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远程教育中课程教学团队建设若干问题的探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对远程教育课程教学团队组合、角色选择和团队精神培育等问题的探究,论证了远程教育课程教学团队的组合要解决年龄、学历、媒体专家等优化问题;提出了远程教育课程教学团队的角色选择要遵循角色齐全、扬长容短、弹性补位的要求;强调了培育教师团队精神的系统绩效价值。  相似文献   

我们在此说的“光盘教学”就是利用远程教育教学光盘、DVD播放机、电视机等媒质开展的教学活动。关于教学光盘,《基于农村中小学远程教育资源的教与学》一书做了这样的阐述:“教学光盘凝聚着国内外各个方面专家的智慧和心血,其中包括200多名课程设计专家、教材编写专家、学科教学专家、教育技术专家以及音像制作专家,来自全国15个省近700名教研员、教学能手、特级教师和学生也参加了研制工作。  相似文献   

远程教育的课程开发和教学设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在传统院校中,一门课程的开发与教学通常是由主讲教师依据自己的经验来组织实施的。在远程教育中,情况就要复杂得多。首先,各门课程的多种媒体教学方案涉及整个系统教育资源的配置,要由学校而不是教师个人来规划和决策。随后,课程的主持教师要与学科专家、教育技术专家、印刷教材编辑、视听技术和计算机技术人员一起合作进行多种媒体课程材料的创作和设计。最后,还要经过各类课程材料的生产制作和发送,其它实践教学环节、人际交流活动、检查和考试、以及各种类型的学习支助服务的组织实施来完成教与学的全过程。本文首先讨论课程开发的创作模式和组织模式。随后,论述远程教育多媒体课程材料的教学设计。最后,探讨远程教育课程的制作、发送、评估和更新。  相似文献   

现代远程教育为我国教育大众化发展做出了巨大贡献,然而在发展过程中也暴露出了许多问题。本文作者借鉴有关远程教育专家的观点,就中国现代远程教育要靠谁、中国现代远程教育的规范管理、中国现代远程教育的定位三个问题谈点自己的看法。  相似文献   

如何对网络课程教学做合理的评价是决定远程教育教学成败的关键。网络课程的评价一定要考虑网络本身的特性,盲目遵循传统的课堂教学评价标准是不合理的,应在如何挖掘网络的优势,弥补劣势上深入研完。本文运用层次分析法未确定网络课程指标体系的权重,将专家的经验知识和定量的数学模型结合,对远程教育教学做出了客观的评价。  相似文献   

层次分析法在远程教学评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何对网络课程教学做合理的评价是决定远程教育教学成败的关键。网络课程的评价一定要考虑网络本身的特性,盲目遵循传统的课堂教学评价标准是不合理的,应在如何挖掘网络的优势,弥补劣势上深入研究。本文运用层次分析法来确定网络课程指标体系的权重,将专家的经验知识和定量的数学模型结合,对远程教育教学做出了客观的评价。  相似文献   

移动学习中的教学设计探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从远程教育到数字教育,教育教学方式紧紧跟随社会、科技的进步而发生改变。在手机、PDA和笔记本电脑目益普及的今天,移动学习作为继数字学习之后的一种全新的学习模式,引起了很多专家的关注。教学设计是有效开展教学活动的重要环节。移动学习的教学设计和固定远程教育的教学设计以及网络教育的教学设计有很多的区别。着重讲述了移动学习的特征,高等教育中移动学习的教学设计要遵循的几个原则,实施教学设计的人员以及具体的教学设计的模式。  相似文献   

为研讨现代远程教育试点中的问题,推动我国现代远程教育实现“跨越式”的发展,经教育部高教司批准,中央广播电视大学、全国高等学校现代远程教育协作组和江西广播电视大学将于2001年8月13日~18日在江西井冈山联合召开以网上教学与多种媒体的综合应用为主题的“现代远程教育研讨会”。会议还得到了联合国教科文组织亚太地区办事处、联合国教科文组织继续工程教育中国教席和教育部现代远程教育发展战略课题组的支持。联合国教科文组织亚太地区办事处远程与高等教育专家王一兵教授等国内外知名远程教育专家将在会上作学术报告。 会议主题为…  相似文献   

在现代远程教育的情况下,电大教师的角色应该围绕着掌握现代远程教育技术并熟练运用于教学实践这个尺度进行定位,电大教师应该成为教育资源传输专家和指导与辅导专家.地市电大教师必须在教育教学观念上实现两个转变,掌握和运用现代教育技术,夯实专业功底,做名副其实的导学者.  相似文献   

去年12月中旬在北京召开的中国远程教育技术标准国际研讨会,标志着我国制定远程教育技术标准的工作已经取得了实质性的进展。本刊继上期发表会议综述后,本期又发表了对教育部现代远程教育技术标准化委员会主任祝智庭教授等专家和官员的专访《专家访谈:远程教育技术标准的研究与应用》,希望这些文章有助于业内同仁和读者了解有关情况。制定远程教育技术标准的必要性和迫切性,各方面早就有了共识。有报道援引与会专家的意见说,制定远程教育技术标准既要保证其国际兼容性,又要充分考虑中国国情,亦即标准的“本土化”。这在现阶段恐怕…  相似文献   


This paper reports the findings of a study that examined the relationship between distance teaching and the faculty reward system. Using a qualitative approach, the study sought to understand how distance teaching is valued, rewarded, and accommodated within the institutional reward structure. Based on interviews with faculty members, distance education program administrators, and the chief academic officers at four research universities, the study describes a reward culture that is not accommodating to and rewarding of faculty work in distance education. The study finds that: 1) distance education occupies a marginal status, 2) distance teaching is neither highly valued nor well‐rewarded as scholarly activity, 3) distance teaching is not highly related to promotion and tenure decisions, and 4) rewards for distance teaching are dependent on the academic unit's commitment to distance education.  相似文献   

