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Gerald Olson is Consultant, Division of Curriculum and Instructional Strategies, Los Angeles County Office of Education. He is also a Past President of the California Career Education Association.  相似文献   

After an overview of the situation in vocational guidance for Quebec young people, we present the results of a study of the predictive validity of the Career Development Inventory adapted for French schools in Quebec. This study demonstrates that the instrument could be used to predict student perseverance and satisfaction in their professional choices. We then present the results of a second study which verified the concurrent validity of the Career Development Inventory by comparing the results obtained using this instrument with those obtained using the Career Education Questionnaire with the same students.  相似文献   

The affinity between Field Experience Education and Career Education is obvious, as demonstrated by the way they have been combined in many college and university settings. The implications of this merger for the workplace are perhaps more significant than for the campus, as it challenges the presupposition that education and work should be separated, and challenges the way drudge work is currently being done. Finally it poses new questions for the advocates of life-long learning. The integration of education and work into single programs may well be the next major issue in the development of education.  相似文献   

美国生涯教育对我国职业教育有诸多启示,一是要树立以生涯发展和规划为核心的教育观念,二是在我国职业教育中要建立紧密联系的生涯教育系统,三是要加强生涯教育师资队伍的培训,四是要注重实现职业教育的终身化发展。  相似文献   

大学生生涯教育是与学生职业发展实际需要密切相关的教育工作,我国高校生涯教育经过20多年的发展和演变,逐步发展形成具有一定特色的教育体系,但在发展的同时也不断面临着问题和挑战。面对问题和挑战,高校应不断思考如何推动生涯教育的发展,更好地提升工作的效果,彰显工作的价值。因此,探索高校生涯教育实训体系的建设,具有现实的价值和...  相似文献   

Conclusions This country has the proven products, methods, and committed community resources to meet most of our career development program improvement and expansion needs. But career educators must be vigorous in keeping abreast of current resources and approaches. They also need to evaluate materials for effectiveness before committing time and money to their use. Career educators need to continue to spawn local innovation and creativity. Where outside resources are more practical or desirable, career educators should look to the ERIC Clearinghouse to identify new resources, and they should contact their state department of education career guidance and career education coordinators. These are often the best resources for identifying effective career development materials for use in your state.Mr. Harry N. Drier is the Associate Director, Special Programs Division, The National Center for Research in Vocational Education, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.  相似文献   

A student's expectation for a positive outcome for their future career development is referred to as career optimism. Career Services, a common university department, utilizes the social cognitive career theory (SCCT) to understand how students form career interests and make educational and vocational choices. Then Career Services can assist students in finding a career that matches their interests. We hypothesize that students' perception of the assistance provided by the Career Services department when the SCCT is applied, impacts the student's career optimism. In addition, we hypothesize, and results support, that different factors, such as a student's chosen major, impact student perception of Career Services and career optimism.  相似文献   

职业生涯教育对学生发展具有重意义,普通高中阶段实施职业生涯教育非常必。由于受观念、体制等因素影响,目前我国普通高中教育中职业生涯教育还很薄弱。化学是高中必修课程,且与社会生活联系紧密,相关职业领域广阔,在学科教学中注重职业生涯教育的渗透,可行且必。  相似文献   

Summary Career counseling cannot be neatly separated from the counseling that affects the remainder of clients' lives, and mental distress cannot be considered independent of the career which encompasses so much of an individual's world. Life is complex and includes many facets which counselees bring to the counseling relationship. Counselors must be able to deal with the major issues in clients' lives including career issues and issues of mental health. Minimum skill for counselors would include the ability to assist a range of clients and the knowledge to effectively refer others. For too long career counseling and mental health counseling have been viewed as separate entities. This view of career and mental health counseling as separate is inconsistent with the development of counseling as a profession and does not serve potential clients well.Spencer G. Niles, D.Ed. is an Assistant Professor of Counselor Education and Robert H. Pate, Jr., Ph.D. is a Professor of Counselor Education and Chair of the Department of Human Services in the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia.  相似文献   

对大学生进行职业生涯规划辅导的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业生涯规划是人生的一个必要课题,是知识经济时代和就业形势的必然要求。职业生涯规划辅导有利于培养学生的职业理想,促进学生确定职业目标;有利于促进大学生的全面发展,实现人生价值;有利于调动学生学习的积极性。  相似文献   

