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通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法等研究方法;结合体育舞蹈项目运动特征;抓住体育舞蹈在我国发展实际现状;对体育舞蹈专项力量与耐力训练的内容及方法与手段进行分析与研究.通过调查及查阅相关资料后得出:国内体育舞蹈选手在专项力量与耐力上表现出机体能力不足,同时也是限制我国高水平选手进入世界前列的因素之一,并提出如何提高体育舞蹈力量和耐力训练的建议.  相似文献   

影响我国体育舞蹈发展的因素及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
体育舞蹈已经进入竞技体育行列,即将成为奥运会的正式比赛项目。但我国的体育舞蹈水平与世界水平相比还有较大差距,竞技体育舞蹈水平发展缓慢,除开展时间较短外还存在着多种因素:选手们的素质、经济条件、裁判素质和教练队伍都是影响和制约我国竞技体育舞蹈发展的主要因素,为了加快我国竞技体育舞蹈水平的提高,促进体育舞蹈运动的开展,解决制约体育舞蹈运动发展中的主要问题势在必行。  相似文献   

论影响体育舞蹈选手水平提高的几个关键技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
体育舞蹈选手要想给人们带来美的享受,并取得优异的成绩,不仅需要具备良好的身体素质、舞蹈基本功,而且还需要具有体育舞蹈项目本身所特有的舞蹈技巧。章对舞蹈选手的领舞技巧、身体跃动、重心转移、升降、倾斜等一些影响体育舞蹈选手技术水平提高的几个技术性问题 进行了探讨, 希望为提高舞蹈选手的技术水平提供帮助。  相似文献   

采用调查法对体育舞蹈选手发生的运动性损伤的性质、部位及病因等情况进行研究。分析体育舞蹈选手运动性损伤多发于运动支撑器官,并和运动训练方法、比赛、舞伴、场地、年龄、心理等情况有一定的关系。建议体育舞蹈选手进行科学训练,加强医务监督。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、对优秀健美操运动员表现力的概念、表达途径等方面进行分析与阐述.为健美操运动员表现力的培养提供有益的借鉴,为竞技健美操训练及比赛提供帮助从而提高比赛成绩.  相似文献   

余艳 《考试周刊》2011,(33):129-130
体育舞蹈是融音乐、舞蹈、服装、风度、体态美于一体的体育项目。随着体育舞蹈在我国的推广和发展,不同地区、不同级别、不同规模的比赛也不断增多,体育舞蹈作为一项体育项目,具有极强的竞技性,以比赛取得优异成绩为主要目的的项目。选手比赛结果主要依靠裁判员的评分来决定,但影响体育舞蹈竞赛成绩的因素是多方面的,文章就影响体育舞蹈竞赛成绩的外部因素作了阐述。  相似文献   

随着体育舞蹈专业日渐发展壮大,越来越多学生选择报考体育舞蹈专业,体育舞蹈专业的学生存在普遍现象:注重提升技术技能而忽略表现力的学习和提高。针对目前这一现象,本文对高校体育舞蹈专业学生表现力的培养做出研究,重点从肢体表现力和面部表情表现力的培养两个方面进行研究。  相似文献   

高校体育舞蹈课程中对学生表现力的要求应该与专业体育舞蹈学生严格区别开来,因为专业水平、技术能力以及培养的方向和目的等都存在很大差异,因此在高校的体育舞蹈课程中对学生表现力的要求应该重新进行定位,有自己一套新的标准,而不应该与专业学生混同。通过本论文的研究分析,总结制约高校业余体育舞蹈学生表现力的制约因素,并相应的提出解决对策,为高校体育舞蹈课程的建设提供一定的理论借鉴。  相似文献   

饶国栋 《考试周刊》2009,(40):156-157
我国体育舞蹈运动员的表现力缺乏。本文作者结合调查研究,对如何提高体育舞蹈的教学效果,增强学生的艺术表现力提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

探讨体育舞蹈选手应具备的身体素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育舞蹈具有丰富的艺术内涵和强烈的体育竞赛特征。随着体育舞蹈的竞技水平不断提高,比赛竞争加剧,选手应具备的身体素质也越来越高。我们研究结果表明:随着体育舞蹈技术的不断完善和发展,体育舞蹈选手必须在全面提高身体素质的基础上,着重提高速度力量、速度耐力以及静力性力量和爆发力相结合的能力。  相似文献   

Sport scientists have examined numerous factors influencing the acquisition and manifestation of high levels of performance. These factors can be divided into variables having a primary influence on expertise and variables that have a secondary influence through their interaction with other variables. Primary influences on expertise include genetic, training, and psychological factors while secondary influences include socio‐cultural and contextual elements. This paper reviews the factors affecting the development of expert performance in sport and suggests directions for future research.  相似文献   

