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In order to build a harmonious society of bilingualism in ethnic regions,language planning and policy for language education should be made in accordance with both immediate need and long term interest of ethnic minorities.In other words,we should take into consideration of the tool function and social and cultural functions of language on one hand;and on the other hand,we should not neglect emotional factor and identity function of language.Efforts should be made to encourage and guarantee the application of both mother tongue and national common language,support coexistence of schools using different teaching models in ethnic regions,integrate traditional culture of ethnic minorities into economic development of modern society,balance spiritual and material needs of ethnic minorities and effectively coordinate relations between ethnic identity and national identity.  相似文献   

In education for ethnic minorities,the need for respect is the high-level need of education receivers.It is the basis of accomplishing the need for self-realization and the important factor to be taken into consideration in designing and implementing ethnic education.Respect is a dynamic development process and an active identification of harmonious development of multi-cultures.Through analysis of the connotation of "respect",we can deepen our understanding of the significance of adhering to the development concept of "equality and diversity"in ethnic education.  相似文献   

National unity is an important safeguard for prosperous development of China.To enhance and make innovation in education of national unity is not only an important mission of ethnic higher education in the new era but also a prerequisite to building a harmonious society and harmonious campus.  相似文献   

In sixty years after the founding of New China,the Party and the state have deepened understanding of ethnic education.In value theory of ethnic education,our party and the state not only attach importance to significance of ethnic education in realizing ethnic equality,enhancing national unity and protecting national integrity,but also lay stress on its value in economic and social development of ethnic regions and regard it as the basic project of promoting harmonious development in politics,economy,culture and society of ethnic regions.In methodology of ethnic education,stress is laid in carrying out reform and development according to reality of ethnic groups and ethnic regions.In development strategy of ethnic education,the emphasis is put on increasing input and support for ethnic education,implementing development strategy of"low barycentre",developing ethnic normal education to cultivate qualified ethnic teachers,and strengthening leadership for ethnic education.Since the founding of New China,innovation and change in ethnic education concept have provided basic understanding for the development of ethnic education in China.  相似文献   

Intelligence resource is closely related with natural,humanistic and biological environments for the survival of different ethnic groups.The coexistence of diverse cultures in the Southwest region results in different ethnic intelligence resources and their adaptability.Intelligence resources form the basis of innovation and adaptability for survival,so,the sustainable development of intelligence resources of ethnic groups should be taken as the basic strategy for education and culture.To realize this goal,further studies should be made in aspects of theory construction of education and culture for ethnic groups,inheritance and development of ethnic traditional cultures,education for teachers of multi-cultures and integration of ethnic cultures into courses.  相似文献   

A study was made on differences in cultural inheritance of the Tujia people,the Miao and Dong people in Southeast Guizhou Province and Tunbao people in Anshun.It is believed that family education and social education are important means to inherit ethnic culture.Suggestions are put forward that in university entrance examination,test on ethnic culture should be given and the score of it be added instead of lowering scores for ethnic students;economic lever be used to make ethnic schools live up to the name;and higher-level law be applied to strengthen ethnic customs so as to inherit ethnic culture.  相似文献   

Written language is an important symbol of civilization of an ethnic group.Application of written language and integrating it into school education is a step into social progress in the development of an ethnic group.This paper discusses the history of the Miao written language from its creation to its integration into school education system in order to illustrate the importance of ethnic written language in the current edu-cational development of ethnic regions.  相似文献   

With the reform and opening up centering on economic construction,the reform of educational system has been carried out in China.In the past 30 years,every important change in educational system was caused by a reform of university admission system.Under the current educational system,the selection and cultivation of advanced talents of ethnic minorities has been restricted.Despite an increase in number,in some important regions or important posts,there is a shortage of talents of ethnic minorities.We should attach importance to educational development in ethnic minority regions,restore the system of accepting excellent youth in ethnic regions especially from farmers and herdsmen in border areas for higher education,and cultivate a large number of ethnic minority advanced talents who are politically qualified,professionally competent and willing to work in ethnic regions and on posts of ethnic work.  相似文献   

土家族非物质文化教育传承立法的基本原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to give a full play to education in inheriting intangible culture of Tujia people,it is necessary to provide a system guarantee through legislation of inheritance through education.Legislation of inheritance of intangible culture of Tujia people in education should adhere to the following basic principles: 1) combining education for inheritors and school education with social education;2) integrating specialty education into general education;3) combining content selection with giving priority to inheritance of endangered Tujia intangible culture through education;and 4) combining authenticity with interpretability.  相似文献   

Higher education in the United Kingdom is currently undergoing major changes. In the foreseeable future, it will also undergo farther change. The nature of these changes can be attributed to several key areas-government demand for change, industry demand for change and student demand for change. The UK, like many other major economies and not for the first time in recent history, is having to face the implications of severe skills shortages in its workforce, coupled with the increasing competitiveness of more globalised workforees and workplaces. A recent major government report has set out the country's skills agenda until 2020 and UK higher education is starting to wrestle with the implications of these changes, some of which challenge the traditional preserves of university education. This paper will focus on the implications of these skills shortages and the impact that is having on UK higher education. In particular, reference will be made to the impact of the new 2 years vocational Foundation Degrees, to the shift from supply-led to demand-led higher education, the increasing integration and tensions of work-based learning and to the accreditation of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) within an academic framework. This paper presents one story of the growing and changing relationship between higher education and industry.  相似文献   

