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联合国对电子商务的定义是:发生在电脑网络上的,包含企业之间、企业和消费者之间的商业交易。4月17日上午8点,虚拟世界的交易,来到了现实的环境中。一幅幅中国国际“电子商务论坛”的宣传牌矗立在北四环的道旁。北京国际会议中心里,会务人员正在争相向熙熙攘攘的客商散发相关资料。大厅滚梯旁,一个大屏幕正上演着由《天下无贼》原班人马拍摄的广告片:主人公傻根儿利用早就掌握的网络科技新事物,将六万元钱“邮寄”回家,还免掉了“可以买一头驴”的汇款手续费。这是以“创新制胜,国际接轨”为主题的第八届中国国际“电子商务论坛”的现场一幕。  相似文献   

晋华 《旅游世界》2023,(7):72-77
“和亲”是中国古代为维护王朝统治而进行的一种政治行为,不管是汉朝的昭君出塞还是唐代文成公主远嫁吐蕃都属于这种情况。在清代,统治者为了巩固统治、笼络当时的蒙古王公,实行了长达百年的满蒙联姻政策,而赤峰市是清朝皇室下嫁公主最多的地区。清代赤峰地区为塞外重地,从清太祖努尔哈赤到乾隆年间,先后有七位公主奉旨下嫁至此。公主们远离家乡肩负使命来到漠南草原,用自己的青春和生命换来和平与稳定。赤峰博物馆“和同一家”展厅中,“草原姻盟”板块展出了包括公主朝服、配饰,清代官窑瓷器,清代佛教文物及生活用品等珍贵展品,多方面展现了公主厘降(王女下嫁)塞外的草原生活,宛若徐徐展开一幅清公主下嫁塞北、建设草原、民族融合的历史画卷。  相似文献   

2014年3月29日,我来到了杭州南屏山荔枝峰下的张苍水祠,重新走读这座让人敬仰与感怀的人文建筑. 张苍水,名煌言,鄞县(今浙江宁波)人,儒将、诗人,著名民族英雄,官至兵部尚书.明亡后,坚持抗清斗争近20年,1664年10月25日蒙难于杭州,临死前遥望凤凰山一带的景色,高呼“好山色”.今日的张苍水祠内,最引人注目的,莫过于沙孟海所写的横匾“好山色”.而四周墙上描绘了张苍水悲壮一生的8幅壁画,让人对这位民族英雄更为崇敬.  相似文献   

农民艺术家周河最近创作了一幅长达5米,高1.6米的“巨龙图”剪纸作品,堪称剪纸之最。这幅“巨龙图”横幅剪纸的主体图案是9条翻腾飞舞的巨龙形象。它的四周有18幅小图,展现中国的名胜和建设。整幅剪纸表现出“中华崛起、巨龙腾飞”的主题,9条巨龙意取  相似文献   

农民艺术家周河最近创作了一幅长达5米,高1.6米的“巨龙图”剪纸作品,堪称剪纸之最。这幅“巨龙图”横幅剪纸的主体图案是9条翻腾飞舞的巨龙形象。它的四周有18幅小图,展现中国的名胜和建设。整幅剪纸表现出“中华崛起、巨龙腾飞”的主题,9条巨龙意取“九九归一”。  相似文献   

来到被郭沫若先生誉之为“太湖气魄,西子风韵”的宁波东钱湖,在这碧水连天、波光潋滟、一望无际的浙江省最大的淡水湖畔,在上水村下庄黄梅山的苍翠山麓下,沿着山谷小径走不多远,眼前就被一幅恢宏的景象惊呆了!只见在如笔架、如座椅的苍翠山峦下,几十尊雄伟的石像巍然矗立,分左右两列排开,如同组成一个雄壮战阵,在严阵以待;也如同阅兵式上军容端庄的仪仗队,在迎接来自海内外的嘉宾。  相似文献   

大约在1200年前,一群亚洲人从今天的萨摩亚群岛和汤加地区划着独木舟来到一处树木繁茂、白云悠悠、多山地、多喷泉的大岛。他们将此处称为“奥蒂多”,意为“绵绵白云之地”。  相似文献   

未来的时光不用等待,无论多么遥远,似乎都会来到我们面前;过去的岁月应该珍惜,无论怎样收留,似乎都会依稀淡薄。我那30多年前的那拉提岁月,现在回想起来,就像一幅幅残留的素描画一样,许多片段、许多镜头,非常清晰、历历在目。我想,大概每一位初着戎装的新兵,至少都要拥有一个从  相似文献   

应文化部邀请,第六幅“奖学之旅”——文化部驻外中国文化中心优秀学员访华团一行17人于8月2313至8月31日在陕西、甘肃等地访问。该团的学员分别来自埃及、马耳他、法国、贝宁、毛里求斯、德国和韩国。此次“奖学之旅”——文化部驻外中国文化中心优秀学员访华团访问活动的主题为“丝绸之路”。通过实地讲座和参观,  相似文献   

这回来到上海杨浦——我的故乡,我却惊异地发现,杨浦在贯彻落实科学发展观的过程中,正在实现从“传统工业区”向“知识创新区”的突变和巨变,这是一次脱胎换骨的大转型,是杨浦的一次“凤凰涅槃”。  相似文献   

