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Reflecting on twenty years of educational research, we retrieved over 400 research article on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning (DL) techniques in teaching and learning. A computerised content analysis was conducted to examine how AI and DL research themes have evolved in major educational journals. By doing so, we seek to uncover the prominent keywords associated with AI-enabled pedagogical adaptation research in each decade, due to the discipline’s dynamism. By examining the major research themes and historical trends from 2000 to 2019, we demonstrate that, as advanced technologies in education evolve over time, some areas of research topics seem have stood the test of time, while some others have experienced peaks and valleys. More importantly, our analysis highlights the paradigm shifts and emergent trends that are gaining prominence in the field of educational research. For instance, the results suggest the decline in conventional tech-enabled instructional design research and the flourishing of student profiling models and learning analytics. Furthermore, this paper serves to raise awareness on the opportunities and challenges behind AI and DL for pedagogical adaptation and initiate a dialogue.  相似文献   

The blockchain is considered to be the potential driver of the digital economy. The Blockchain technology outweighs the challenges associated with the traditional transaction business governed and regulated by the third trusted party. There is a growth in the interest among the researchers, the industry, and the academia to study and leverage the potential of Blockchain. Blockchain provides a decentralized and distributed public ledger for all the participating parties. Though it seems that blockchain is a viable choice and solution for all the centralized governed and regulated transactions (in digital online space), it has potential challenges that need to be resolved; opportunities to be explored, and applications to be studied. This paper utilizes a systematic literature review to study several research endeavors made in the domain of blockchain. To further research on blockchain adoption, the paper theoretically constructs an integrated framework of the blockchain innovation adoption process in an organization considering organizational and user acceptance perspectives. This would facilitate its widespread adoption, thereby achieving sustained leadership solutions. The paper offers 23 propositions to information systems (IS)/information management (IM) scholars with respect to innovation characteristics, organizational characteristics, environmental characteristics, and user acceptance characteristics. Further, the paper explores several areas of future research and directions that can provide deep insights for overcoming challenges and for the adoption of blockchain technology.  相似文献   

具有开放性、可供性等特征的数字技术使得传统企业形成了数字化转型企业开放式创新生态系统的新组织型态。然而,当前对其研究还处于概念探讨和特征归纳的初级阶段,急需对其构建研究形成系统性理论框架。因此,首先基于相关概念的梳理,尝试明晰“何为”数字化转型企业开放式创新生态系统,即其内涵界定;其次,结合当前开放式创新生态系统、数字化转型企业两大研究基础,厘清“为何”急需开展数字化转型企业开放式创新生态系统构建的研究;最后,初步提出包括“型态识别→构建动因→构建逻辑→构建过程”的研究框架,指出未来“如何”开展数字化转型企业开放式创新生态系统构建的研究,以期为数字化转型企业开放式创新生态系统构建研究夯实理论基础并指明未来研究方向。  相似文献   

数字经济背景下,人工智能(AI)技术的应用正在深入地影响着企业管理变革、业务边界的扩展和管理模式的改变。结合互补资产的观点和组织学习理论,本文提出了一个基于AI应用能力和AI管理能力的分析框架,强调人工智能与人类智慧结合的必要性,阐述了两种能力的功能和作用及其协同对企业效率和创新成本的影响。本文提出,企业必须具备管理AI的能力才能有效应对大数据、数字技术、AI的不断革新及技术带来的组织内部结构和外部环境变化以及风险;企业AI应用与管理能力的有效结合,有利于控制AI应用带来的成本和风险,增强企业在人工人力、协调沟通、和数据搜寻方面的效率,同时降低AI应用带来的数字基建、道德情感、数据安全、组织结构变革方面的成本,进而促进企业的组织学习、对内外部数字技术使能资源的获取和管理以及互补资产的形成,对企业创新绩效发挥正向作用。最后,本文为企业的数字化创新战略提供了新的发展思路。  相似文献   

随着教育信息化的逐步发展,网络教育也在一定程度上改变着人们的学习和工作的生活方式。如何有效地利用信息化技术来开展在线动态教学并形成有效的跟踪评价机制,成为目前网络教育的重要研究方向。本文在对网络教学系统研究现状调查的基础上.运用Moodle、Sakai、DrUPa]、PhPBB等开源工具,研究开发了在线互动网络教学平台,文中详细介绍了开发关键技术路线及各功能模块功能设计。  相似文献   

