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鲁迅小说创作引域外小说的炬火,又融铸了中国白描写意的手法和意境追求,开创了中国现代白话小说创作的先河。他在用小说直接为现实社会人生服务的同时,又努力使艺术与功利均衡融合,展现了高层次的美学追求。他在小说的体式上不断创新,创造了简约精深而又意境深邃的现代小说的典范。其以艺术与功利均衡融合为美、以不断创新为美、以简约精深为美的艺术追求,为我们留下了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

同为“世情小说”,《金瓶梅》是肇始,《红楼梦》是以《金瓶梅》为起点发展起来的高峰。《金瓶梅》以描写西门庆家庭的兴衰历程为主线,把错综复杂的事件和人物有机地组织在一起,构成一个完整的艺术整体,并在故事情节的发展中穿插一些重大事件的描述,从而使故事情节显现出波澜迭宕的艺术效果。《红楼梦》明显地师承《金瓶梅》的这一特点,沿着《金瓶梅》所开拓的路子继续前进并且取得创造性的成就。  相似文献   

曹禺是一个在思想和艺术上都勇于探索的民主主义剧作家,他的戏剧强烈而集中地表达了“五四”新学的主题,呼唤出被压迫的心声,以个性解放的革命民主主义力量,有力地冲击了中国封建主义与黑暗社会,在《雷雨》和《日出》中,对蘩漪和白露这类知识妇女的悲剧命运和出路的探索可看出曹禺思想和艺术探索的成就及局限。  相似文献   

魏军 《宜春学院学报》2007,29(5):112-114
文学与造型艺术关系的理论阐述中外屡见,本文拟以《神曲》为例,具体阐述古代文学作品对造型艺术的移植借用,主要从对建筑艺术、雕塑艺术、绘画艺术、变形艺术四方面入手,论证《神曲》也与现代派文学作品一样注重综合艺术的创新。  相似文献   

王实甫《西厢记》与汤显祖《牡丹亭》都是中国古典戏曲的名著,但是由于作家艺术个性的差异,他们在抒情艺术上风格不同。王实甫《西厢记》真实描绘了人物情感产生的过程和复杂的现实关系,细致地揭示人们的内心世界,抒情艺术带有鲜明的写实的倾向;汤显祖《牡丹亭》创造了突破生死的戏剧境界,以表达不同寻常的激情,明显具有浪漫主义的艺术特征。  相似文献   

本文通过艺术范型、艺术心理、歌诗视角等对钱锺书《诗经》艺术研究 进行评介,用意在于说明只有丰厚的研究资源,独特的研究视角和运用综合型的研究方法,才能使古老的《诗经》学得到新生。在新世纪来临之际,《诗经》研究出路何在,已成为学界关心的话题之一,钱先生的研究会给我们以益人神智的启示,其不足也可作为我们的前车之鉴。  相似文献   

从人物形象塑造以及抒情方式、细节描写、结构、风格等艺术侧面将《田野的风》与无产阶级学名《毁灭》、《铁流》进行多方位比较,以从中窥测20年代中国革命学在早期世界无产阶级革命学范围内所达到的艺术水准。  相似文献   

《远大前程》和《了不起的盖茨比》虽然产生于不同的国家和文化氛围之中,但作者都以敏锐的观察力,超前的思想意识,象征的艺术手法,正视自己的社会和时代,冷静地思考人生,揭示了资本主义上升时期的“幻灭”特征,显示出作家高超的艺术才能。  相似文献   

《诗经》中的“国风”以绚丽多彩的画面,反映了劳动人民的真实生活。时至今日,我们仿佛还能从中闻到田野的清香,听到春风拂动树叶的声音,看到蓝天绿水间一派悠闲的农作场面。《(诗经)三首》以《氓》《无衣》和《静女》三篇题材各异的作品为例,旨在使学生了解《诗经》的基本面貌和主要艺术特色。实际教学中大多数教师更多关注它们的艺术共性,相对忽视了文本的个性特点,本文仅以其中的两篇为例尝试进行符合文本个性的教学设想,力求从另一个侧面更全面细致地展现《诗经》“国风”的思想和艺术魅力。  相似文献   

先秦散以历史散和诸子散的庞大气势和精妙笔法立于中国散的源头,该着重对历史散和诸子散的高超写作艺术加以描述。  相似文献   

赵树理新评书体小说的艺术特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵树理所开拓的新评书体小说具有五大艺术特征:一是情节完整,故事性强;二是单线发展,扣子艺术;三是团圆主义,喜剧风格;四是言行画人,绰号手法;五是群众语言,“说”的学。  相似文献   

