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Sleep is an essential component for athlete recovery due to its physiological and psychological restorative effects, yet few studies have explored the habitual sleep/wake behaviour of elite athletes. The aims of the present study were to investigate the habitual sleep/wake behaviour of elite athletes, and to compare the differences in sleep between athletes from individual and team sports. A total of 124 (104 male, 20 female) elite athletes (mean ± s: age 22.2 ± 3.0 years) from five individual sports and four team sports participated in this study. Participants' sleep/wake behaviour was assessed using self-report sleep diaries and wrist activity monitors for a minimum of seven nights (range 7–28 nights) during a typical training phase. Mixed-effects analyses of variances were conducted to compare the differences in the sleep/wake behaviour of athletes from two sport types (i.e. individual and team). Overall, this sample of athletes went to bed at 22:59 ± 1.3, woke up at 07:15 ± 1.2 and obtained 6.8 ± 1.1 h of sleep per night. Athletes from individual sports went to bed earlier, woke up earlier and obtained less sleep (individual vs team; 6.5 vs 7.0 h) than athletes from team sports. These data indicate that athletes obtain well below the recommended 8 h of sleep per night, with shorter sleep durations existing among athletes from individual sports.  相似文献   

Good sleep is critical for optimising recovery and athletic performance. Yet, few studies have investigated how athletes sleep before and during competition. The aim of this study was to determine whether such sleep is poorer than that before a usual training day. Twenty-one male endurance cyclists’ (age: 19.9 ± 1.7 years) sleep/wake behaviour was assessed using wrist activity monitors for 11 nights, including a six-night baseline training phase, three nights before competition and two nights during competition. Cyclists had less sleep on the night before competition (6.5 ± 0.9 h) and during the first night of competition (6.8 ± 0.8 h) than at baseline (7.4 ± 0.6 h). Cyclists also went to bed and woke up earlier during competition than at baseline. Competition schedules and competition itself can disrupt the sleep/wake behaviour of athletes during competition. Future investigations should examine sleep during three stages of competition (i.e. before, during and after competition). This will help coaches develop a greater understanding of how sleep changes during different phases of competition and enable them to plan post-competition training programmes to ensure appropriate rest and recovery is obtained.  相似文献   


Research has shown that talented athletes outscore their mainstream peers on the basis of self-regulation. Although valuable, this does not tell us more about the distinction between good athletes and the best, which is a prerequisite in talent development. Therefore, we examined the self-regulatory skills of 222 male and female talented athletes aged 12–16 years as a function of competitive sport level (junior international or junior national athletes) and type of sport (individual or team sports). Multivariate analyses of covariance in combination with a discriminant function analysis revealed that “reflection” distinguishes between athletes at the highest levels of excellence. Furthermore, athletes playing individual sports had higher scores on “planning” and “effort” than team sport athletes, highlighting the importance of differences between types of sport. In conclusion, we emphasize the importance of reflection as a self-regulatory skill. Reflection facilitates the development of sport-specific characteristics, which may vary by type of sport. This means that an advanced sense of reflection may help talented athletes to acquire desirable characteristics during their “talent” years to ultimately reach adult elite levels of competition.  相似文献   

Purpose: Despite the perceived importance of sleep for athletes, little is known regarding athlete sleep quality, their prevalence of daytime sleepiness or risk factors for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) such as snoring and witnessed apnoeic episodes. The purpose of the present study was to characterise normative sleep quality among highly trained team sport athletes.

Methodology:175 elite or highly trained rugby sevens, rugby union and cricket athletes completed the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Epworth Sleepiness Score (ESS) and Quality of Life questionnaires and an OSA risk factor screen.

Results: On average, athletes reported 7.9?±?1.3?h of sleep per night. The average PSQI score was 5.9?±?2.6, and 50% of athletes were found to be poor sleepers (PSQI?>?5). Daytime sleepiness was prevalent throughout the population (average global score of 8.5) and clinically significant (ESS score of ≥10) in 28% of athletes. OSA may be an important clinical consideration within athletic populations, as a considerable number of athletes (38%) defined themselves as snorers and 8% reported having a witnessed apnoeic episode. The relationship between self-rated sleep quality and actual PSQI score was strong (Pearson correlation of 0.4?±?0.1, 90% confidence limits).