远程教育中教与学时空相对分离的本质决定了在开放、自由的教学环境下远程教育人员需要加强道德建设,以规范道德行为,确保远程教育质量和声誉。本文论述了远程教育的新定义,分析了各类远程教育人员的职责,阐明了加强远程教育人员的道德建设的必要性,提出了道德建设的指导思想、模型与目标,探讨了道德建设的三大内容和六种方法。该研究对加强教育技术人员的道德建设也有参考意义。  相似文献   

The Impact of Mobile Technologies on Distance Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article considers the growing amount of research on using mobile technologies in education. As mobile devices become increasingly more prevalent, it is imperative to study their use and effect on the growing field of distance education. This brief review of existing literature indicates that traditional theories of learning, in both traditional and distance settings, are relevant and applicable to mobile learning, and that mobile devices can be brought thoughtfully into pedagogy at the distance level. Flexibility, portability, and accessibility contribute to an overall positive impression on students, while faculty concerns can be met with appropriate training and tailoring to the various teaching and learning styles present in distance education. Student and faculty expectations of a mobile-integrated distance education experience will continue to grow, while teaching and learning should thrive in this increasingly more connected environment.  相似文献   

本研究是为了了解中国高校教师(以中国农业大学为例)对网络教育发展中障碍因素的认识和教师个人特征(包括专业领域、性别、年龄、受教育程度、学术头衔等)如何影响他们对障碍因素的认识.  相似文献   

This article details the experiences of a university professor and former community college president in teaching World Wide Web based graduate courses to faculty members from Florida's community colleges. These courses have provided faculty members from various parts of the state access to advanced educational opportunities. Courses have been particularly relevant to the day-to-day activities of full-time and adjunct teaching faculty members. For those who might be interested in converting traditional courses for Web-based delivery, tips are included on designing course materials and using technical experts. Emphasis is placed on the needs of the learner to maximize the benefits of this type of distance education. The 12 canons for distance learners, which served as guideposts, as community college faculty member-students progressed through the courses are included. Discussion of various course material components provides insight into the need for thoroughness in overall course design. Course evaluation results, which highlight the appreciation of community college faculty member-students for the way in which the courses were conducted, are included. For example, convenience and exibility were ranked highly as positive reasons for taking Web-based courses. Problem areas are also identified. Teaching graduate courses on the Internet to community college personnel has become an important endeavor in Florida. The University of Central Florida has made a commitment to expand the number and types of courses offered in this manner to address the needs of all students. These courses are particularly important to community college faculty members and administrators who may be precluded from taking relevant graduate courses because of geographical or time limitations. Hence, through the magic of the Internet, courses are available at their fingertips.  相似文献   


Although distance education is growing in importance in the United States, little research has focused on the attitudes of American college and university teachers toward college‐level distance education and toward the use of specific media in distance education provision. The attitudes of both participating and nonparticipating faculty toward distance education need further examination, since teaching innovations cannot succeed without their support. This study examines the receptivity to college‐credit distance education of faculty members in two‐ and four‐year higher education institutions. The research questions focused on general receptivity to distance education, the relationship between professional characteristics and attitude toward distance education, the connection between previous distance education experiences/ familiarity and receptivity, and on attitudes toward different distance education media and methods.  相似文献   

Motivators and Inhibitors for University Faculty in Distance and e-learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports on four United States studies of how rewards systems, extrinsic and intrinsic, could play an important role in providing incentives for university faculty to teach (or remain teaching) electronic and distance education courses. The first three studies conducted prior to 2003 reported faculty were inherently motivated to teach e-learning and distance education. The fourth study in 2003 reported key findings that differed from the earlier studies. Using a principal components analysis, the researchers found nine indicators of motivation to participate or not participate in electronic or distance education. The implications from the fourth study indicated that, while faculty members were inherently committed to helping students, faculty members wanted their basic physiological needs met by university administration through extrinsic motivators, such as salary increases and course releases.  相似文献   

现代远程教育的核心是教学模式的改革。建立合理的课程学习与评价体系,进一步更新广大师生的学习观念与教学模式,培养在多媒体和网络环境中高效学习的方法与能力,是远程教育的必由之路。  相似文献   

随着远程教育的快速发展,教师发展问题已经受到远程教育机构越来越多的重视。如何更好地促进远程教育教师的发展,即教师发展途径的问题,在理论和政策上已有诸多探讨,但这些探讨大多是从应然的角度对远程教育教师和教育机构提出的理想化要求,并没有切身关注教师的实际需求、期望和实效。以这一研究视角为切入点,通过调查某开放大学全体专职教师对教师发展途径实效的看法,结果发现:在我国远程教育系统目前主要存在的8种教师发展途径中,"学历深造"的认可度最高,"自我反思"是最具弹性和自主化的发展途径,"同行交流与互助"比"专家指导"具有更大的实效,"校外培训"比"校本培训"的实效更好,"教研活动"的实际帮助程度较低,"竞赛和公开课"的实效最低。为了促进远程教育教师持续而系统的发展,远程教育机构应积极探索新的远程教育教师发展系统,既要明确身份和定位,从制度和组织层面进行系统规划,又要为教师发展途径的选择提供弹性和灵活性,更要注重教师发展途径具体的实践性和情境性,以此来重构、重组和优化远程教育教师发展系统的可能空间。  相似文献   

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