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介绍了多媒体数据库三种主要的数据模型,论述了它们的实现途径(即以关系模型为基础进行多媒体扩充、采用面向对象模型的多媒体数据库以及超媒体数据库),并研究了图像、视频等媒体的基于内容的索引方法,对建立多媒体数据库系统具有普遍的指导意义和实用价值。  相似文献   

电子商务的发展方兴未艾,相关产业的营销目前正处在从传统型向电子商务转化阶段,转变过程中需要应用和集成最新的信息技术,以达到对网络信息资源最有效的利用和共享.统一建模语言UML是一种定义良好,易于表达,功能强大且适用广泛的建模语言.介绍了如何应用统一建模语言来设计关系数据库,该方法把设计数据库的过程与设计整个软件的过程结合起来,提出了业务建模、系统分析与设计、模型映射构成的面向对象的关系数据库设计流程.  相似文献   

Adaptive hypermedia is an alternative to the traditional “one‐size‐fits‐all” approach in the development of hypermedia systems. Adaptive hypermedia (AH) systems build a model of the goals, preferences, and knowledge of each individual user, and use this model throughout the interaction with the user, in order to adapt to the needs of that user. Adaptive navigation support is a specific group of adaptive hypermedia techniques that become especially popular in educational hypermedia systems. This paper provides a brief overview of main adaptive navigation support techniques and analyzes the results of most representative empirical studies of these techniques. It demonstrates an evidence that different known techniques work most efficiently in different context. In particular, the studies summarized in the paper have provided evidence that users with different knowledge level of the subject may appreciate different adaptive navigation support technologies. The paper argues that more empirical studies are required to help the developers of adaptive hypermedia systems in selecting most relevant adaptation technologies. It also attempts to build a case for meta‐adaptive hypermedia systems, ie, systems that are able to adapt the very adaptation technology to the given user and context.  相似文献   

Hypermedia as defined by Osgood (1987) is a tool for linking nonlinear information presented in the form of graphics, animation, video, and sound. One important question for instructional designers regarding hypermedia is how it can be used as an instructional or learning tool that enhances rather than inhibits learning. Creating hypermedia applications is a quick and easy alternative to creating courseware with older authoring systems and languages which took many hours to learn. This ease of application creation, combined with a tremendous increase in information available to our society, has resulted in a proliferation of hypermedia databases in school, university, and industry settings that is gradually moving into homes. Many of these databases are simply information media. This paper identifies important issues related to classifying a hypermedia–based information system appropriately. Based on a discussion of these issues, a call for systematic research which clarifies the role that hypermedia–based information systems can and should play in an instructional or learning environment is set forth.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on usability evaluation of information and communication technologies applications in education (ICTE applications). Various classes of teaching and learning systems are discussed in terms of technologies used and pedagogical approaches. Their usability is analyzed according to various dimensions and the impact of system usability on the learning effectiveness is studied. We argue that various classes of ICTE applications such as multimedia/hypermedia applications, open educational environments and CSCL environments, based on different theoretical perspectives, require fundamentally different approaches in evaluating their usability. The paper is structured as follows: an overview of different usability evaluation approaches is presented first, followed by a discussion on applicability of these techniques in various categories of teaching and learning computer systems. Typical case studies that engage both usability experts and users themselves (students and teachers) are also discussed. The objective is to describe both the methods, and the way to apply them effectively in order to certify the usability of an ICTE application with respect to its teaching and learning objectives.  相似文献   

随着多媒体技术的发展,传统的数据库技术无法对多媒体数据进行有效的管理,而成熟的面向对象的数据库模型则能提高多媒体系统的性能。所以针对面向对象技术在多媒体数据库中的应用,讨论基于面向对象的多媒体数据库系统的实现,具有很强的现实意义。  相似文献   

适应性教育超媒体系统——模型、方法与技术   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
适应性超媒体是一个新兴的研究领域 ,位于超媒体 /超文本、适应性系统和智能教学系统的交叉点上。该文的目的是对该领域的研究状况作一总结 ,首先 ,将回答三个重要问题 :什么是适应性超媒体系统AHS (Adaptivehypermediasystem) ?为什么要适应性 ?适应什么 ?然后 ,将介绍在AHS中所用到的一些方法和技术 ,接着是AHS的系统结构以及一些实验结论  相似文献   

Hypermedia as defined by Osgood (1987) is a tool for linking nonlinear information presented in the form of graphics, animation, video, and sound. One important question for instructional designers regarding hypermedia is how it can be used as an instructional or learning tool that enhances rather than inhibits learning. Creating hypermedia applications is a quick and easy alternative to creating courseware with older authoring systems and languages which took many hours to learn. This ease of application creation, combined with a tremendous increase in information available to our society, has resulted in a proliferation of hypermedia databases in school, university, and industry settings that is gradually moving into homes. Many of these databases are simply information media. This paper identifies important issues related to classifying a hypermedia-based information system appropriately. Based on a discussion of these issues, a call for systematic research which clarifies the role that hypermedia-based information systems can and should play in an instructional or learning environment is set forth.  相似文献   

历史地理信息化是当前研究的热点。本文尝试以六朝时期的建康为时空研究范围 ,应用现代地理信息技术、超媒体技术和空间数据库技术 ,收集、整理有关建康的历史地理文献资料 ,建立六朝建康历史地理数据库 ,进行专题研究及专题制图 ;并进而研制以超媒体电子地图为网络界面的超媒体历史地理信息系统 ,从而以多角度恢复和再现六朝时期建康的历史地理风貌  相似文献   

