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教学过程Step1.热身运动(W arm-up)1.Enjoy a song:O ld M acD onald(sing anddance after the teacher)2.D aily oral practice.(日常会话练习)。D ialogues:T:H ello。W hat's your nam e?S1:M y nam e is…T:N ice to m eet you。S2:N ice to m eet you,too。T:H ow are you  相似文献   

案例描述:T:H ello。I'm M iss Q uan.G lad to see you.Ss:G lad to see you,too.T:Today we have an English lesson.Let's befriends,O K?Ss:O K。T:W hat's your nam e?S1:M y nam e is Lin Tao.T:D o you like to play gam es?Ss:Y es.T:N ow let's play a gam e“Pass th  相似文献   

Step1.W arm-up1.Greeting.I'm very happy to m eetyou.W ould you tellm eyournam e,please?T:W hat's yournam e?Ss:M y nam e is…T:H ow old are you?Ss:I'm11.T:W ho's this boy/girl?Ss:H e/She is…2.show m e your…(复习文具),putyour…on/in/under/…yourdesk.3.Let's do.(教师通过TPR活动活跃了课堂气氛,为下面教学作铺垫。)4.Let's sing“Ten little candlesdance”.(教师从富有节奏的歌谣入手,渲染课堂气氛,用歌声将学生带入英语学习的乐园,同时帮助学生复习已学的知识。)Step2.R evision1.教师出示字母卡:Look。…  相似文献   

[案例1]这是译林版《牛津小学英语》3A教材中的一课,内容是用下列句子作简单的自我介绍:M y nam e is….I'm an E ng-lish/a Chinese boy/girl.I'mfrom…I'm nine/…M y hair islong/short.M y eyes are big/sm all.I'm thin/fat.I'm tall/nottall.在巩固阶段,有位老师是这样进行操练的:T:H ello.M y nam g is×××.W hat's your nam e?(对着一位学生)S:M y nam e is×××.T:I'm a Chinese m an.S:I'm a Chinese girl.T:I'm from×××.S:I'm from×××.T:I'm tall.(同时把手举过头顶)S:I'm nottall.(也很机灵地把手举过头…  相似文献   

教学过程课前热身:表演唱“They singhappily.”。Step1.GreetingsT:O K,boys andgirls.Today is M arch24,2004.N ow closeyour eyes.Let's waita m inute.Open youreyes.Please look atthe screen.Oh,It's2024now.Twentyyears later.(屏幕上时间飞速变化,伴随着神秘的音乐,学生戴上头饰,师也戴上头饰,时间定格在2024年。)T:H ello,every-body.I'm M issZhou.I'm48years old.I'm stillan English teacherhere.Ilove m y job.(问全体)H ow are you?(问个别)H owold are you?(指着该同学问其他的同学)H ow old ishe/she?W hat's …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.补全对话 从下面方框内选出合适的句子填入空白处,补全对话。 A : 1 B :H ello,Steve. A :W hats your nam e? B :Jim H arold. A : 2 B :J-I-M -H -A -R -O -L-D . A : 3 B :Its 62975463.A .H ow do you spell it? B.Is this a case? C.W hats it? D .W hats your phone num ber? E.H ello,m y nam e is Steve. A : 4 B :N o,itisn t. A : 5 B :Its a com puter. A :Thank you. Ⅱ.看图完成对话 1.—W hats this? — . 2.— ? —Y es,it is. —H ere you are. —Thank you. 3.—A re these pears? —N o,they aren…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.W arm ing-up1.T:H ello,boys and girls.Ss:H ello,M issLi.T:Now let'splay a gam e.Isay the sen-ences,and you do the actions.Ss:O K.T:W alking,running,jum ping,drink-ng,eating.(Ss do actions.)2.N ow let's sing a song“An apple aay”.Ⅱ.R evision1.T:Y es.A…  相似文献   

教学过程:一、Class Opening and Review1.GreetingT:H ello,boys and girls.H ow are you?C:H ello,M iss Sun.Iam fine.Thank you.Andyou?T:W hat's the date today?C:Itis…2.ReviewReview som e Chinese holidays(设计思路:简单地用英语问候,为学习新知做好铺垫。)二、Pres  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.同步阅读Passage1H ello,Im M aggie.Im13years old.I have a brother and a sister.M y brother is9and m y sister is only4years old.I like ham burgers andsalad.M y brother likes tom atoes and m y sister likes ice cream.W e have asm all sports collection.W e all like tennis.Today is D ecem ber21st.It ism y m others birthday.There s a big birthday cake on the table.H ow m uchis it?D o you know?Its7dollars.Com e to m y m others birthday partyand have som e cake.1.H ow old is M aggie s brot…  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.W arm ing-up学生演唱英文歌曲“Com e and Join intothe Gam e”.教师以一首简单的歌曲向学生问好。T:H ello,boys and girls.I'm Lily.S:H ello,Lily.T:Ilike singing and I like m aking friends.D o you like m aking friends?S:Y es.T:Let's m ake friends,O K?S:O K.T:Look,everyone has a sm iling face.W e havegreen sm iling faces,yellow sm iling faces,red sm ilingfaces,and different sm iling faces.Boys and girls,according to your sm iling faces,find your friendsquickly.Let's see who ca…  相似文献   