From a review of the literature, it is concluded that (i) each form of pupil absenteeism relates to a heterogeneous group of children; (ii) because of such heterogeneity, those who are involved in assessment and intervention in relation to pupil absenteeism are faced with a demanding task; (iii) as a consequence of their education and training, educational psychologists (EPs) have the appropriate knowledge and skills for dealing with pupil absenteeism at both the individual and group level; (iv) with respect to dealing with pupil absenteeism, EPs could make and have made a contribution; (v) EPs have the necessary experience of working at a multi-agency level and, in connection with pupil absenteeism, have worked not only with the children and their parents but also at both whole school and multi-agency levels; and (vi) EPs have already demonstrated in the literature that they have much to offer in this important and demanding area.  相似文献   

通过实验探析太极拳“逆腹式呼吸”锻炼对大学生有氧代谢及运动能力的影响.实验结果显示:太极拳“逆腹式呼吸”锻炼前后肺活量和1000m(男)、800m(女)的成绩显著提高,且女大学生的提高比男大学生明显.提示:太极拳“逆腹式呼吸”锻炼可明显改善大学生的有氧代谢及运动能力.  相似文献   


We want children to WANT to learn. Since they have a natural curiosity about so many things in their world, it is only right to base our teaching strategies around this curiosity. If we disguise our teaching objectives as child-centered activities, our students will soon realize that learning is fun and not something to dread. People often have a natural bond with animals, especially with cats and dogs. We have used technology to support our students' inquiry as they observed a puppy and kitten throughout several months. By linking technology with our county objectives, the Maryland School Performance Assessment Program science outcomes (MSPAP) and the National Science Education Standards we have provided the students with an exciting, real-world experience.  相似文献   

20世纪末,美国基础教育改革向教师提出了更高的要求,教师专业化出现了一系列新特征:教师培训标准与教学要求逐渐统一;学科教育和专业教育分离,教师教育模式多样化;教师职业稳定性增加;教师待遇逐步提高。  相似文献   


Mobile applications (apps) are currently used for classroom management, communication with parents, and student learning. Although teachers have acknowledged an unfamiliarity with tools to support their selection of apps for effective use with students, they have welcomed guidance for such evaluations. Thus, we have reviewed mobile technology (apps) from a sociocultural perspective, synthesized evidence-based research, and offered directions for future research.  相似文献   

History education stakeholders in England have consistently judged that some students find formal historical writing prohibitively difficult due to the demands of constructing an extended argument. While policy makers have agreed students need support in their historical writing, recurring themes in centralised resourcing have been wastage, incoordination and replication. Furthermore, two concurrent but largely disconnected discourses have developed and promulgated initiatives relevant to students’ extended historical writing: ‘genre theorists’ and the ‘history teachers’ extended writing movement’. Despite certain goals held in common participants in the two discourses have tended to talk past one another with concomitant issues in resourcing. Unsystematic, cross-fertilisation between the discourses has led to cycles of genre theory being collectively discovered, forgotten, and rediscovered by history teachers with knowledge not being built cumulatively. Furthermore both discourses have independently developed similar initiatives in a form of convergent evolution resulting in duplication of labour. Finally, divergent evolution has occurred where genre theorists have advocated approaches that are increasingly redundant for history teachers’ requirements. A more activist stance is therefore required to ensure meaningful inter-discursive communication between genre theorists and the history teachers’ ‘extended writing movement’ to ensure efficacy in developing approaches to improving students’ extended historical writing.  相似文献   

采用教师教学效能感问卷对78名小学教师进行调查研究。结果表明各类型教师教学效能感是不同的:女教师高于男教师;高职称教师高于低职称教师;高教龄教师高于低教龄教师;高学历教师高于低学历教师。文章对此进行了分析讨论,并针对性地提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

城乡流动人口经历了城乡空间转换后,生活与工作方式及思想观念变化对家庭生活形态产生强烈影响。实证研究表明,城市七成已婚流动人口有过离婚念头,年龄分布相对均衡。小学及以下学历有离婚念头的人比例最高;专业技术人员有离婚念头的人所占比例高,社会资助收入配偶离婚风险最高;夫妻双方均迁出原住地但不在同一地离婚风险最高。应建构制度、社会网络、社会服务机构、网络媒体的调解机制,有效降低城市已婚流动人口的婚姻风险。  相似文献   

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