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Although the history of formal education in the Nordic countries has relatively long roots, its broader and more systematic study started early in our century then gained momentum during the second half. But the formal educational systems in the Nordic countries vary to a high degree due to geographical, political and economical circumstances, and so do their histories. The three articles in this section survey studies of the history of education in Denmark, Finland and Norway, particularly during the last four decades and they tell rather different stories. The Danish contribution shows how studies have been motivated by higher educational needs for readings about the history of education and by researchers' curiosity to detect causes of occurrences and developments as well as their consequences. The second article outlines the Finnish development by means of a chronological (1940‐1960, 1960‐1980, 1980‐1990) and thematic division. Finland was influenced in this research area by Germany, but this influence lay dormant after the Second World War until the 1970s. Naturally the study of the Finnish history of education has a particular interest because of this nation's turbulent historical past and special current geographical and political position. The Norwegian article starts with a pessimistic confession that Norwegian historical pedagogy today seems to be on the defensive and marginalized, but it finds comfort in the fact that a new generation of researchers have entered the scene. The contrast between the older and the new generation in their views about research topics, trends and thematic orientations is then followed and documented throughout the article. Thus the firm documentation shows that there is a trend within the new generation to study recent history at the sacrifice of the ancient, to prefer the study of history from below instead of history from above, to choose more enthusiastically the study of social powers and structures instead of the history of ideas and persons, and to focus on the study of foreign pedagogic in order to establish a kind of standard to measure Norwegian developmental excellence against, instead of focusing on the study of foreign pedagogic per se. The article ends with viewpoints on the role that theoretical scientific reflections could play in educational history research, and it presents the contemporary scene with it's problems and promises.  相似文献   

Three stages in the institutionalization of educational sociology in the U.S.A. are identified, i.e. (1) sociology for teachers, up to the 1910s, (2) sociology for education in the 1920s, and (3) sociology of educational problems, in the 1930s. After the war educational sociology became an established sub-discipline of sociology, called sociology of education, which has roughly three approaches, namely (1) cultural anthropological, (2) social psychological, and (3) historical-in-stitutional. In the 1960s the crisis of education provoked by the explosion in enrolments led to the wider interest of sociologists in education. They analyzed the crisis and cooperated in planning remedies. In the 1970s a “new” critical sociology of education emerged, particularly in Britain, which opposes the functionalism and optimism of the “old” sociology of education.  相似文献   

This paper puts forward the hypothesis that in recent decades, pupils of schools in the western world have been given a new form of individuality. This construction has been nourished by both the demand for emancipation as it was expressed in the critical sociology of education (and pedagogy) and by the neoliberal turn in education policy. It unfolds consequences of such an alliance between romantic and neoliberal individualism, and argues that some of Simmel's concepts might fruitfully be engaged to grasp important aspects of today's educational culture. Against this backdrop, the paper discusses the construction of the new individuality in regard to educational changes in control and discipline, individually adapted education and assessment and finally academic knowledge. Primarily by using examples from the Norwegian case, the paper analyses how recent opinions on these issues can be viewed as different expressions of an educational culture promoting alienation as emancipation.  相似文献   

教育社会学在苏联之前的俄罗斯已经出现了萌芽,真正形成和发展是在20世纪60~70年代的苏联时期。教育社会学在当时具有明显的政治倾向性。由于受到苏联意识形态的影响,20世纪70年代后期社会学被禁止研究,教育社会学也从此失去了十年发展机遇。苏联解体后,教育社会学在俄罗斯得到恢复和发展。目前,俄罗斯正在加速国家现代化建设,随着教育的大发展,教育社会学的作用将会越来越突出。  相似文献   

