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从改善博士生生源结构和生源水平、提高博士生学习积极性和博士生导师在科研工作中的主导性等方面入手,分析生源结构、经费资助方式及强度、招生指标等政策和措施对博士生培养质量的影响,提出通过实施改革招生政策等外生性约束措施来构建提高博士生招生质量的内生性约束机制的思路.  相似文献   

基于对博士生招生工作现状的考察分析,提出了博士生招生工作中若干重点关切问题。从实施以学科为导向的招生配置,构建奖学金体系吸引考生报考,对生源质量指标和流程控制进行比照分析设计及引入淘汰机制的倒置诉求4个方面着手进行综合论述,以确保吸引更多优质的博士生生源,提高博士生教育水平。  相似文献   

农科类博士生是国家农业科技创新的重要研究力量,肩负着培养服务于农业发展、农业教学及农业科技进步等高层次人才的需要,其培养质量直接关系到农业科技和农村经济的发展。基于农科类博士生招生质量体系构建目标、内涵及招生实际,高校应从加强学科建设、实施优秀生源培育、改革招考制度、优化招生资源配置、建立招生与培养协调机制、强化监督管理等方面,努力构建招生质量保障体系,提升农科类博士生教育质量。  相似文献   

随着开放教育的深入开展,招生宣传直接影响着生源的数量和质量。本文从不同宣传形式和宣传媒体对生源数量的影响,分析了招生宣传的效益和效力,提出了科学设计招生宣传方案、统筹推进招生宣传工作、理性选择宣传媒体、恰当合理地安排时间和经费投入的招生宣传工作思路。  相似文献   

哈尔滨工程大学研究生招生质量分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究生招生质量是研究生培养质量的保证和基础,在研究生招生规模扩大的情况下,对生源质量的分析尤为重要。通过对哈尔滨工程大学生源的量化分析,提出了如何提高生源质量的对策。  相似文献   

高校招生工作几对重要关系之我见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
招生工作是高校的一项重要工作,高校在决策招生规模、专业设置、生源结构、招生方式等重要事项时,需要郑重处理好教育资源与社会需求、标准生源质量与结构生源质量、超常规发展与可持续发展等一系列重要关系,科学构建招生培养体系,优化人才规格,促进招生、就业良性循环,并在促进经济社会发展的同时,促进高校自身的发展。  相似文献   

我国博士生招生制度系统具有多元性、相关性和整体性等特征,从现实情况来看,目前的招生制度还存在一些问题。要提高博士生招生质量就要对不利于高层次人才选拔的制度进行改进和完善。推进博士生招生制度改革,需要厘清我国博士生招生制度的系统构成和制度缺陷,充分利用招生质量评价的导向功能,切实改革完善现有的招生模式。唯如此,才能有效提升博士生培养质量。  相似文献   

贾彦彬 《考试周刊》2014,(92):155-156
招生计划的科学编制是高校招生、组织教学和进行管理活动的源头,直接影响学校的生源质量、教学目标的实现、人才培养质量的提高,以及高校的可持续发展。高校招生计划的编制工作应遵循科学性、灵活性、前瞻性、可持续性等原则,并在考虑学校办学条件、地区生源质量、高等教育持续协调发展的前提下进行科学编制。  相似文献   

随着高校招生考试制度的改革以及高等教育的大众化、国际化,如何招收优质生源成为学校发展的关键.高校应把科学发展观引入招生工作,科学定位,科学编制招生计划,制定合理的招生政策,加大国际间合作交流,吸引优质生源,走出一条可持续发展的品牌与特色之路.  相似文献   

生源质量是研究生教育工作的重要前提,直接影响研究生的人才培养质量。招生宣讲作为招生工作的重要环节,在优质生源选拔过程中具有重要作用。目前,各高校在招生宣讲中普遍存在招生宣传效率低、效果不明显的现实困境。文章系统分析了近四年浙江大学基础医学系研究生的招生宣讲策略、生源情况,总结梳理了招生宣讲管理经验,突出合理筛选、精细化服务、深入学校关系等管理措施,提升大学生招生宣讲对研究生优质生源的选拔和提高发挥的积极作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive validity of a two-step admissions procedure that included a cognitive ability test followed by multiple mini-interviews (MMIs) used to assess non-cognitive skills, compared to grade-based admissions relative to subsequent drop-out rates and academic achievement after one and two years of study. The participants consisted of the entire population of 422 psychology students who were admitted to the University of Southern Denmark between 2010 and 2013. The results showed significantly lower drop-out rates after the first year of study, and non-significant lower drop-out rates after the second year of study for the admission procedure that included the assessment of non-cognitive skills though the MMI and the admissions test. Furthermore, this admission procedure resulted in a significant lower risk of failing the final exam after the first and second year of study, compared to the grade-based admissions procedure. Finally, students admitted through the MMI and the admissions test scored significantly higher on academic learning self-efficacy and critical thinking compared to students selected by grades. The implications for higher education admissions are discussed.  相似文献   

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is the most widely used measure of managerial potential in MBA admissions. GMAT scores, although predictive of grades in business school, leave much of the variance in graduate school performance unexplained. The GMAT also produces disparities in test scores between groups, generating the potential for adverse impact in the admissions process. We sought to compensate for these limitations by adding measures of practical intelligence to the admissions process in an MBA program. We developed two approaches to measuring practical intelligence, one knowledge-based and the other skill-based. We administered the resulting measures to two samples of incoming MBA students (total N = 792). Across the two studies, we found that scores on both measures predicted success inside and outside the classroom and provided small, yet significant, increments beyond GMAT scores and undergraduate GPA in the prediction of variance in MBA performance. We further found that these measures exhibited less disparity across gender and racial/ethnic groups than did the GMAT. These findings, although preliminary, suggest the potential value of considering a broader range of abilities in admissions testing.  相似文献   

This article establishes an understanding of social cohesion in general and discusses organizations and activities that are known to promote social cohesion before introducing organizations that claim to work toward social cohesion as one of their main priorities. The Council of Europe's Directorate General of Social Cohesion represents a political organization seeking to promote social cohesion. The Jaboya Project and Field Band Foundation are social organizations with social cohesion as a priority. Although these organizations are likely to contribute to it, they cannot achieve social cohesion directly; rather, they work toward establishing conditions that are favorable to building social cohesion and anticipate the probable long-term effects of their work.  相似文献   

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