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实验教学是帮助学生树立正确观念,养成科学态度和科学作风的有效措施,通过实验教学与理论讲授相结合。不仅有利于学生对物理概念和规律的正确确立,深刻理解和牢固掌握,而且有利于调动学生学习的积极性、主动性,激发学生的创造性思维,提高学生的创造能力。怎样才能提高中学生的创新能力呢?笔者认为应从以下几方面着手。  相似文献   

“有效教学”是指在有限时间和空间内,采取恰当的教学方式,激发学生学习的积极性、主动性,让学生参与学习过程,获取较大容量的真正理解的有效知识。同时,充分培养和锻炼学生的创新精神和实践能力,形成良好的情感、正确的态度和价值观,从而促进学生全面发展的教学。  相似文献   

本文结合高中政治教材内容,联系日常教学实践,探讨总结如何教育年轻的运动员学生初步形成正确的世界观、人生观、价值观的有效做法,使学生通过自身训练和比赛事例,在社会环境中分清是非,选定正确的方向,逐渐树立正确价值观,不断丰富自身内涵,寻获知识,运用知识,创造性地发挥自己的潜能,为我国的体育事业贡献力量。  相似文献   

谈初中生道德理想的培养司建春初中阶段正是学生世界观形成的重要阶段,树立正确的道德理想是形成学生正确世界观的关键。因此,如何在班级工作中采用科学有效的方法,引导学生树立正确的道德理想,在今天就显得格外重要,很值得我们探讨和研究。现就我担任班主任工作的体...  相似文献   

新大纲要求高年级的学生“能就熟练的题材写短和短信,意思连贯、拼写正确,语法、用词、标点及格式基本正确。”高年级学生写作,是培养他们写作能力的有效形式。它可以帮助学生复习语法知识,对发挥学生的想象力提高他们运用语言能力,扩大词汇量,获取新知识,都大有裨益。那么如何才能帮助学生提高他们的写作能力呢?  相似文献   

教师的自身示范是体育教学中最常用,最方便,最直观的一种形式。它是借助学生的视觉来了解所学动作的形象、结构、要领和完成动作方法的一种有效手段。正确的示范非但可以使学生建立正确的动作表象,亦可激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

杨艳清 《职业技术教育》2006,27(17):128-129
有效的学习过程应体现为,学生形成稳固的、愉悦的学习心理,在轻松、愉快的氛围中掌握知识、技能,完成学习任务。这需要教师对学生进行正确的学习心理指导,加强情感教育,培养学习兴趣,使学生正确面对学习挫折,在学习过程中有成功的快乐体验。  相似文献   

教育部2003年5月颁布的全日制义务教育《思想品德课程标准》,强调思想品德课教学要关注学生的生活、关注学生的活动、关注学生的体验;要遵循正确价值观引导与启发学生独立思考、积极实践相统一的原则。如何将正确价值观的引导与学生的生活体验和自我实践有机结合,使社会规范的学习实现真正的内化,下面两则教学案例,从不同的角度进行了有效的尝试。  相似文献   

所谓的“有效教学”,是指在有限时间和空间内,采取恰当的教学方式,激发学生学习的积极性、主动性,让学生参与学习过程,获取较大容量的真正理性的有效知识,同时,充分培养和锻炼学生的创新能力和实践能力,形成良好的情感、正确的态度和价值观,从而促进学生全面发展的教学。本文重点谈了如何创设初中高效语文课堂。  相似文献   

随着新课改和素质教育的逐步完善,2019年初中道德与法治教材已经上线,在适应新教材、保证教学质量的同时,帮助学生形成正确的道德与法治观念,是教师需要考虑的重要问题。合理使用互动方式教学,能够有效提高学生的学习兴趣,培养学生对知识的实际运用能力,对学生正确的道德与法治观念的形成具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

