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高校体制改革后,由于校长缺乏有效的监督,高校出现了许多教育腐败现象。为了保证公立高校的校长正确行使权力而不是滥用权力,文章提出校长问责制,并据此预计了实施问责制可能出现的立法、文化和机制的缺陷以及完善措施。  相似文献   

高校体制改革后,由于校长缺乏有效的监督,高校出现了许多教育腐败现象.为了保证公立高校的校长正确行使权力而不是滥用权力,文章提出校长问责制并据此预计了实施问责制可能出现的立法、文化和机制的缺陷以及完善措施.  相似文献   

论高校领导干部问责的特殊性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校有自身特殊性,高校问责制亦有自己的特殊性。这种特殊性体现在三个方面,即问责主体的多元性,问责内容的模糊性,问责客体的交错性。高校领导干部问责制的设计,需要考虑这种特殊性。  相似文献   

教育问责制是卡塔尔新世纪基础教育改革的重要措施之一,是重要的教育质量保障机制。卡塔尔教育问责制由课程标准、学生评价、绩效报告和奖惩制度四个要素构成,保障了学校的持续改进。结合我国的教育实际和卡塔尔教育问责制,我国应建立基于标准的学生测试系统、相应的教育数据信息系统和基于绩效的奖惩制度。  相似文献   

基于善治视角的我国高校问责制发展趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国高校中的腐败现象、泛行政化倾向给高校的发展带来了许多消极影响,推行高校问责制是我国高校改革与发展的必然选择。善治为我国高校问责制的实施奠定了理论基础,善治视野下我国高校问责制的发展趋向主要有:由"事后问责"走向"预防问责";由重"问"走向"问"与"答"的结合;由重"惩"走向"奖"与"惩"的结合;由注重"他律"走向"自律"与"他律"的结合;由注重"上问下责"走向"下问上责"与"上问下责"的结合。  相似文献   

在扼要分析我国高等教育财政拨款体制特点的基础上,本文着重探讨了高校政府拨款模式的主要特点及存在问题.我国现行高校政府拨款模式主要是"综合定额+专项补助",这一拨款模式操作比较简便,但它所依据的政策参数较少,也缺乏公共问责和绩效考评机制,因而难以激发高校的办学积极性.今后高校政府拨款体制改革应该以绩效考评和公共问责制为指向.  相似文献   

我国已逐步建立起以政府为主导、高校为重点的科研诚信问责治理体系,但高校实践中出现的科研失信现象反映出我国高校在科研诚信制度建设方面仍存在亟待解决的问题。文章依据成熟度模型、制度成熟度概念等提出我国高校科研诚信问责制成熟度概念,通过成熟度等级划分、成熟度指标体系及其权重的确定,构建了高校科研诚信问责制成熟度模型,选取C大学作为案例,对其科研诚信问责制成熟度评分定级。研究显示,C大学的科研诚信问责制成熟度等级为规范级,其中明责阶段的问责制建设较为完善,知责阶段和察责阶段的问责制建设相对薄弱。  相似文献   

当前我国高校问责制的不足与改进   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
问责制起源于公共行政领域,是现代制度研究的一个重要内容。随着教育民主化浪潮的推进,问责制也被逐渐引入教育管理体制中,在美国的高校管理中受到广泛的应用。针对当前我国高校问责制存在的不足,从制度建设的层面提出改进我国高校问责制的策略。  相似文献   

英国高等教育问责制及其启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
问责制是政府部门及社会机构或个人监督公立高校的一项重要手段,它在英国当前高等教育中发挥着重要作用。本文从三个方面对其解析:一是英国高校的利益相关者及其利益诉求;二是问责为高校带来的积极和消极影响;三是为克服其消极影响,PA管理咨询公司提出有效问责的四个原则及其实施效果。最后本文探讨了英国问责制对我国高等教育的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

我国高校实行领导问责制是全面推进依法治校的重要途径之一,也是实现高校管理规范化现代化法制化科学化以及长效化的制度和象征。文章从厘清高校领导问责制基本内涵入手,在分析我国高校实行领导问责制的困境基础上,进而提出破解之策。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以后,问责制逐步在美国的教师教育中开展起来,这为教师培养的质量提供了保障。到目前为止,美国教师教育问责制先后经历了三种表现形态:基于审核或认证标准的教师教育、未来教师在教师执照考试中的表现、未来教师对儿童学术成就的影响。从这三种形态中可以清晰地看出其两次转型:从输入到输出、从教师到儿童。  相似文献   


Prior to the 2012–13 school year, New York and many other states underwent changes to their accountability systems as a result of applying for and being granted waivers from the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. A key component of these new accountability systems, under what is known as ESEA Flexibility or NCLB Waivers, was the designation of the lowest performing 5% of Title I schools as priority schools with the goal of improved performance within three years of receiving their designation. The priority school policy included elements of both accountability and school turnaround to try to improve student outcomes in low performing schools. This study examines the extent to which elementary and middle priority schools in New York State improved in the three years since being designated priority schools. By the end of the 2014–15 school year—the third year of three to show improvement—I find elementary and middle priority schools did not show improvement and, in fact, performed worse than schools just above the cutoff for determining priority school eligibility.  相似文献   

基于标准提升教育质量是美国基础教育改革的必然趋势,"结果导向"的绩效问责是美国运行质量标准的实践策略。结合美国教育质量标准实施情况,其质量标准的问责体系可简化为三个要素:标准、监测、问责,即基于课程的学业标准;专业的管理和监测体系;绩效为本的激励机制。美国在构建及运行教育质量国家标准的经验值得我们参考借鉴。  相似文献   

