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School-based teaching research is an important approach to improving professional quality of ethnic middle school teachers in ethnic poverty-stricken areas.It is also an effective way to solve the problem of disintegration between theory and practice in studies on ethnic middle school education in those areas.This study shows that the current situation of school-based teaching research in ethnic middle school of ethnic regions is not satisfactory.There exist many problems such as lacking motive,main body and consciousness but having strong utilitarianism and overflowing formalism in teaching research.Therefore,we should intensify the idea of"running school through teaching research",vigorously carry out action research,boost teachers’ internal need for teaching research,promote the return of subject of teaching research,enhance management of teaching research process,and safeguard the implementation of school-based teaching research.  相似文献   

Since ethnic minority literature is an indispensible part of Chinese literature,it is suggested that courses of ethnic minority literature be offered in Chinese language and literature specialty.This paper introduces the course of "Comparative Study of Ethnic Minority Literature"offered to students majoring in Mongolian and Han Languages and Literature(bilingual) in Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities,discusses theoretical and realistic significance of the course,analyzes its teaching practice and effect,and puts forward some suggestions on how to set up courses of ethnic minority literature.  相似文献   

张君  董丹 《海外英语》2013,(6X):37-39
This paper examines language use inside and out of classroom of Uyghur students from the middle schools for both Han and ethnic minorities in Urumqi, Xinjiang, China. A total of 341 Uyghur students between 12 and 15 years of age, attending 3 middle schools for both Han and ethnic minorities in Urumqi, responded to questionnaires requesting information about their language backgrounds, their use of language at school (inside and out of classroom) and in the wider community, their self-perceptions about their linguistic competence in Uyghur and in Chinese and their attitudes towards Uyghur, Chinese and towards bilingualism. The results, in general, demonstrated a positive attitude towards bilingualism, and there was a trend towards favoring the use of Chinese both inside and outside classroom. The implications of the findings for language policy and planning in education are discussed.  相似文献   

A balanced allocation of teachers in ethnic minority regions is the demand of and guarantee for balanced development of ethnic education.An analysis of the current teaching body structure in ethnic regions shows that there is a serious imbalance in terms of both quantity and quality of teachers.This paper attempts to put forward theoretical ideas to help realize balanced allocation of teachers in ethnic regions from aspects of making policies,setting up a special subsidy system for teachers in ethnic regions and building a teachers' training system to meet the needs of ethnic regions.  相似文献   

The perceived advantages and disadvantages of courses taught in online and face-to-face learning environments were explored for students taking an accounting and a data collection and analysis course. Both courses were taught in a face-to-face learning environment at the main or satellite campus. It was hypothesized that there would be statistically significant differences in the perceived advantages and disadvantages of courses taught in online and face-to-face learning environments. Results showed statistically significant differences between perceived advantages and disadvantages for both learning environments. Findings suggest that there are differences between the perception of advantages and disadvantages for online and face-to-face learning environments.  相似文献   

With the reform and opening up centering on economic construction,the reform of educational system has been carried out in China.In the past 30 years,every important change in educational system was caused by a reform of university admission system.Under the current educational system,the selection and cultivation of advanced talents of ethnic minorities has been restricted.Despite an increase in number,in some important regions or important posts,there is a shortage of talents of ethnic minorities.We should attach importance to educational development in ethnic minority regions,restore the system of accepting excellent youth in ethnic regions especially from farmers and herdsmen in border areas for higher education,and cultivate a large number of ethnic minority advanced talents who are politically qualified,professionally competent and willing to work in ethnic regions and on posts of ethnic work.  相似文献   

In sixty years after the founding of New China,the Party and the state have deepened understanding of ethnic education.In value theory of ethnic education,our party and the state not only attach importance to significance of ethnic education in realizing ethnic equality,enhancing national unity and protecting national integrity,but also lay stress on its value in economic and social development of ethnic regions and regard it as the basic project of promoting harmonious development in politics,economy,culture and society of ethnic regions.In methodology of ethnic education,stress is laid in carrying out reform and development according to reality of ethnic groups and ethnic regions.In development strategy of ethnic education,the emphasis is put on increasing input and support for ethnic education,implementing development strategy of"low barycentre",developing ethnic normal education to cultivate qualified ethnic teachers,and strengthening leadership for ethnic education.Since the founding of New China,innovation and change in ethnic education concept have provided basic understanding for the development of ethnic education in China.  相似文献   

This asticle mainly talks about the role of game in English teaching in middle schools and colleges and also about the importance of teaching games in schools at different levels.  相似文献   

In order to build a harmonious society of bilingualism in ethnic regions,language planning and policy for language education should be made in accordance with both immediate need and long term interest of ethnic minorities.In other words,we should take into consideration of the tool function and social and cultural functions of language on one hand;and on the other hand,we should not neglect emotional factor and identity function of language.Efforts should be made to encourage and guarantee the application of both mother tongue and national common language,support coexistence of schools using different teaching models in ethnic regions,integrate traditional culture of ethnic minorities into economic development of modern society,balance spiritual and material needs of ethnic minorities and effectively coordinate relations between ethnic identity and national identity.  相似文献   