Conclusion: These findings suggest that this cohort of team sport athletes suffer a preponderance of poor sleep quality, with associated high levels of daytime sleepiness. Athletes should receive education about how to improve sleep wake schedules, extend total sleep time and improve sleep quality.  相似文献   

王子 《冰雪运动》2015,(6):34-37
冰壶运动被称为“冰上围棋”,是集健身、娱乐和竞技为一体的冬季体育项目,是一项需要出色控制身体动作和充分体现优秀心理品质的集体运动。采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、定性分析法等研究方法对影响冰壶运动员比赛成败的心理归因进行研究,认为赛前过度紧张、自信心的影响、自卑畏怯、动机因素、团队协作因素、外界环境等是影响冰壶运动员比赛成败的心理因素;并提出了比赛前、比赛中和比赛后的心理调控训练的路径,为冰壶训练提供参考。  相似文献   

Placebo-induced performance enhancement is a new controversial issue in competitive sports. Coaches have control over the use of placebos, but their practices and attitudes were barely studied to date. In this survey 96 coaches from regional, national and international levels were asked about their practices and attitudes concerning placebo use in sports. Results revealed that 90% of the respondents were aware of placebo effects. Many (44%) coaches admitted to administering a placebo to their athletes. Those working at international level have administered placebos more often than the others (P = .02). Two thirds of the coaches agreed to the wider use of placebos in sport. Respondents who have used placebos in the past reported improved athletic performance. They also agreed more to the wider use of placebos than the coaches who previously did not use a placebo (P = .001). Team sport coaches use more often placebos than coaches working with individual athletes (P = .05). Only 10% of the sample thought that their athletes would refuse a hypothetical performance enhancer supplied by them. After a successful placebo intervention, only 15% of the coaches would administer it again without consulting the athlete. Overall, the coaches are optimistic about placebo use in sports. Close to half of them, especially those coaching at higher levels of competition, may use it regularly while achieving positive results.  相似文献   

优秀运动员运动寿命研究导论   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
竞技运动训练的终极目的就是使运动员获得最高的竞赛成绩,并尽可能长地保持运动员高水平的竞技能力.文章运用文献、问卷、访问等方法对优秀运动员的运动寿命进行了研究与分析,指出运动员的运动寿命是训练学因素、生物学因素和人文社会学因素三者整合的结果.  相似文献   


This study described and compared the personality and background of women participating in intercollegiate sports competition. Personal feelings about competition and faculty adviser estimation of personality were also described. The Cattell 16 PF test of personality and a personal information questionnaire were administered. This investigation involved four groups of junior or senior college women athletes: 15 individual, 16 subjectively-judged, 28 team, and 18 team-individual sports participants. Each subject was required to have competed in her sport for at least two seasons. A group of 42 nonparticipants was also studied. The subjects were selected from the five largest state universities in Ohio. Results indicated groups were similar on 14 dimensions of personality and significantly different on 9. The individual and subjectively-judged were more alike and also more similar to the nonparticipants than to the other two groups. The team and team-individual groups tended to be alike and dissimilar to the other three groups. Faculty advisers significantly misjudged the personality of their participants, with the team sports advisers being the most inaccurate. Questionnaire information indicated differences in socioeconomic background as well as personal feelings about competition.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine whether demographic characteristics and perceptions regarding sport-ability and sport-league affect one’s moral competence. A total of 685 athletes from five different sports participated in the study. The moral competence test was used, in order to assess players’ moral competence. Also, players’ sport-related perceptions and demographic data were reported. The ANOVAs revealed that athletes of individual sports and sports with no and/or low physical contact scored significantly higher in moral competence compared to team sport athletes who compete in high-contact sports. Moreover, players’ age, education, sport experience and perceived sport ability were found to play a significant role in moral development, while their level of competition, and gender did not have a significant effect on their morality. Overall, results demonstrated that several demographic characteristics and sport-related perceptions should be taken into account when interpreting ones’ moral profile.  相似文献   

