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张爱玲的大部分小说是以女性的情爱生活作为源题材的,情爱心理是她刻画女性形象的基本视角。本文从张爱玲《传奇》里代表性小说《倾城之恋》和《金锁记》介入,就其中女性形象的情爱心理进行分析。  相似文献   

勇于探索女性情爱的奥秘──读邢维《女性情爱的文学观照》有感孙敦修“什么是真正的爱情?怎么去追求它、获得它?什么是女性情爱世界的主旋律?如何去表现女性情爱的审美情趣?……要弄明白这些问题是艰难的,但我坚持着,一直不放弃对它们的探索。”这是邢维在其新著《...  相似文献   

陈智慧 《娄底师专学报》2004,(5):112-114,135
作为现代散文难得的珍品《不算情书》,浸透了作者最真、最纯、最浓烈的情与爱,身体的言说将女性情爱的执着专一,炽热忘我,深厚宽广,精妙幽微,曲尽其致,是女性用爱演绎了自己情感的无穷丰富,用身体铸就了爱的华章。这样的书写引领两性尤其是男性思考女性情爱的丰富博大,从而为建构未来自由、平等、人文的新型男女关系作理性的思考。  相似文献   

D.H.劳伦斯是二十世纪英国颇具争议的小说家之一,他侧重对人性中被压抑的欲望和冲动的分析,控诉了非自然化的工业文明对和谐两性关系的破坏。《儿子与情人》就是这一主旨的很好体现,本文将从主人公保罗与三位女性——母亲、米丽安和克拉拉的三种情爱关系的角度解析他所经历的复杂情感之路。  相似文献   

施叔青70年代的一组文本多以两性关系、婚恋家庭为切人点,一向以展现“女人眼中的女性世界”而著称。其作品都立足于女性的角度和立场,透过生活中男女之间的情爱纠葛来探究作为弱势群体的女性无可逃遁的困境,并对男性的专制和种种缺陷展开批判,从而传达出施叔青对于现代社会的清醒的认识和人生境遇的深层思考。  相似文献   

论梅娘小说的女性意识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梅娘的婚姻题材小说带有自传性色彩,它关注女性,同情女性,为女性的命运思考呐喊,寻求女性解放的道路;小说大胆的女性心理独白表现了作者的情爱观,具有较强的女性意识。  相似文献   

当代著名女作家方方在中篇小说《树树皆秋色》塑造了一个作为教授很年轻,但作为女人已不再年轻的女知识分子形象——华蓉,通过对华蓉故事的叙述,让我们理解了当代知识女性在情爱理想与现实生活中的错位与痛疼。  相似文献   

明清时期,戏曲艺术教化移情的效果非常突出。《牡丹亭》中杜丽娘的情梦具有显著的情爱教育效果。杜丽娘的情梦具有生理层面和幻想层面的双重意义,成为促发杜丽娘主动追求情爱实现的教育载体。杜丽娘情梦的情爱教育内涵,表现为明清女性借情梦倾诉内心对意中人的梦想,充分肯定杜丽娘以梦承载情爱理想的情爱实现方式,从形而上的意义上倡扬两性情爱之梦的真实性,成为明清女性自我价值的实现和自我存在的标志,赋予了女性精神解放的历史意义。  相似文献   

池莉20年的小说创作无论在理性内涵的拓展、艺术观念的更新还是表现技巧的丰富上,都有骄人的成绩。章从情爱模式、生存模式、运思模式三个角度分析其创作倾向。池莉的小说在情爱模式上首先肯定了女性独立的人格和价值,其次在双性关系呈现出认同、对立、和谐三种向度;在生存模式上,展示了小人物不屈不挠的活法,同时也展现了市场经济大潮中的人们感性欲望的泛化;在运思模式上,注重小说内在节奏起伏有致、叙述方式的与众不同。  相似文献   

文章通过浮士德与玛格蕾特、海伦和圣母三位女性的关系,论述其现象存在的远古文化原因和心理原因,从而揭示出浮士德对女性由肉欲情爱到理念情爱再上升为灵魂情爱的升华过程,说明浮士德精神中的“亚当”情结,以及用温柔力量来化解此情结的可能途径。  相似文献   

The education and retraining of ‘women returners’ to the labour market was an innovative development in further education in Britain in the 1980s. Fifty‐six women who undertook a part‐time information technology course at a college of further education in Birmingham were the subjects of this study. They were the respondents to a questionnaire sent to all women who had studied on the courses run between early 1987 and late 1989. A small number were subsequently interviewed. The aims of the research were twofold: firstly, to study their current employment situations and secondly to investigate the impact of employment on gender relations in the home. Almost all the women had been able to re‐enter employment, most using the skills they had learned on the course. However the course had not been instrumental in breaking down gender segregation in computing and few women worked in professional or male dominated jobs. The majority were in clerical, secretarial or administrative work, though this did mean that most had been able to rejoin the labour force at the same occupational level at which they had left. Some women, including half the black women in the study, improved their occupational position. It is argued that training for women who are in employment needs to be more available, otherwise the women in the study will not be able to progress into better jobs as their confidence grows and family commitments lessen. The study confirmed the continued pervasiveness of ideologies which prioritise men's employment and position of ‘breadwinners’ and women's continued responsibility for home and children. The conclusion of the study is that although feminists and others keen to promote equality for women in employment have made child care and more flexible working conditions the central issues, marriage and the sexual division of labour in the home, whilst equally significant, have been neglected and need to be given more consideration, both theoretically and strategically.  相似文献   