舒姝 《文化交流》2014,(8):58-60
踽踽而行的陈寅恪,“学问近三百年来一人而已”,其为人治学的“独立之精神,自由之思想”,曾是中国一代学者的人格理想。可是,当年他欲立墓西湖山林间时,却竟无人识。  相似文献   

This paper develops a theory of rational philanthropyin forming ``cultural capital' and aestheticpreferences. The study maintains that changes incapital market opportunities provide investmentmotives for private and public giving. Theseimplications are examined in a Vector Autoregressive(VAR) model of funding in the arts and humanities inthe United States for the period 1966 to 1997. Theresults suggest private philanthropy increased inresponse to both lower real returns on capital marketassets and cuts in public funding. On the other hand,public funding for the endowments is not explained byany of the variables in the model, including its pasthistory.  相似文献   

Based on patterns of naming across four generations in first author Lie’s Chinese Indonesian family, we argue that naming practices are not just a function of personal taste or cultural habit but rather reflect negotiation of larger-scale political and historical conditions. We show that seeming contradictions and puzzles in the names and naming practices in Lie’s family can be explained by the specific social and political challenges faced by members of the family, particularly during the assimilation period of Suharto’s 1966–1998 reign. Both Lie’s family and the Indonesian state have treated names as having a high degree of constitutive power in these negotiations.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of noise in various aspects of Jean‐Luc Godard's filmmaking practice. Beginning with an analysis of 2 ou 3 choses que je sais d'elle (1966), it suggests that the loud noise on the soundtrack functions to disrupt the search for meaning in this film that is precisely about knowledge and cognition, providing an image of thought as an unpredictable and uncontrollable process. The influence of 1970s theoretical biology and information theory is analysed in Sauve qui peut (la vie) (1979) which applies Henri Atlan's ‘order from noise’ principle to the composition of shots, the construction of scenes and the development of narrative. Finally Godard's presentation of a complex, deterritorialised capitalist economy is considered in Nouvelle Vague (1990), and it is suggested that Godard's creation of aesthetic events – both through editing and through sound design – implies a different conception of temporality to the sequential logic of financial speculation and risk management.  相似文献   

This article presents new research, which has the objective of quantifying the knowledge produced by historical technological innovations in the field of olive oil industrial heritage. It studies inventions related to the mechanical processes of the extraction of olive oil between 1826 and 1966, which are recorded in the Historical Archive of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. It uses a new adaptation of the methodology of knowledge management (KM) defined by Nonaka and Takeuchi. We have obtained the knowledge value of each innovation according to the level of technological knowledge registered at the time, while distinguishing between the historical evolution of inventions relating to milling and those relating to pressing. In the first analysis, the results show a recession in the quantitative level of knowledge in the olive oil sector with respect to the technological potential of the time. However, when contrasted with the events relating to industrial heritage at the time, it is possible to account for this technological evolution and prove the validity of the methodology used. The results show that general evolution of the knowledge generated has decreased, particularly in the pressing process, although this is not the case in the milling process.  相似文献   

中国进入脱贫攻坚的决胜期,肩负着2020年必须实现全面脱贫的历史使命,民族地区一直是脱贫攻坚的主战场,是打赢脱贫攻坚战的重点。广西河池市都安县是国家级深度贫困县,以都安瑶族文化长寿养生特色小镇建设为契机,探索在扶贫大背景下特色小镇在其中起到的意义和作用。提出了"民族文化+"的扶贫新模式,从民族品牌建设为引领,从"民族文化+旅游""民族文化+产业""民族文化+人才""民族文化+创业""民族文化+就业"5个方面为抓手,紧抓特色小镇发展优势,提出针对性的扶贫路径和扶贫模式,助推都安县扶贫攻坚战,也为全国其他民族地区的扶贫提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

The Sunday “Arts and Leisure” section of the New York Times for selected years is examined to gauge competition between “high” culture and “popular” culture. From 1962 through 1988 high culture consistently outranked popular culture in percentage of articles, but after 1988 popular culture gained steadily, and by 1993 accounted for 49 percent of articles as compared with only 39 percent for high culture. Most of the gain was accounted for by coverage of motion pictures. For two out of four sub-categories a significant correlation was found between editorial content and advertising, so that one cannot reject the hypothesis that advertising affects editorial coverage. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

2012年伦敦书展4月16日在伦敦伯爵宫会展中心开幕。伦敦书展,是仅次于德国法兰克福书展的世界第二大国际图书交易会。本届书展上,浙江出版联合集团主办"中国当代儿童插画展暨中国绘本图书展"。浙江少年儿童出版社特地赶制了10种"中国原创绘本系列",  相似文献   

This paper locates politics in culture industry work at the organisational and firm level through developing the application of the notion of rent to culture industries as revenues from intellectual properties, and as the more general sense of revenues derived from non-equivalential exchanges. The argument is that politics arises from attempts to establish or eliminate rents. The paper discusses ethnographic research on subjectivity and culture industry work and provides a theoretical account of rent in the capitalist imaginary and in explanations of formal problems of power in the entrepreneurial firm as the basis for the analysis of political practices in culture industries. The paper concludes with a discussion of the relation between rent and subjectivity and politics in neoliberalism.  相似文献   

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