为方便对语义丰富、结构复杂的对象数据库管理系统的操作,提高管理和开发效率,文中提出一种可根据需求自动产生结构清晰、布局合理的继承、合成及继承/合成全局结构的对象数据库模式图的算法,基于此生成的对象数对象数据库模式图可进行可视化和导航式的信息查询.实验结果表明该算法可作为对象数据库可视化查询的基础,并可推广到具有类似继承和合成等复杂结构的其他工程应用领域.  相似文献   

Design and use of hypermedia systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hypermedia makes it possible for learners to explore interactive multimedia-based instructional systems. To realize the potential of hypermedia to increase student involvement and learning, important design and use issues will have to be addressed. For example, how can we ensure that learners will be able to effectively regulate their own learning as they exercise the control inherent in hypermedia-based systems? How can motivation be stimulated and maintained, so that individuals will go beyond superficial browsing to really explore and learn? A theoretical and research-based foundation is summarized here which suggests answers to these questions, answers that revolve around learner control, self-regulated learning, and continuing motivation. Recommendations are offered for the effective design of hypermedia systems and the appropriate preparation of learners who will use them.  相似文献   

"Edutainment" publishers have begun to deploy an alternative to traditional physical artefacts such as videos, books and cartridges, namely "logical pages", stored electronically and able to be selected from, to provide content in various physical forms, including multimedia, hypertext and hypermedia. Educational texts can be created using the paradigm of logical pages, which is notionally equivalent to treating a course as if it were a database of learning resources. In the case of a study text, those notional databases can contain more study guidance and raw information than conventional educational texts. Each user can select differently from the notional database, and post-process the retrieved information. Thus, some users can choose to view, on screen, a teaching text whose content and layout are identical to a conventional text, then can print a single copy, "on demand". Other users can select other page layouts or content, then transform their selection to suit their individual learning style and learning needs. This paper considers the implications of logical pages for teachers and learners. As yet, there is relatively little research into the educational uses of logical pages, so the paper extrapolates from the literature on reading and writing physical pages, including hypertext pages.  相似文献   

高校科研管理系统业务复杂,在.NET平台基础上开发三层架构的Web应用程序,可更方便地与其他校园管理系统进行信息的交换与集成。系统基于B/S数据库,采用UML的面向对象分析与设计的软件开发方法,具有很强的实用性和可操作性,能实现跨平台的特性。  相似文献   

系统运用Python语言克服新浪微博反爬虫问题,使用Scrapy框架实现了高效、稳定的微博用户信息爬虫程序,全面获取用户在微博中的基本信息,并导入Neo4j图数据库和Echarts数据可视化库进行人物关系分析和挖掘。此外,系统针对微博中存在大量“网络水军”的现状设置了过滤选项,可以有效排除“网络水军”非正常行为对分析结果的影响。系统调试结果表明,系统能够实现对特定微博下转发、评论用户信息的实时、稳定、高效采集与分析,有效帮助人们从海量数据中提取复杂的关联关系,简洁、直观地分析微博用户之间的交互关系。  相似文献   

Visual Basic和SQL Server分别是微软公司推出的面向对象的程序设计语言和大型数据库管理系统。二者的结合可开发出功能强大的客户端/服务器应用程序。以一个QQ用户管理器的实例,介绍了在VB中如何利用ADO,通过ODBC实现对SQL Server数据库的访问方法,并且给出了程序的部分代码。  相似文献   

面向对象的数据库是数据库技术的发展方向,关系型数据库已显得力不从心。面向对象技术已经渗透到了数据库领域,把面向对象的方法和数据库技术结合起来可以使数据库系统的分析、设计最大程度地与人们对客观世界的认识相一致。面向对象数据库的技术机理并不高深,但它的设计思想却极有价值。  相似文献   

应用面向对象高级语言C#和SQL Server 2005数据库,采用风险矩阵法、模糊层次分析法、根本原因分析法、综合决策法、逻辑决策法等方法,开发一套基于RCM技术,能够完成港口门座起重机的基础信息管理,以风险为基础,具有良好目标性的维修决策系统,根据用户选择的影响因素来确定其零部件的维修方式和最佳维修周期,以提高机械设备的可靠性和安全性,为企业提供优化、系统、科学的维修决策支持。  相似文献   

分析了电力行业的运营状况,设计了基于地理信息系统的电力管理信息系统的功能和数据库结构,满足常规制图的输入、编辑、分析和输出等功能,并以关系——面向对象作为数据库结构,有利于三维模拟子系统的实现,可行性高,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Contrary to system-controlled multimedia learning environments, hypermedia systems are characterized by a high level of interactivity. This interactivity is referred to as learner control in the respective literature. For several reasons this learner control is seen as a major advantage of hypermedia for learning and instruction. For instance, learner control might increase students’ interest and motivation, facilitate adaptive instruction, or provide affordances for active and constructive information processing. In this paper we analyze the instructional potentials of learner-controlled hypermedia environments as well as possible reasons for the ambiguous results of studies that have aimed at determining the effectiveness of hypermedia learning. According to our analysis, the potential effectiveness of self-controlled learning with hypermedia might be difficult to demonstrate due to (1) usability problems (i.e., disorientation, distraction, cognitive overload), (2) moderating learner characteristics (i.e., prior knowledge, self-regulatory skills, cognitive styles, and attitudes towards learning), (3) a lack of conceptual foundations, and (4) methodological shortcomings of many hypermedia studies. The findings reviewed in this paper and the corresponding claim that hypermedia may be effective only if used in a sensible way are used to derive a couple of guidelines for further research on hypermedia learning.  相似文献   

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