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江苏省计算机一级B等级考试的Word操作题,要考Word的"查找和替换"功能。许多学生由于对此题型不太熟悉,丢分较严重。就此,本文通过对上机模拟试题和多套操作训练题的分析,归纳整理出了考"查找和替换"功能的三种考试题型。  相似文献   

在Word2000应用中,我们常常利用“替换”功能来完成一般文字的查找替换。例将文档中所有的“电视”替换成“数字电视”。其实利用“替换”对话框中的“高级”选项还能完成更多更复杂的替换操作。比如查找和替换文字的格式、段落标记、分页符等等。  相似文献   

如果Word文档中有多余的空行,直接打印会浪费很多纸墨,如果用手工逐个删除,实在累人!其实,你可以利用Word自带的“替换”功能来进行处理。在Word中打开[编辑]菜单,单击[替换],在弹出的“查找和替换”窗口中,单击[高级]按钮,将光标移动到“查找内容”文本框,然后单击[特殊字符],选取[段落标记],我们会看到“^p”出现在  相似文献   

敏敏  李良  阿舒 《现代教学》2004,(4):47-47
活用Word的特殊字符替换功能上海市敏敏点“编辑”菜单下的“替换”,选择“高级”。在“查找内容”和“替换为”中使用“特殊字符”可以实现许多你意想不到的功能。比如,网上常有一些文本不到一段就换行或者两行间还有个空行。用手工删除整篇文章中无用的换行符十分麻烦。使用替换功能,在“查找内容”中输入两次“段落标记”,  相似文献   

大家常用Word的“替换”命令来改正输入错误的文本,其实Word“替换”命令功能强大,还有不少“另类”功能,只要深入地挖掘,你会发现用好这些“另类”功能,可以达到事半功倍的目的。一、删除文本当你使用“替换”命令时,如果保持“替换为”框中的内容为空,则Word将会把在文档中找  相似文献   

Word以其强大的文本编辑功能征服了使用者的心,但是它也有不“体贴”的一面哦——每次打开Word文档时,光标总是在开头“游荡”。如果想查找上次文档修改的位置该怎么办?通过键盘方向键移动光标上下查找,还是用查找命令查找?如果忘记了上次Word中修改的位置怎么办?  相似文献   

大家对Word软件比较熟悉吧,那你知道Word中的自动替换功能吗?如果不知道,就听我慢慢讲来(请大虾暂时离开哦)。你在编辑文章的时候是否输入过笑脸?当你输入:)时(补充说明一下,像 :)这样的符号要在输入法的英文状态下输入),有没有发现它会自动变为J,你知道是怎么回事吗?呵呵,这就是Word的自动替换功能。进入Word ,点[工具]下的[自动更正]选项,选 [自动更正],打开[自动更正]窗口。在[键入时自动替换]前打上对钩,窗口的表格中显示的就是自动替换功能默认的内容,看到了吧,原来“:(”会被替换为“L”,“:-)”会被替换为“J”等。除了表情符号,…  相似文献   

在实际工作中,常常需要将数据库中的数据放在Word文挡中。传统的实现方法是在Word中手工输入或用数据库软件编写一个专门的程序(模块)来完成此项工作,这种方法既不方便又易出错,是否有新的方法来实现数据库中数据在Word中置放呢?其实我们在工作或学习中很少用到Word中的书签功能和宏命令。我们可以通过VBA这种编程语言,利用Word中的书签作为媒介,用宏命令的方法来实现数据库在Word中的自动替换。  相似文献   

快速保存是Word文字处理系统中的一项特殊功能,快速保存只保存对文档作修改的部分,它可以节省大量的时间。但是Word的快速保存功能有很大的弊端,这就是随着对Word文档编辑修改的次数增多,该 Word文档会变得越来越庞大。木文对此作出阐述,并给出合理使用外存空间的方法。  相似文献   

也许大家还不知道吧?Word2000里面带了一部“英汉-汉英词典”,使用起来特方便。单击“工具”菜单,指向“语言”,再选择“词典”,就打开了“词典”对话框。里面的内容简单明了。在“查阅”栏中输入你要查找的英语单词,按回车键或点击一下“翻译”按钮,相应的中文解释就显示在右边的“替换为所译内容”中了。  相似文献   

Some cognitive characteristics of graph comprehension items were studied, and a model comprised of several variables was developed. 132 graph items of the Psychometric Entrance Test were included in the study. By analyzing the actual difficulty of the items, an evaluation of the impact of the cognitive variables on item difficulties could be made. Results indicate that successful prediction of item difficulty can be calculated on the basis of a wide range of item characteristics and task demands. This suggests that items can be screened for processing difficulty prior to being administered to examinees. However, the results also have implications for test validity in that the various processing variables identified involve distinct ability dimensions.  相似文献   

To ensure the statistical result validity, model-data fit must be evaluated for each item. In practice, certain actions or treatments are needed for misfit items. If all misfit items are treated, much item information would be lost during calibration. On the other hand, if only severely misfit items are treated, the inclusion of misfit items may invalidate the statistical inferences based on the estimated item response models. Hence, given response data, one has to find a balance between treating too few and too many misfit items. In this article, misfit items are classified into three categories based on the extent of misfit. Accordingly, three different item treatment strategies are proposed in determining which categories of misfit items should be treated. The impact of using different strategies is investigated. The results show that the test information functions obtained under different strategies can be substantially different in some ability ranges.  相似文献   

