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Universities were mandated in 1972 to expand their recruitment and hiring efforts with the intent of employing more individuals from underrepresented populations. This study presents data relating to the hiring of academic administrators over the period 1972–1979. While there appear to be substantial changes in the hiring process and in the costs of hiring, there is little evidence to support the intent of the legislation to involve more minorities in the academic leadership and management of higher education institutions.  相似文献   

We present the process our institution used to create a statistics requirement for almost all incoming first‐year students. From conception and planning, to hiring and acceptance by the university community, we offer lessons learned should you consider making such a shift in your own curriculum.  相似文献   

全国少数民族地区双语教学情况概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年4月12日至4月30日,以少数民族聚居地区为重点,笔者跟随调研组对全国少数民族语言文字使用和少数民族双语教育工作情况进行了全面调研。文章重点分析全国民族地区目前双语教学采用的模式及存在的主要问题,并提出对新疆双语教育的建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between students' prior work experience and subsequent success during the first year in an MBA program. We present a rationale for the use of work experience as a selection criterion (based on the training-readiness literature) but also present another argument (based on the career-stage literature) that counters the prevailing view about the appropriateness of this selection standard. Using data from a unique sample of 230 MBA students and controlling for such factors as the type of undergraduate program attended, undergraduate GPA, and total score on the Graduate Management Admission Test, prior work experience was found to account for only a small proportion of the variance in first-semester grades and was found to be unrelated to academic performance in the second semester. Taking these results and other existing empirical studies into account, there is little support for the view that previous work experience (as assessed by typical admission procedures) leads to higher levels of academic achievement. Implications for admissions policy, hiring companies, and those considering graduate study in business are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study we elicit employers’ preferences for a variety of CV attributes and types of skills when recruiting university graduates. Using two discrete choice experiments, we simulate the two common steps of the graduate recruitment process: (1) the selection of suitable candidates for job interviews based on CVs, and (2) the hiring of graduates based on observed skills. We show that in the first step, employers attach most value to CV attributes which signal a high stock of occupation-specific human capital indicating low training costs and short adjustment periods; attributes such as relevant work experience and a good match between the field of study and the job tasks. In line with the preferences in the first step, employers’ actual hiring decision is mostly influenced by graduates’ level of professional expertise and interpersonal skills. Other types of skills also play a role in the hiring decision but are less important, and can therefore not easily compensate for a lack of occupation-specific human capital and interpersonal skills.  相似文献   

在大型会议的筹备中,为了给参会代表提前预订宾馆并租借会议室,使用灰色系统理论估计会议参会代表人数,采用基于遗传算法确定预定宾馆客房、租借会议室的最优方案。应用数学模型融合遗传算法预订宾馆的方法,不仅可给予筹备组委会以更多的思考空间,而且提高了参会代表的满意度。  相似文献   

本文解决了公务员招聘中的录用分配问题。具体方法,结合应聘者笔试、面试成绩以及各部门要求建立二级评价模型。求解得到择优录用的具体方案。运用熵值对各评价指标进行客观赋权,确定各项指标的权重。  相似文献   

Employers need a systematic approach for sorting and selecting the best new hires, and hiring may be enhanced by the use of teachers in the process. This article discusses information-rich job advertisements, behavior-based interview questions, and how to objectively evaluate candidates in preliminary and on-site interviews. Candidates' past behavior is the best predictor of their future performance, and developing an approach to hiring that evaluates applicants' preparation, experience, and expertise is the best way to ensure the hire of a strong new colleague. The article specifically addresses what teachers need to know when involved in hiring their colleagues.  相似文献   

The proportion of individuals of foreign language and culture is increasing rapidly in Dutch society. This is creating problems, especially in large cities. These problems include the provision of good accommodations for foreign workers and others, suitable education, and permanent employment. But there is also a psychological task: namely, in our everyday lives, to practice the same tolerance we are accustomed to demand of others. The Royal Budget for the coming year is testimony to the priority the government attaches to its minorities policy.  相似文献   

Third-country faculty are faced with significant challenges interacting with university students who come from different socio-cultural backgrounds and have different expectations regarding faculty’s role, behavior, and leadership style. This paper compares diversity practices and action options that can facilitate or hinder the integration of third-country faculty across five universities established in an equal number of countries. The proportion of third-country faculty in American universities abroad is also used to provide a measure of diversity. Notwithstanding recent trends pointing to the internationalization of higher education universities have yet to develop an appropriate institutional mentality along with supporting diversity policies that would help them gain global efficiencies by hiring qualified international faculty. This may have serious implications for organizational effectiveness with respect to resource acquisition and even the long-term survival of the organization. The author is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Management and E-Business in the School of Business, the American University in Dubai.  相似文献   

少数民族音乐教育需要建立新的教学模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文化理解下的价值观不仅为音乐教育学科的发展与完善提供了多方位的视角,而且也成为当代学校音乐教育观的思想基础。树立正确的教育意识、构建合理的教学机制、确立行之有效的教学模式、实现并发展少数民族音乐教育成为当前学校音乐教育中的重要任务。  相似文献   

少数民族传统道德在和谐社会构建中既有适应性,又有不适应性.对少数民族传统道德要作辩证的具体分析,不能全盘否定,也不能全盘肯定,只有取其精华,去其糟粕,按照社会主义道德的要求,才能构建既体现少数民族意愿,能促进少数民族地区繁荣发展,又利于和谐社会构建的道德体系.  相似文献   

