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英国是对老年人群开展心理健康服务较早而且较完善的国家之一。目前英国老年心理健康服务具有完备的国家体系框架,明确清晰的发展规划和目标,有完善的心理健康服务机构和服务模式,并随医疗技术的提高而不断改进的服务内容,但也存在一些问题和挑战。借鉴发达国家老年人心理健康服务的研究经验,对我国开展和进行切实可行的老年人心理健康服务具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Teachers are key professionals in responding to children and adolescents with possible mental health difficulties and who exhibit social, emotional or behavioural difficulties in the classroom. Health and education policy increasingly positions teachers as vital agents in connecting mental health services with affected young people. A growing corpus of research, however, questions practitioners’ capacity to undertake this important role, particularly given the limited space afforded to content around mental health in pre-service teacher education. This paper reports on a qualitative case study, conducted in an Australian context, investigating pre-service teacher responses to five vignettes of young people presenting behaviours indicative of possible mental health difficulties. In light of educator expectations to identify and appropriately respond to mental health difficulties, this study discloses the need for explicit, structured mental health guidance which form a discrete, core ‘knowledge base’ of teacher education. Patterns in data, analysed in light of policy literature, also suggest the value inherent in advocating open-minded, non-judgemental and collegial professional responses. Further research opportunities highlighted include a systematic review of current provision around mental health in pre-service teacher education programmes.  相似文献   

As health professionals in an educational setting, nurses in schools occupy a unique place in the spectrum of children’s services. Yet the service is often overlooked and has been described as invisible. This paper draws on findings from a study, funded by the Scottish Government’s National Programme for Improving Mental Health and Well‐being, which explored the role of school nurses in promoting and supporting the mental health of children and young people. The school nursing service throughout the United Kingdom is at a pivotal point as its role is being redefined to align with moves across the National Health Service towards a public health model. This paper therefore offers a timely overview of the mental health work of school nurses, and raises key issues for future work. Interviews were conducted with 25 school nurse managers across Scotland. Interviewees claimed that the contribution of nurses in schools was distinctive, owing to the quality and consistency of relationship that they could offer, and the autonomy that the service allowed young people. However, significant challenges were reported in making this contribution, and tensions were evident in the conceptualisation of their role. The framework of resilience is used to discuss the findings on the significance of building relationships in promoting mental health.  相似文献   

The role and future directions of the educational psychology services are being re‐examined and there is a drive to build a more integrated system of services for children and young people that incorporates education, health and social care. This qualitative study examines teacher’s perspectives on their professional involvement with educational psychology services. The results indicate that while it was clear that educational psychologists are highly valued by teachers, there are a number of issues that teachers believe constrain service provision. We suggest that greater cross‐system consultation is needed in order to more closely examine how the roles of professionals working in education, health and social care services impact on each other.  相似文献   

The significant mental health needs of young people in out-of-home care has been well-documented. However, there is little empirical evidence on the timing or development of these difficulties, once these young people have been removed from the maltreatment-environment. Such information may provide useful clinical insight in to how problems develop and persist and whether intervention timings may allow for the prevention of later mental health problems. The current service-data study explored the emotional and behavioural symptom trajectories of 207 young people under the long-term care of a local authority in the South West of England, over their first five years in the care system. Data were extracted from the yearly carer-completed strengths and difficulties questionnaire – providing an index of emotional problems, peer problems, conduct problems and hyperactivity. Trajectories were analysed using growth mixture modelling. For most domains the largest trajectories were chronic symptom profiles, where young people were rated in the abnormal range from their first year in care and remained in this range across the full five years. These young people had significantly more placement moves than their peers on resilient trajectories. There was some evidence that later age of removal was associated with more chronic internalising problems. Overall, findings demonstrate the significant mental health needs of young people in care and particularly highlight that, in many cases, the removal from the adverse environment is simply not enough to expect a young person in care to be resilient to their earlier experiences.  相似文献   

