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用常规的方法进行电化学的有关实验,需要的仪器、药品多,操作麻烦,实验现象不明显,经反复实验研究,用音乐贺卡中的蜂鸣器进行实验,可以方便进行一系列的电化学实验。  相似文献   

应用多媒体技术优化实验教学初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验是中等学校理、化、生学科教学中最常用的媒体,由于实验条件的限制,实验的科学性、直观性、探索性和操作性的特点在教学中未能充分体现。把现代教育技术中的多媒体技术应用于实验教学,不仅能克服实验条件的限制,还能在以下几方面有所突破:提高演示实验的可见度,增强演示实验的时效性,加强实验操作的规范性、正确性,为学生进行实验设计创造条件,丰富学生的实验知识等,最大限度地发挥实验的作用,从而达到优化实验的目的。现就应用多媒体技术,优化实验教学进行探讨。a.观察实验,加深印象,激发兴趣。由于多媒体可以进行静态…  相似文献   

王高 《新高考》2007,(5):14-17
电学实验的考查是以课本中实验为原型,在实验目的、实验原理、实验器材、实验步骤、数据处理以及实验组合等方面进行拓展、延伸、变化,使电学实验试题充满新意,源于课本而高于课本,要求能灵活运用直流电路知识,独立选择实验器材,设计实验电路,获得实验结果.  相似文献   

生物学是一门以实验为基础的自然科学,观察和实验是生物科学研究的重要方法,是学生获取感性知识的重要源泉,是实施素质教育的良好切人点。在高中生物教学中,实验占有极为重要的地位。对实验能力进行考查是当前高考的重要内容之一。由于考查学生的实验操作技能目前还难以实现,因此考查的内容主要集中在实验原理、实验目的、材料用具、方法步骤、操作要领等方面,以及对实验程序、实验现象、实验结论的分析、归纳和总结及进行简单的实验设计。高考所考查的生物实验,并不局限于生物教材上所提及的常规实验,而是在常规实验的基础上,利用新教材,借助新情景进行创新实验设计,解决和探索新的问题。  相似文献   

笔者在化学实验教学中对学生进行创新教育:鼓励学生对实验仪器、实验装置、实验现象、实验结论等提出质疑,对实验方案进行“挑剔”,并引导学生进行修正和改进,设计合理可行的方案等,从而培养和提高了学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

实验分析类试题有2种题型,即解释实验现象、结果和根据实验结果得出实验结论。若题目给出实验步骤、实验结果,要求考生据此得出实验结论,则可运用实验设计的思路来进行推理,明确实验假设,找出实验变量对实验结果的影响,并加以科学表述;若题目给出实验步骤、实验结果,要求考生对实验现象和实验结果作出正确解释,则需仔细阅读题目,注意题目中给出的背景知识(包括实验原理、装置、材料试剂等)与有关信息(包括数据、图表、曲线等),结合已学过的生物学知识及其他学科的基本原理,进行推理、分析。[第一段]  相似文献   

教学中引导学生进行反思,对进一步理解实验、深化实验、完善实验起着重要的作用。通过反思可总结实验规律,优化实验方案,创新实验没计,揭示实验本质,增强实验效果。那么,物理实验之后应反思些什么呢?  相似文献   

数据库实验课程的改革与实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陈雪梅 《实验技术与管理》2007,24(11):120-122,130
为提高数据库实验的教学质量,培养学生的创新能力,适应高速发展的数据库技术需要,该文就改善实验环境、选择优秀TA人员参与实验建设、完善实验讲义内容、创建新的数据库实验教学模式、探索新的实验考核制度等几方面进行了探索与实践,并对实验效果进行了总结与展望。  相似文献   

1物理实验教学的问题和现状 过去的物理实验都附属于相应的理论课,课程中大量的实验内容是验证性(验证定理、定律)和练习性实验,因此实验方式单一。在实验课上实验册依据实验内容给出相应的仪器设备、实验步骤。教师又讲解实验中的问题和注意事项,甚至在学生实验之前,先进行一次演示。随后,学生只是依样画葫芦按已规划好的路线被动地实验,实验的目的就是为了一个实验数据:学生不会对实验现象、过程、数据进行有意识的观察、分析、推断。因此,实验不能科学培养学生的实验能力,也不能活跃学生的发散性思维,从而也就失去实验的作用。  相似文献   

