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美国诗人伊丽莎白·毕肖普的作品中曾多次出现大海、沙滩、矶鹞等形象,但因其节制的文风,以及作品中大海多变的形象,让人无法把握其文章的深意。本文试图通过文本细读来解析其作品中"大海、沙滩、矶鹞"所表达的思想内涵。在对海洋的描述中,毕肖普完成了对生命意义的探究,向读者展现出人生渺小中的神奇,平凡中的伟大,并帮助作者更好的认识自我。  相似文献   

伊丽莎白·毕肖普的童年充满动荡和残缺。在她还是个婴儿的时候,父亲就去世了,她的母亲因此精神失常,在毕肖普5岁的时候就被送入精神病院直至终老。对她来说,童年的这一经历给她幼小的心灵所带来的创伤是无法估量的。在《六节诗》中,她遵循了诗歌传统而严谨的六行诗体,房子、祖母、孩子、火炉、年鉴、眼泪在每一句的末尾重复出现并且不断循环。本文旨在通过认知诗学理论下图形—背景的理论以及诗人对意象所使用的陌生化的手法,将流动的意象不断变为图形来了解诗人童年的创伤及在精神上的超越。  相似文献   

自我、自由、欲望是李白诗歌的三个主题,也是理解李白精神世界的三个关键词语.李白诗中的自我,由现实自我、幻想自我Ⅰ、幻想自我Ⅱ的三重结构组成,并通过这三种自我形象的连接,对其后的思想资源加以统合.李白在与人生困境的抗争中,以各种方式表达自己的自由意愿,传达对自由经验的向往.这种对自由经验的向往,成为其诗歌感染力、震撼力的源泉.李白诗歌的欲望主题则包含了真实的生命冲动,指向他所向往的自由经验.诗人的其他政治幻想、超现实幻想都因与这个感性层次的联系,而有了活跃的源头.作为一个抒情诗人,李白的最伟大之处就在于,在一个总的来讲缺乏自由的时代,用一种非常强烈的形式表达了人类与生固有的对自由的向往,表达了即使在环境强烈压抑下这种自由欲望如何搏动而不曾妥协.这正是李白诗歌的主题,也是人类文学最重要的主题.正是这一主题将李白与后代无数读者联系在一起,使李白成为人们心底里最喜爱、最倾倒的诗人.与这种自由主题相应,李白诗在形式上也具有最大的自由感(就古典诗歌范围而言).所有这一切综合起来,便构成了作为中国诗歌史上一个特例的伟大诗人,一个无法模仿的伟大诗人.  相似文献   

新时期诗人的自我意识,简单地概括,是指诗人对过去长期以来压抑个性,束缚自由的错误思潮进行彻底地反抗的意识,是诗人发现自我,主动积极地表现自我的意识,是诗人依据诗歌的审美情趣,任凭自己的思想、情感、欲望、想象在诗的王国里自由邀翔的意识,是诗人们寻找探索真正的中国诗歌的意识。新时期诗人的自我意识,经过短暂地复归,便迅速地膨胀,继而形成了广泛的激烈的争鸣,并在争鸣中逐渐走入了现实生活。  相似文献   

李白写有大量的妇女题材诗,其诗中的女性主体往往是诗人为了排解一己的逐臣失意之憾而成为自我欲望、焦虑的转化投射,成为男性情感和欲望的象征符码.李白往往假托蛾眉诉其衷肠、释其心曲,在诗中进行自我主体性的建构.  相似文献   

正世宾在《当代诗歌的生成背景及其超越和担当》中言道:"对于诗歌美学来说,我们的目标就是要在诗歌中去除因我们人性和文化中的弱点所造成的黑暗,使人生和社会呈现出一种指向光明的趋势。它要求诗人必须超越一个普通人自我的需求、欲望和利益的自我诉说,它要求诗人在更高远的层面上代表人类的精神向现实发言,向他置身其中的个人生活和公共生活发言。"由此,我们可以见出他对诗歌精神和诗人  相似文献   

伊丽莎白·毕肖普是美国20世纪最重要的、最有影响力的女诗人之一。她继承了美国诗歌创作的传统,又在前人的基础上实现了超越。本文从诗法角度,阐述了毕肖普对美国诗歌的超越。  相似文献   

诗人的无意识领域充满了种种受到压抑的欲望,欲望的宣泄采取了艺术创作的形式,在作品中常常可以揣摩作者情结的所在.本文拟从精神分析角度,以<唐璜>为依据,对诗人拜伦的精神倾向作一简析.  相似文献   

<正>一个失眠者该如何度过漫漫长夜?诗人毕肖普给我们提供了一个特别的解决方案:发挥想象力,构建一个绮丽而隐秘的新世界,再将这个世界浓缩、凝固为一首美丽的诗。诗人乘着想象的翅膀,将天花板变为广场,水晶吊灯变为喷泉,而剥落的墙纸下面,则是一个生机盎然的世界:“遒劲的花儿与枝梗窸窣作响;/虫儿在叶底挖隧道。”这个世界让我们联想起童年时学过的课文中的绍兴小城里鲁迅的百草园:过的课文中的绍兴小城里鲁迅的百草园:  相似文献   

