment 2, rats were pretrained either with the single landmark relevant or with the shape relevant, in the absence of the alternative cue. Final test trials, without the platform, revealed reciprocal blocking only in females; in males, shape learning blocked landmark learning, but not viceversa (Experiment 2a). In Experiment 2b, male rats received a longer pretraining with the single landmark relevant, and now landmark learning blocked shape learning. The results thus confirm the claim that males and females partially use different types of spatial information when solving spatial tasks. These results also agree with the suggestion that shape learning interacts with landmark learning in much the same way as does learning about any pair of stimuli in a Pavlovian conditioning experiment.  相似文献   

Objective: An investigation was conducted into whether child protection investigators, specifically social workers and the police, are as likely to take seriously a case of child sexual abuse if it had been perpetrated by a female rather than a male. Also, to examine whether the decisions relating to female-perpetrated abuse were predicted by participants’ sex role perceptions of women and their attitudes concerning women’s sexualized behavior towards children.Method: Participants advocated decisions in response to four hypothetical case of child sexual abuse in which the perpetrator was either male or female. The female perpetrators were then rated on femininity and masculinity characteristics and attitudes concerning women’s sexualized behavior toward children were assessed.Results: Following male—rather than female—perpetrated sexual abuse, case registration and imprisonment of the perpetrator was considered more appropriate by all participant groups; male social workers also considered social services involvement and investigation as more appropriate. A substantial number of decisions concerning female perpetrated abuse were predicted by participants’ attitudes.Conclusion: While child protection professionals considered child sexual abuse perpetrated by females to be a serious issue warranting intervention, a number of advocated decisions suggested that they did not consider female-perpetrated abuse to be as serious as male-perpetrated abuse. The implication is that victims of sexual abuse perpetrated by a woman may be less likely to receive the protection afforded victims of male-perpetrated abuse. Furthermore, professionals’ practices may be inadvertently perpetuating the view that female child sexual abuse is rare or less harmful than abuse carried out by males.Spanish abstract was not available at time of publication.  相似文献   

The domestic dog is an ideal model species in which to study the genetic and environmental factors that influence play behavior. Dogs exist in a wide variety of breeds and frequently engage in multiple forms of play. In the present study, we investigated whether the levels of solitary and social play differed between dogs of three breed types with distinct predatory motor pattern sequences (herding dogs, retrievers, and livestock guarding dogs [LGDs]). Furthermore, we investigated how environmental factors (social and nonsocial contexts) influenced play in dogs of these breed types. Groups of breed-matched dyads with working experience and of equivalent age, sex, and neuter status ratios were exposed to four experimental test conditions and two control conditions in randomized orders. With respect to solitary play, environmental context did have a significant effect, with toys reliably producing the highest levels of solitary play across all breed types. Retrievers engaged in significantly higher levels of solitary play overall than LGDs, and there was a trend in comparison to herding dogs. In contrast, neither environmental context nor breed had a significant effect on social play levels; however, neuter status of the dyads did have a significant effect on social play, with mixed-status dyads engaging in significantly higher levels of social play than same-status dyads. Our findings provide experimental evidence for identifying proximate, environmental stimuli that reliably facilitate social and solitary play and discuss possible genetic (i.e., breed type) and lifetime influences on the form of play in domestic dogs.  相似文献   

Mating behavior of male and estrous female rats was observed in a large cage through three ejaculatory series. Movement, 22-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations, sexual behavior, and distance between animals were studied during the postejaculatory interval (PEI) to help establish how copulatory contact is maintained and reinitiated for successive ejaculations. Females moved more than males throughout the three series. The duration of vocalization by the male during the PEI increased in the presence of an experienced female. During the male’s vocalization, the rats exhibited a period of immobility that usually began with the experienced female’s terminating contact by moving away from the male and ended when the female reinitiated contact by moving toward the male. Virgin females did not show this pattern of movement. Experienced females maintained a greater distance from the male during the PEI than did virgin females. We conclude that the behavior of the experienced estrous female assures both considerable spatial separation during the male’s refractory period and the reinitiation of contact.  相似文献   

A study was performed in which attacks by four different types of “resident” rat (males housed with fertile females, males housed with sterile females, paired males, and isolated males) on six different types of intruder (isolated males, grouped males, castrated males, isolated females, grouped females, and ovariectomized females) were investigated. The objective was to study features of resident and intruder rats that would allow the designing of an aggression test that used a minimum of animals and produced a rapid behavioral response. In some combinations of residents and intruders, attack was generated within a 10-min test period. Isolated resident males attacked as much as males housed with females; however, paired rats showed only low incidences of attack. The fertility of the female partner did not influence the male’s aggressiveness. Most male attacks were directed towards like-sexed intruders. Only isolated males differentiated between the different treatment types of male intruder, attacking group-housed and castrated rats less intensely than isolates. Of the females, only those that were fertile produced significant amounts of attack behavior and almost exclusively attacked female intruders. Group-housed intruder females received more attacks than isolates. The results suggest optimal conditions for generating two models of attack behavior in the laboratory rat.  相似文献   

Infants who failed to complete a 2-day operant-conditioning task were compared with a stratified random sample of those who did on measures of infant temperament and several demographic characteristics. A discriminant-function analysis revealed that female infants who cried differed from female infants who did not cry on measures of duration of orienting and latency to approach sudden or novel stimuli. Reliable prediction of crying and noncrying could not, however, be made for males. No sex differences emerged in the incidence of crying or in the number of sessions completed. Partially successful females (i.e., those completing 1 of the 2 sessions) could reliably be discriminated from those who cried during the first session on measures of age at testing and maternal ratings of smiling behavior. The results of this study suggest that, as with habituation studies, subject loss in operant-conditioning studies is influenced by individual differences among the infants which may or may not adversely affect external validity.  相似文献   

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