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性犯罪被害人司法救助研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性犯罪被害人是急需救助的弱势群体,而救助性犯罪被害人是司法机关的职责之一。与其他刑事被害人相比,性犯罪被害人精神损害尤为严重,精神损害赔偿的要求合理而强烈,为此司法机关应修改相关司法解释,赋予性犯罪被害人精神损害赔偿权。同时,在司法实践中保障她们的知情权和参与权;鉴于性犯罪被害人的敏感与脆弱性,司法机关在救助时应尊重其人格、保护其隐私。  相似文献   

对刑事被害人及被害人知情权的涵义进行了阐述,分析了保护刑事被害人知情权的必要性,并由此提出了加强刑事被害人知情权保护的若干策略.  相似文献   

现行刑事法律对被害人权益保护不够,由此引发的社会矛盾有发展成危害社会稳定的趋势。可以从保障被害人的知情权、平衡被害人的获得法律帮助权、落实被害人的自诉权、扩大被害人的求刑权、强化被害人的赔偿权、赋予被害人获得社会救助权等六个方面着手,完善被害人权益保护体系,以化解社会矛盾,促进社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

由于现行的刑事法律对被害人权益保护不足,引发的社会矛盾有发展成为危害社会稳定的趋势。本文拟从保障被害人的知情权、平衡被害人的获得法律帮助权、扩大被害人的求刑权、强化被害人的赔偿权、赋予被害人获得社会救助权等五个方面着手,完善强化被害人权益保护体系,化解社会矛盾,促进社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

对强奸被害者的社会保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何加强对性犯罪被害人的保护是当今世界各国、各地区极为重视的问题之一,在此从社会保护的角度出发,提出了一些相应措施,相信对我国司法实践有一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   

中国和蒙古国对被害人的保护在刑事实体法和刑事程序法方面都有很大差异,应当借鉴蒙古国先进的立法经验,从实体法和程序法角度确立被害人的知情权和上诉权,并进一步完善被害人的自诉权,从而构建我国的被害人权利保护机制。  相似文献   

强奸罪保护的法益为女性的性自决权,未成年人在行使性自决权时不具有充分的意志能力。与被害人具有教养等关系的行为人则可能滥用信赖关系,诱使被害人做出性同意从而攫取性利益。可以借鉴外国性犯罪立法中的滥用信赖关系制度对此类行为加以定性,从而更好地保护未成年人的利益。  相似文献   

性犯罪是司法实践中较为常见的犯罪,人们往往只关注案件的过程及结果。而很少有人去关心其中的被害人,这导致她们的利益被漠视,权利被再次侵犯。从刑事诉讼的角度提出一些加强对被害人保护的措施,以期对司法实践起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

2012年"尊重和保障人权"载入刑诉法典,但是"重视被告,忽略被害"整体格局并未得到真正改善。面对刑事诉讼过于追求破案和胜诉,忽视被害人权益的现状,有必要从被害人刑诉参与权、陈述权、知情权和权利救济制度等方面进行完善,以达到权益的平衡保护。  相似文献   

刑事案件撤销导致刑事诉讼程序终结,可能使被害人追诉请求落空,导致被害人"二次被害"。从被害人视角看我国刑事案件撤销制度,它完全就是一个由侦查机关按照行政程序作出刑事决定的过程,既剥夺了被害人的知情权、参与权,又限制了被害人获得救济权,有悖程序公正的基本要求。因此,应当借鉴域外先进做法,按照正当法律程序的要求进行改革,加强撤案过程中被害人的人权保障。  相似文献   

潘丽丽 《唐山学院学报》2004,17(1):18-21,31
我国现行刑事诉讼法提升了被害人的诉讼地位,并赋予其在各个诉讼阶段广泛的诉讼权利,但是,关于被害人诉讼权利的保护在立法和司法层次上还存在着很多缺陷。为了顺应世界人权保障的潮流,加强对被害人的权利保护,应该对此加以完善。  相似文献   