Fantasm: The triumph of form (an essay on the democratic sublime)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This essay attempts to counter the dreariness of postmodern critique and culture by locating the vital force of phantasy, rhetoric, argument, hope, and memory in contemporary public affairs. More particularly, it engages recent controversies about collective memory and the FDR memorial statue especially to generate a greater sensitivity to the fact that we are agents (and not just dupes) of history. The body, symbolic and material, is a core site for the history, theory, and practice of democracy, I argue, and is the hard kernel of collective identification and division. Methodologically, the essay fuses Aristotle and Lacan's ideas about phantasy as a perceptual device, which gages and creates public and personal desire, as an analytic frame for the study of public discourse.  相似文献   

This article describes the findings of a qualitative study on knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and practices towards children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus in four regions of Uganda. Focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews were held with parents of children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, policy-makers, and service providers. Our findings describe how negative knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and practices create barriers to treatment and inclusion of children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus and their parents in Uganda. The findings show how knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and practices evolve over time, are both similar and differ in the various regions, and become more conducive towards accessing treatment and achieving inclusion. Sensitisation and early intervention including parents and service providers in dissemination of knowledge, rehabilitative care to set the trend for positive change and support, as well as longitudinal studies of children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus and their parents are recommended.  相似文献   

Buckingham, David Moving Images: Understanding Children's Emotional Responses to Television
Aldrich, Richard (ed) In History and in Education: Essays presented to Peter Gordon
Kohli, Wendy (ed) Critical Conversations in Philosophy of Education
Griffiths, Morwenna Feminisms and the Self: the web of identity
Fryer, Marilyn Creative Teaching and Learning
Atkinson, Paul; Davies, Brian and Delamont, Sara (eds) Discourse and Reproduction: Essays in Honour of Basil Bernstein
Slee, Roger Changing Theories and Practices of Discipline
Woods, Peter and Jeffrey, Bob Teachable Moments: The Art of Teaching in Primary Schools
Best, Ron (ed) Education, Spirituality and the Whole Child
Bassey, Michael Creating Education Through Research
Higham, Jeremy; Sharp, Paul and Yeomans, David The Emerging 16–19 Curriculum: Policy and Provision
Bruner, Jerome The Culture of Education
Halsall, Rob and Cockett, Mike (eds) Education and Training: Chaos or Coherence
McBride, Rob (ed) Teacher Education Policy
Wideen, Marvin F. and Grimmett, Peter P. (eds) Changing Times in Teacher Education
Nixon, Jon; Martin, Jane; McKeown, Penny and Ranson, Stewart Encouraging Learning: towards a theory of the learning school
Gewirtz, Sharon; Ball, Stephen, J. and Bowe, Richard Markets, Choice and Equity in Education  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Richard Edwards and Robin Usher, Globalisation and Pedagogy: Space, place and identity
Jackie Brine, Educating Women: Globalizing Inequality
David Carr, Professionalism and Ethics
Andrew Pollard and Ann Filer, The Social World of Pupil Career: Strategic Biographies through Primary School
Bernard Crick, Essays on Citizenship
Mike Bottery and Nigel Wright, Teachers and the State: Towards a Directed Profession
Stephen Heathorn, For Home, Country and Race: Constructing Gender, Class and Englishness in the Elementary School 1880-1914
Jane M. Page, Reframing the Early Childhood Curriculum: Educational Imperatives for the Future
Leslie P. Steffe and Patrick W. Thompson (eds), Radical Constructivism in Action
Patricia Broadfoot, Marilyn Osborne, Clare Planel and Keith Sharpe, Promoting Quality in Learning – Does England have the Answer?
Claire Cameron, Peter Moss and Charlie Owen, Men in the Nursery: Gender and Caring Work
Mike Cole (ed), Education, Equality and Human Rights
R. Alexander, P. Broadfoot and D. Phillips, Learning from Comparing: New Directions in Comparative Educational Research , Volume 1 Contexts, Classrooms and Outcomes
OECD, Learning to Bridge the Digital Divide  相似文献   

