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梁梅 《教学与管理》2014,(12):96-98
中学阶段新奇和荆棘并存。为了促使中学生能够顺利成长,我们深入挖掘了我国儒家的"志于德"、"志于学"和"志于群"等立志思想,以期能为中学生的人生之船指点航向,能启示中学生尽早做好学涯规划,能培养中学生的大群视野。  相似文献   

王阳明的“立志”观强调在道德领域立“圣人之志”,主张“立志”要真切、专一,把“立志”作为“成已”的前提。针对当前道德教育中存在的道德理想缺位的现象,立道德之志对每一个道德主体都显得尤为重要。王阳明的“立志”思想对中国当代的道德教育具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

高校立志教育是"以学生为中心"本科教育变革的呼唤,有利于提升高等教育质量,促进学生个性化成长。立志教育应体现共性与特性、社会责任与个人发展、道德与科学等三个方面的结合,可从多个方面探索其有效途径:关注学生"类特色",在个性化教育中立志;以过程性思维分阶段实施立志目标;着力于志向的自主建构,将立志教育信念渗透于教育教学实践全过程,同时创设支持性环境,拓展学生自由发展的空间。  相似文献   

立志是儒学修养的前提和功夫,也以此特质区别于知识性学术,尤受阳明重视,并与其身心一体、以心导之思想相一致。阳明认为立志于为学首先是定向与植根,所谓“植根”就是播种,它是心灵纯化的方向和起点,“致良知”之“致”即立志。立志犹如舟舵、马衔,收拾身心并构成为学动力和恒力;立志又是定心,志定心收气凝。而人生并不怕科举功名,就怕消磨转移理想意志、立志不真切。立志是个体道德生命即良知的最初释放,是道德意志的最初真正展示和逐步坚固化,志立而不移就是从“致良知”到“良知致”。立志贵在专注,专于天理而非朱子的“持敬”,个人在专心主一的过程中,涵养精神,调理气机,使理气通达,上达天道,“精一”既是矢的又是功夫。  相似文献   

一个人通过对道德认识和道德智慧的学习,知道为什么应该做一个有关德的人,为什么应该做一个君子、仁人乃至圣人,便会树立做一个有美德的人的道德目标,进而树立做一个君子、仁人乃至圣人的道德理想,这就叫做“立志”。所谓“志”,如陈淳所言,亦即志向、志愿,就是一个人恒久的、坚持不懈的行为所一直为了得到的物事或为了达到的结果:  相似文献   

古人云:"有志之人立志长,无志之人常立志!"言之有理也. 传说,大禹治水,在外奔波13年,三过家门而不入,终于率众制服当时的洪灾,传为佳话,流传至今.越王勾践立志欲报仇雪恨,为了使自己不因贪图安乐而忘记耻辱,激励斗志,他夜间睡在柴草上,并在住处悬挂着苦胆,经常尝尝那胆的苦味.  相似文献   

以西方意义治疗学作引,围绕新儒家唐君毅先生的《立志之道及我与世界》,本文试图阐析儒学中的一种意义治疗的向度。首先,唐氏认为儒学对于人生意义的解读集中于"志"的概念;其次,在对此概念澄清的基础上,本文着重分析了唐氏"立志之道"的基本途径和原则;最后,本文认为,迈向一种意义治疗法的新儒学强调的是人的心性修养,这构成了对西方心理治疗的超越。  相似文献   

鲍同全 《华章》2007,(12):43-43
孟子的修身方法,最重要的断语是"先立其大",在这种方法中内在地包含着立志,存养,扩充层层递进的三个层次.实际上是与他性善论有着内在的紧密联系,立志修身,志为尧舜,人们必保存、长养先天善性,常思人之异于禽兽、人之所以为人之处.不仅如此,还要不断扩充善性,最终成就理想人格,达到理想境界.在论述中,孟子都是从正反两方面立论,正面讲立志、存养、扩充的重要性,反面论其危害性,给人以振聋发聩之提揭,催人奋进、发人深省.  相似文献   

没有爱就没有教育,师爱是指教师对学生的爱。本文结合王国维对人生境界的认识,提出了立志、践行、悟道的师爱境界。立志是师爱的起点,将"志"转化为"行"是师爱的关键,悟道是师爱的最高境界。立志、践行、悟道,是师爱的三重境界,只有逐级提高师爱境界,才能把握师爱真谛,成为真正意义上的富有爱心的优秀教师。  相似文献   

以西方意义治疗学作引,围绕新儒家唐君毅先生的<立志之道及我与世界>,本文试图阐析儒学中的一种意义治疗的向度.首先,唐氏认为儒学对于人生意义的解读集中于"志"的概念;其次,在对此概念澄清的基础上,本文着重分析了唐氏"立志之道"的基本途径和原则;最后,本文认为,迈向一种意义治疗法的新儒学强调的是人的心性修养.这构成了对西方心理治疗的超越.  相似文献   