Assurance of citizens’ social rights and minimization of social differences have been central tenets that have framed the educational policy of Finland and the other Nordic welfare states. Equality has been on the official agenda in educational politics and policies since the comprehensive school reforms of the 1960s and 1970s. However, the conceptualization of equality has fluctuated, reflecting the political climate in which the policy statements have been created. In this article, we analyse Finnish curricular documents concerning upper secondary education from the 1970s to the 2010s in order to find out how the aims of educational equality are presented. Drawing on different conceptualizations of equality and social justice, as well as feminist theorizations of intersectionality, we scrutinize how gendered, classed and ethnised patterns are emphasized, challenged or muted in documents. Through the longitudinal data of this study it is possible to analyse the growing impact of this neo-liberal educational restructuring into Finland, which has a reputation for equal education and excellent records in the Programme for International Student Assessment tests. Hence, we ask how the Finnish society as an imagined community is reflected in the documents of different decades.  相似文献   

A remarkable feature of the sociology of education is its proliferation under a broad gamut of research themes and topics. Understanding the relationship of education to social reproduction and social change are pivotal to the sociology of education, and have fruitfully informed research in fields such as gender and education, vocational education and lifelong learning, policy sociology in education, cultural sociology of education, literacy, social justice and education, globalisation and education. Tracking the historical trajectory of the sociology of education in Australia, this article underlines the productivity of educational research and methodological advances in the fields of gender, literacy, and policy. It also points to the failure of the sociology of education and educational research to engage with the education system’s complicity in reproducing Indigenous and ethnic disadvantage. I argue for an sociology of education along lines envisaged by Emile Durkheim who recognised the importance of understanding education systems past and present, so that educators might comprehend the relationship of education to social change. New theories, methodologies and fields of education play an important role in informing understandings of contemporary education. However, if education and educational research are to inform social futures, they require an educational imagination able to account for achievements and deficiencies; an educational imagination able to undertake theoretical deliberations about the social and material conditions, struggles and occlusions that have and continue to constitute the purpose and practice of education.  相似文献   

This paper uses the methods of personal reflection and auto/biography to consider the ways in which global social and political transformations have influenced a key generation of feminist sociologists entering the academy and attempting to introduce feminist knowledge and pedagogy into academic curricula. Three critical events on or around 22 November are used to highlight key political moments, the associated development of changing themes in forms of analysis of social transformations, and the part played by feminism and sociology within higher education. They are the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1963, the Israeli-Arab war in 1973 and the resignation of Margaret Thatcher in 1990. The argument is that there has been a clear relation between changing social and political contexts and methodological understandings, which have drawn on developing feminist perspectives and reflexive sociological analysis, especially as embraced within the sociology of education. In particular, the shift from a political and professional perspective on social change and family life towards one that engages with personal issues is noteworthy. It is one of the hallmarks of both feminist notions associated with reflexivity and developing sociological methodologies and policy sociology. Thus, the personal and the political are now central methodological forms of feminist and sociological analysis within education and, especially, the sociology of education, influencing pedagogy within higher education, especially associated with developments in professional postgraduate education. I weave my personal reflections on my professional developments through an analysis of the key moments related to specific policy regimes and changing forms of understandings within the fields of policy sociology and sociology of education. I conclude with current concerns about the balances between the personal and professional within educational research and policy sociology.  相似文献   

Sociology of education in Norway has traditionally been preoccupied with the classic problems related to education and the reproduction of social inequality. As the general social scientific and political focus on inequality decreased, the sociology of education also became less visible. At the same time, the sociology of youth evolved, and brought with it a shift from theories of reproduction towards theories of individualization and cultural detachment. New challenges for sociology of education are also discussed. These are related to the educational system's position as the main socialization arena for young people, as well as new developments within educational policy, and thus within school. What kind of identities are “produced” within the educational system?  相似文献   