Rationing is a concept newly introduced in health‐systems analysis in the United States. Although rationing, when applied to health care, is a fearful word to the elderly, at the most basic level it is simply a method that enables government to intervene in the private marketplace to allocate resources to achieve particular policy ends. This intervention to affect allocation of health care resources has long been used by all levels of government in the United States. Intervention by government in the private marketplace is examined as a means of expanding or limiting the supply of health care services or expanding or limiting the demand for such services. The Oregon rationing experiment with Medicaid services has significantly contributed to the introduction of the concept of rationing of health care. As expected, there is a disproportionate interest by the elderly in rationing health care; thus the effect of the Oregon rationing experiment on the elderly is discussed, as are other allocation interventions on long‐term care, as a service of particular interest to the elderly.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether mental health stigma (i.e., negative attitudes toward people with a psychological disorder) and self-concealment are unique predictors of help-seeking attitudes in Asian American and European American college students with no history of seeking professional psychological services. The Asian American group had less favorable help-seeking attitudes overall, lower levels of stigma tolerance and interpersonal openness, greater mental health stigma, and greater self-concealment than the European American group. Mental health stigma and self-concealment were unique predictors of help-seeking attitudes overall in both groups. However, mental health stigma was not a unique predictor of recognition of need for psychotherapeutic help and confidence in mental health practitioners, the components of help-seeking attitudes theorized to be most associated with actual help-seeking behavior. Self-concealment was a unique predictor of confidence in mental health practitioners in the Asian American group, but not in the European American group.  相似文献   

Rationing is a concept newly introduced in health-systems analysis in the United States. Although rationing, when applied to health care, is a fearful word to the elderly, at the most basic level it is simply a method that enables government to intervene in the private marketplace to allocate resources to achieve particular policy ends. This intervention to affect allocation of health care resources has long been used by all levels of government in the United States. Intervention by government in the private marketplace is examined as a means of expanding or limiting the supply of health care services or expanding or limiting the demand for such services. The Oregon rationing experiment with Medicaid services has significantly contributed to the introduction of the concept of rationing of health care. As expected, there is a disproportionate interest by the elderly in rationing health care; thus the effect of the Oregon rationing experiment on the elderly is discussed, as are other allocation interventions on long-term care, as a service of particular interest to the elderly.  相似文献   

The impact of parental mental health difficulties on the developing child is well evidenced and documented. In this article Kate Olliver‐Kneafsey, Ev Thornton and Wendy Williamson suggest that despite the difficulties young people face when parental mental illness is a feature of family life, it is not all gloom and doom, and give some important positive messages for parents, teachers and other children’s practitioners.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(4):190-194
Young people living in rural areas lack opportunities for accessing health advice and care without reference to a parent, carer, or other adult. In this article Jane Harrison and Jane Bullock provide the rationale for the development in 1997 of Bodyzone, a school‐based health service to address this problem. Presented here as a case study, Bodyzone, twenty of which have been started in Oxfordshire, demonstrates the value of such a service to young people and teachers. The multi‐agency sessions are held once a week either on school premises or in youth or sports centres nearby. The service is accessed by self‐referral and the sessions are drop‐in. The provision of this service enables young people to begin to take responsibility for their health and to meet health professionals on their own territory, rather than that of the agency.  相似文献   

早期教育是为提升0?3岁婴幼儿童身体素质、情感表达、认知能力、智力发育及人格形塑等学前基本技能,进而有助于婴幼儿协调发展与健康成长所采取的各类正式与非正式的互动式教育活动。早期教育专业师资是具有一定教育专业背景与综合知识技能的,能够为0?3岁儿童提供照料、保育与教育服务的正式职业工作者,包括早教机构管理服务人员及各类专业保健员、育婴师、保育员等。当前,我国早期教育专业人才培养面临专业标准不清、专业师资薄弱、专业课程失调及专业路径阻塞等现实困境。为有效提升新时代早期教育专业师资培养质量,可以加强顶层设计,明晰专业标准;整合教育资源,培养精英教师;遵循人才规律,优化专业课程与加大投入力度,疏通专业路径。  相似文献   

