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张声远 《考试周刊》2010,(52):44-45
广场作为城市的智能空间,提供人们集散、交通、集会、仪式、游憩、商业买卖和文化交流的场所。城市的发展离不开城市广场,因为城市广场既是城市对外开放的窗口,又是城市整体形象及外貌的客观反映。滨水空间是城市中重要的景观要素,是人类向往的居住胜境。城市广场因为增加了水元素的内容,不但活跃了广场的气氛,而且丰富了广场的空间层次。  相似文献   

当代广场文化是现代城市广场中呈现出来的文化现象,具有文化、社会、娱乐休闲、经济4大功能。当代广场文化建设存在主流文化引导缺乏、基础设施建设贫乏、人文色彩缺乏,活动单一,缺乏本体定位、经营管理不到位等一些突出问题。应采取切实措施,促进广场文化的发展繁荣。  相似文献   

刘永健 《小读者》2011,(10):16-17
黛西是一个家住在英国伦敦市中心特拉法加广场附近的小女孩,今年刚满12岁.就在广场附近的一所中学就读。2010年3月中旬.她亲眼目睹了广场上慢慢地建起一座巨型的建筑。那是一座奥运会倒计时的时钟。这座钟以钢为主料,高8.5米.  相似文献   

华盛顿 :是高楼大厦林立的花园城市。绿草地一片又一片 ,各色郁金香随处可见 ,除人行道和马路外 ,看不到一块黄土露地 ,街道旁栽树 ,庭院里种花 ,大楼外种植攀援植物 ,室内也摆放草花盆景 ,有的还铺上塑料草坪。莫斯科 :是空气最好的花园城市。市内遍布森林、公园、花园、绿树成荫的小广场和街心花园 ,其面积占市区总面积的 44%。伦敦 :市区公园很多 ,若以皮卡迪广场为中心 ,以 3英里为半径做圆 ,这个圆圈里大小园林 80处。绿地覆盖市区面积约 2 5%。伦敦绿化的另一特色是住宅绿化和街道绿化融为一体 ,形成一种城市街道的整体感。横滨市 :位…  相似文献   

在我国城市建设高速发展的今天,迅速增多的城市广场引起人们的关注。城市广场正在成为城市居民生活的一部分。它的出现被越来越多的人接受,为我们的生活空间提供了更多的物质线索。城市广场作为一种城市艺术建设类型,它既承袭传统和历史,也传递着美的韵律和节奏,它是一种公共艺术形态.也是一种城市构成的重要元素。  相似文献   

尹素英 《考试周刊》2013,(97):25-25
市政广场是用于政治和文化集会、庆典、游行、检阅、礼仪、传统民间节日活动的广场,是政府定期与市民交流和组织集合活动的场所,多修建在城市的行政中心区,一般与城市重要的市政建筑共同修建,成为标志性场所。其往往是由政府办公等重要建筑物、构筑物、绿化等围合而成的空间,是城市广场的重要组成部分。随着城市的迅猛发展,各城市之间竞争加剧,各地方政府为迅速改变城市形象,改善城市竞争力,市政广场纷纷修建,这样市政广场的绿化景观规划设计不仅要适宜美观,更重要的是要注重改善生态环境,展示四季自然生态景观。  相似文献   

广场健身舞是一项群众性的自娱自乐文艺活动,人们可以不论年龄、性别、教养、居住环境、社会地位和民族习惯普遍参与其中.广场舞可以促进人的身体健康,调节身心,丰富群众的文化生活,促进家庭和睦、社区和谐.但同时广场健身舞在推广和发展中也存在一些问题.本文通过对广场健身舞的重要作用和问题进行探讨,提出广场健身舞活动的发展对策,以使广场健身舞在构建和谐社会,促进社区文化建设和发展中发挥更大作用.  相似文献   

城市亲水广场环境满意度对城市后续发展和规划非常重要。未来城市建设要正视城市亲水广场景观设计中的问题。被调查者对上海新外滩广场环境呈中等偏好程度的满意。一个让人满意的城市亲水广场环境的特征是:广场干净整洁;植被茂盛;娱乐活动丰富;广场与周围建筑协调一致;广场与水体充分融合;夜景变幻。  相似文献   

广场是城市文明建设的一个缩影,也是城市空间构成的重要组成部分.城市广场根据功能和性质,分为不同类型.在进行广场的规划设计中,应遵循比例尺度概念、有序组织广场空间、重点突出广场主题等原则,合理解决存在的问题.  相似文献   

市民休闲广场是一个城市风貌的体现,一个城市休闲广场的绿化建设水平和层次不仅代表一个城市的精神面貌还直接和间接地影响着一个城市的发展.本文从市民休闲广场的功能出发,对休闲广场绿化存在的问题和建设性原则进行分析和阐述.  相似文献   

本文利用低阶幻方及偶阶幻基给出一种较简明的构造偶阶幻方的方法。  相似文献   

伦敦眼是一个巨型轮子,看上去像一颗眼睛,因为轮子的中心处有一个又圆又黑的东西。伦敦眼是一个位于英国伦敦泰晤士河畔巨型摩天轮,整个结构高度为135米,直径为120米。伦敦眼建于1999年,它是欧洲最高的摩天轮。目前已成为英国城市最著名的旅游景点,每年350多万人前来参观。  相似文献   