Much research has acknowledged the importance of self-concept for adolescents’ academic behaviour, motivation and aspiration, but little is known about the role of self-concept underpinning the motivation and aspiration of higher education students in a specialised field such as medical education. This article draws upon a programme of research undertaken over the past three years examining the psychosocial determinants of success in educating home-grown doctors for regional communities. Interviews conducted with Australian medical students found that self-concept is a dynamic and multidimensional phenomenon that emerges through social activity and plays a crucial role in shaping their motivation and aspirations. For these students in a specialised field in higher education, self-concept not only influences their study performance, but also forms part of their personal and career development. Because of the significant level of interaction between the self and the social environment, the development of self-concept through a holistic and systemic facilitation of essential psychosocial drivers of success is essential in higher education.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a small‐scale narrative study of men and women who grew up in mid‐twentieth‐century rural Wales, and their reminiscences regarding women and education. Although the dominant image of Wales during that era is that of a male‐dominated society, all of our participants remembered influential independent women and educational aspiration for both girls and boys. We use Bourdieusian notions of types of cultural capital and the role of women in transmitting this to illuminate our participants’ narratives. Accounts of family life disclosed themes of sacrifice concerning education, poverty during childhood and the role of school teaching as a career for women. Yet at the same time, there were forms of exclusion in operation. In conclusion, we suggest that in many ways, the women remembered by our participants could be seen as forerunners of the second wave of feminism.  相似文献   

In China, there is a growing group of ‘migrant children’, who reside in the city but do not have full rights to access education. Many have been granted a chance to study in public schools after the policy change, but they continue to have lower educational outcomes than the local students. To understand the inequality, this paper examines the educational goals of migrant families in Beijing. Based on the field interviews, it shows that even migrant children who aspire to attain higher education are nonetheless ‘blocked’ by discriminatory examination laws and limited resources. Their subjective outlook is derived from objective conditions and concrete experiences. Their family of origin determines the types of resources available to them, and thus plays an important role in the formation and justification of their educational goals. A realistic assessment of their chances of achieving their aspirations leads them to have lower expectations.  相似文献   

新课程改革与教师教育理念的重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:不正确的教育理念,是导致新课程改革中诸多问题产生的根本原因。教育理念包括教师职业理想和教育观念。正确的教育理念,有着与新课程改革相适应的新的内涵,并有助通过创设良好的教育氛围,引导学生在自主、合作和探究中健康发展。教育理念的重建,需要教师用专业人员的标准审视自己的职业和教育行为,树立专业意识,完成职业转型。  相似文献   

为了解决高职英语教学中存在的诸多问题,通过对现实情况的分析,提出调整教学大纲、完善教材、在高职英语教学中贯彻励志教育,从而激发学生学习英语的积极性,切实改善教学效果。从长远来看,可以增强学生的可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

Aspiration is currently a prominent concept in higher education policy debates. However, reference to this concept is often made in terms of low socio-economic status (SES) students simply lacking aspiration, which schools and universities must work to instill. In contrast to this potentially deficit view, this paper draws on Appadurai's notion of the ‘capacity to aspire’, which reframes aspiration as a cultural category rather than an individual motivational trait. It discusses the proposition that low SES students do have substantive aspirations, but may have less developed capacities to realise them. Bourdieu's theories of cultural capital, habitus and field provide a supplementary theoretical framework, which draws attention to the complex relationships between socio-cultural background and life-world experiences that inform students' and families' dispositions toward school and their capacities to aspire to higher education.  相似文献   

This article outlines three broad propositions for student equity in Australian higher education (HE), arising from the Australian Government's recent policy announcement to expand and widen student participation. The first is that a new relationship between student demand for places and their supply is on the horizon, unlike any other in Australia's history. Specifically, demand will struggle to match the intended supply. Given these new arrangements between government, institution and applicant, the article's second proposition is that governments and universities will need to develop a new regard for the people they seek to attract. And, following on from this, they will need to pay more attention to the nature of HE and its appeal to people who traditionally have not been all that interested. Informing this account are an examination of statistical data, analysis of university outreach programs, and a comparison of current principles of effective teaching in HE. The article concludes that advancing student equity in the current context will require new relations between institutions and students, which include a more sophisticated appreciation for the diversity of students and their communities, and for what they potentially contribute to HE.  相似文献   

University participation among students from low socio-economic backgrounds in Australia is low and nationwide strategies are in place to help bridge the gap. This article presents a preliminary evaluation of a creative arts-based outreach program to raise awareness and aspiration for university study among students from low-income backgrounds. The program is part of a national Australian federally funded initiative, the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program. It reviews an outreach advertising program facilitated by a Brisbane university. We argue that arts education has a particular role in provoking attitudinal change, due to the self-reflective, meaning-making and expressive characteristics of arts-based disciplines. In evaluating the advertising program, the value of creativity and trust as techniques of student engagement is considered. Evaluation occurred in two outer suburban high schools in Brisbane (a State capital city), using surveys and ethnographic fieldwork. The findings support an engagement model that employs creativity and uses student facilitators (undergraduate and postgraduate) to deliver the program, to meet the program's aims.  相似文献   

在漫长的历史中,儒家思想对中华民族的文化发展产生过巨大影响。本文对历代儒家学者关于什么是志,如何立志、怎样实现“志”的理想目标等进行了综合的论证与分析,并认为儒家的志功论是合理的、完整的,在当今仍有其重要的思想价值。  相似文献   

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