在被害人学理论研究推动下,刑事和解制度成了保护被害人利益的应因之策;这种制度为被害人提供了保护与补偿的环境,使得被害人的利益得到了最大程度的保护;与传统刑事司法相比,其最鲜明特征即被害人主体地位的回归;其两大价值蕴涵在于被害人的正义与宽容.  相似文献   

复合污染所造成的环境公害,因组合方式的多样性及对损害发生的“原因度”的差异,在实践中难以认定,进而影响损害赔偿责任的分担和受害人环境权利的保护.因此,分析复合污染的形态,揭示具有共同关联性的数个污染源的责任基础,以界定侵权人的责任,为受害人提供救济,在理论和司法实务上具有重要意义  相似文献   

相对不起诉制度是指检察机关对于存在犯罪嫌疑且符合起诉条件的案件,依其职权而做出的一种不起诉处分。消极裁决权分割、利益居先和宽严相济是该项制度的理论基础。为了使该项制度得以贯彻,必须修改刑事诉讼法,不赋予被不起诉人的申诉权,且对于有被害人的案件,检察机关做出不起诉决定前,应征求被害人意见,赋予被害人知悉权。  相似文献   

Children's narrative accounts and moral evaluations of their own interpersonal conflicts with peers were examined. Girls and boys (N = 112) in preschool (M= 4.8 years), first grade (M = 6.9 years), fifth grade (M = 10.9 years), and tenth grade (M = 16.2 years) provided one narrative of a time when they had been hurt by a peer ("victim"), and one of a time when they had hurt a peer ("perpetrator"). Victim and perpetrator narratives were equally long and detailed and depicted similar types of harmful behaviors, but differed significantly in terms of various measures of content and coherence. Narratives given from the victim's perspective featured a self-referential focus and a fairly coherent structure. When the same children gave accounts of situations in which they had been the perpetrators, their construals were less coherent and included multiple shifts between references to their own experience and the experience of the other. Children's moral judgments also varied by perspective, with the majority of victims making negative judgments and nearly half the perpetrators making positive or mixed judgments. These differences in moral judgments were related to the distinct ways in which victims and perpetrators construed conflict situations. Age differences were also found in both narrative construals and moral evaluations, but regardless of their age children construed conflict situations differently from the victim's and the perpetrator's perspectives. By integrating, within the study of moral development, children's interpretations of the social interactions that are at the basis of moral thinking, this approach brings us a step closer to conceptualizing the study of children's moral behavior.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the case study reported in this paper was to examine the accuracy of one child's account of a sexually abusive incident. The availability of an audio recording of the last in a series of abusive incidents enabled us to assess accuracy in greater detail than has hitherto been possible in forensic contexts. METHODS: Information given by the victim during an investigative interview was compared with an audio-taped record of the incident. Content analyses of the interview involved quantitative and qualitative analyses of the victim's account, and a qualitative analysis of the eliciting utterances. A CBCA analysis was performed on the victim's account to assess its purported credibility. RESULTS: Over 50% of the informative details reported by the victim were corroborated by the audio-recorded account (of which 98% were central, i.e., allegation related and 64% were confirmed by more than one source (audio-recording, suspect, witness). A total of 10 CBCA criteria were present in the victim's free-narrative account of the last abusive incident. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings confirm that children can indeed provide remarkably detailed and accurate accounts of their experiences.  相似文献   

刑事司法实践中,对于被害人有过错的案件,法院在量刑时一般会使用酌定情节对被告人予以从轻或减轻处罚。但由于没有具体的法律依据,对于如何认定被害人的过错责任以及在刑罚裁量中应如何适用,各地做法不一。本文根据刑法和民法的一般理论,结合实践,就被害人过错责任的认定和适用进行探析。  相似文献   

附带民事诉讼以解决被害人所遭受的民事损害赔偿为宗旨,能否最大限度的保障被害人的民事权利,应该成为构建该制度的一个重要标准。英美法系“分离式”的刑民分诉与大陆法系“附带式”的刑事附带民事诉讼,在解决民事损害赔偿问题上各有利弊。我国刑事诉讼法无论做何选择,都应将效率优先、权利保障以及法律统一适用三个基本原则体现在附带民事诉讼制度中。  相似文献   

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