In order to build a harmonious society of bilingualism in ethnic regions,language planning and policy for language education should be made in accordance with both immediate need and long term interest of ethnic minorities.In other words,we should take into consideration of the tool function and social and cultural functions of language on one hand;and on the other hand,we should not neglect emotional factor and identity function of language.Efforts should be made to encourage and guarantee the application of both mother tongue and national common language,support coexistence of schools using different teaching models in ethnic regions,integrate traditional culture of ethnic minorities into economic development of modern society,balance spiritual and material needs of ethnic minorities and effectively coordinate relations between ethnic identity and national identity.  相似文献   

Using Bowen and Bok's data from 23 selective colleges, we fit multilevel logit models to test two hypotheses with implications for affirmative action and group differences in attainment of science, math, or engineering (SME) degrees. Hypothesis 1, that differences in precollege academic preparation will explain later SME graduation disparities, was fully supported with respect to the outcome gap between Whites and underrepresented minorities, partially supported for that between Asians and underrepresented minorities, and between men and women. Hypothesis 2, that college selectivity, after accounting for student characteristics, will be positively associated with SME persistence, was not supported. We demonstrate that the significance of the selectivity effect is overestimated when unilevel models are used. Admission officials are advised to carefully consider the relative academic preparedness of science-interested students, and such students choosing among colleges are advised to compare their academic qualifications to those of successful science students at each institution.  相似文献   

新疆是一个多民族聚居区,有40多个民族,其中少数民族占人口总数的61.92%,风格迥异的民族风俗习惯和民族语言文字使电视传播面临种种挑战.本文旨在分析新疆少数民族电视受众的收视条件,收视行为,收视习惯,从而把握少数民族电视受众的收视特点及现存问题,为新疆电视业发展提供建议。  相似文献   

西部少数民族生活方式转型,主要体现在少数民族的从业选择、文化认同、社交行为、服饰方式、饮食方式、居住方式、交通方式、节日习俗等等方面的变化上。我们对此进行现实考量,认识到转型是少数民族生活方式的文明与进步,极大地促进了少数民族地区的发展。强调要积极引导少数民族生活方式的转型,既不能丢掉最有价值的东西,坚持少数民族的优良传统,又要尊重少数民族自己的选择,支持他们移风易俗,不断改变生活方式。  相似文献   

We use a unique longitudinal sample of student teachers (“interns”) from six Washington state teacher training institutions to investigate patterns of entry into the teaching workforce. We estimate split population models that simultaneously estimate the impact of individual characteristics and student teaching experiences on the timing and probability of initial hiring as a public school teacher. Not surprisingly, we find that interns endorsed to teach in “difficult-to-staff” areas are more likely to find employment as public school teachers than interns endorsed in other areas. Younger interns, white interns, and interns who completed their student teaching in suburban schools are also more likely to find a teaching job, all else equal. Prospective teachers who do their internships at schools that have more teacher turnover are more likely to find employment, often at those schools. On the other hand, few of the characteristics of an intern's cooperating teacher are predictive of workforce entry. Finally, interns with higher credential exam scores are more likely to be hired by the school where they did their student teaching.  相似文献   

We assume, for the sake of argument, that the sole purpose of colleges and universities is the advancement of knowledge through teaching and research, and that academic merit, as defined by each discipline, ought to be the only relevant criterion in admissions and hiring decisions. Even on this restrictive set of assumptions, we argue that hiring and admitting women and people of color is sometimes the best way for colleges and universities to advance knowledge. We then address two objections to our argument, that race and sex are no more relevant than being left- or right-handed, and that the epistemic attributes we ascribe to women and people of color belong to people as individuals, not as members of certain groups. We conclude that academic merit and social justice are mutually compatible.  相似文献   

Business schools have significantly increased the percentage of teaching-focused faculty (defined here as full-time faculty with doctorates not on the tenure track) over the last decades. However, many schools have not adequately updated their policies to support these faculty, leading some teaching-focused faculty to feel like second-class citizens. In this article, we provide a literature review of teaching-focused faculty hiring trends, challenges faced by teaching-focused faculty and the institutions that hire them, and proposed improvements to these challenges. Next, we draw from these best practices provided in the literature, as well as from first-person interviews, to share how business schools address these challenges. Specifically, we use interviews from decision makers (current and former deans) to examine how schools approach hiring and supporting teaching-focused faculty. Our study shows improved institutional support and acceptance of teaching-focused faculty over the past two decades, but with room for continued improvement. We conclude by arguing that TF faculty should be treated as strategic assets within schools in order to support collegiality, acceptance, and professional respect, while also enhancing students’ learning opportunities. In doing so, we hope to start a discussion of best practices that can better equip schools to provide institutional support to teaching-focused faculty.  相似文献   

通过对美国大学少数族裔STEM教育的现状分析发现,美国大学的少数族裔整体接受STEM教育的比率仍然较低,黑人学生STEM教育的参与度不高,原住民学生的STEM教育入学率低下,少数族裔女性学生在STEM职业发展中处于不利地位。这受到美国历史、文化、经济和教育等多元化因素的综合影响。为此,美国实施多元化的路径提升少数族裔STEM教育质量,例如,设置适合少数族裔发展的STEM教学培养模式,设立不同类型的STEM奖学金资助计划,建立有助于提升少数族裔STEM研究能力的研究机构,开发优秀的STEM大学课程资源等。这对我国少数民族的理工科教育的发展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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