Each summer between 1922 and 1938, up to 500 elementary school teachers from across Britain, and some from overseas, joined together in London for a two-week residential vacation course. Organised by Evans’ Brothers Publishers and patronised by leading educationists, politicians and policy-makers, the City of London Vacation Course came to be regarded as an important annual educational institution and a cutting-edge exemplar of teacher professional development. In spite of this apparent fame, it appears to have been entirely overlooked in the history of teacher education. This paper seeks to recover the lost story of the City of London Vacation Course and documents its educational and professional focus and its social and cultural function. Locating it within a wider educational, economic and political climate, the paper also examines how the City of London Vacation Course somehow captured and embodied the promise of an emergent new professionalism for elementary teachers during that period.  相似文献   

‘Postcards Home’ using photography, scanning, digital image manipulation, text and colour printing was the third ‘Download’ project devised by the education department of the Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, England. It was led by artist Laurie Long with teachers and pupils from Pooles Park primary school in Islington, an inner city borough in North London. Based on the production of a postcard featuring an image of personal significance, the children were involved in exploring and constructing their own and others' identities whilst developing their technology skills in creative ways. The project raises interesting questions about the applicability of contemporary art practices to the primary classroom. The research is based on participant observation and includes the voices of the artist and teachers involved.  相似文献   

伦敦的人口迁入是伦敦人口史和城市史的重要内容之一。研究该方面在1550—1750年这一社会转型的重要过渡时期的变化发展,对阐明伦敦、英国经济社会的历史发展进程以及两者之间的重要联系颇有意义。  相似文献   

This article aims to explore religious diversity and its implications for schools in England, with particular reference to the state funding of Muslim schools and multiculturalism. Recent demonstrations in France and England against the proposed ban on the wearing of religious symbols such as the Muslim headscarf (hijab) have brought to the fore the centrality of religion in the collective identity of ethnic minorities, particularly those of South Asian origins. This collective identity is now being fractured in the wake of the July 2005 bombings in London. Using a socio‐cultural approach, this article focuses on the implications of the above for secularism and citizenship in England and in particular on the state funding of Muslim faith schools following the Prime Minister, Tony Blair’s, recent statement that the rules of the game are changing. The article concludes that secularism and citizenship in schools are not best served by the state funding of faith schools and suggests some of the ways in which schools can incorporate the wealth and diversity of its diasporic citizens.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: There have recently been many debates in the UK about how to provide good care for children placed away from home. Professionals have realized that the level of child abuse in foster care and children's homes is high. This research examines the characteristics of physical and sexual abuse of children in foster and residential care in a city in England. The number of cases of abuse reported by pediatricians in this group was compared to the number reported by the same pediatricians for the population of Leeds as a whole. METHOD: This is a retrospective study of 158 children, fostered or in residential care who were involved in 191 episodes of alleged physical and/or sexual abuse assessed and reported by pediatricians over a 6 year period from 1990 to 1995 in Leeds, England. Details of the child including the reason for placement in care, their physical and mental health, abuse characteristics, including perpetrator and case management were studied. RESULTS (see Table 1): 158 incidents of abuse in 133 children in foster/residential care are described. In foster care, 42 children were physically abused, 76 were sexually abused, and 15 experienced both forms of abuse. In residential care, 12 children were physically abused, 6 were sexually abused, and 6 experienced both forms of abuse. In foster care 60% of sexual abuse involved girls and 60% of physical abuse involved boys. In residential care almost twice as many boys as girls were reported to be abused. Foster carers perpetrated the abuse for 41%, natural parents on contact for 23%, and children 20% of incidents. A significant proportion of abuse was severe with 1 death, 8 children with burns, 18 with genital, and 34 with anal penetration. Long-standing emotional, behavioral and learning difficulties were common. Most children (80%) had been abused prior to entry into care. Foster children were 7-8 times and children in residential care 6 times more likely to be assessed by a pediatrician for abuse than a child in the general population. CONCLUSIONS: Children in foster or residential care form an at risk group for maltreatment. Their special needs include additional measures to protect them from abuse.  相似文献   

目的:以最小二乘法直线度评定食品中砷测定过程中存在的不确定度,并找出影响不确定度的因素较大的环节。方法:根据GB/T 5009.11-2003《食品中总砷及无机砷的测定》的方法,应用最小二乘法拟合直线,进行不确定度评估,并计算出合成不确定度。结果:各分量中工作曲线变动性、移液管、样品定容过程及测量重复性引入的不确定度贡献较大,相对扩展不确定度为U=2.5%(k=2)。结论:以最小二乘法直线度评定食品中砷的不确定度,提高了评定的可信度,通过实验各环节的分析,要求操作过程必须细心、准确、规范,尽量减少不确定度。  相似文献   

Current and recent policy around curriculum and pedagogy for English in England has seen a lack of principled thinking about what the subject should be and how it should best serve the needs of children. In postwar England, in London in particular, teachers and academics working within the London Association for the Teaching of English (L.A.T.E.) were engaged in just such principled thinking, driven by the need to formulate a ‘new' English in the context of a changing school landscape and a changing school population. Central to L.A.T.E.'s work was the focus on the child, and the need to devise a model of the subject that was, at its core, responsive to the experience, interests and language of students. Given the direction central policy around English has taken in the past 20 years, this article considers the importance of reevaluating L.A.T.E.'s work, and considers two key conferences in the history of the Association as important watershed moments in the development of these aspects of ‘London' English. In doing so, it argues that the questions for which L.A.T.E. members sought answers are precisely those that should be asked today, but that seem to be absent from policymakers' debates about English.  相似文献   

This article introduces and explains the new requirements of the data handling section of the Mathematics National Curriculum in England. The author’s full address is: Mr Richard Browne, Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, 83 Piccadilly, London W1J 8QA (England).  相似文献   

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