Supporting children and young people’s mental health is a central aim of the UK government policy, with those with learning difficulties a particularly vulnerable group. This systematic review of research uses published literature to explore how access and participation in therapy might be facilitated for young people with learning difficulties. Twelve studies published 2000-2019 were identified, which described the experiences of access to, and participation in therapy for people with learning difficulties, although notably most of these involved adults. Findings indicated eight themes: pre-therapy, careful contracting, therapy is hard, idiosyncratic needs, therapeutic relationship, group therapy, reviewing therapy and it changed my life. These were organized into three chronological stages: setting up of therapy; therapeutic processes; and therapeutic outcomes. A number of strategies that can promote access and participation are suggested for professionals working therapeutically with young people with learning difficulties, around contracting, clear communication, the therapeutic alliance and the ending of therapy.  相似文献   

Questions contine to be raised about the relevance of educational outcomes for young people with learning difficulties. Margaret Dowrick, lecturer in special education at the University of Western Sydney, suggests that there is ongoing concern that education services fail to prepare students with severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties 'for the demands of adult life'. In this article, Margaret Dowrick describes a project that brought together professionals, parents and students in order to generate consensus about the skills that young people with learning difficulties need to gain before leaving school. The results of these consultations were fed back to schools in order to support the process of curricular review. Although this paper is written from an Australian perspective, the author makes telling links with the situation in North America and the United Kingdom and raises issues that will be of interest to specialist educators everywhere.  相似文献   

The transition from school to the world of post-compulsory education is a major landmark in the lives of young people with special educational needs (SEN). In England the Connexions service set up to support young people during transition was planned to provide both a universal service and one that provided special support to vulnerable young people, particularly those at risk of not being in education, employment or training (NEET). The present paper reports the findings of a study of 46 Connexions personal advisers (PAs) who were supporting young people with specific speech and language difficulties (SSLD) or general learning difficulties, as part of a longitudinal study of these young people's development. Interviews were held with the PAs to identify patterns of organisation, the nature of services delivered to these young people and the factors that influenced successful support. The findings highlight the diversity among Connexions services, the limited expertise with young people with SEN and the structural barriers that may limit effectiveness. In addition, the Assessment, Planning, Implementation and Review Framework was not consistently used. The Connexions service has the potential to provide important support to young people with SEN at this key transition point but our study indicates the need for modifications to its operation.  相似文献   

家庭教育影响孩子一生,家长应该肩负起加强孩子思想道德、人身安全、心理健康、行为习惯等教育任务的主体责任。可是,对于一些留守、流动、孤残等特殊困境儿童,家庭教育的实施还存在很大困难。为了保障特殊困境家庭的未成年人健康成长,重庆等一些地方通过地方立法,界定了政府、学校和社会为特殊困境未成年人提供家庭教育指导服务的法律责任,产生了良好的社会效果,但也存在一些保障范围不足的问题。为此,地方立法应该建立一种家庭尽责、政府推进、学校指导和社会参与的家庭教育关爱机制,让更多的特殊困境未成年人能够享有科学优质的家庭教育指导服务。  相似文献   

This paper addresses concerns regarding the preparedness of newly qualified teachers to deliver Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) in the United Kingdom in relation to the training received during Initial Teacher Education and through early Continuing Professional Development. The paper is situated not only within a context where OfSTED has questioned the adequacy of some non-specialist PSHE teachers but also one where, due to a range of social and health concerns centred on young people, schools and teachers are being expected to play an increasingly important role in the social and health education of their pupils. As such, PSHE is increasingly seen as important across all curriculum areas. This paper relates specifically to the confidence of trainee and newly qualified teachers of English in teaching PSHE in secondary schools in the United Kingdom. Drawing on questionnaire data collected from recent Professional Graduate Certificate in Education graduates, the paper suggests that trainee and newly qualified teachers have the skills and knowledge drawn from their main subject (English) to deliver PSHE; however, many lack confidence and awareness to acknowledge these skills. The paper suggests that this situation may be addressed through increased opportunity to deliver and receive feedback on PSHE teaching during initial teacher training.  相似文献   

