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成功经验策略在中学生物学教育中的运用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李高峰  刘恩山 《学科教育》2004,(11):46-48,F003
本文介绍了在中学生物学教育中运用成功经验策略的5个方法:适中任务难度、策略归因、多维评价、语言强化、心理暗示,并提出了4条原则:初期成功原则、多次成功原则、失败淡化原则和成功泛化原则。  相似文献   

欧求忠 《考试周刊》2012,(71):124-125
课堂教学策略在高职高专院校英语课堂中占有重要地位,其应用是否得当关系到一个课堂的成功与否。但教学策略必须受到教学原则的制约与指导,教学策略是在教学原则的制约与指导下完成教学过程及教学目标的手段和方法。文章主要讨论基于多媒体环境下高职高专英语课堂教学原则中的启发创造原则、必需与够用原则、因材施教原则、积累与熟练原则,以及在高职高专英语课堂教学原则背景下的协商式策略、教学内容选取与组织策略、互动情景营造策略、话题讨论策略、课堂管理策略。  相似文献   

目的论中最主要的三个原则是目的原则、连贯原则、忠实原则。文章以目的论的三原则为理论依据,分析了《逗鸟外传:萌宝满天飞》字幕翻译中的翻译策略:口语化与通俗化策略、简化策略、流行语使用策略、归化和异化翻译策略。通过对电影字幕的翻译策略研究,为相关领域的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

一个人的成功80%都依赖于非智力因素;非智力因素的含义,包括动机、兴趣、情绪、情感、意志等;培养非智力因素的原则;培养非智力因素的策略:培养动机、兴趣、意志、目标、习惯等。  相似文献   

该文从包装设计三原则出发。分别阐述了醒目原则与色彩应用、理解原则与文字应用、好感原则与图案应用的对应关系。成功的包装设计应该建立在醒目、理解、好感之上。同时,包装设计应成为一种有效的市场营销策略,服务于企业品牌建设。  相似文献   

无论在相同或是不同文化背景下的言语交际中,合作原则一直是会话双方必须遵守的主要原则,但礼貌原则也是会话的一种语用策略。本文就此探讨了二者在日常会话中的关联性,揭示了合作原则与礼貌原则的合理运用对会话成功展开的重要性。  相似文献   

文章基于主体教育思想和教学原则,提出了设计及其操作探究性物理课堂教学的策略:主体性发展策略、选择策略、优化策略、留白策略、适时监控与引导策略.  相似文献   

广告英语翻译的"归化"和""异化"策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从广告英语的特点和功能入手,论述了广告翻译的原则和策略,指出翻译的基本原则应为:自然、准确、易懂。而实现广告翻译基本原则应以“归化”为基本策略,合理使用“异化”策略。  相似文献   

格赖斯的合作原则和利奇的礼貌原则是指导会话分析的重要理论。文章在此理论的指导下,对职场畅销小说《杜拉拉升职记》中的职场会话策略进行了分析,归纳为以下策略:数字和例证策略、回避策略、转移话题策略、直截了当和"他山之石"策略、赞扬和同情策略等。  相似文献   

通过分析酒店英语中的言语交际行为,在酒店这一有着特定交际目的的言语区域,从态度、人称、拒绝原则、礼貌原则几个方面说明遵守会话原则,善用会话技巧与策略对成功的会话所产生的影响。  相似文献   

成功写作的基本规律有五:合时与言志统一律;激情与睿智相融律;精思与细作协调律;扩容与美形结合律;写“我”与利“人”一体律。成功写作的教育要领有七:引导学生解读成功,激发成功写作欲望;诱导学生向往成功,捕捉成功写作时机;鼓动学生追寻成功,注重成功写作行动;指导学生探求成功,收获成功写作谷粒;帮助学生获取成功,品味成功写作果实;激励学生打造成功,步入成功写作旅途;开导学生享受成功,实现成功写作价值。成功写作的管理维度有六:过程管理;作者管理;读者管理;教育管理;组织管理;媒体管理。  相似文献   

职业成功教育浅论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
职业成功教育,是构建适应职场需要的职业人才培养模式的一块重要基石,是推进职业教育改革创新的一个重要支点。为此,一要弄清“成功”、“成功教育”、“职业成功教育”的基本涵义;二要明确实施职业成功教育“四个有助于”的重要意义;三要选择与安排实施职业成功教育的14项基本内容;四要把握与遵循实施职业成功教育的八种基本途径;五要把握与运用实施职业成功教育的八种基本方法。  相似文献   

