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在美国实行的公共教育券可以归纳为三个类型:第一类是补贴性公共教育券,其初衷是为低收入家庭提供教育选择的权利,实现教育公平;第二类是竞争性公共教育券,其目的是引入竞争机制,促使不合格公立学校提高教育质量,从而促进公立教育的改革与发展;第三类是扩充性公共教育券,其目的是弥补公立学校数量不足的缺陷,同时也为了提高政府教育资金的使用效率。各类教育券的实施不仅达到了各自的目的,而且都因其引入了竞争机制而促进了公立学校的改革和发展。  相似文献   

<正>这场竞争最终是强化了私立学校的竞争优势,使其向下侵占了公立学校的生存空间,导致部分公立学校规模缩水、生存困难,反而损害了教育公平。2022年9月,美国多个州议院就实行已久的教育券制度是否破坏了教育公平展开了辩论。原因是约四分之三的教育券获得者都选择将政府提供的学费补贴用于支付私立学校的学费。而美国总计超过5000万的学生中,大部分人就读于公立学校。由于生源和资金大量流向私立学校,致使部分公立学校不仅出现了财政问题,还因生源减少而不得不通过裁减教师甚至关闭校区的方式缩减规模。  相似文献   

美国教育券的使用扩大了家长对学校的选择权,将竞争引入公立学校,促进教育市场化,并通过对贫困学生的资助来保证合理的教育公平,从而确保国民教育权,全面提高教育质量和效益。  相似文献   

教育券计划在美国已实施了几十年,CSF儿童奖学基金教育券按资金的来源区分属于私人资金资助的教育券,本研究将对其进行基础性的介绍,对CSF的申请及使用进行评价,分析它对公立学校与私立学校的影响,及对其他影响进行论述。  相似文献   

教育劵的发展和演进经过了漫长的发展过程。美国教育劵改革主要是满足家长和公众对公立学校优质教育的需求,而智利和哥伦比亚教育劵改革更多的是来自于外部的压力。美国、智利和哥伦比亚三国实施的教育劵政策具有排富性差异、学校类型选择差异和学段限制差异。  相似文献   

传统的美国中小学教育以公立学校为主,各州执行的是“划分学区,就近入学”的政策。这种近乎垄断的制度导致公立学校教育质量及管理效率的低下,引起学生及家长强烈的不满。改革之声不绝于耳,终于导致以市场机制进行改革的理念。依教育理念而行、供学生选择的特许学校和教育券计划即是这种理念下的核心改革方向。那么两者有何异同?现在各自的发展及未来可能的趋势如何?特许学校是公办民营的学校,它不但应具有公平、公正的公校优点,更应有私校重经营绩效的特点。自1992年明尼苏达州创办特许学校以来,现全美已有41个州、3300所特许学校,教育近百…  相似文献   

你可能听说过美国的“食品券“,那是美国政府向低收入家庭提供补助的一种形式。低收入家庭可以用这样的证券在商店购买食品。但是说到所谓的“教育券“,那就是一个比较新奇的概念了。原来,从今年开始,美国佛罗里达州将在全州范围内,实行所谓的“教育券“制度,也就是说,如果一个家庭的子女不愿意就读于教育质量低下的公立学校,那么州政府将向这个家庭提供一定的资助,让他们的子女得  相似文献   

随着2001年我国浙江省长兴县有关教育券制度的实施,教育券成为大家关注的热点问题。本文介绍的就是哥伦比亚教育券计划的实施、管理等方面的内容。一、哥伦比亚教育券计划相关背景1.教育券的提出早在1955年,芝加哥货币经济学派代表人物弗里德曼发表了《政府在教育中的作用》一文,在此文中,弗里德曼首次提出了教育券制度,认为应该改变目前对公立学校的直接补助的教育投入方式,由政府向学生家庭直接发放教育券。也就是说,政府把本该投入到教育中的资金经过折算发给每一位学生,学生凭券可以进行自主选择,到任何一所政府认可的学校,包括公立学校…  相似文献   

美国经济学家米尔顿.弗里德曼首次提出了教育券理论。其后詹克斯对教育券理论进行了完善,他主张教育券应帮助低收入家庭学生克服困难、完成学业。而1990年的"密尔沃基家长择校计划"则是美国民众将教育券理论运用到教育实际的率先实践。美国教育券理论研究的成果和实践经验,可为我国义务教育的均衡发展提供借鉴。深入挖掘教育券理论的价值,探讨我国流动儿童进入城市公立学校、享有平等义务教育权的可行性,以及用教育券资助西部地区、贫困农村寄宿制中小学学生生活费的操作策略,对促进我国义务教育的均衡发展具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

中等职业教育主要由公立学校承担,这造成了中等职业教育发展严重受到政府政策影响,本身适应能力变弱,教育水平低下.教育券将给职业教育注入一股活力.它能吸引更多民间资本进入职业教育领域,拓宽职业教育资金渠道,缓解资金不足问题.而且教育券使得学校竞相提高教育水平来获取资金,促进中等职业教育发展.  相似文献   

Advocates argue that vouchers can make improved educational opportunity available to disadvantaged students. Critics contend that vouchers increase the risk of stratification. Researchers have found that Chile's voucher program has lead to increased socioeconomic school segregation. What has been overlooked, however, is segregation between schools within a sector and variation within private for-profit and non-profit school sectors. I find that public schools are more likely to serve disadvantaged students than private voucher schools. I also find that disadvantaged students are more segregated among private voucher schools than among public schools. While between and within sector segregation levels vary across private voucher school types, the differences are not always consistent with theory. The data also suggest that policies can either mitigate or exacerbate the stratifying effects of educational vouchers.  相似文献   

