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岗位流动——实现图书馆员良性循环的最佳策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期以来,在图书馆的岗位分工管理体制中,许多图书馆基本沿袭了岗位终身制.一个图书馆员在一个岗位一干就是几年十几年,甚至是几十年。这是由于图书馆工作的惯性始然。图书馆员岗位分工的固定化,有利于馆员熟悉环境和业务,有利于工作的连续和稳定。但面对现代化图书馆的发展,这种固有的模式已越来越成为束缚和制约图书馆员工作积极性和创造性的桎梏.也成为图书馆人才流失的主要原因之一。为此笔者认为,在实行馆员岗位大致固定的基础上,适时地进行岗位流动,是实现图书馆员良性循环的最佳策略。  相似文献   

1月-2月:安徽大学图书馆根据学校的统一安排完成新一轮9个职位的部室主任岗位竞聘和全员聘任工作。  相似文献   

管理是组织的核心,而激励是管理的核心。在图书馆工作中实行激励管理是激发图书馆活力。使之发挥其特定社会效能的有力手段。因此,要始终如一地抓住激励这个龙头,实现管理的效益。在图书馆中,馆藏文献是客观实体,有价值但不能创造价值。只有通过图书馆人员的工作把文献传输给读者,使读者汲取文献中的科学文化知识,并将这些知识应用于社会生产实践,这样,科学文化知识才能转化为社会生产力,创造社会价值。很明显,图书馆社会价值的体现,首先是联系文献实体和读者实体的中介——图书馆员所做的工作,其次才是读者化知识为力量创造社会价值。所以,在图书馆工作诸因素中,起决定作用的因素是图书馆员。增强图书馆活力,提高图书馆的社会地位,使之发挥其应有的  相似文献   

实行目标责任管理提高编目工作效率   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘如 《图书馆》2003,(5):71-73
本文介绍了浙江图书馆采编部工作实行目标责任管理后,通过实行定岗定编、岗位竞聘,制定管理条例与规则规定,改革业务流程,实行零差错率管理,建立考核制度,加强业务建设,加强思想教育几方面的工作提高了编目工作效率。  相似文献   

本文介绍了图书馆竞聘上岗的基本原理,分析了实行竞聘上岗的必要性和必然性,对岗位竞聘工作涉及到的规范操作问题.岗位的层次结构问题.竞岗者的评价问题.竞聘上岗机制与人才培养问题,岗位待遇以及聘后管理问题都作了较为深入的探讨和研究。  相似文献   

论图书馆岗位轮换——实现图书馆员良性循环的首选   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
图书馆现有岗位分工体制严重制约着图书馆员的工作积极性和创造性。文章从馆员的工作需求和心理需求等方面,论述了图书馆岗位轮换的必要性和重要性,并结合实际提出岗位流动的具体原则和方法。  相似文献   

基于知识管理的图书馆的存在形态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章通过对图书馆知识管理的理念和实践的分析,认为未来图书馆的信息纪录形态的数字化,只有加强知识管理,重视对知识的组织和控制,才能提高知识产品的经济性和质量;只有加强知识管理,才能激发图书馆员的隐性知识,发挥图书馆员潜在的创新能力和工作效率。图书馆的创新,包括知识的理论创新、技术创新、组织创新。通过创新,知识管理将是图书馆管理变革的有效途径。  相似文献   

图书馆岗位轮换有利有弊,并非实现图书馆员良性循环的首选。科学设岗、实行岗位管理、竞聘上岗是实现图书馆员与岗位匹配、岗位与职责相符的最佳依据。  相似文献   

浅议对图书馆员的激励措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
无论热心关注图书馆事业发展的读者,还是图书馆业内人士。都清楚就职于图书馆各岗位的同志大都具有一定的思想政治素质、文化理论功底和实际工作水平。但实际运行当中,图书馆内部人浮于事,串岗混岗,不专业务,管理乏力现象相当严重。如何激励图书馆员的问题非常现实地摆在了大家面前。该怎样采取相应措施?笔者认为必须坚持“与时俱进”。从岗位性质、人的本性、社会特征等多方面入手考虑。  相似文献   

文章通过对岗位轮换制与岗位竞聘制的分析比较,论述了岗位竞聘制是图书馆人事制度改革最佳方案。  相似文献   

图书馆的公共性和图书馆学家   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈霞 《图书馆》2007,(3):44-46
文章论述了公共性是图书馆的根本属性,公共图书馆的公共属性尤其重要,作为理论家和事业家的图书馆学家都要努力倡导和实践图书馆的公共性。  相似文献   