Although most courses are offered in the traditional synchronous way where teaching and learning mainly take place in the classroom, the Internet has proven to be an effective tool in learning. The demand of online courses is constantly growing, however, there is a paucity of research of online delivery success factors, especially of accounting courses. The aim of this paper was to investigate'the factors that contribute to student satisfaction from online teaching and learning of an accounting course. This study was conducted at a university in the United States (U.S.) amongst 80 students enrolled in an online accounting course over a period of two semesters. The quantitative data are based on the students' course evaluation forms of the instructor's teaching and overall satisfaction with the course. The findings suggest that the students found the asynchronous online teaching and learning interesting and challenging. The factors that mainly contribute to student satisfaction include the instructor's preparation for the course and her availability to students, the clear grading criteria, the assignment which they found useful, and the other resources that were available online. They value the least the development of writing skills. Additionally, this study proposes that there is a positive significant correlation between the instructor's overall performance and the overall student satisfaction from the course. The instructor's performance, availability, and easy to use technology enhance the learning and teaching from online pedagogies.  相似文献   

经济文化类型理论应成为民族地区校本课程资源选择的指导思想之一。我国民族地区校本课程资源开发应该而且必须包括对生计教育、环境教育和创新教育的开发;校本课程开发应重视不可见文化在课程资源选择中的作用;应增强局内人在民族地区校本课程资源选择中的自主权。  相似文献   

从西北民族地区区域内部来看,教育存在着发展不均衡的问题.只有各级政府大力支持教育,教育部门调整教育结构、优化资源配置,学校有效实施国家课程和地方课程、积极合理开发校本课程,教师树立公平的学生观、多元化的评价观,西北民族地区的教育才会和谐发展.  相似文献   

西南民族教育与心理研究是西南大学特色、优势研究领域.该领域成果数量丰富、层次分明、类型多样.作为课程资源,它们对开阔学生视野、提升其综合素质有着不可替代的价值.将研究成果转换为学校的本科课程资源具有必要性和可行性.转换方式为:生成新的学科课程、融入并丰富现实课程、构筑校本课程.  相似文献   

少数民族地区实施校本多元文化课程初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
新一轮的基础教育课程改革所确立的三级课程开发与管理模式,为在少数民族地区实施多元文化课程提供了广阔的课程空间和制度保障。多元文化课程的实施,有助于推动民族地区教育的发展,更能适应少数民族地区学生的实际需要,更有助于充分尊重和理解文化的多样性和差异性。校本多元文化课程内容的选择要具有多元性、开放性、科学性、针对性、真实性。  相似文献   

当前中小学校本课程开发策略有三种主要模式:需求主导模式、条件主导模式、目标主导模式.三种模式各有特点,在课程开发实践中我们必须辩证地看待校本课程的几个关键性要求,将“校本“与“人本“相结合,“需求“与“条件“相结合,“系统化“与“个性化“相结合,才能最大限度地发挥校本课程促进学生、教师、学校共同发展的目标.  相似文献   

针对初中学生综合实践活动课程没有形成系列、整体效能的状况,活动课程校本化实施则是较好方式。它能依据地域特点、学校办学特色发挥应有价值。校本化实施的途径,要做到与学科教学、学校兴趣活动、学校德育的整合,并在劳动与技术教学、信息技术教学方面得到发展。校本化实施对教师的能力和学校的氛围提出了要求。  相似文献   

高职院校校本课程评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈彦  凌云 《职业技术教育》2005,26(25):43-45
当前,高职院校校本课程评价存在诸多问题.随着我国大众化高等教育的实施和终身教育理念的提出,高职院校必须严格实施校本课程评价,通过确定全新的评价标准和价值取向,构建科学的评价体系,建立完善的校本课程评价制度,确保高职教育的特色与质量.  相似文献   

略论我国民族地区地方课程的推广、执行与建设问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国民族地区地方政府通过制定政策、加强管理、培训教师等方面的工作有效地推广民族地区的地方课程;地方课程的执行,转变观念是前提,提供必要的人、财、物的支持是保障,加强与社会的联系是手段,建立学校课程领导与管理制度是根本;地方课程的建设,需要政府决策机构的正确领导、地方教育行政部门的培训与宣传、学校教育实践的支持等.  相似文献   

通过对新疆和田地区典型的贫困维吾尔族聚居村——墨玉县托乎拉乡初中的校本课程开发状况的调查研究,分析了南疆少数民族贫困地区农村基础教育阶段校本课程开发的现状及成因,阐释了校本课程开发要立足于当地社会经济文化发展需要和少数民族学生身心发展规律。  相似文献   

肃南二中和勐罕镇中学两所学校,以人类学的经济文化类型为理论依托开发出来的校本课程,在加强学校教育与社会发展、学校与社区间的联结,解决教师职业倦怠,促进校园文化建设等方面取得了显著成效。但信息、技术、文化资源匮乏等给校本课程的深入开发带来困难。民族地区学校的校本课程开发要依赖于政府和社会各界对学校给予资金、技术支持,在教师培训中使用教育人类学的理论方法,积极整合社区文化资源。  相似文献   

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