Individualism and competition are central neoliberal concepts that have profoundly altered the U.S. public education system. This article draws on poststructuralist theory and advances the argument that these concepts have produced problematic policies and deeply flawed school choice mechanisms such as charter schools and school vouchers. I also explore how educational activists contested neoliberal ideology and reshaped reality as they defeated a neoliberal education policy in North Carolina.  相似文献   

‘Choice’ and ‘freedom’ as measured by the ability of parents to select their children's schools are deeply embedded in the national ethos of the United States of America. Wealthy American parents have always exercised school choice but minority and lowincome students are often trapped in failing schools. This paper is based on research conducted in a purposive sample of Irish primary schools into the nature of school choice. The authors examine five aspects of the Irish national primary school system that could provide models for American educators, whose vision often stops at the boundaries of the United States: education law, school choice for all, a national curriculum framework, the role of assessment, and the role of parents and educators in the creation of new schools. While arguably the five relate directly to school choice of different degrees, they collectively weave a web whereby school systems in the Republic of Ireland and the USA may productively be compared to the benefit of both.  相似文献   

美国多元办学模式及其启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国公立学校发展过程中暴露出的种种弊端 ,已经严重阻碍美国基础教育的发展。近几十年来 ,在公立学校体制内部引入竞争机制成为美国学校改革的重要内容 ,出现了一些极富特色的新型学校。  相似文献   


Despite Indiana’s school choice landscape – including private school vouchers, tax-credit scholarships, inter-district and intra-district enrollment, magnet schools, and charter schools – not all Indiana communities have reasonable access to options outside of their traditional public schools. This research explores what lack-of-reasonable access differences – defined as greater than a 30-minute one-way drive time to a choice school – exist by locale, with a focus on rural communities. Geospatial analysis is used to identify “school choice deserts” lacking multi-sector schooling options in various communities. These deserts tend to exist wholly or mostly in rural areas, although Indiana students in grades K–8 exhibit greater access levels to non-traditional schools than those in high school.  相似文献   

张健 《职教通讯》2020,(1):98-106
美国综合高中制度以其丰富多样的课程设置、个性化的选课机制和全人培养的教育思想,在国际上受到广泛推崇和学习仿效。在高中阶段教育的普及化发展背景下,我国必须研究具有全局性和实质性的高中阶段教育发展思路。一方面,要通过建设高水平的职业学校,实施专业化高质量的职业教育;另一方面,还应在普通高中设置“技术与职业教育”课程,实施普通教育与职业教育相融合,形成立足中国国情、具有中国特色的高中阶段教育普职“分”“合”结合的教育体制,实现比美国综合高中单轨制更有效的教育民主与自由。  相似文献   

1992年以来,发展特许学校成为美国改善K12教育的重要创新举措,引起诸多利益相关者的强烈关注。在特许学校扩展进程中,不同研究对其是否为学生提供了有质量的教育,是否推动了传统公立学校改进,是否促进了教育机会公平等成效表现存在不同判断。当前,在教育自由选择理念的主导下,美国政府不断完善特许学校发展的政策支持体系,采取包括加大对特许学校财政资金的资助力度、强化对特许学校授权机构的问责、增强对特许学校质量评价的综合性等一系列针对性措施。  相似文献   


The widespread assumption in the United States today is that traditional urban public schools are failing. Market-based solutions, particularly charter schools, are seen as the way to improve urban education. How then can we understand a large urban district where educational actors have furthered a locally popular alternative vision? This article analyzes the comparison of Indianapolis, IN and Louisville, KY to demonstrate how four-decades-old desegregation orders continue to matter for the perceptions of urban school districts. The analysis shows how actors in Louisville utilized more favorable perceptions to fight for a compelling alternative narrative–integration–and against charter schools.  相似文献   

Across Asia, the international school scene has experienced marketisation and corporatisation. A consequence is that many wealthier families – outside of expatriate communities – view international schools as a desirable choice, and they seek ways to enrol their children in international schools. States have responded to this situation through policies that manage the boundaries between public or national school systems and international schools. States have made compromises in their international school policies – compromises that allow markets to creep into the broader education systems. This mode of market creation is subtle: Neither families nor state agents advocate for ‘choice’ as a value, nor are there public discourses around international schools in the region celebrating ‘choice’ in education. The compromises made in international school policy relate to whole education systems and have implications for inequality, citizenship, and national identity.  相似文献   

This qualitative study investigated how pedagogy-driven schools create inclusive communities. From the analysis of open-ended interviews with members of 3 pedagogically driven public elementary schools (Core Knowledge, Experiential, and Montessori) in the United States of America, 3 themes emerged: (1) community and culture, (2) structure, and (3) responsibility and expectations. The emphasis on community building and conscious attention to culture was universal: Members wanted to be at that school, there was a strong belief in the pedagogy, and all school community members were clear that their most important outcome was student success. Each school had 3 essential building blocks in their pedagogy: academic education, affective education, and individualization of instruction. Each school expected adults and students to set and achieve high behavior and learning targets. Recommendations for applying these findings by practitioners and researchers are provided.  相似文献   

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