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动机强度对远程英语学习起着重要作用.本研究基于"期望×价值"理论以及其他已有研究成果,对三位远程学习者的英语学习与工作经历进行了叙事探究.研究发现:个体学习者的英语学习动机强度是动机取向、成功预期与任务价值评价三项素联动制约的结果;不同的动机取向诱发不同的学习任务价值评价;学习成功预期与动机取向取决于学习者个体在英语学习体验、师生关系、职业发展经历等多项历史环境因素下所逐步形成的学习能力观与学习过程观.  相似文献   

史琼 《教师》2011,(11):124-125
随着19世纪中后期现代心理学的创立,动机理论逐渐走向多元化和成熟化,出现了各种流派。在动机问题的研究中,学习动机是一个重要的研究方向,特别是社会认知取向的学习动机研究成为了热点。在我国,学习动机问题也受到心理学界和教育学界的较多关注,特别是对于大学生学习动机,其研究主要集中于对其内容、种类及其作用的探讨。  相似文献   

随着19世纪中后期现代心理学的创立,动机理论逐渐走向多元化和成熟化,出现了各种流派。在动机问题的研究中,学习动机是一个重要的研究方向,特别是社会认知取向的学习动机研究成为了热点。在我国,学习动机问题也受到心理学界和教育学界的较多关注,特别是对于大学生学习动机,其研究主要集中于对其内容、种类及其作用的探讨。  相似文献   

理解MOOC平台学习者的动机结构和基本特点是提升MOOC平台建设质量和学习质量的基础性工作。文章以中国最大的MOOC平台之一——"学堂在线"学习者为研究对象,通过机器学习的方法,对中国MOOC学习者自填的动机文本进行分析。结果表明,中国MOOC学习者学习动机可以分为三类九种。其中,稳定型学习动机包括认知兴趣、提升自我和习惯性学习三种取向;实用型学习动机包括职业发展、补充学习和外界影响三种取向;尝鲜型学习动机包括优质资源、新型学习和人际交往三种取向。稳定型特别是认知兴趣取向的学习动机占比最高,反映出在线学习目前是一种自主性、非制度性的学习方式,以满足个体非功用性需求为主。MOOC学习动机和过程性学习质量之间的关系,还有待进一步探索。  相似文献   

学习动机是直接影响大学生学习行为和效果的重要因素。了解当前大一新生的学习动机状态和特点,对于激发他们学习的积极性,增强学习动力,更好地促使其完成大学的学习任务具有十分重要的现实意义。本文采用学习动机问卷对502名大学一年级学生进行调查,结果表明:报答、求知、就业与生活和成绩目标是当前大学生的主要学习动机,报答型动机最为强烈;动机的个人取向更强,社会属性较低;理科生的消极回避动机显著高于文科生,文科生的社会奉献动机显著高于理科生;男、女大学生在求知、报答和社会奉献的学习动机上存在显著差异。  相似文献   

一、关于学习动机的研究对于学习动机,国内外已有许多研究成果,如强化理论、成就理论、自我实现理论、归因理论等。从系统分析的视角看,学习动机包含了促进学习的多种心理因素。美国教育心理学家布鲁纳认为主要有内在动机和外在动机两种动力因素:内在动机所推动的学习,其目标为学习活动本身;外在动机所推动的活动,其目标为学习的结果和意义。奥苏伯尔则从对学业成绩实际影响的角度,将学习动机区分为认知内驱力、自我提高内驱力和附属内驱力。认知内驱力属成长性动力,以获得知识和解决学业问题为学习的推动力量,直接指向学习任务本身,其满足…  相似文献   

验证性信息搜寻是社会心理学中的一个经典研究问题。可以从传统动机、认知、动机和认知相结合等三方面考察验证性信息搜寻的心理解释机制。传统动机取向的解释机制主要围绕防御性动机展开,受防御动机驱动的信息搜寻者会主动搜寻支持性信息,回避冲突性信息,并且对支持性信息进行更加深入和积极的阐释。认知取向的解释机制将动机性推理理论的不同加工目标观点与认知加工类型观点整合起来,提出“加工数量”假设,强调不一致性信息比一致性信息引发更强烈的认知分析,达到与偏好不一致的判断结论比与偏好一致的判断结论需要更多的信息,这种认知加工上的不对称性数量导致个体对不一致性信息比一致性信息更加批判性地对待。动机和认知相结合取向的解释机制认为,准确性动机并非像传统防御性动机那样表现出较为独立的因素,而总是与认知因素结合在一起,决策一致性信息主观上被认为具有性质上的优势,在搜寻过程中更加系统性地偏好一致性信息。  相似文献   

