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文章认为大学生缺乏对足球运动全面深刻的认识,是引起足球运动损伤的根源。提出建立突出学生主体性,以足球活动为教学平台,在学生全身心地投入到足球活动中的前提下,在足球文化、足球知识的讲解和传授过程中,实施损伤预防教育,以期实现树立文明的足球活动思想观念,强化安全意识,改善踢球风格等教学目的的足球损伤教学范式。  相似文献   

足球运动员踝关节损伤的原因及急救措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于足球运动训练强度和对抗性的增加,导致运动员受伤情况日益增多,尤其以踝关节损伤为甚。本文以部分体育教育专业学生样本,对他们在足球专项球课中踝关节受伤情况做相关调查和统计。对踝关节在足球运动教学训练中的损伤情况,损伤原因进行了针对性分析,并对足球教学训练中预防提出了相应的要求。  相似文献   

通过对五人制足球比赛造成运动员损伤的调查,对不同年龄段的五人制足球运动员在运动中损伤的常见类型、部位、原因进行了比较分析,总结出五人制足球运动发生损伤的多因素,提出对运动损伤的处理方法和预防损伤的建议。  相似文献   

刘飞 《体育科技》2014,(6):92-93
通过文献资料方法、调查问卷法等相关方法,对女子足球运动员的运动损伤的进行调查分析,结果显示女子足球运动员的踝关节损伤者较为普遍。对运动损伤的原因进行分析,并提出了相应的预防措施,加强健康保健意识等预防治疗措施,旨在一定程度上减少女子足球运动员的损伤发生。以最大限度减少足球运动中的踝关节损伤。  相似文献   

我国足球运动员运动损伤原因分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
安兵 《福建体育科技》2004,23(5):32-33,42
足球运动是世界上最流行的运动项目之一,足球运动损伤的发生率估计在10~35例每1000个训练比赛小时。为防止治疗损伤,花费了大量的人力财力,分析运动员损伤发生的身体状态和外部原因是必要的。本文主要对国内发表的运动员损伤的情况做一个综述,分析足球运动员损伤发生的原因及防止损伤的可能措施。  相似文献   

浅谈足球运动员踝关节损伤的预防及处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代足球比赛竞争日趋激烈,在训练及比赛过程中,其激烈的身体对抗及错误的技术动作等原因造成运动员踝关节损伤的情况非常普遍,在一定程度上影响了运动员正常水平的发挥。本文通过文献调查对踝关节损伤原因进行分析,并提出相对应的预防与处理措施,以便为足球教学及训练提供科学依据。  相似文献   

半月板损伤在膝关节损伤中是最常见的,它严重影响足球运动员的生理机能,影响了运动员的正常训练和比赛,甚至减少运动寿命,在足球的训练和比赛中积极的防止膝关节半月板损伤显得非常关键。本研究的目的旨在探讨膝关节半月板损伤的机制及预防方法,以便从事足球运动的运动员加强自我保护,防患于未然。  相似文献   

高校足球运动员运动损伤情况调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭晓军 《体育科技》2006,27(2):50-52
近几年,引进高水平足球运动员的高校越来越多,高校间足球比赛的水平大大提高,比赛的对抗程度、激烈程度明显增强,随之而来发生的运动损伤有上升趋势。如何预防或者减少这些损伤,成了目前高校足球运动发展所要面临的又一个重要课题。本文运用问卷调查结合访谈方式对江苏11所高校足球队训练比赛中的损伤情况进行了调查,通过对原因的分析,提出一些建议和预防的措施。  相似文献   

本文采用问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等,对参加2017年中国大学生五人制足球联赛北京赛区的70名运动员进行问卷调查及对各个代表队的教练员进行访谈。问卷内容包括训练情况、损伤特征及医疗保障等3个方面;与教练员访谈的内容关于五人制足球的项目特点及可能导致发生损伤的原因。根据《北京高校五人制足球运动员损伤调查问卷》所收集到的数据进行统计分析,结果表明运动员的损伤以下肢为主,其中膝关节和踝关节及大腿肌肉发生的损伤最多;损伤类型以扭伤、拉伤为主;损伤的性质多为急性损伤。分析运动损伤发生的可能影响因素有接受五人制足球的训练年限短、训练时间安排不合理、对比赛场地的不适应等,最后针对损伤的特征及可能的影响因素提出损伤预防的建议。  相似文献   