对比实验是以正确的实验操作和观察的方法为基础,以实验现象为依据,对实验过程中通过人为控制所产生的两个类似现象之间的差异进行对比分析的一种实验教学过程。在对有差异的同一个实验组的两个实验进行对比分析时,要注重引导学生对实验条件的不同进行对比,对实验过程所发生的不同现象进行对比,以及对不同的实验结果进行对比。要让学生知道对比什么、怎样比、对比的结果与实验条件的变化存在哪些因果关系。  相似文献   

诠释学作为一门指导文本理解和解释的学科,在以前类似于修辞学、语法学、逻辑学,从属于语文学。到了20世纪,诠释学由一种理解和解释的方法论发展成为一种哲学理论。诠释学的哲学转向与世界意义的多元化转向并行。随着古典诠释学向现代哲学诠释学的转换,诠释学不再仅是对经典文本的诠释而具有多元化的意义,从而为自己找到广阔的诠释空间,因此在诠释学的视野下比较诗学也具有更加开放的被诠释可能。以诠释学为背景,进一步探讨比较诗学在学理意义上的可能性和可行性,便会发现:比较诗学之“比较”不是工具论意义上的一种手段而是存在论意义上的一种思维方式,从而为比较诗学学科研究提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

This study aimed to use a learning inventory (the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students, ASSIST) to measure the impact of a curriculum change on students’ approaches to learning in two large courses in a health sciences first year programme. The two new Human Body Systems (HUBS) courses were designed to encourage students to take a deep approach to learning. ASSIST was completed by 599 students enrolled in a biology class in 2006 that was part of the old curriculum, and by 705 students at the beginning and end of the new HUBS courses in 2007. Changes in students’ approaches to learning over time were examined. The ASSIST scores for both HUBS courses reflected the dominance of a surface approach, followed by a strategic and then a deep approach. However, by the end of the year, students were taking a deep and strategic approach to their studies to a greater extent, and a surface approach to a lesser extent. Moreover, students enrolled in the new course adopted a deep approach to their studies to a significantly greater degree than those studying the old curriculum. Despite the predominance of a surface approach, the results suggest that it is possible to bring about small but significant positive changes in students’ learning behaviour in a very large class through curriculum change. The proportion of students preferring a surface approach, and results showing that high performance on the final exam was significantly correlated with a surface approach, probably reflected contextual factors, including assessment, and is the focus of ongoing curriculum development.  相似文献   

Teaching practitioners in all education sectors commonly face expectations to engage in ‘learner-focused’ teaching, although the term is defined and interpreted in a myriad of ways. In higher education, some studies have examined links between learner-focused teaching and academic disciplines. This article reports on a study which investigates the ways in which practitioners in different discipline areas conceive of, and report, different approaches to teaching. For 344 lecturers in a polytechnic in Singapore, data from the Approaches to Teaching Inventory indicated that these lecturers, as a group, reported paying more attention to teacher-focused approaches to teaching. Further, lecturers teaching a subject in a ‘hard’ discipline were more likely to report a teacher-focused approach to teaching for that subject. Conversely, those lecturers teaching a subject in a ‘soft’ discipline were more likely to report a learner-focused approach. The implications of this for staff development will be discussed.  相似文献   

This paper has a limited purpose. It does not pretend to present a rigorously argued position. Rather it represents, in part, an attempt to indicate in brief outline a way in which some ideas developed in what could broadly be termed ‘the existentialist tradition’ might be brought to bear on a topic of current interest in educational theorising. This will take the form of a sketch of a critique of a currently fashionable view on the topic to be considered. But, to reiterate, what follows is a sketch, only.  相似文献   

本文原是1997年10月在南平师专举办的“世行贷款师资发展项目闽、桂、赣英语学科教学法省级研讨班”讲座稿。笔者在提出了讨论观点后,探究了主动学习的概念。根据对一组亚洲学生,特别是对中国学生的研究结果,举出了好学生在学习语言(这里指外语)时选择的手段。为了将教育的主要重点从教师转向学生,笔者认为对那些好学生的反应我们应该谨慎对待,某种学习态度的改变也许会对学习效果产生影响。在这个过程中,笔者没有忘记教师。为此,文章还列举了参加研讨班教师们提出的有关促进主动学习的建议,供大家今后能有效地进行学习者培训作参考。  相似文献   

