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Ⅰ. 听力部分。第一节( 共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)听句子, 选择正确的答语。1. A. OK, I’m coming.B. No, not at all. I’ll do it.C. No, thank you.2. A. Sorry, I’ll stop.B. OK, I’ll put on another one.C. OK, I’ll do it.3. A. Don’t mind. B. Not at all, here you are.C. Yes, please.4. A. Yes, of course. Here you are.B. That’s all right.C. Is that OK?5. A. It tastes terrible. B. Have a good taste.C. Black, no sugar, please.第二节( 共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话…  相似文献   

(满分:120分)A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分)B.听句子,选择正确的答语。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.H e is short.B.H e is very tall.C.She doesn’t feel well.D.She is very young.7.A.No,you aren’t.B.Yes,you are.C.That’s all right.D.N o,you don’t.8.A.No,I don’t want.B.Yes,please.C.Yes,give m e.D.Yes,I want.9.A.You’re welcom e.B.Please don’t.C.There is no trouble.D.No,thanks.10.A.W ho are you?B.A re you Tom?C.Please tell m e who you are.D.W ho’s that?C.听对话,…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 听力(20 分) A. 听对话, 选出与图画内容相符的选项。 ( 共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分) B. 听句子, 选择正确的答语。(共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分) 6. A. I hope so. B. The same to you. C. Thank you. D. That’s all right. 7. A. Who are you@ B. Who’s that@ C. Who is he@ D. Who is she@ 8. A. I’m in Class 2. B. Yes, here you are. C. I am in Grade One. D. Yes, L- I- L- Y, Lily. 9. A. I do it well. B. I am fine, thank you. C. How about you@ D. How do you do@ 10. A. Thank you, and you@ B. How do you do@ C. I am fine, thank you. D. No so bad and you@ C. 听对话, 选出能回答该问题的最佳答案。 (共...  相似文献   

(满分:100分)Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A.听句子,选出与图画内容相符的选项。共5小题,计5分B.听句子,选择正确的答语。共5小题,计5分6.A.H ow do you do﹖B.H ow are you﹖C.That’s all right.D.Fine thank you.7.A.N o you m ay not.B.Y es you can.C.I am sorry Li M ing is using it.D.I don’t know.8.A.That’s right.B.It doesn’t m atter.C.Y es we do.D.A good idea9.A.N o.I like chicken.B.N o.I w on’t.C.D on’t be so kind.D.I am full.Thanks.10.A.Y es.It’s I.B.Y es.I am speaking.C.Y es.It’s M ary speak…  相似文献   

I.听力(20分)A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分)A BC DEB.听句子,选择正确的答语。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.It’s7:40.B.It’s Tuesday.C.It’s time to go to school.D.It’s tomorrow.7.A.Yes,I am B.OK.C.Sorry.D.Ah,really?8.A.That’s all right.B.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.听力(20分)A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分)听句子,选择正确的答语。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.Good m orning,M iss Gao。B.Class begins.C.Nice to m eet you!D.Good afternoon.7.A.No,it doesn’t.B.Thank you.C.It’s not new.D.No,you can’t.8.A.Certainly.H ere you are.B.Yes,I’m all right.C.No,you m ay not.D.Thank you.9.A.Yes,I see.B.Yes,of course.C.See you.D.G ood night.10.A.It’s Friday.B.It’s12o’clock.C.It’s M arch10th.D.It’s rainy.C.听对话,选出…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)1.____2.____3.____4.____5.____B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.Very warm.B.Very well.C.Too much.7.A.You are welcome.B.That’s a good idea.C.Never mind.8.A.That’s all right.B.I am sorry.C.I’d like a cup of coffee.9.A.I think you have a wrong number.B.Yes,I am.C.Who are you?10.A.Nothing serious.B.That’s right.C.That’s all right.C)对话理解:根据你所听到的对话及针对该…  相似文献   