许多冬季项目都具有比较高的损伤风险,如单板滑雪、高山滑雪和自由式滑雪等。如何帮助这些高风险项目的运动员应对运动损伤的挫折和康复治疗的挑战,是备战北京冬奥会面临的重要课题。研究介绍了心理保障团队如何帮助一位中国自由式滑雪空中技巧受伤运动员LGZ应对康复困难并重返国际比赛的心理康复历程。基于中国运动员心理建设系统,为LGZ的心理康复训练制订了三重目标:1)减少运动损伤的心理应激,积极参与康复治疗,尽早回归正常的训练和比赛;2)提高自我控制能力,形成良好的行为习惯,以平稳的心态参加训练和比赛;3)提升文化素养和精神境界,不断完善自我,促进终生发展。从2017年2月—2018年2月,在历时1年的心理训练中,共对其进行了5种心理干预:提供心理支持、实施表象训练、开展心理讲座、制订比赛预案和提供心理咨询;还通过心理测试来监控运动员的心理状态,并采用运动员个人评价、主管教练评价和竞技比赛表现来评估心理训练的效果。在为期1年的心理训练结束时,这名运动员逐渐克服了运动损伤所带来的焦虑,建立了伤后康复的自信,提高了自我控制的能力,并在平昌冬奥会上取得了她个人的最佳成绩,获得了冬奥会奖牌。这一案例提示我们“术道兼修”的心理训练具有一定成效,也带给我们许多反思。  相似文献   

龚红 《体育科技文献通报》2007,15(5):113-114,125
太极柔力球是世界上唯一的一个不以直接“碰撞击打”为特征的体育项目。融传统(太极)运动方式与现代竞技双重特征于一体,是一项集健身性、娱乐性、趣味性、竞技性、表演性、适应性和活动方式多样性于一身,易于推广和普及,具有发展前途的优秀体育项目。本文通过对太极柔力球运动价值及在教学中应注意的问题进行剖析,阐述其在普通高校开展的可行性,探索一条普通高校开展太极柔力球教学之路。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法对选拔参加残奥会国家队冬训及部分春训的运动员进行调查,并就优秀残疾投运动员多年训练的主要动机进行了分析。结论是:1.我国优秀残疾投掷运动员坚持多年运动训练的因素既有对项目的热爱、对自尊和社会尊重的要求,同时也受生活压力因素的影响。2.男女运动员均表现出强身健体的训练动机。3.男运动员更看重运动训练的内部回报,女运动员则看重训练的外部奖励。4.男运动员注意运动训练的长远回报,女运动员看重运动训练带来的眼前利益。5.男运动员渴望通过训练及成绩得到社会认可,女运动员则更看重自我肯定的价值。  相似文献   

自2004年以来国内外人类学、体育学界研究者通过研究发现,参赛运动员(队)服装的颜色对体育比赛结果有影响,颜色对比赛结果的影响研究呈如下趋势:在个人项目和集体项目比赛中,当双方实力相当时,穿红色服装的运动员和运动队会赢,选手都没有穿红色比赛制服而是穿蓝色或白色,穿蓝色服装的运动员和运动队会赢。颜色对比赛结果的影响机制主要有,不同颜色比赛服装具有其特殊的内隐性;比赛服装颜色会引起植物神经内稳态偏离;不同颜色队服具有不同的视觉属性;不同颜色队服影响队员情绪体验的积极性。  相似文献   

This review addresses personality in organised sport. We describe the extant literature that has explored personality effects on athletic success and population-based differences before hypothesising how sport participation may contribute to personality development. We then outline the role of personality in athletic interactions and group processes before considering the practical applications of personality research and avenues for future study. Our review shows that personality is an important determinant of long-term success in sport and identifies clear personality differences between individuals that participate in organised sport and individuals that do not participate in organised sport. We also observe important personality differences between sub-samples of athletes and outline the contribution of personality to intragroup relationships and team effectiveness in team sport. The interaction of genetic and environmental influences is presented as a promising avenue of inquiry that can strengthen our understanding of personality effects on sport and exercise participation and athletic success. We conclude by outlining implications for applied sport psychology.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to compare well-peer mentored and non-peer mentored athletes’ perceptions of satisfaction. A total of 444 intercollegiate athletes (272 well-peer mentored and 172 non-peer mentored) from a variety of sport teams participated in the study. Athletes from both well-peer mentored and non-peer mentored groups reported their satisfaction levels using the Athlete Satisfaction Questionnaire. The results of a MANOVA and follow-up post hoc ANOVAs showed that well-peer mentored athletes were significantly more satisfied than their non-peer mentored counterparts in terms of individual performance, personal dedication, team task contribution, team social contribution, team integration, ethics, ability utilisation and training and instruction. Overall, the findings suggest that athletes who are well-peer mentored by a teammate perceive higher satisfaction levels with various aspects of their athletic experience than athletes who are not peer mentored by a teammate. Given these positive findings, practitioners (i.e., coaches, sport psychology consultants) should inform athletes on the benefits of peer-to-peer mentoring. The practical implications of the results and strategies to promote peer athlete mentoring relationships in sport are highlighted.  相似文献   