足球运动中普通高校男生下肢损伤的原因及特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 引言 足球是高校男生非常喜爱的运动项目。该项目对抗性强、竞争激烈,运动强度大,并伴有身体接触,故损伤的发生率很高,以致影响学生的正常训练和比赛。下肢损伤是该项目中最常见的损伤,故不可忽视。本文以我校及系的男子足球队员为研究对象,采用问卷调查方法,从中找出其在足球训练和比赛中下肢损伤的主要原因,为今后的科学化训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

足球训练与儿童少年膝关节损伤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对天津市业余足球俱乐部和足球学校10-15岁497名业余球员膝关节损伤的调查发现,受伤人数366人,占被调查人数的73.64%;以12岁年龄组发病率最高,占34.92%。运动损伤是影响儿童少年最终成为足球运动员的重要因素之一,应引起足球教练员及练习者的高度重视。  相似文献   


Injuries are common among athletes, and are sometimes so severe that they affect an athlete's career in sport. As studies on sport career termination are few, we conducted a study to investigate the role of injuries as a reason for ending a sport career. The study group consisted of 574 male and female top-level cross-country skiers, swimmers, long-distance runners and soccer players who responded to a retrospective postal questionnaire in 2006. Twenty-seven athletes (4.9%, 27/548) reported ending their sport career because of injury. A follow-up interview was conducted by telephone in 2007 (n=20 volunteered to be interviewed) to confirm sport career termination and the reasons for this. Fifteen of the interviewed athletes terminated and five continued their sport on the same level as earlier. Female athletes (12/15) terminated their sport career more frequently than male athletes (3/15). Athletes who reported terminating their sport career because of injury were on average two and a half years older (24.1 years vs. 21.6 years, P=0.006) than athletes who continued the sport. All the swimmers (n=5) who were interviewed terminated their career because of a shoulder injury. All the soccer players who ended their career (n=4) were female and had a severe knee injury, such as anterior cruciate ligament injury. Most of the athletes who terminated their sport career (70.4%, 19/27) reported that the injury caused them mild or moderate permanent disability. We found that sports injuries play a significant role in terminating a career in sport, and in some sports events injuries may commonly be the main reason for sport career termination. Injury prevention and adequate treatment and rehabilitation of injuries are thus essential to avoid the long-term consequences of severe sport injuries.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to analyse context, causes, and characteristics of injuries in non-professional soccer. Therefore, a retrospective telephone survey was carried out with persons who were injured while playing soccer and who reported this accident to the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund (Suva). Based on these data, an analysis of 708 soccer injuries was performed. The findings show that 30.1% of the injuries occurred during informal soccer play, and 75.4% of the injured persons were soccer club members. 53.0% of all injuries were caused by contact and 29.5% by foul play. Foul play was not associated with injury severity. With respect to injury severity, twisting/turning and being tackled by an opponent were identified as the most influental injury causes. Moreover, the risk of being severely injured was particularly high players of the 30+/40+ amateur leagues. In conclusion, the findings highlight that 30+/40+ league players are a major target group for the prevention of severe soccer injuries. Soccer clubs may constitute an appropriate multiplier for implementing prevention strategies such as fair play education, healthy play behaviours, and prevention programmes. Finally, a better understanding of injury situations leading to severe injuries is needed to improve injury prevention.  相似文献   

在网球运动中,膝关节损伤较为普遍,且发病机制复杂。通过探讨造成膝关节损伤的机理和规律,可为损伤的预防、治疗、康复提供帮助。研究发现,不同研究尚未得出一致的网球膝关节损伤发病率与患病率,但其损伤率较高。网球膝关节损伤在不同性别、年龄段中均较为普遍。损伤与运动等级之间的关系尚不明确。网球膝关节损伤以慢性损伤居多,损伤程度尚不明确。膝关节处常见的损伤包括肌腱炎、半月板损伤、滑囊炎等,但每一种损伤的发病率仍不明确。有关建立运动技术肌肉动力学模型的研究已有报道,但鲜见建立网球技术肌肉动力学模型的相关报道。有限元模型已在医学领域广泛应用,但鲜见其应用于研究网球损伤。研究认为,流行病学研究中需要建立一个统一的损伤记录系统,为提供全面且准确的损伤信息奠定基础。建立生物力学模型研究网球膝关节损伤有助于探寻损伤的力学机制,这类模型的发展趋势是有限元模型耦合动力学模型。此类模型的建立将为网球运动的损伤研究、防治、康复提供帮助。  相似文献   

