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Preanalytical phase is the most vulnerable part of the total testing process and is considered to be among the greatest challenges to the laboratory professionals. However, preanalytical activities, management of unsuitable specimens and reporting policies are not fully standardized, nor harmonized worldwide. Several standards related to blood sampling and sample transportation and handling are available, but compliance to those guidelines is low, especially outside the laboratory and if blood sampling is done without the direct supervision of the laboratory staff. Furthermore, for some most critical procedures within the preanalytical phase, internationally accepted guidelines and recommendations as well as related quality measures are unfortunately unavailable. There is large heterogeneity in the criteria for sample rejection, the different strategies by which unacceptable samples are managed, processed and test results reported worldwide. Management of unacceptable specimens warrants therefore immediate harmonization. Alongside the challenging and long road of patient safety, preanalytical phase offers room for improvement, and Editors at Biochemia Medica Journal definitely hope to continue providing a respective mean for reporting studies on different preanalytical phase topics. With pleasure and delight we invite potential future authors to submit their articles examining the quality of various preanalytical activities to Biochemia Medica. We will keep nurturing this topic as our prominent feature and by this we hope to be able to deliver valid evidence for some future guidelines and recommendations.  相似文献   

4种期刊评价工具的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简要介绍了《中文核心期刊要目总览》、《中国科技期刊引证报告》、《中国学术期刊综合引证报告》和中国科学引文数据库这4种目前在国内使用比较广泛的核心期刊评价工具,并从评价方法、来源期刊、学科分类、计量指标和网络服务等5个方面对这4种期刊评价工具进行了比较。在比较分析的基础上探讨了期刊评价工具未来的发展。  相似文献   

以东华大学1975-2009年期间SSCI(Social Science Citation Index)和A&HCI(Arts & Humanities Citation Index)收录学术论文被引用文献为样本,采用计量学分析方法从国际化影响的年代分布、国家或地区分布、涉及影响机构以及受影响的学科几方面,揭示我国人文社会科学研究成果对国际人文社会科学的影响和贡献.  相似文献   

以东华大学1975-2009年被SSCI和A&HCI收录文献为案例,从国际化产出情况、学科分布、论文合作国家或地区分布、来源期刊、影响力以及上海地区近5年人文社会科学国际显示度等方面,揭示人文社会科学研究的历史和现状,以更好地利用国际科学数据资源促进我国人文社会科学研究的进一步发展,提升人文社会科学成果的国际显示度.  相似文献   

The Eigenfactor score is a journal influence metric developed at the Department of Biology of the University of Washington and recently introduced in the Science and Social Science Journal Citation Reports maintained by Thomson Reuters. It provides a compelling measure of journal status with solid mathematical background, sound axiomatic foundation, intriguing stochastic interpretation, and many interesting relationships to other ranking measures. In this short contribution, we give 10 reasons to motivate the use of the Eigenfactor method.  相似文献   

郭永正 《科学学研究》2007,25(5):877-879
 本文采用美国科学情报研究所的科学引文数据库(SCI-E)中的论文数据,从国际科学合作、论文出版语言和出版国家等三个方面,统计分析了我国的361856篇论文,考察了我国科学研究国际化的发展历程,发现了其中的一些规律。  相似文献   

The present study investigates the self-citations of the most productive semiconductor journals by synchronous (self-citing rate) and diachronous (self-cited rate) approaches. Journal’s productivity of 100 most productive semiconductor journals was gathered from INSPEC database, 1978–1997 through OVID. Data of citation frequency were obtained from the Science Citation Index (SCI), Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 2001 CDROM edition by the title-by-title search. The self-citing and self-cited data were drawn from the Citing Journal Listing and the Cited Journal Listing of the JCR CDROM version 1990–2001. Self-citing and self-cited rates were determined by the method suggested by the JCR. Eighty-seven journals common to INSPEC and JCR in semiconductor were selected as the object of this study and were listed for statistical tests. The results of the present study demonstrate that high self-citing journals are usually older than low self-citing journals. In contrast to the self-citing data, the journal self-cited rate is not closely related to the publication year but reflects the characteristics of various journals. Journals with a short time interval of publication are more possible with high self-citing and self-cited rates. Journals with higher self-citing rate tend to be more productive and receive more citation than journals with lower self-citing rate. The journal self-cited rate has no association with the number of articles that a journal published and the citation it received. A journal with a higher self-citing rate tends to be cited more by itself. The mean self-citing rate is 9.59% and the mean self-cited rate is 15.03%. There is a significant difference between self-citing and self-cited rates within the same set of journals.  相似文献   

刘思琼 《情报探索》2013,(12):22-27
对中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)收录的2001-2010年菌根真菌类研究文献,从年代分布、来源期刊分布、基金类别、被引情况、合著度、关键词、主题词7个方面进行统计分析.发现:2001-2007年间,我国菌根真菌研究文献量呈不断上升的趋势,但是自2008年起开始下滑;来源期刊中有83%是核心期刊,获得基金支持的论文比例高达90.39%,文献质量较高;主要作者群为高校教学科研人员,且论文多以合著形式发表;研究重点主要集中在丛枝菌根;未来研究重点将是菌根植物的生物修复作用.  相似文献   

蒋若冰  胡艳  邵爽 《情报探索》2013,(12):31-33,37
通过中国知网(CNKI)的中国引文数据库,对《中华医学图书情报杂志》1994-2012年的载文、引文、被引、作者、基金情况进行统计分析与评价,认为该刊拥有集中的作者群,深受情报学专家学者的关注和认可,已成为全国图书情报研究领域中优秀的医学图书情报学术期刊及重要信息源.  相似文献   

华薇娜  羌丽 《科学学研究》2011,29(5):670-677
 运用文献计量方法,通过美国汤森路透公司的核心期刊论文数据库WoS中的社会科学专题数据子库,检索了中国大陆在世界核心刊物上自1900年至1949年间发表的几乎全部的论文。并从文献量、著者、机构、学科主题、核心期刊、引文等角度进行了归类统计和分析,用定量数据从一个侧面反映了20世纪上半叶中国社会科学研究的历史实况、研究水平、科研布局等具体信息。  相似文献   

《中国社会科学引文索引》(1998-2009年)收录题名中含有“竞争情报”的论文823篇,在对论文所附7223条参考文献进行数理统计与内容分析的基础上,考察对我国竞争情报研究颇具影响的国内外论文、著作、作者与期刊的影响力度与分布规律,提炼出我国竞争情报研究的特点与学术来源,并探究了当前研究中存在的问题及其成因,进而为未来研究走向提出了建议。  相似文献   

吴錡  张光红  朱星 《科研管理》2002,23(6):113-119
本在回顾美国科学情报研究所(ISI)对收入科学引索引(SCI)的期刊评价体系的基础上,分析了中国大陆被SCI收录期刊的现状和北京大学理科发表论的情况。统计计算表明,北京大学1998年和2000年SCI期刊论的平均影响因子分别为1.21和1.35。在一些基础学科,如化学、物理类,北京大学发表论的SCI期刊的影响因子与国际平均值接近,而其它学科尚有较大差距。北京大学将鼓励科研人员在注重论质量的前提下,在重要科技期刊上发表研究论。  相似文献   

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