根据下面图画内容补全下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:W hats that?B:.A:Is it your cat?B:N o,.ItsLiM ingscat.2.A:!B:H ello,Lin H ua?A:.This is W ang H ai.B:H ello,W ang H ai.This isX iao M ing.3.A:A re those your apples?B:,they are.A:?B:They are in the basket.4.A:E xcuse m e.B:?A:A re these your books?B:N o,.5.A:?B:They re in Class Two.A:?B:They are in R ow O ne.6.A:Can you see a car in Picture6?B:,.A:W hat can you see in it?B:.K ey:1.Its,a,cat,It,isn t2.H ello,N o3.Y es,W here…  相似文献   

教学过程:Step1.W arm ing up1.Greetings.2.Free talk.H ello,I'm××.W hat'syour nam e?This is…Goodm orning/afternoon.Nice to m eetyou.H ow areyou?Look athis/hersweater/…Let'sgo to the zoo/…Open/Close the door/…犤设计意图:在课前让学生进行Free talk,复习以  相似文献   

一、教学目标1.能听懂会说本单元所学日常交际用语。2.能运用所学交际用语介绍他人和相互问候。3.学习交际用语;Thisis…G ood m orning.G ood af-ternoon…N ice to m eet you.N ice to m eetyou,too.4.认识四个新人物:M iss Li,M r G reen,W ang Bing,H elen.二、教学过程Step1.W arm ing-up1.Sing a song“H ello”.犤从儿童心理特征来讲,唱歌能使学生感到松弛、愉快、满足,产生兴奋情绪。“H ello”这首歌节奏明快,学生易于上口。在优美的旋律中不仅复习了第一单元句型,而且还激发了学生的学习兴趣。犦2.Free talk.T:H i,I am …  相似文献   

U nit1M y nam e is G ina.●单元知识点拨自我介绍用英语作自我介绍时,通常使用“I am 姓名”或“M y nam e is 姓名”句式。例如:H ello!Im M ary.(=H ello!M y nam e is M ary.)大家好!我是玛丽。询问他人姓名1.用英语询问他人姓名时,通常使用“W hats your nam e?”,答语通常为“M y nam e is 姓名”。例如:—W hats your nam e,please?你叫什么名字?—M y nam e is A lan.我叫艾伦。2.英文“姓名”三特点(1)先“名”(given nam e)后“姓”(fam ily nam e),“姓”和“名”分开书写,且首字母要大写(注:中文姓名是先“姓”后“名”…  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.W arm ing Up1.GreetingGood m orning,boys andgirls.H ow are you?…2.Sing a song“Apple Tree”(屏幕显示苹果树,同时出现音乐)3.Free talkT:H ow are you?S1:Fine,thank you.And you?T:I'm fine,too.Now pleaseintroduce yourclassm ates to m e.S1:H ello,…This is M issYang.This is…S2:Nice to m eetyou,M issYang.T:Nice to m eetyou,…(设计意图:本课所学的内容与食品有关,开头唱《苹果歌》,为本课学习作准备。通过唱歌、自由交流等热身活动,创设英语学习气氛,调整学生的精神状态。)Step2.Revision1…  相似文献   

Step1.Class O pening and R eview1.G reetingT:H ello,boys and girls。S:H ello,M iss Li。T:H ow are you today?S:I'm fine,thank you.A nd you?T:Im very well.Thanks a lot.(评析:教师用自然亲切的语言与学生进行交流,从而缩短了师生之间的距离,培养了师生之间的感情,为  相似文献   

朋友家里来做客,见面说声“H ello”喂。“H ow are you”是常规,回答“Fine,thank you”。同样一声“H ow are you”,“I’m fine,too”回答你。“Nice to m eet you”主人说,“Please,com e in”请进来。注释too的含义是“也”,also是它的同义词。如:I'mfine,too.(我也很好。)———选自《少儿英语歌谣100首》Visiting a friend@胡文彬 @胡正桁  相似文献   

tional Day in the U SA.Ⅵ.R ead and m atch.(将下面句子进行连线。)(10%)1.W hat's the date today?2.W hatare you going to do?3.W hen's N ew Year's day?4.D o you play an instrum ent?5.H ow's the w eather?A.I'm going to take a speech.B.It's M arch4th.C.It's cloudy.D.It's on January1st.E.Yes.I play the guitar.Ⅶ.L ook and w rite the w ords.(看图,根据所给单词首字母的提示,填写单词。)(15%)Ⅷ.R ead and choose.(选择填空。)(10%)()1.Y ou'd buy your m om som e flow-ers.A.good B.better C.best()2.W…  相似文献   

一、L isten and num ber.(32%)()playing the guitar()artclass()playing sports()studying English()gym class()drawing()English class()m usic class二、L isten and w rite Y or N.(12%)1.H and outthe paper.()2.C lap your hands.()3.C heck your work.()4.Line up.()三、L isten and tick.(12%)N am e A rt class G ym class M usic class E nglish classPamSandyD onnyB eth四、R ead and m atch.(18%)1.W hat's he doing?2.W hat's she doing?3.Y ou can do it。4.W hatare you doing?5.W hatare they doing?6.G ood …  相似文献   

"Who's calling?"was the answer to the telephone.“Watt.” “What is your name,please?” “Watt’s m y nam e.” “That’s w hat I asked you.W hat’s your nam e?” A long pause, and then, from W att, “Is this Jam es B row n?” “N o,this is K nott.” “Please tell m e your nam e.” “W ill K nott.” Then they both hung up and got puzzled.N otes: 1.W ho’s calling?你 是谁?(打电 话用 语) 2.W att’s m y nam e.我叫 瓦特。 对方 理解 为:W hat’s m y nam e? 3.a long pause 停了很 长时 间 4.N o,…  相似文献   

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