(满分:120分)Ⅰ.听力(20分)A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分)B.听句子,选择正确的答语。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.H old on,please.B.Good m orning.C.No,thank you.I’m full.D.Good.7.A.It’s Sunday.B.It’s April22.C.That’s a good idea.D.It’s12o’clock.8.A.Let m e give it to you.B.Yes.H ere you are.C.Yes,you m ust.D.No,you needn’t.9.A.W hy not go?B.No,I’m not glad.C.Sorry,I’m afraid not.D.No,I don’t.10.A.Thank you all the sam e.B.See you later.C.It’s very kind …  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 听力(20 分)A. 听对话, 选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分)1. A B C D 2. A B C D 3. A B C D 4. A B C D 5. A B C DB. 听句子, 选择正确的答语。(共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分) 6. A. Certainly. What’s wrong5 B. Yes, please. C. Thanks a lot. D. No, I don’t want you to help me. 7. A. The sun is shining. B. Sorry, I don’t know the weather. C. It’s fine. D. That’s very good. 8. A. Yes, I think so. B. Tomorrow. C. No, I don’t think so. D. Li Ping. 9. A. I was a nurse.…  相似文献   

(满分:100分)Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。共5小题,计5分B.听句子,选择正确的答语。共5小题,计5分6.A.It’s three.B.It’s four.C.It’s eight.D.It’s ten.7.A.I am Li H ua.B.It’s I.C.It’s m e.D.H e is Li H ua.8.A.Thank you.B.That’s all right.C.That’s right.D.Y ou are welcom e.9.A.H er nam e is Li Ping.B.H is nam e is M ickey.C.H e is in G rade2.D.She is in G rade2.10.A.N o I wouldn’t.B.Sorry I don’t know.C.Y es I don’t like it.D.N o thanks.C.听对话,选出…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 听力。(20 分)A. 听句子, 选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分)B. 听句子, 选择正确的答语。(共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分)6. A. No. 5227098. B. This is Tom.C. I am. D. Do you think it’s me?7. A. A month. B. At half past four.C. Sometimes. D. From 4 to 6.8. A. I’ve just drunk it. B. I’ve just cooked it.C. I’ve just eaten it. D. I’ve just returned it.9. A. The same to you.B. That’s all right.C. Thank you.D. That’s very kind of you to say so.10. A. It doesn’t matter th…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 听力(20 分) A. 听对话, 选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共 5 小题, 计 5 分) B. 听句子, 选择正确的答语。(共 5 小题, 计 5 分)6. A. No, it’s not. B. Thank you. C. Not at all. D. You’re welcome. 7. A. Go down this street and turn right. B. I am glad to be here. C. Nice to meet you, too. D. How are youH 8. A. Thank you very much. B. OK. See you tomorrow. C. All right. See you then. D. That’s right. 9. A. It’s December 25th. B. It’s Tuesday. C. It’s 7:00. D. It’s Monday. 10. A. …  相似文献   