创新源于实践   总被引:68,自引:66,他引:68  
从理性上分析了文化的知识、思维、方法和精神4个层面的内涵及其相互关系。并提出学习和知识,思考和思维,实践和方法三者的关系。其中学习、知识是基础,思考、思维是关键,实践、方法是根本。创新来源于实践,一切文化来源于实践。在素质教育中应处理好学习、思考和实践的关系。  相似文献   

作文教学的改革应该是一个系统的工程,它涉及了写作的思想与方法、过程与评价、反馈与矫正,还涉及了吸纳与输出、积累与整合、应用与拓展、发现与创新等方面的研究与改革。新课程理念下对作文的创新评价应从评价理念人本化、评价功能激励化、评价主体多元化、评价内容综合化、评价形式民主化、评价方法多样化等方面来进行,以激发学生自主写作、快乐写作的欲望,让学生在写作的实践过程中抒写自我的心灵感受,实现人格与能力的和谐发展。  相似文献   

Making is a rapidly emerging form of educational practice that involves the design, construction, testing, and revision of a wide variety of objects, using high and low technologies, and integrating a range of disciplines including art, science, engineering, and mathematics. It has garnered widespread interest and support in both policy and education circles because of the ways it has been shown to link science learning to creativity and investigation. Making has taken root in out-of-school settings, such as museums, science festivals, and afterschool and library programmes; and there is now growing interest from primary and secondary educators in how it might be incorporated into the classroom. Making expands on traditions associated with Technology Education and Design-Based Learning, but differs in ways that can potentially broaden participation in science and STEM learning to include learners from communities historically underrepresented in STEM fields. STEM-Rich Making is centrally organised around design and engineering practices, typically integrating digital tools and computational practices, and positions scientific and mathematical concepts and phenomena as the materials for design. This paper takes a critical view of the claims about Making as a productive form of science teaching and learning, and reviews the current research literature’s substantiation of the ways in which Making supports students’ agency, promotes active participation in science and engineering practices, and leverages learners’ cultural resources.  相似文献   

对西安市七区全民健身场所年龄分布、健身规律以及对健身功能的认知进行问卷调查,进行数理统计后,结合有关献进行分析。结果发现经济压力和生活压力,健身观念以及生活习惯,健身理论研究、健身运动的组织以及宣传等政府行为,工作性质以及工作时间等均对全民健身的开展有着不同程度的影响。建议政府、单位、社会结合,开发新运动项目、制定运动处方,并加大宣传力度,全面深入地开展群众性体育竞赛,促进全民健身从“我为”向“为我”转化,必能促进全民健身活动健康、有序地开展。  相似文献   

Adopting a person-centered approach, we profiled 5th and 6th grade children's (152 boys and 161 girls) school-related beliefs about perceived task difficulty and agency beliefs in ability and effort. Five clusters were compared across key learning-related dimensions encompassing underlying worldviews (means–ends beliefs, normative difficulty, nature of ability), motivation (intrinsic, identified, introjected, and extrinsic), and adjustment (achievement and well-being): Agentic (high ability, high effort, low difficulty), Strivers (above average ability, high effort, high difficulty), Normative (average ability, effort and difficulty), Disengaged (low ability, low effort, average difficulty) and Challenged (low ability, low effort, high difficulty). The findings suggest that difficulty, perceived either as challenge or obstacle, plays an important role for the belief profiles, and that relationships with worldviews and motivation are indicative of adaptation and maladaptation.  相似文献   

论师德   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
师德有其鲜明特点,加强师德建设要采取有力措施,把握师德的特点要从客观性和主观性,普遍性和特殊性,伟大性和平凡性,继承性和创新性,政治性和业务性,长久性和暂短性,慈爱性和严格性,自律性和他律性,理论性和实践性,学校性和社会性十个方面来考察,加强师德建设要注重抓好研德,承德,立德,评德,补德,正德,督德,。奖德,学德,炼德,施德十一个方面的工作。  相似文献   

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