More than 6,000 charter schools exist in the United States, and of these 120 are Montessori charter schools. When studying charter school practices, researchers often examine issues such as performance accountability measures and effectiveness of charter school curricula. In doing so, the outcomes often overlook the challenges for teachers as they attempt to blend the demands of being a charter school with performance accountability and charter school philosophies, such as the Montessori philosophy. In this longitudinal case study, I examined the ways in which teachers in a charter Montessori school used professional development to help balance the demands for standardized testing performance and Montessori goals. The findings illustrate that significant challenges exist for teachers blending multiple educational goals but that professional development can aid teachers in filling in gaps in their existing curricula. This study encourages (1) researchers to question the ways in teachers can be supported through professional development to meet accountability measures and (2) stakeholders to consider how accountability measures focused solely on student performance can have detrimental effects on charter school curricula implementation and teacher retention.  相似文献   

The passage of No Child Left Behind and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act has strengthened the conditions for instructional accountability for all learners. The standards‐based approach promulgated by curriculum and state assessments is central to the accountability of conditions in today's schools; however, national and state data continue to document a performance gap between students with learning disabilities (LD) and their nondisabled peers. Building on 5 years of experience in developing and testing the Blending Assessment with Instruction Program in mathematics, we present three basic principles that are essential to ensuring that students with LD achieve curriculum standards: (1) instruction must be aligned with curriculum standards, (2) teachers' content knowledge is essential to translating curriculum standards into aligned instruction, and (3) instructional methodology should receive greater attention during teacher preparation.  相似文献   

Rethinking accountability in a knowledge society   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Competition between schools combined with test-based accountability to hold schools accountable for predetermined knowledge standards have become a common solution in educational change efforts to improve the performance of educational systems around the world. This is happening as family and community social capital declines in most parts of developed world. Increased competition and individualism are not necessarily beneficial to creating social capital in schools and their communities. This article argues that: (1) the evidence remains controversial that test-based accountability policies improve the quality and efficiency of public education; (2) the current practice of determining educational performance by using primarily standardized knowledge tests as the main means of accountability is not a necessary condition for much needed educational improvement; and (3) there is growing evidence that increased high-stakes testing is restricting students’ conceptual learning, engaging in creative action and understanding innovation, all of which are essential elements of contemporary schooling in a knowledge society. Finland is used as an example to suggest that educational change should rather contribute to increasing networking and social capital in schools and in their communities through building trust and strengthening collective responsibilities within and between schools. This would create better prospects of worthwhile lifelong learning in and out of schools. Based on this analysis, the article concludes that education policies should be directed at promoting more intelligent forms of accountability to meet external accountability demands and to encourage cooperation rather than competition among students, teachers and schools.  相似文献   

纽约市从2007年在全市公立中小学中开始实施进步报告。进步报告从学生进步、学生成绩和学校环境三个方面对学校的教学质量进行评价,同时对学校在促进每一位学生进步方面进行质量审核。进步报告作为一种对中小学教育教学质量评价和问责的工具和手段,其中所体现的评价指导思想和评价方法,对于我们反思我国中小学的教育教学质量评价不无启发和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

In this article I argue that the current high-stakes testing accountability model is an assistencialist model, derived from deficit thinking paradigms. Such models, like the No Child Left Behind Act, sanction low performance with serious consequences for students and educators. Drawing from Freire, I propose an anti-assistencialist accountability model based on local community culture and needs that would include critical, problem-posing education, dialogue as a means toward raising social consciousness, and appropriate assessments according to local community needs. I further argue that such an accountability model can be implemented through cultural immersion programs that include three levels of immersion, (1) classroom culture, (2) local community culture, and (3) trans/cultural, or transnational exposure.  相似文献   

States' policy approaches to accountability tend to divide between a primary emphasis on input guarantees and a primary emphasis on performance guarantees. In the midst of keen controversies about the impact of high-stakes testing under the No Child Left Behind Act, this article examines separate and joint effects of input-guarantee versus performance-guarantee policies on reading and math achievement. Combining data from state policy surveys, the School District Finance Survey (F-33), and the Schools and Staffing Survey, the study examines 50 states' activism in test-driven external accountability policies and their support for key school resources (per-pupil spending, class size, in-field teaching). The school resources factor is not correlated with the accountability policy factor at the state level, implying that high-stakes testing pressure was not balanced with school support. Further, hierarchical linear growth models were used to examine interstate variations in the trends of National Assessment of Educational Progress 4th- and 8th grade reading and math scores. The effects of accountability policy alone were not significant in reading and math, whereas the joint effects of accountability and resources were significant in math. The findings suggest that the effects of accountability on academic achievement are moderated by the availability of school resources and that the states can help schools make greater academic progress by combining a performance guarantee approach with an input-guarantee approach.  相似文献   

Drawing on Foucault’s elaboration of neoliberalism as a positive form of state power, the ascendancy of neoliberalism in higher education in Britain is examined in terms of the displacement of public good models of governance, and their replacement with individualised incentives and performance targets, heralding new and more stringent conceptions of accountability and monitoring across the higher education sector. After surveying the defeat of the public good models, the article seeks to better understand the deployment of neoliberal strategies of accountability and then assess the role that these changes entail for the university sector in general. Impact assessment, I claim, represents a new, more sinister phase of neoliberal control. In the concluding section it is suggested that such accountability models are not incompatible with the idea of the public good and, as a consequence, a meaningful notion of accountability can be accepted and yet prized apart from its neoliberal rationale.  相似文献   

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