This article tells the story of the design of Learning by Design(tm) (LBD), a project-based inquiry approach to science learning with roots in case-based reasoning and problem-based learning, pointing out the theoretical contributions of both, classroom issues that arose upon piloting a first attempt, ways we addressed those challenges, lessons learned about promoting learning taking a project-based inquiry approach, and lessons learned about taking a theory-based approach to designing learning environments. LBD uses what we know about cognition to fashion a learning environment appropriate to deeply learning science concepts and skills and their applicability, in parallel with learning cognitive, social, learning, and communication skills. Our goal, in designing LBD, was to lay the foundation in middle school for students to be successful thinkers, learners, and decisionmakers throughout their lives and especially to help them begin to learn the science they need to know to thrive in the modern world. LBD has students learn science in the context of achieving design-and-build challenges. Included in LBD's framework is a set of ritualized and sequenced activities that help teachers and students acclimate to the culture of a highly collaborative, learner-centered, inquiry-oriented, and design-based classroom. Those ritualized activities help teachers and students learn the practices of scientists, engineers, and group members in ways that they can use outside the classroom. LBD is carefully crafted to promote deep and lasting learning, but we have learned that careful crafting is not enough for success in putting a collaborative inquiry approach into practice. Also essential are fostering a collaborative classroom culture in which students want to be engaged in deep learning and where the teacher sees herself as both a learner and a facilitator of learning, trusts that with her help the students can learn, and enthusiastically assumes the roles she needs to take on.  相似文献   

Classroom stories of multicultural teaching and learning   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
This is the second of three papers based on a 20-month study of teaching and learning in a diverse classroom in a downtown community school in Toronto, Canada. The purpose of the research was to describe the details of teaching and learning in a multicultural classroom and to document successful strategies in working with immigrant and minority students. The three papers detail the process by which this focus on classroom life led to a critique of the literature and to a new way to think about multicultural teaching and learning, which I call 'narrative multiculturalism'. In this paper, I provide a sampling of stories that illustrate what contributed to my changing thinking about multiculturalism. Four short stories focus on a participant teacher in her school, in her classroom and in interaction with her students. The stories illuminate the complexity of multicultural teaching and qualities of narrative multiculturalism. In the analysis of the stories I explore multicultural understandings that developed from the experience of being in the classroom, being in relationship with a teacher participant, and our on-going dialogue.  相似文献   

构建和谐社会与图书馆的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
和谐社会的构建必然为图书馆的发展提供机遇。本文基于和谐社会的内涵简要论述了图书馆在构建和谐社会中的作用。在构建和谐社会中,图书馆扮演着十分重要的角色,图书馆是人们获取知识的枢纽;能丰富人们的精神生活,使人达到身心和谐;能培养人们的保存意识和宽容精神。最后提出了为适应构建和谐社会,图书馆应该努力做到以人为本,转变图书馆观念;加大投入,加强图书馆建设;创新管理模式,完善图书馆服务功能;保证人才配备,加强图书馆管理队伍建设。  相似文献   

立志是儒学修养的前提和功夫,也以此特质区别于知识性学术,尤受阳明重视,并与其身心一体、以心导之思想相一致。阳明认为立志于为学首先是定向与植根,所谓“植根”就是播种,它是心灵纯化的方向和起点,“致良知”之“致”即立志。立志犹如舟舵、马衔,收拾身心并构成为学动力和恒力;立志又是定心,志定心收气凝。而人生并不怕科举功名,就怕消磨转移理想意志、立志不真切。立志是个体道德生命即良知的最初释放,是道德意志的最初真正展示和逐步坚固化,志立而不移就是从“致良知”到“良知致”。立志贵在专注,专于天理而非朱子的“持敬”,个人在专心主一的过程中,涵养精神,调理气机,使理气通达,上达天道,“精一”既是矢的又是功夫。  相似文献   

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