四项教学经费作为高校本科教学工作水平评估一项重要指标,由于其含义与现行高校会计科目核算内容不完全一致,给统计工作带来较大困难。在新会计制度下,各迎评高校应准确理解四项教学经费的涵义,努力实现高校会计核算口径与四项教学经费统计口径的统一,从而科学、快速地将会计核算数据转化为四项教学经费统计数据,满足本科教学工作水平评估的要求。  相似文献   

Multiple-choice items are a mainstay of achievement testing. The need to adequately cover the content domain to certify achievement proficiency by producing meaningful precise scores requires many high-quality items. More 3-option items can be administered than 4- or 5-option items per testing time while improving content coverage, without detrimental effects on psychometric quality of test scores. Researchers have endorsed 3-option items for over 80 years with empirical evidence—the results of which have been synthesized in an effort to unify this endorsement and encourage its adoption.  相似文献   

When tests are administered under fixed time constraints, test performances can be affected by speededness. Among other consequences, speededness can result in inaccurate parameter estimates in item response theory (IRT) models, especially for items located near the end of tests (Oshima, 1994). This article presents an IRT strategy for reducing contamination in item difficulty estimates due to speededness. Ordinal constraints are applied to a mixture Rasch model (Rost, 1990) so as to distinguish two latent classes of examinees: (a) a "speeded" class, comprised of examinees that had insufficient time to adequately answer end-of-test items, and (b) a "nonspeeded" class, comprised of examinees that had sufficient time to answer all items. The parameter estimates obtained for end-of-test items in the nonspeeded class are shown to more accurately approximate their difficulties when the items are administered at earlier locations on a different form of the test. A mixture model can also be used to estimate the class memberships of individual examinees. In this way, it can be determined whether membership in the speeded class is associated with other student characteristics. Results are reported for gender and ethnicity.  相似文献   

The Angoff method requires experts to view every item on the test and make a probability judgment. This can be time consuming when there are large numbers of items on the test. In this study, a G-theory framework was used to determine if a subset of items can be used to make generalizable cut-score recommendations. Angoff ratings (i.e., probability judgments) from previously conducted standard setting studies were used first in a re-sampling study, followed by D-studies. For the re-sampling study, proportionally stratified subsets of items were extracted under various sampling and test-length conditions. The mean cut score, variance components, expected standard error (SE) around the mean cut score, and root-mean-squared deviation (RMSD) across 1,000 replications were estimated at each study condition. The SE and the RMSD decreased as the number of items increased, but this reduction tapered off after approximately 45 items. Subsequently, D-studies were performed on the same datasets. The expected SE was computed at various test lengths. Results from both studies are consistent with previous research indicating that between 40–50 items are sufficient to make generalizable cut score recommendations.  相似文献   

Through pilot studies and regular examination procedures, the National Institute for Educational Measurement (CITO) in The Netherlands has gathered experience with different methods of maintaining the standards of examinations. The present paper presents an overview of the psychometric aspects of the various approaches that can be chosen for the maintenance of standards. Generally speaking, the approaches to the problem, can be divided into two classes. In the first approach the examinations are a fixed factor, i.e. the examination is already constructed and cannot be changed, and the link between the standards of both examinations is created by some test equating design. In the second approach the items of both examinations are selected from a pre‐tested pool of items, in such a way that two equivalent examinations are constructed. In both approaches the statistical problems of simultaneously modelling possible differences in the ability level of different groups of examinees and differences in the difficulty of the items are solved within the framework of item response theory. It is shown that applying the Rasch model for dichotomous and polytomous items results in a variety of possible test‐equating designs which adequately deal with the restrictions imposed by the practical conditions related to the fact that the equating involves examinations. Especially the requirement of secrecy of the content of new examinations must be taken into account. Finally it is shown that, given a pool of pre‐tested items, optimisation techniques can be used to construct equivalent examinations.  相似文献   

Item stem formats can alter the cognitive complexity as well as the type of abilities required for solving mathematics items. Consequently, it is possible that item stem formats can affect the dimensional structure of mathematics assessments. This empirical study investigated the relationship between item stem format and the dimensionality of mathematics assessments. A sample of 671 sixth-grade students was given two forms of a mathematics assessment in which mathematical expression (ME) items and word problems (WP) were used to measure the same content. The effects of mathematical language and reading abilities in responding to ME and WP items were explored using unidimensional and multidimensional item response theory models. The results showed that WP and ME items appear to differ with regard to the underlying abilities required to answer these items. Hence, the multidimensional model fit the response data better than the unidimensional model. For the accurate assessment of mathematics achievement, students’ reading and mathematical language abilities should also be considered when implementing mathematics assessments with ME and WP items.  相似文献   

Although evidence prevails that including positively and negatively worded items within the same scale can lead to differential response patterns, little is known about factors that predict how different these responses will be. Thus, three datasets were analysed to investigate the characteristics of respondents whose responses between positively and negatively worded items are most different. The three studies yielded two major findings: (i) responses to the positively worded items yielded statistically significantly higher means than did responses to the negatively worded items, and (ii) several characteristics were identified pertaining to those who tend to have the largest absolute discrepancies in responses between the two sets of items.  相似文献   

When using an ANOVA procedure to examine a test for biased items, a follow-up technique is needed to identify the items contributing to the items-by-groups interaction. The method described in this paper includes distribution theory for assessing level of significance and is equally sensitive to items at all difficulty levels. In addition, any number of groups can be considered and the methodology is generalizable to any ANOVA design. The technique is powerful yet controls experiment-wise error rate to a.  相似文献   

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