1.听力。(20分) A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题x分)辐堤壑A BC巍鲤蟾A BC蔚耐惋A BC奥夔沪A BC龚费夔4︸t︶1.()2.()3.()4.()5. () B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案(共5小题,每小题1分) 6 .A.Yes,we are.B.Yes,1 am. C .Yes,you are.D.Yes,they are. 7 .A.Goed idea. B .1 wish you haPPy·C .HaPPy New Year! D.HaPPy birthday·8 .A.That’5 all right. B .All right. C .That’5 right D.li’5 nothing imPortant. 9.A.Hold on,Please. B .Yes,I’m Me如…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 听力(20 分) A. 听对话, 选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共 5 小题, 计 5 分)B. 听句子, 选择正确的答语。(共 5 小题, 计 5 分) 6. A. It’s a box. B. It’s a hat. C. They are moon- cakes.D. They are red. 7. A. No, I can’t. B. Yes, I would. C. No, thanks. D. Yes, I will. 8. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it isn’t. D. No, it doesn’t. 9. A. No, you needn’t. B. No, you mustn’t. C. Yes, you can. D. Yes, you need. 10. A. He is a policeman. B. He is Li Hua’s father. C. He is kind…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 听力。( 20 分)A) 听力辨图: 根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____1. B CA B CA B CA B CA B CB) 情景反应: 根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分)6. A. Nice to meet you, too!B. How are you?C. Good morning.7. A. I’m all right.B. I agree with you.C. It’s a pleasure.8. A. I’m Ann.B. That is Ann speaking.C. Hold on, please.9. A. Hello, goodbye!B. Hello! I’m Jim Green.C. That’s nice.10. A…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 听力(20 分)A. 听句子, 选出与图画内容相符的选项。 ( 共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分)听句子, 选择正确的答语。(共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分) A. Yes, thank you. B. No, thanks. C. Thank you all the same. D. Thank goodness. A. Thank you. B. Yes, I think so. C. You are welcome. D. No, I don’t think it. A. Yes, please. B. Not today, thanks. A B C D E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.C. Here you are. D. You are welcome. 9. A. No, thanks. B. I don’t. C. Help yourself. D. I’m sorry. 10. A. OKI I’m very busy. B. W…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 听力。(20 分) A. 听对话, 选出与图画内容相符的选项。 (共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分) B. 听问句, 选择正确的答语。(共 5 小题, 每 小题 1 分) 6. A. Yes, I’m Mr Johnson. B. No, I’m his sister. C. Sorry, he isn’t here at the moment. D. Yes, who are youA 7. A. For about one week. B. In three days. C. At 9:00 tomorrow morning. D. Two days ago. 8. A. Yes, I saw. B. It was great. C. Yes, I like that film very much. D. No, I didn’t. 9. A. Sure. B. Don’t mention it. C. Thank you. D. Not at…  相似文献   

卷一,选择题(共 7 0 分,每小题 1 分)第一部分,听力测试(共30分,每小题1分,每小题念两遍一,情景反应,根据你听到的句子,从每小题 A,B,C  三个选项中, 选出一个恰当的应答语。1. A.She ‘s very nice   B.She’smy sister.   C.She’s thirteen.2. A.Don’;t say so   B.The same to you,   C.Thanks a lot.3. A.All right ,   B,I’m fine   C,Are you OK ?4. A.OK,   B.Yes, do it please.   C.Here you are.5. A.No I don’t think so.   B.You decide.  …  相似文献   

一、听录音,选出正确的回答。(1×5=5分)()1.A.Yes,it is.B.No,I can’t.C.Yes,there are.()2.A.I can see10.B.There are10.C.I have10flowers.()3.A.Yes,there are.B.No,I’mnot.C.Yes,I do.()4.A.That’s all right.B.That’s a good idea.C.That’s a slide.()5.A.Yes,I like.B.Yes,I do.C.Yes,I like to.二、听录音补充句子。(1×25=25分)1.It is the first the term.2.There are two,a and asitting-room.3.Nowit’s the.4.Shall we the song“Weand”now?5.you a book head?6.you ice cream?7.dothey?8.Theydon’t …  相似文献   

(满分:100分) 1.听力。(20分) A.听句子,选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共 5小题,计5分) 7 .A. Yes,it 15. C .It 8 .A.I ,5 a book. don’t sPeak B .No,it isn’t. D .This 15 ab以)k. well. No,not Yes,you at all. a了e BC D 9 .A. Thank you. How You are are you? 6ne. 1 am gladto righL see you· BC D .That’5 good. 10.A.Very well. C .Very beauriful. B .Ve叮即od. D .Mueh better. l. 4. 2. 5. B.听句子,选出正确的答语。(共5小题,计 5分) 6 .A.It’5 all right. B .Thank you,too. C .That’5 all …  相似文献   

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