目前在体育教育事业中,高校体育活动趋于多样化、社会化,在运动中发生运动损伤是不可避免的。若是对此不够重视,预防不得力,应对措施不及时有效,将会挫伤学生对体育的积极性,影响正常的学习、生活。所以,文章主要从不同角度去了解和阐述了产生运动损伤的原因和预防办法,以期望减少运动损伤的发生,使教师和学生在教与学的过程中不再受到不良的影响。  相似文献   

武术套路训练比赛中都可能导致受伤,并且受伤部位的分布也较广泛,在诸多部位中膝关节是受伤机率最大的一个部位。膝关节损伤后,往往影响运动员的运动能力及运动成绩,甚至危害身体健康,缩短运动寿命。为此,文章查阅了大量有关武术损伤的论文,运用运动解剖学、运动生物力学的原理进行分析与研究,探讨武术套路运动员膝关节损伤的原因、机理及其特征,为教练员和运动员训练提供理论依据。  相似文献   


Early specialisation is characterised by formal participation in a single sport at the exclusion of others. Limited data are available to support this approach in the development of soccer players who attain elite status later in life. Of growing concern is the associated increased risk of injury and suggestions that single sport specialisation is a risk factor independent of age, growth, biological maturation and training volumes. In the United Kingdom, elite soccer organisations have recently adopted an early sport specialisation approach following the introduction of the Elite Player Performance Plan. A key tenet of this programme is increased opportunities for training through a marked rise in the specified on-pitch hours per week. The accumulation of high training hours may be less of a relevant marker for success, and the impact of such a significant increase in training volume for young athletes who are experiencing a range of growth and maturational processes is currently unknown. This critical commentary includes an evidence-based discussion of the effectiveness of early sport specialisation and the potential injury risks associated with such programmes placing a specific focus on elite male youth soccer players. Available data indicate that modifications to the existing Elite Player Performance Plan framework could enhance players’ development and reduce injury risk. Proposed alterations include reduced volume of soccer-specific training at key stages of growth and maturation and guidelines for the provision of a greater variety of physical activities that are integrated within other programme components.  相似文献   

Regulations now state that professional academies in the United Kingdom are required to substantially increase the volume of soccer training. This study assessed the current injury occurrence, providing an update to reports published prior to the introduction of the Elite Player Performance Plan (EPPP). 608 soccer players aged 11–18 years from six professional soccer clubs were prospectively monitored, recording injuries during the 2014–2015 season. An injury rate of 1.32 injuries per player/season was indicated with a mean time loss of 21.9 days per injury. The greatest time loss per injury was in the U14s-U15s, and the highest rate of severe injuries in the U15s. Strains and sprains were the most common injury type, with the knee and ankle the most frequently injured anatomical sites. Seasonal variation indicated two peaks in injury incidence, occurring in September and January. In comparison to a published audit prior to the inception of the EPPP, this study indicates that academy soccer players are three-times more likely to experience an injury. Given that time loss and injury severity also increased during periods that typically follow rapid growth, these players should be considered an important group for training load monitoring and injury prevention strategies.  相似文献   

散打是一项新兴的融拳法、腿法与摔法为一体的武术搏斗运动项目,它具有对抗性强、运动强度大、动作变化多、实用性强等特点。散打运动不仅可以强身健体,塑造形体,锻炼品质,磨炼意志,还可以促进身心发展,提高生理心理承受能力,成为人们所喜爱的运动项目。但散打运动损伤的发生却限制了该项运动的普及与开展,文章对散打项目的运动损伤特点、成因及预防措施进行综述,为散打运动的开展提供更多的借鉴。  相似文献   

足球裁判工作是开展足球竞赛活动的重要组成部分,重视裁判员队伍建设是从足球运动的根本出发。随着我国足球运动的提高与发展,足球裁判员队伍的水平提出了更高要求。高校是培养人才的摇篮,如何充分利用高校教育资源优势,在足球城大连高校中探索体育教育与培养足球裁判员有机结合的教学模式,具有深远的社会意义。本文通过对大连市高校培养足球裁判员现状的调查分析,提出不足及建议,以供我国高校教学及体育工作相关领域参考。  相似文献   

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