对留学生的个人特征、学习动机与学业成绩进行比较分析,学习动机主要从学习成就、职业价值、社会取向成就、技能成就四方面进行调查研究。采用随机抽样的方法选取100名学生,利用SPSS 19.0对样本数据进行分析,结果表明:年级、年龄及性别对留学生的学习动机水平和学业成绩均无显著性影响;不同学科对学生学业成绩有一定影响;学业成绩与学习动机呈显著正相关,与职业价值动机相关程度最高;社会取向动机对学习动机水平相关程度最高;学习动机水平与学业成绩呈极显著正相关关系。同时,针对留学生的学习动机与学业成绩现状,提出针对性的建议。  相似文献   

学习动机是影响语言学习最具能动性的因素之一。将当今流行的语言学习动机理论模式与教育心理学中学习动机的框架理论相结合,结合中外语言学习动机理论的研究成果,在主流动机理论研究的基础上,从行为、人本、认知三方面建构语言学习动机理论,使教师在语言教学中,为培养学生的外语学习动机找到更好的理论依据,从而丰富外语教学研究的策略。  相似文献   

学习理论研究的主要取向及其教学含义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对学习理论研究取向的划分,介绍了目前主要的三种取向:即联结观、认知观与情景观的研究进展和教学意义,认为三种观点虽在本质上有明显的差异,但他们之间并不彼此排斥,而结取向和认知取向能包括在情景取向中,目前的学习理论不再将学习看作是孤立的,而是它们之间相互作用的过程。  相似文献   

基于社会认知理论的外语教学理论目前是我国外语界比较热门的外语教育理论。社会认知理论为我国外语学习者的学习过程、学习动机、学习策略、社会文化环境等因素研究建立了理论基石,也为建构我国本土外语教学理论和教学实践提供了有利的理论支持。本文介绍了社会认知理论的概念,并探讨了社会认知理论对我国大学法语教学的启示——加强课堂教学改革、注重交际能力培养和提高跨文化意识。  相似文献   

班杜拉社会学习理论述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
班杜拉的社会学习理论摈弃了传统行为主义对环境的依赖,指出人的更普遍、更有效的学习方式是观察学习,强调了人的认知因素在学习过程中的重要作用,认为行为、认知及环境三者之间构成了动态的交叉互动关系,重视人的自我调节和自我效能感。  相似文献   

In this article we propose that in order to advance our understanding of motivation in collaborative learning we should move beyond the cognitive–situative epistemological divide and combine individual and social processes. Our claim is that although recent research has recognized the importance of social aspects in emerging and sustained motivation in collaborative learning activities, the social is mainly conceived as a unidirectional source of influence on individual motivation. In the article we examine the significance of motivation in research on collaborative learning. We discuss two characterizations of the role of the social in conceptualizations of motivation, namely, social influence and social construction, and outline our case for moving beyond the cognitive–situative divide and combining individual and social processes in research on motivation. Finally, we present illustrations from recent research on motivation in collaborative learning that has attempted to bridge the cognitive–situative divide across theoretical perspectives or using different methods.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的飞速发展,传统课堂逐渐趋向于一个充满技术和更加人本化的泛在学习空间,未来课堂概念应运而生。目前对于未来课堂的研究主要侧重于对未来课堂的空间设计、技术应用、特点特性等方面的研究,还缺乏与未来课堂特性相应的教与学方式及教学模式的系统研究。开展具有前瞻性的未来课堂教学设计有利于推动未来课堂实践。教学设计中隐含着关于认知和学习的理论。虽然传统认知观对教师主导的,以传授客观知识为主要目的的传统课堂教学设计做出了重要贡献,但是其作为面向学习者主动建构知识和实现意义理解的教学设计的理论基础不再是充分的。当代认知理论研究已完成了由离身到具身的范式转型。具身认知理论强调身体在认知过程中的关键作用及认知、身体与环境交互的重要性。基于具身认知的视角,未来课堂的教学设计不再仅仅是提供具体的可操作性步骤,而是为在教学中产生更多的可能性而做好准备,其具有学习内容的情境性、学习环境的无意识性、教学目标的生成性、教学过程的动态性以及学习活动的体验性等特性。  相似文献   