孙子的一生是智慧的一生,是功成名就、功德圆满的一生,也是功在当时、惠及千秋的一生。他一生践行并实现着"立德立功立言"三不朽的人生,主要是归功于其特有的成功之道。刻苦读书学习,勤于思考是孙子成功的前提;加强品德修养是孙子成功的基石;不断磨砺干事创业之志是孙子成功的关键;精通谋略是孙子成功的根本,而务求自保全胜是孙子成功的保证。学习孙子智慧,研究其成功之道,既要研读其兵法,又要研究其人、其事、其功、其名。  相似文献   

成功数学教育是通过数学管理者、数学教学者、数学学习者树立成功数学观念,采用成功运行机制最终使数学学习者数学才能获得成功的数学教育活动。成功数学教育的特征:面向全体数学学习者;数学潜能变成才能,并使之全面发展;数学学习不断成功;全程数学教育;全员数学管理。成功数学教育机制包括系统组织和和软组织穴观念雪,成功数学教育系统组织包括成功数学管理、成功数学教学、成功数学学习三部分,成功数学教育软组织穴观念雪主要是期望——机会——评价机制。  相似文献   

Fear of success was assessed for 61 fifth-, seventh-, and ninth-grade children using Horner's and Baruch's "fantasy" measures and a behavioral measure developed by the authors. Males and females did not differ significantly on fear of success as measured by the fantasy technique. Developmentally, male fear of success remained unchanged in the three grades tested, while female fear of success decreased from grade 5 to grade 7. The behavioral measure of fear of success tapped a drop in achievement striving in grade 7 for the female subjects. Results are discussed in light of a "situational" versus personality theory of the development of fear of success.  相似文献   

While all agree student success in higher education is important, there is less agreement on what it means to be a successful student. Student success is often measured by institutional reports of grades, student retention and qualification completion. More recently, broader definitions have emerged; however, these do not incorporate student perceptions of success. The current study addresses this gap by exploring how first-year students talk about their success. Drawing from weekly interviews of students at an Australian regional university, the data are analysed through the lens of a conceptual framework of student engagement. The findings demonstrate that success is inextricably linked with student engagement as well as other dimensions of the student experience. As expected, students assess their success extrinsically with institutional measures such as grades and feedback. In addition, their behavioural engagement was seen as a more immediate measure of their success, while happiness and satisfaction were necessary for some students to feel successful. Perceptions of success have important consequences for students in terms of increased positive emotions, self-efficacy and course belonging. Success for these students has multiple dimensions. These findings give rise to suggestions for a staged approach to supporting first-year student success. However, the student experience is complex and multifaceted and further research is needed with different student cohorts who may define and experience success in other ways.  相似文献   

学生成功技能是指学业成功所必备的技能。学校辅导员的学生成功技能干预是美国学业成就研究领域的一项新进展。研究表明,通过辅导员实施学生成功技能干预可以有效地提高学业成就。  相似文献   

In this paper we present an alternative typology for determining success and dropout in massive open online courses (MOOCs). This typology takes the perspectives of MOOC-takers into account and is based on the their intentions and subsequent behaviour. An explorative study using two MOOCs was carried out to test the applicability of the typology. Following the traditional approach based on course completion to identify educational success, success rates were 6.5 and 5.6%. The success rates from the perspectives of the MOOC-taker were 59 and 70%. These findings demonstrate that merely looking at course completion as a measure for success does not suffice in the context of MOOCs. This change in addressing MOOC success and dropout provides an alternative view and demonstrates the importance of MOOC-takers’ perspectives.  相似文献   

Students’ personal predictors of academic success are particularly relevant for first-year college students, given the specific challenges that these students face when entering higher education (HE). Academic success in HE has been related to multiple factors, including the students’ approaches to learning (SAL), satisfaction (linked to commitment and persistence), study time (effort), and prior academic achievement. This study analyzes the combined effect of these predictors on perceived academic success. Data from 247 students was collected using the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students and other specific measures to assess presage and process variables of academic success. Although academic success is multidimensional and difficult to explain, factors such as prior academic achievement, satisfaction with the course, SAL, and study time contribute to explain perceived academic success in first-year college students.  相似文献   

The success of instructional design and development (ID) projects is typically evaluated using an evaluation framework, the most popular being Kirkpatrick's (1967) four levels of evaluation. In spite of their widespread use, there does not appear to be an empirical basis for these frameworks. Do the popular evaluation frameworks encompass the major indicators of successful ID projects? Are the success indicators the same for all the various stakeholders involved in ID projects? The purpose of this study was: 1) to establish empirically a set of ID project success indicators, and 2) to determine if stakeholder perspective influences the importance attached to those indicators. Seven ID project success indicators were identified, suggesting that the common evaluation models are incomplete. A two-way ANOVA revealed no significant differences among the stakeholder groups in terms of the importance they attached to the success indicators overall. However, a significant difference was found among the success indicators in terms of their importance to ID project success. Also, there was a significant interaction between certain stakeholder groups and certain ID project success indicators. Implications of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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