Conclusions In this study, support for the CIDS in use in New York State emerged from each of the user groups—principals, counselors, students, and parents. There are, however, two areas of future work that emerged from the results of this study which may be applicable on a broader basis. The first deals with the information content of the CIDS. The second relates to its increased utilization.Counselors did not give overwhelmingly high marks to the content of systems. Although counselors can do their part by letting the developers know what is good and what is not good, the responsibility lies primarily with developers and state providers to incorporate current, locally relevant information at the level of detail most appropriate for the user.Spreading the use of CIDS in a school beyond its provision for individual college and career counseling will not only help in making school more relevant to the students' life-careers, but will also provide increased access to the information and the computer for those students who might not otherwise seek it. School personnel can reexamine practices to see that full use of the CIDS resource is being made. System developers can work on the identification of model programs and the dissemination of information about them to their sites. It is hoped that with the increasing availability of microcomputers in schools, not only in guidance offices, but in laboratories and classrooms, such uses will continue and spread.Deborah Perlmutter Bloch, Ph. D., is an Assistant Professor of Educational Administration, Department of Education, Baruch College, City University of New York.Joyce Ford Kinnison is a consultant in Cary, North Carolina.This study was conducted as part of the project, Evaluating Computerized Career Information Systems for Use with Occupational Education Curricula, sponsored by the New York State Education Department and the New York State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee. Funding was provided by the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act.  相似文献   

Conclusion In summary, despite apparent changes in the recent past, women remain underrepresented in nontraditional career areas. Society continues to exert forces which restrict women's motivation toward particular options. It is hoped that the Expectancy-Valence model presented here will help counselors in their efforts to broaden women's career and lifestyle opportunities.Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, August, 1985, and at the Career Theory Conference, University of Northern Iowa, May, 1986. Address requests for reprints to Linda Brooks, School of Education, CB# 3500, Peabody Hall, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3500.  相似文献   

This article describes what qualitative career assessments are by offering a definition followed by discussion concerning their theoretical base. Emphasis is given to the use of these assessments with adult clients by describing three examples including the LCA, Career Genogram, and Life Role Analysis. Criteria for developing qualitative career assessments as well as for judging the adequacy of existing assessments are provided.  相似文献   

Summary This overview of the impact of cultural and social influences on career guidance has highlighted both commonalities and uniquenesses evident from contemporary reports on guidance practices around the world. Emphasis was placed on the critical importance of the socialization process on career development with a discussion of familial, social class, and sex-role stereotyping influences in many countries of the world. Recognition was also given to the impact of political ideologies on programs of career guidance, to the school as a reflection of dominant societal values, and to social change as a catalyst for career guidance programs.Prepared for the International Consultation Career Guidance in Higher Education 14–17 December 1981, Robinson College, Cambridge, U.K. Consultation sponsored by International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling in association with International Association of Universities.She has served as a member of the American Personnel and Guidance Association (APGA) International Relations Committee since 1976 and as chair of this committee from 1 July 1980 through 30 June 1982.  相似文献   

根据自愿报名选取大一12名学生作为研究对象,实施3周共6次团体辅导,探讨在大学生职业生涯规划教育中团体辅导的方式及效果。用《团体单元回馈表》、《团体成员回馈表》和《大学生职业生涯发展问卷》对团体辅导进行评估。团体成员对辅导干预内容的有效性、团体的满意度等方面都给予肯定。干预后学生在就业信心、职业认知、自我认识、规划认知、总体评价方面有显著提高。这说明团体辅导对大学生职业生涯发展规划教育效果显著。  相似文献   

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - We investigated the conceptual similarity and empirical overlap between the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) and the career...  相似文献   

《大学生职业生涯规划》课程是我国高校一门新型的职业指导类课程,加强《大学生职业生涯规划》课程的建设,对提升大学生个人竞争力,促进高校长期健康发展,推动企业人力资源开发,以及维护社会繁荣稳定等方面均具有非常重要的意义。本文以南昌教育学院的职业生涯规划课程建设为例,探讨《大学生职业生涯规划》课程建设的实施途径,以提高大学生职业生涯规划教育的针对性、有效性、实用性。  相似文献   

本文通过对高校思想教育工作面临的新形势的分析,从提高对思想教育的认识出发,以诚信教育、法制教育、心理教育、就业教育为新时期思想教育工作的切入点,提出了高校学生的思想教育工作的新内容。  相似文献   

Summary The continuing need and desire for assistance in planning for, entering, and progressing in a career is well-documented over the past decade. Although assistance with finding and securing a job is a part of this need, it is but one aspect of the competencies needed by students to be aware of the world of work and how this world differs from the educational world they are leaving. The ability of students to adjust and contribute to many roles in their post-high school world is crucial for a successful and lasting transition.The competencies needed by students as they prepare for and implement their transition to the occupational world can serve as the focal point of the career guidance program in the high school. Such competencies must go beyond the acquisition of occupational information and job search and interview skills. Competencies expected of students must be those that will allow them to adjust, mature, and succeed in the world of work and allow them to satisfy the multiple roles they will have throughout their careers.School counselors must become an integral part of the program to assist students to acquire and use competencies that will ensure their successful adjustment and development in the occupational world. Career guidance programs must be expanded and maintained to meet the continuing needs of students and counselors must revive or renew the competencies and the skills necessary to serve students during their transition to the world of work.Edwin A. Whitfield is Associate Director, Division of Educational Services, Ohio Department of Education, Columbus, Ohio  相似文献   

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