文化即人化,是人的自我生长和自我组织的过程.作为民族优秀文化传递的主要手段,民族高等教育不仅担负着传递和保持自己民族独特的传统文化的功能,更重要的是要担负起对民族传统文化与国家主流文化、现代西方文化以及物质文化与精神文化的多元整合功能,在继承和发扬民族优秀传统文化的基础上体现世界文化的多元性和现代性,最终培养出具有跨文化学习能力的现代民族人才.  相似文献   

将少数民族传统体育教育纳入学校体育是少数民族传统体育文化持续发展的有力保证。少数民族传统体育教育体系的建设,是对中国55个少数民族传统体育文化的凝练,是将少数民族传统体育引入学校体育的基础,是一个新的体育科学体系的构建。因此,将民族传统体育学纳入体育学科中,不仅在于通过对少数民族传统体育的学习,有利于中华民族传统体育的传播和推广,更重要的是促进了民族文化的继承、交流和弘扬。  相似文献   

现代化是每个民族繁荣昌盛的必由之路,但随着我国社会现代化的发展,少数民族传统文化的传承发展陷入现代性危机的境域,少数民族地区学校教育存在传承民族传统文化功能缺失的事实。本研究构建了学校教育活动与民族传统文化传承相互依存、相互制约、协调发展的联动共生机制,以链接少数民族地区学校教育与当地少数民族传统文化传承的生态链出现的断裂,从而实现两者间和谐互动、持续发展。  相似文献   

关于中国少数民族教育的几点思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在思考和规划新世纪中我国少数民族教育事业的发展时,需要从国家现代化和少数民族长远发展的角度和立场来分析当前教育体系中存在的问题,研究必要的调整与改进措施。少数民族教育事业如何发展,关系到少教民族新一代在高级人才和劳动力市场上的竞争能力,关系到各民族在未来中华民族大家庭政治结构、经济体系、文化生活中的相对地位。当我们考虑“保护少数民族的传统文化”与“实现少数民族现代化”之间的关系时,要看到传统文化中包含着有生命力和缺乏生命力的两部分。既包含具有生命力的文化精华成分,也包含一些缺乏生命力的文化内容..在现代学校制度与传统文化之间,应当可以找到沟通、互客的方法。从语言作为传统文化载体和交流学习工具的双重性这一角度出发,我们可以探索语言工具性程度的衡量指标和语言应用的市场选择机制,同时必须关注语言运行的经济效益问题.需要把学习语言的选择与民族一国家的长远发展潜力二者结合起来考虑,并在此基础上.探讨在社会发展进程中是否存在一个语言依赖的层级结构。  相似文献   

用区分第一和第二语言的主要标准衡量,汉语教育对于部分中国少数民族采说应视为一种第一语言教育。少数民族学习汉语,不仅是学习一种语言,也是学习一种先进文化。汉语教育和民族语教育都是为民族的繁荣发展服务的.只不过汉语教育重在发展而民族语教育则重在保护。就宏观整体和少数民族的根本利益而言,民族地区中小学汉语教育和民族语教育之间不存在任何矛盾;而两种语言教育在时间和空间环境方面存在的一些冲突,可以通过科学合理的安排妥善解决。  相似文献   

试论少数民族教育的分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对事物进行科学的分类,是全面认识事物的前提。本文认为,对少数民族教育进行正确的分类,是科学界定少数民族教育概念的前提和基础;少数民族教育是由少数民族传统教育和少数民族现代教育以及与少数民族教育相关的学科研究对象等构成的。  相似文献   

民族教育政策是多民族国家民族政策价值取向的具体表现,是妥善解决民族问题、发展民族教育、提高民族文化素质的重要手段。不同时期的民族政策直接影响着民族教育政策的变化和发展。苏联和俄罗斯时期的民族政策始终围绕着民族区域自治和民族文化自治政策而得以发展。在其推动下,俄罗斯的民族教育政策经历了从没有自主权的统一管理模式到扩大地方教育自主权、保护民族文化传统、体现民族教育优势、回归民族语言教学的发展过程。  相似文献   

受教育权是公民的一项基本人权,我国宪法和法律赋予了公民受教育的权利。与传统的权利相比,公民受教育权是指公民享有的由国家保障其实现的接受教育的权利。在我国,少数民族公民受教育权有其自身的特点及其现实的意义,因而,少数民族公民受教育权实现的特殊要求是确保少数民族聚居区经济、政治和文化等社会发展的基础性前提条件。  相似文献   

旅游、教育与文化的互动发展日益成为少数民族文化传承和保护的有效形式和重要途径.从挖掘、抢救和保护少数民族文化遗产入手,建设旅游文化学科专业,促进旅游、教育与文化的互动发展,从而突出旅游教育的民族文化特色,是高等旅游教育特色化发展的重要方向和办学战略创新的突破口。  相似文献   

民族地区学校教育与民族传统文化接轨问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育是一种社会活动,教育必须在特定的文化背景中才能实施并收到实效。由于我国各少数民族传统文化类型与样式差异很大,各民族群众对教育的理解和认识各不相同,但教育为现实服务却是一致的。目前我国少数民族地区的学校教育与少数民族地区的社会文化活动不能有效的兼容,而使得学校教育在少数民族地区难以发挥其特有的教育功能。少数民族地区的学校教育需要大胆改革,走出自己特色的教育发展道路,才能有效地推进少数民族地区的经济社会发展。  相似文献   

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