This study of adult literacy education in Thailand analyses the ways in which the Thai state has historically shaped adult literacy education policies for development. For the authoritarian Thai state of the 1940s and 1950s, literacy education was a means of promoting nationalism through an imagined community of Thai citizens. For the developmentalist state of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, literacy education was the means to create a new Thai working class for industrial capitalism and export-oriented growth. For the liberal democratic state of the 1990s, literacy education was re-oriented toward a post-Fordist economy. Most recently, in the wake of the 1997 economic crisis and subsequent IMF and ADB ‘structural adjustment’ policies, state educational policies have shifted to an emphasis on fiscal economics over education. While state ideologies of educational policy are dominant in this historical narrative, they also possess internal contradictions contested by popular movements and social groups outside dominant classes. Literacy education in Thailand is, as such, not only the site of production and reproduction of state ideologies, but also of struggles over their meaning. Thus we find within the authoritarian nationalism of the 1940s and 1950s, a movement for popular democracy through literacy education born of the 1932 Revolution; within the work-oriented literacy programs of the 1970s, a trend towards broader community development inspired by the student revolution of October 1973; and within the neoliberal Thai state's embrace of globalization, a call for further democratization of educational opportunities first promoted by the May 1992 uprising and then embodied in the new Constitution of 1997 and the Education Act of 1999.  相似文献   

本文批判性地总结了1970年代以来美国教育社会学界兴起的新制度学派的发展轨迹,新制度学派提出三个基本的理论命题:(1)现代教育是伴随世俗个人主义而出现的一种独特的社会实体,本质上是一种制度神话和理性仪式;(2)教育组织是松散联接的系统;(3)现代教育的效果主要是对人和知识进行合法化分类。在对经典社会学家韦伯和涂尔干的继承上,新制度学派与美国当时盛行的结构功能理论和冲突论有明显的差异,认为现代教育不是维持地方国家或者特殊阶层需要的地域性事业,而是超越民族-国家和特殊群体利益的世界性制度。新制度学派对教育社会学的贡献,不只是对教育组织和教育效果的深度理论分析,而且其对教育扩张和课程内容的经验研究已经成为当代教育社会学中一个重要的学术传统,在问题意识上有其独特的价值。在借鉴新制度理论时,必须坚持中国经验本位,避免简单地套用和比附新制度理论,应解释和揭示中国教育经验内隐的深层机制,以中国经验丰富和发展新制度理论。  相似文献   

Since the 1970s there has been considerable debate among sociologists of education about the macro‐micro gap in educational analyses. However, educational research remains divided largely into the study of large‐scale phenomena such as social systems and national policies on the one hand, and case‐studies of individual schools and social interaction on the other. This split has had a number of unfortunate consequences for the development of the field. Most importantly, the dominant conceptions of structure and agency employed in the sociology of education are characterised by a dualism which makes it difficult to conceptualise adequately the processes involved in social change. In this paper, I briefly describe this structure‐agency dualism before critically examining three attempts which have been made to address this problem. The ability of structuration theory to overcome this dualism is then examined, and I conclude by arguing that this approach offers an important new direction for the sociology of education.  相似文献   

This paper concentrates on the expansion of Finnish higher education between the 1960s and 1970s, exposes its background in the light of the policy decisions that were made, compares the unique features of this expansion with those of certain other countries, discusses the impact of the controlled ‘top down’ governance of higher education policy, and describes the Finnish higher education system today. The paper argues that the driving forces behind universal mass higher education were, on the one hand, changes in the structure of society, and on the other hand, individual demand for education but also increased need for skills in production processes. This was the case in Finland as well but the Finnish higher education expansion was also characterised by regionalism. The actual location of universities in the era of expansion was a function of local political actors who were able to have an influence on ruling political parties.  相似文献   