缠足这一沿袭千年的习俗被视为是对中国女性最大的戕害。然而,这一让现代人无法忍受的"恶习"在当时来看却是相当地深入人心,在长达几个世纪的时间里,它都影响着主流文化对女性的审美,甚至左右着女性在婚姻市场上的地位,吸引着女性投身于对缠足美的追求。19世纪末兴起的反缠足运动,并非一帆风顺,其主要阻力不是来自男性,而是来自缠足女性。直至20世纪30年代,仍有不少女性坚持缠足,反对放足。女性对缠足习俗的坚持,并不是完全出于对以男性为中心的审美文化的迎合,而是她们的一种自我追求,充分体现了缠足女性的主体意识。  相似文献   

文章主要以10余块留存于世的明清客家妇女参与捐田、捐款的碑刻为分析对象,探讨客家妇女的神明崇拜。明清寺庙碑刻反映出客家妇女信仰的神明涉及到不同教派神,佛教、道教、地方神均有。尽管大多数捐款妇女为本村村民及附近有姻亲关系的女子,信仰圈与社会活动圈均不大,但从明清客家妇女对社区事务有所参与,有的甚至主导了寺庙的整场捐款活动来看,传统客家妇女是有一定社会地位的。  相似文献   

自宋以降,理学贞节观便被当权者奉为规范妇女行为的伦理准则。明清时期,贞节观对于广大妇女的束缚更达到了无以复加的地步。由于甘肃政府对理学贞节观的极力提倡和家庭的传统教育,深受影响的广大妇女有的对已死去的丈夫忠贞不二、不愿改嫁,有的为保贞节而不得不选择死亡,有的未婚守贞,逐渐形成了节妇、烈妇和贞女三种类型。  相似文献   

在中国这个绵延千载的古老国度,尽管宗法社会的压迫使得女性各方面发展的能力都受到影响,但却不能压制女性特殊的艺术天才在文学中的表现。清代泰州女性文学出现了较为繁荣的局面,文章试以此现象为研究对象,从经济基础、文化背景、家庭出身等方面分析具体缘由,对这一文化现象作出比较客观的评价。  相似文献   

路遥创作的长篇小说《平凡的世界》,抒写了一曲献给传统女性的赞歌。传统女性不仅将丈夫视为人生伴侣,同时对其怀有一种母性爱。因此她们在婚姻生活中表现出善良纯朴、无私奉献、牺牲并且不求回报的特点。这种传统女性形象的塑造源于路遥所受的历史文化环境的熏陶和童年经历的坎坷。但是传统女性主体意识的匮乏,反映了路遥在女性问题上的保守性与封闭性。  相似文献   

The number of women who achieve senior posts in educational management is disproportionate to the number of women employed. This is particularly true for women in secondary education, where only about 20 per cent of headships are held by women. All the female headteachers of one English shire county were interviewed about their own experiences and views on barriers to women's progress. The interview schedule was based on the author's classification of the theories of Shakeshaft and Schmuck. The data are analysed under the headings of: overt and covert discrimination; constraints experienced within the work situation; and constraints experienced through roles outside the work situation and early career influences. The headteachers had experienced both overt discrimination and more subtle sexism and tended to meet both with pragmatism, rather than confrontation. They had avoided gender‐stereotyped roles within the work situation, and were generally free of the major responsibility for domestic affairs. As children, they had been aware of high educational expectations held of them by their parents. Supportive partnerships and minimal career breaks had been important in their progress.  相似文献   

20世纪八九十年代中韩两国女性作家作品中有女主人公的性抵抗,不仅具有可比的共同性,也有因不同文化背景而形成的差异性。这里通过比较研究,发现中国女性作家中的女主人公之所以跟别的男人上床,是因为她们表示不满或者抗议。韩国女性作家作品中的女主人公也为了抵抗,而跟别的男人睡觉。在韩国的作品里,跟中国女主人公不同的是,她们自愿当"坏女人"。  相似文献   

Although self‐directed learning is a common response for many of the 183 000 American women who are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, very little is known about the nature of the experience for them. Four themes emerged from interviews with 13 breast cancer patients describing their self‐education efforts in regard to their disease. A qualitative paradigm was used for this study with data collected using a pilot‐tested semi‐structured interview protocol. Purposeful sampling technique was employed to identify information‐rich subjects who were within three years of diagnosis and who had used self‐directed learning extensively in coping with their breast cancer. Using the constant comparative method, four common themes emerged from the analysis of the interviews. First, empowerment: the women in this study felt stronger and more in control in their breast cancer situations because of their self‐directed learning efforts. Second, connectedness: the women in this study satisfied their need for connecting with other people in meaningful ways, particularly with other survivors, through their self‐directed learning efforts. Third, selective learning: the women in this study were interested in learning about those things which directly related to their situations and which they perceived as positively influencing their ability to cope. Finally, the search for meaning: the women in this study were searching for more than just information about breast cancer. They also sought to understand why they had breast cancer and what meaning the experience should have for them in the future. The findings support prior research in regard to important aspects of self‐directed learning, women and learning and breast cancer. At the same time, the results have contributed new information about self‐directed learning in a crisis situation suggesting that in such cases the emotional context must be considered.  相似文献   

九十年代以来的女性小说一个最明显的特征就是女性意识的增强和女性自传性的书写。在文中的直接表现即是对源于女性生命意识深处的个人记忆以及个体经验的历史回顾及现实叩问,这一定意义上说明了女性解放的深入以及女性的与时俱进。文中仍然潜隐着一些传统性的因子,一定程度上显示出女性难以走出的一个怪圈。  相似文献   

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