在华兹华斯的诗歌中,诗人强烈情感的自然流露是其主要特点。从内容上,诗人注重表现心灵中的自然,使自我情感融与人类对自然的普遍情感;从艺术上,诗人运用对时间的艺术处理,达到净化自我情感,升华为艺术情感的境界。  相似文献   

Kamala Sohonie battled gender-based prejudice to gain entry into India’s premier research institution. She went on to have a dazzling career while working with the world’s foremost biochemists at Cambridge and later became one of India’s premier scientists. Her research immensely contributed to the discipline of Nutrition and Dietetics. A socially-committed individual, her scientific projects tried to be in sync with the needs of her country. In this article, we present facets of her colourful life–her passions, struggles and ideals.  相似文献   

This paper is based on the first author’s extensive examination of her teaching and her students’ learning in a senior high school Biology classroom at a coeducational K-12 independent college in Victoria, Australia, over a five-year period. Research was guided by the following questions: (1) How can students become more aware of the specific biological terminology that they will need to use to communicate their understanding of biological concepts? (2) How can student familiarity with new biological terminology be enhanced? (3) Which teaching strategies might be most effective across the diverse range of abilities and learning styles within a senior Biology classroom? Three key data-sets ([1] Development of specific teaching procedures; [2] Student responses to using the teaching procedures; [3] Teacher journal entries and reflections) were analysed supported by Korthagen’s ALACT model. Findings support the notion that genuine educational change is linked to teacher change, driven by teachers themselves, drawing new insights into students’ learning.  相似文献   

Elizabeth Bishop was an American poet and writer and her poem The Moose is believed to be one of the finest poems written in the 20th century.  相似文献   

《史记·项羽本纪》之所以被反复重写,一是司马迁的原文本是一种开放的结构,值得后人反复咀嚼和填充;二是在不同的时代和不同的价值观下,可以从不同的视角看待历史人物和历史事件,也可以对原本忽略的人物和事件进行补充和想象。郭沫若的《楚霸王自杀》是为传统士大夫代言;曹聚仁的《亚父》则是一个被冷落、被抛弃的古代谋士的内心呓语;张爱玲的《霸王别姬》对自己角色和地位有清醒认识的女性的内心独白,是觉醒后的女性对爱情和自身命运的重新认识;  相似文献   

毕晓普诗歌中的自然情结是爱默生开创的美国自然诗歌传统的传承,也是诗人自我情感的表达方式。她以独特的眼光,内敛的情感和客观、精细的描写方式赋予自然万物新的内容,探讨自然万物存在的目的和意义,并用自身的体验来理解世界,还万物本来的样子。  相似文献   

<正>Ⅰ.General Review of Jane Eyre’s Independence Jane’s independence also has something to do with dignity.Every time she was teased by her cousin,she would resist rather than keep silent.Even when she stayed with the so-called upperclass people,she behaved without any self-humiliation.Jane’s sufferings that give rise to her independence and unconquerable spirit to stay with Rochester,Jane didn't feel herself inferior  相似文献   

<正>John Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi describes a widow,Malfi,who marries Antonio secretly because of her powerful brothers’opposition.Even though they have a tragic ending,their marriage is based on true love which could be revealed from Malfi’s braveness of expressing her love to Antonio,their determination of resolving obstacles together and their loyalty towards love till death.I.Malfi’s braveness of expressing her love to Antonio Above all,Malfi and Antonio belong to different social position respectively;however,the social class does not become a barrier between them owing to their true love.Though Malfi is a Duchess holding a high title in the society,she is brave enough  相似文献   

This study unveils a tertiary EFL reading teacher’s reader identity and its interconnectedness with her pedagogical decisions through narrative inquiry. Community of Practice was employed to elucidate the sources of this reading teacher’s reader identity and the interplay between that and her teaching practice. Findings from the categorical content analysis show that this reading teacher’s reader identity was projected through her strong passion towards reading. An interactive reading process that results in a better self-understanding is experienced through the reader’s reflection on her readings. She reified her reader identity in her teaching practice by forming a readers club. Reader (teacher)-text- reader (student) interaction is thus the most salient feature of this readers club and serves as a mediator that connects the members. Along with this feature, her competence of synchronicity with students was observed in this experienced reading teacher. Pedagogical implications concerning teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

文章运用儿童心理学和性格哲学理论从玛丽童年生活这个细微角度切入,探讨其童年悲惨生活及父母教育方式和态度是导致玛丽人格分裂,酿成人生悲剧的诱因,并在其婚姻生活中发挥着催化变形的刺激作用,最终导致个人悲剧,旨在更新更全面地理解作品的主题,唤起现代家长或存在家庭危机的家长的深思。  相似文献   

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