本文从理论上、概念上对运动训练与运动比赛加以区别,并从运动技术、战术、心理、体能等方面论述了运动训练和比赛之间的关系,认为运动训练与运动比赛有着本质的区别,不能运用比赛代替训练。以期提高对比赛和训练的认识水平,处理好比赛与训练相互关系,促进运动训练沿着理性、健康的方向发展提高,取得应有效益。  相似文献   

中国体操队、举重队备战、参赛北京奥运会的心理训练   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
高水平运动比赛的成功发挥除了坚实的训练水平之外,还取决于竞技心理水平的高低.在北京奥运会上,中国体操和举重健儿发挥出色取得了优异的成绩,教练员和运动员都认为良好的心理状态是在此次奥运会上获得成功的重要因素.对中国体操队、举重队北京奥运会备战、赛前的心理准备情况进行总结,并展示相关实际案例,以期为高水平运动员大赛心理准备研究提供实践经验,为心理学工作者对运动队提供心理学帮助提供参考.  相似文献   

The behavioural modifications that accompany Ramadan intermittent fasting (RIF) are usually associated with some alterations in the metabolic, physiological, and psychological responses of athletes that may affect sport performance. Muslim athletes who are required to train and/or compete during the month-long, diurnal fast must adopt coping strategies that allow them to maintain physical fitness and motivation if they are to perform at the highest level. This updated review aims to present the current state of knowledge of the effects of RIF on training and performance, focusing on key-factors that contribute to the effects of Ramadan on exercise performance: energy restriction, sleep deprivation, circadian rhythm perturbation, dehydration, and alterations in the training load. The available literature contain few studies that have examined the effects of RIF on physical performance in athletes and, to date, the results are inconclusive, so the effects of RIF on competition outcomes are not at present wholly understood. The diverse findings probably indicate individual differences in the adaptability and self-generated coping strategies of athletes during fasting and training. However, the results of the small number of well-controlled studies that have examined the effects of Ramadan on athletic performance suggest that few aspects of physical fitness are negatively affected, and where decrements are observed these are usually modest. Subjective feelings of fatigue and other mood indicators are often cited as implying additional stress on the athlete throughout Ramadan, but most studies show that these factors may not result in decreases in performance and that perceived exercise intensity is unlikely to increase to any significant degree. Current evidence from good, well-controlled research supports the conclusion that athletes who maintain their total energy and macronutrient intake, training load, body composition, and sleep length and quality are unlikely to suffer any substantial decrements in performance during Ramadan. Further research is required to determine the effect of RIF on the most challenging events or exercise protocols and on elite athletes competing in extreme environments.  相似文献   

We examined the propensity for male athletes to exhibit symptoms of disordered eating. Using meta-analytic techniques, we examined overall effect size, individual effect sizes for specific sport types, standard of athletic competition and diagnostic tools from 31 studies. When all studies were considered as a homogeneous group, male athletes did not have symptoms of disordered eating that were significantly different from non-athletic controls. However, significant moderator effects emerged for sport type and measurement: (a) wrestling reported a greater incidence of disordered eating; and (b) studies that reported data from the Eating Attitudes Test yielded a significantly greater incidence of disordered eating in male athletes compared to non-athletes. Although some sports seem to present a higher risk of disordered eating compared to others, the effects are weak and heterogeneous. We make suggestions for the development of the research area, which has been severely hampered by the diagnostic tools that have been available for the study of men.  相似文献   

普通高校田径运动会竞赛规程的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制定竞赛规程是组织运动会的前提,以田径运动会竞赛规程为着眼点,对高校田径运动会进行思考,认为高校田径运动会存在目标定位锦标化、项目设置专业化、参与对象精英化、激励机制单一化等问题.依据阳光体育精神,提出更新运动会项目设置、计分方法和奖励机制的措施,并在厦门大学第43届田径运动会检验,实践证明可以达到参与人数飙升、赛场气氛热烈、团队意识增强、运动情趣提升等目标.  相似文献   

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