New Trends in Swedish Educational Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What new tendencies can be made out in Swedish educational research in the last three decades? Briefly, the following developments are described: In the 1970s, a long‐prevailing emphasis on quantitative research was challenged by a number of different qualitative methods. Traditional sociology of education, meanwhile, was challenged by the new sociology of education. During the 1980s, the dominant trend was a “didacticisation” of educational research, and here two main strands can be discerned, based in phenomenography and curriculum theory. Didactics very soon made its presence felt in educational policy, and in a major evaluation of Swedish educational research the two largely didactics‐based traditions of “teaching and learning” and “curriculum theory” were identified as internationally the most significant. In the 1990s, educational research took a “linguistic turn”—involving a wide‐ranging shift in emphasis towards language and communication—with the result that new perspectives emerged. In addition, the philosophy of education experienced a powerful renaissance, partly as a reflection of the new focus on language and communication, but also in other respects, leading to a reawakening of interest in both classical and modern philosophy (of education).  相似文献   

The quantitative expansion in higher education in most countries has not been linear. After a very strong expansion in the 1960s there was a stage of stagnation. In the early 1990s, however, there are signs of a new development towards universal higher education. This is a very distinct feature at present in Norway. Since 1988 the student population has increased by more than 50%.This article argues that the present pressure on higher education in Norway cannot be understood without taking into consideration both the long-term trends and acute accumulation of pressure at the moment. A demographic model of analyzing changes in the student population and the factors explaining both individual demands and political decisions are discussed. The needs of the labour market for a higher educational level of the workforce and the increasing level of education among the parents may explain the long-term trends in enrolment. A deteriorating labour market forces youth to go straight into higher education. The average age of the new entrants is therefore decreasing, resulting in even more pressure. The increased competition to be admitted results in repeated application to higher education, so that the number of applicants is more than one and a half times the relevant age group.The article also raises the question whether the Norwegian situation at present is unique or related to a more general trend.The article is a revised version of a paper presented at the SRHE conference in Brighton, December 1993.  相似文献   

The paper studies the educational reforms and expansions (comprehensivization) of Sweden and Norway after 1900 and their effects upon the populations’ general attainment levels and the distributions of attainments according to gender, class, cultural origin and geographical background. The Norwegian developments were much more uneven than the Swedish. It is shown that the great changes in attainment levels and attainment distributions in Norway during the most recent period were caused partly by the lower secondary education reforms around 1970. However, the Norwegian reform of the upper secondary school was largely ineffectual.  相似文献   

The Disciplines and Discipline of Educational Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper starts from the point in the early 1970s at which educational theory and research was temporarily structured under the 'foundation' disciplines of psychology, sociology, philosophy and history of education. It observes the way the intellectual resources of educational research have become enlarged and enriched and these disciplines themselves fragmented and hybridised to a degree that prompts talk not just of interdisciplinarity but of 'postdisciplinarity'. The paper argues, however, that without discipline, in the sense of a shared language, a rule governed structure of enquiry—something 'systematic'—we lose the conditions that make a community of arguers possible. Further, we lose the basis for the special claim which research might otherwise make on our attention and on our belief.  相似文献   

略论欧美教育平等研究的主要范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪50年代以来,教育平等成为欧美教育社会学和教育哲学研究的主题之一,出现了五种独具特色的研究范式,分别是方法论经验主义、分析哲学、解释论、冲突论和批判理论。随着欧美教育社会学主流范式的变迁以及教育不平等问题的复杂化,这些范式之间的界限正逐渐淡化,融合多种范式的综合研究将会成为未来欧美教育平等研究的主导性趋向。  相似文献   

Academisation of nursing education in the Nordic Countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nursing Science represents a new academic discipline in the Nordic Countries. The article focuses on the academisation of nursing education and the development of nursing to a specific discipline in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The education of nurses has developed within the national framework of each country, but not within a national vacuum. The theoretical framework is based on the sociology of the profession and methodological solutions lean on comparative and content analysis of text documents. This article argues that successful professional projects are not always primarily results of professional groups’ struggles. In the case of Nordic nurses the realisation of their academisation project in the 1970s and 1980s has been due to efforts of individual nurses and their associations as well as the guidance of international organisations. However, in the final analysis reforms in the higher education system have made possible the implementation of the academisation project.  相似文献   

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