In this article we examine the complex relationship between care experience, mental health and exclusion from school and how young people (YP) negotiate these different experiences and identities. The study is a secondary analysis, informed by symbolic interactionist theory, of interviews conducted with 19 care experienced YP in Scotland. Not all of the YP were excluded and not all had a formal mental health diagnosis, as such our study design allows interrogation of the contexts and relationships which not only facilitate but also disrupt pathways to exclusion. It also allows reconsideration of assumptions of vulnerability which are often applied to care experienced YP. Our findings suggest that these YP are moving beyond ‘role playing’ the identities ascribed to them and actively seek out relationships which enable them to construct alternative identities.  相似文献   

This paper examines ideas about mental health, wellbeing and school education to illustrate important issues in the relationship between mental health and education. The Covid crisis has amplified the pre-existing mental health problems of children and young people in England and recognition of the opportunities in schools to address these. The paper gives an overview of child and adolescent mental health services and how they position the role of schools. It examines prominent concepts of mental health and their relationship to wellbeing, setting this in a discussion of ‘mentally healthy’ schools, mental health in special educational needs and whole-school approaches. This analysis shows how the relationship between mental health and wellbeing has not been adequately worked out, using this as the basis for arguing for the dual-factor mental health model which separates mental illness/disorder from wellbeing as two related dimensions. The paper then translates the dual-factor model into a two-dimensional framework that represents the distinctive but related aims of school education (wellbeing promotion) and mental health services (preventing, coping, helping mental health difficulties). This framework involves a complex conception of wellbeing, with schools playing an important role in promoting wellbeing (beyond emotional wellbeing), tiered models and establishing school-wide social emotional learning. It is about a whole-school curriculum approach that involves considering what is to be learned and how it is taught. It contributes to a more nuanced concept of wellbeing that has a place for meaningful learning and challenge.  相似文献   

为了考察高校教师心理健康服务需求的现状,为提高高校教师心理健康服务水平提供实证依据,本研究对陕西省5个地市5所地方本科院校680名教师进行调查,调查内容包括教师对心理健康服务的态度、对心理健康服务机构的需求、对心理健康服务人员的需求、对心理健康服务内容的需求、对心理健康服务方式和途径的需求5个方面。调查结果发现:(1)教师对心理健康服务的态度不够积极,大多认为心理健康服务没有必要;(2)教师最希望接受学校心理健康服务机构的服务,而对民间机构需求程度最低;(3)教师最希望得到家人等非专业人员的服务,对私立机构专家等专业人员的需求程度不高;(4)教师对生计与生活适应、身心管理、人际关系、职业发展、婚恋及两性心理最关心,对危机干预及物质依赖需求度低;(5)教师最愿意与家人交流讨论、向同学同辈朋友咨询、接受健康教育和科普宣传,不愿意采用电话咨询等方式接受心理健康服务。地方本科院校的工会作为"教职工之家",应充分利用基层组织优势,积极发挥作用,创建"教师心灵驿站工作室",加强和改善教师心理健康服务质量。  相似文献   

Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) in England has been the focus of critical scrutiny on several occasions, but there has been little attention paid to how teachers formulate their provision, especially given their crucial role in determining what is taught in the classroom. While current policy suggests that provision should be inclusive of sexual diversity, it simultaneously gives educators the scope to determine the form this takes. This is an important issue given the substantial impact that teachers’ views and discourses have on what is taught. Using a discourse analytical framework, this study sought to examine how teachers of SRE formulate and account for their provision, with a particular focus on how their assumptions about young people’s sexual health needs underpin their actions. Initially, teachers sought to formulate their activities in terms of an overall ethos, providing legitimacy for the key elements of their programme being aligned with official government health promotion strategy, as opposed to other areas such as pleasure and diversity. This was supported by their constructions of young people, particularly young women and individuals from ‘at risk’ communities, as being particularly vulnerable.  相似文献   

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