This study presents the outcomes of a semi-systematic literature review on the role of learning theory in multimodal learning analytics (MMLA) research. Based on previous systematic literature reviews in MMLA and an additional new search, 35 MMLA works were identified that use theory. The results show that MMLA studies do not always discuss their findings within an established theoretical framework. Most of the theory-driven MMLA studies are positioned in the cognitive and affective domains, and the three most frequently used theories are embodied cognition, cognitive load theory and control–value theory of achievement emotions. Often, the theories are only used to inform the study design, but there is a relationship between the most frequently used theories and the data modalities used to operationalize those theories. Although studies such as these are rare, the findings indicate that MMLA affordances can, indeed, lead to theoretical contributions to learning sciences. In this work, we discuss methods of accelerating theory-driven MMLA research and how this acceleration can extend or even create new theoretical knowledge.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Multimodal learning analytics (MMLA) is an emerging field of research with inherent connections to advanced computational analyses of social phenomena.
  • MMLA can help us monitor learning activity at the micro-level and model cognitive, affective and social factors associated with learning using data from both physical and digital spaces.
  • MMLA provide new opportunities to support students' learning.
What this paper adds
  • Some MMLA works use theory, but, overall, the role of theory is currently limited.
  • The three theories dominating MMLA research are embodied cognition, control–value theory of achievement emotions and cognitive load theory.
  • Most of the theory-driven MMLA papers use theory ‘as is’ and do not consider the analytical and synthetic role of theory or aim to contribute to it.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • If the ultimate goal of MMLA, and AI in Education in general, research is to understand and support human learning, these studies should be expected to align their findings (or not) with established relevant theories.
  • MMLA research is mature enough to contribute to learning theory, and more research should aim to do so.
  • MMLA researchers and practitioners, including technology designers, developers, educators and policy-makers, can use this review as an overview of the current state of theory-driven MMLA.

学习动机的研究,已经从行为主义的动机观发展到社会文化的动机观。现阶段,有学者开辟了整合研究方向,提出了动机的自我调节论。基于此,我们认为,语文学习动机是激发、维持学生学习行为,并使之朝向一定语文学习目标的一种内在过程或内部心理状态。进而,经过进一步分析可以看到,语文学习动机的基本结构,一般地包括认知内驱力(学习兴趣)、自我提高内驱力(自尊)、附属内驱力(奖励、批评)、自我效能感(成功)、意志(自觉、毅力)和成就归因(成绩)等六个维度。  相似文献   

Over the last few years, the information processing model of cognition has become increasingly prominent in the field. With this model, and other related research in cognitive science, there is a greater appreciation for the role of instruction in learning theory. One of the model's central tenets is that, as learners become more competent, they move from declarative to procedural states of knowledge. Researchers have concerned themselves with the efficiency of this transition, as well as with any systematic misconceptions that develop along the way. A carefully developed curriculum addresses both of these concerns. This article will focus on three principles of curriculum development: the nature of examples, explicitness, and parsimony. Recently conducted research that supports these principles will also be discussed. It is suggested that special educators strongly consider these principles when selecting or developing curricular material for students with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

近来的研究已经开始解释具体的神经结构、基因和神经传导系统在社会认知研究中所扮演的角色.颞叶的皮质区感知与社会相关的刺激;杏仁核、右躯体感觉皮层、眶额叶、扣带回和感知动机、情绪、认知刺激相关.未来的研究不仅仅是局限于动物的社会认知研究,更需要关注人类的社会认知研究.方法上要把行为的方法和生理的方法结合起来,以寻求汇聚性的证据来揭示社会认知的特点.  相似文献   

Recent research which has investigated relationships between family environments and the cognitive performance of children has lacked a sound theoretical framework and has trivialized the nature of the relations between structural social forces and social-psychological environment variables. In the present study, a social learning theory of the family which links cognitive performance with distal and proximal environment variables is tested. Factor scaling is used to construct new environment scales to measure the proximal learning environment of the family. Canonical analysis is used to examine the theory. The findings suggest that our understanding of the differences in the cognitive performance of children will be enriched by starting from a theoretical perspective which analyzes relationships between structural social forces and the family learning environment defined in terms of parents' expectations and the cognitive stimuli and reinforcement provided in families.  相似文献   

Research has suggested that self or co-regulated learning is very helpful for the development of students’ autonomy, and is particularly important in online learning environments, because such non-linear environments tend to lack focus and teachers’ monitoring. The social cognitive research suggests that highly self-regulated learners have higher motivation and more control of their learning behaviors, and thus generate better outcomes on an individual basis rather on a group basis. This study thus attempts to extend the social cognitive perspective of self-regulated learning to collective regulated learning, and to investigate the relationships among collective beliefs (i.e., collective task value, a newly developed group motivation), collaborative behaviors (i.e., group cohesion, cognitive quality of collaborative interactions), and collaborative performance through collaborative creation in the CSCL environment. A total of 96 college students participated in this study. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were applied. The results indicate that collective task value is a reliable and valid construct. The results also show that collective task value significantly predicts students’ group cohesion and collaborative performance, although it does not predict students’ cognitive quality of collaborative interactions. Students’ group cohesion and higher level of cognitive quality in collaborative interactions also both significantly predict their collaborative performance through collaborative creation in the CSCL environment.  相似文献   

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