This essay critically addresses the hegemony ofthe prolympic system, especially its effects upon children aud youth. It is argued that the prolympic system—its polical economy and socials structure—abrogates the liberal democratic promise that each individual has the right to develop his/her talents to the full. Indeed it is argued that liberal democracy cannot met this challenge because some individuals' extractive powers expropriate the developmental potentials of the many for their own gain. Thus, the prolympic feeder system places far more emphasis on the performance principle than the developmental principle because it is geared to the social reproduction of an elite athletic labor force, which provides asual or symbolic profits. Suggesths a made to combine the knowledges of sport psychology and socialogy to build a plat form which to think about a sport pedagogy system more oriented to democratic participation and more sensitive to the processes in chikh and youth. The work of Erik Erikson is uacd as a frame work for the structuring of our arguments.  相似文献   

借鉴Crawford,Jackson和Godbey(1991)的休闲限制阶层模型,建立了我国女大学生运动参与限制模型并对模型进行解释;同.时,结合我国女大学生运动参与的实际,在模型中引入文化限制因素,首先对文化限制进行了界定,将它置于自身限制因素、人际限制因素和结构限制因素之前,并探讨了文化限制对我国女大学生运动参与行为的影响。  相似文献   

啦啦操运动团体凝聚力影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以凝聚力理论为分析工具,对高校啦啦操运动队进行分析,从团队外部环境、队员个人、运动队、教练等方面,分析啦啦操运动中影响团体凝聚力的因素,并试图找出能够产生和提高啦啦队凝聚力的条件和方法,为提高啦啦操运动队团体凝聚力提供了参考建议.  相似文献   

Despite being inherently rewarding and a major stimulus for many athletes' continued involvement in sport, there is a dearth of research concerning peak moments in sport. Methodological and definitional problems are abundant, and confusion surrounds the categorization of such instances. This paper examines four models related to peak moments, with particular emphasis placed on the Privette and Bundrick model. Peak experience, peak performance, and flow, which form a central component in this model, are discussed in detail. Similar and distinctive characteristics of peak moments in sport are then discussed. Finally, personal factors influencing the ability to experience peak moments, as well as optimal conditions for facilitating such moments, are reviewed. Particular attention is devoted to how one can minimize interference with these experiences.  相似文献   

体育教学是素质教育的内容之一,现阶段学生的思想、兴趣、爱好各具特征,对体育课的认识和表现也有差异.通过调查测试,从学生对体育课的兴趣,学习动机,及学生对体育课不感兴趣的原因及选择的几个方面,对体育课中学生的心理加以剖析..  相似文献   

新彩民是体育彩票消费的生力军,如何认清这一群体,引导其正确的体彩消费,将其发展成为老彩民,这对体育彩票的规模和健康发展具有重要的意义。本文对比研究新老彩民的体彩消费行为,结果表明:两者体彩消费方式存在显著差异,新彩民的购彩行为盲目性和随意性较强。  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to investigate Division I athletes’ prior sport participation and athletes’ perceptions regarding sport specialization. Athletes (N = 1041) completed self-report surveys and indicated that participation in their collegiate sport began around nine years of age (M = 9.10, SD = 3.83). Athletes played a large number of sports in elementary and middle school with participation decreasing during high school. For those athletes who specialized in one sport, specialization occurred typically at 12.5 years of age. In addition, athletes past sport background and perceptions of specialization differed depending on their college sport with some sports (i.e., gymnastics) starting participation and specializing earlier than others (i.e., football, cross country, and track and field). Interestingly, no differences existed in past sport experiences or perceptions of specialization dependent on scholarship status or expected playing status. This study supports prior research that early specialization is not a requirement for elite level performance.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、问卷调查等方法,结合交谊舞项目特点及教学实践情况进行分析,对交谊舞课程学生体育成绩的评价体系进行了构建,并对评价指标进行筛选,确定二级指标中的技术动作、协作意识、进步幅度和出勤情况作为主体评价指标,运用权重评分法对学生的学习成绩进行综合评价,通过综合评价指标正确引导学生,促进学生树立正确的体育学习观,以便更好地完成体育教学目标.  相似文献   

Historically, cognitive researchers have largely ignored the domain of sport in their quest to understand how the mind works. This neglect is due, in part, to the limitations of the information processing paradigm that dominated cognitive psychology in its formative years. With the emergence of the embodiment approach to cognition, however, sport has become a dynamic natural laboratory in which to investigate the relationship between thinking and skilled action. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore some insights into the relationship between thinking and action that have emerged from recent research on exceptional performance states (e.g., ‘flow’ and ‘choking’) in athletes. The paper begins by explaining why cognitive psychologists’ traditional indifference to sport has been replaced by a more enthusiastic attitude in recent years. The next section provides some insights into the relationship between thinking and skilled action that have emerged from research on ‘flow’ (or peak performance) and ‘choking’ (or impaired performance) experiences in athletes. The third section of the paper explores some practical issues that arise when athletes seek to exert conscious control over their thoughts in competitive situations. The final part of the paper considers the implications of research on thinking in action in sport for practical attempts to improve thinking skills in domains such as business organizations and schools.  相似文献   

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