以人为本,服多创新——图书馆可持续发展之根本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭焰 《图书馆》2006,(5):77-79
本文试图从人文的视野对图书馆进行一些理性的思考和探讨,分析图书馆事业发展中遇到的问题,呼吁图书馆人扬起图书馆人文主义大旗,倡导“以人为本,服务创新”,真正实现图书馆的社会价值,推动图书馆的可持续发展。  相似文献   

This study sought to describe library value as seen through its various contributions to the mentored undergraduate research experiences of students in the arts, humanities, and social sciences at Hope College. Concurrently, it explored new opportunities for how librarians might become more directly connected with students involved in this hallmark of the academic program. Findings were intended to both highlight existing library contributions and initiate a well-informed movement toward aligning library priorities and with the greater institutional academic mission.  相似文献   

人文关怀观照下的高校数字图书馆建设解读   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
万进 《图书馆》2007,(4):64-66
数字图书馆人文精神的核心和归宿点是人文关怀。我国高校数字图书馆建设取得斐然成效的同时,也存在着人文关怀缺失的问题。倡导技术与人文关怀的融合、促进“人本”管理、开展个性化服务以及建立科学的人文关怀评价机制等能促进高校数字图书馆建设的健康和持续发展。  相似文献   

医学图书馆学学科体系构建研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从医学图书馆学的体系结构、研究内容、研究任务、研究方法、学科属性与特点以及医学图书馆学与其他学科之间的关系等方面探讨了医学图书馆学学科体系的构建,提出了循证医学图书馆学、循证医学图书馆事业、循证医学图书情报工作实践和转化医学图书馆学等新分支学科,希能抛砖引玉,藉此推动医学图书馆学学科建设和医学图书馆学研究与实践.  相似文献   

Library development in Bangladesh is closely related to the development of library education in the country. The rapid growth of libraries in the mid-twentieth century resulted in the need to initiate education and training programs for library professionals. Library Science training began in 1952 with a three-month training program for library staff at Dhaka University Library. This led to the establishment in 1959 of a one-year post-graduate diploma course at Dhaka, with Masters and Doctorate degrees being added later. Since being instituted, these programs have produced 1,081 post-graduate diplomas, 815 Masters degrees and four Ph.D's. From the 1960s to the 1980s, library staff training programs also began to be offered by what is now the National Administration Education Management, the Bangladesh Library Council, four teachers training colleges and the Library Association of Bangladesh. The present state of the 19,130 libraries in Bangladesh is discussed in relation to their total personnel of 7,789. To deal with this shortage of professional, trained library personnel, a nationwide policy for a network of library systems and the expansion of current library education programmes by instituting departments of Library and Information Science in all general universities is proposed.  相似文献   


This article proposes several ways to initiate or update legal research training for attorneys in a law firm library. It is written from the perspective of the solo librarian and focuses on small, doable projects. Large-scale programs are introduced with some issues that need to be addressed by the librarian and the firm administration.  相似文献   


A research project was undertaken by a university library system to develop a sustainable user experience strategy. A task force was convened to conduct a pilot project with members from both libraries in the system to assess staffing responsibilities, guidelines, processes, and data-gathering procedures. The team tested an electronic resources list common to both libraries. In describing the methods employed by the task force in their research, this article outlines the benefits and drawbacks of staffing configurations to initiate user experience practices in an academic library setting.  相似文献   

Book reviewing is a special reader service of the library. A certain tendentious book reviews should be collected, classified, catalogued, compiled and then opened them up before the reading public so as to initiate the readers interest and guide them to read. also the retrieval devices should be worked out and a Chinese book reviewing system should be set up and perfected step by step.  相似文献   

Library literature about engagement has drawn from business marketing practices for years which has unsurprisingly influenced our approach towards social media communication. This article will evaluate how continuing this practice without a critical evaluation of the ethics behind marketing practices is contradictory to our institutional values. The principles discussed in this article may be useful for current library workers and administrators looking to engage in reflective practice in their outreach efforts. In response to the pervasiveness of marketing culture in library outreach our field has an obligation to support and encourage authentic interactions with our patrons without jeopardizing what makes us different from businesses. I will explain why a marketing perspective limits our efforts, initiate a discussion about this issue, and highlight some examples of effective engagement.  相似文献   

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