Using technology to facilitate learning in universities and other higher education institutions (HEIs) has become common practice due to its ability to reduce barriers related to time and space in traditional learning environments. However, current literature mostly focuses on the use of the technology and not on the use of the information it conveys. Also, very few studies focus on technology adoption in universities and HEIs in developing countries, especially those in Africa. Thus, we propose a model that explains the changing information behaviors of students in this digital age and the effect this has on their learning outcomes. We collected questionnaire data from 303 students and analyzed the data using structural equation modelling partial least squares (SEM-PLS). We found that our proposed model explains 60.2 % of student satisfaction, 24.2 % of academic performance, 24.1 % of information sharing, and 19.8 % of their information exchange behavior. This study confirms that the use of digital information and its antecedent factors have significant effects on the college experience of students. This has several implications for information systems research and practice, especially in the design and assessment of technology use in learning environments.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了普适技术,并介绍了运用普适技术、嵌入式系统在我国的中、小学教学过程中的应用,从而体现了该技术的产、学、研的结合,进一步实现了我国教育信息技术化的目标。该技术与课程的结合主要是通过自主开发以计算机、网络、移动技术为核心的普适教育服务系统.将多媒体技术、移动设备技术和网上社区技术支持下的中小学全科教学结合。本研究构建了一个新的自适应学习系统,一个个性化的学习管理系统。该系统扩展性强,可以用于其他的教学方面。  相似文献   

Collaborative learning allows students to pool their knowledge, skills, and experiences to better understand and learn from one another. Two of the most fundamental features of collaborative learning are the grouping of students and the gaining of knowledge through social interactions with peers. The term “blended learning” refers to a new approach to education that combines conventional and contemporary learning models, in which students' interaction with and education from their digital devices does not totally replace their interaction and education from their traditional teachers. However, there are a number of obstacles that prevent educators from fully grasping blended learning models and putting them into practice. There have been a number of difficulties in implementing blended learning models due to the varying degrees to which they are accepted and used. In this article, we talked about collaborative learning data analysis since it helps teachers determine if their pedagogical approaches are working and where they may be strengthened. These results have the potential to contribute to a more comprehensive knowledge of (Artificial Intelligence in Education) AIED and its consequences for educational policies, educational AI design, and instructional design geared toward improving (The School Advisory Council) SAC in education.  相似文献   

远程学习学习者继数字学习、移动学习之后,又迎来了新的学习方式:T-Learning。此种学习方式能够最大限度地发挥电视媒体教学的优势,满足不同学习者的学习需求,利用丰富的教学资源促进教学效果。但以数字电视及技术为载体的T-Learning也有它的局限性,给如何利用电视技术很好地服务于远程教育带来了新的课题。  相似文献   

基于区块链采用成本的考虑,构建电商平台主导、农企跟随的两阶段博弈模型,通过对比区块链技术应用前后批发价、零售价等决策变量以及农企和电商平台的利润变化,探究采纳区块链技术对批发价、零售价的影响,并找到在采用区块链技术情况下电商平台和农企均受益的路径。研究表明,电商平台采纳区块链技术会导致农企提升批发价,产品零售价也随之增加,同时产品需求量也增大;然而,采纳区块链技术的电商平台和农企却并不一定能实现双赢,只有满足农企学习效率为高水平或农企学习效率和电商平台的追溯效率均为低水平时,采纳区块链技术可使农企和电商平台共同受益;反之,采纳区块链技术只能使电商平台受益。因此,农企应根据自身学习效率的高低理智地作出相应决策。  相似文献   

信息技术环境下的教师专业发展具有多种方式,其中,构建教师在线学习共同体是一种有效的人力资源组织方式,在很多学校正如火如荼地开展着。综观当前教师在线学习共同体的研究,大多是关注前期的构建,而对于后期的使用效果、教师教育工作者的参与度、技术支持等情况并未做系统研究。通过分析和归纳周村地区教师在线学习共同体的实践经验,探索出科学、合理、有效的应用指导策略。  相似文献   

崔淼  周晓雪 《科研管理》2022,43(10):89-98
摘要:数字经济下的企业面临着复杂多变的外部环境,开展数字导向战略更新活动成为传统企业生存和发展的关键。为此,本研究选取林清轩的单案例研究,探索数字导向战略更新的实现机理和演进路径。研究发现:(1)企业在开展数字化活动时,存在着认知、行动及商业模式等惯性力量,而组织学习是一种克服组织惯性的有效方式;(2)实现数字导向战略更新是一个过程,经过了数字化探索、数字化提升和数字化赋能阶段,在各阶段中,企业依次克服了认知惯性、行动惯性和商业模式惯性;(3)数字导向战略更新活动呈现出从IT端、营销端到流程端的数字基础设施改进、数字营销活动推广和数字业务流程构建的演进路径。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的普及,“翻转课堂”成为国内外教育信息化的高频词汇。从翻转课堂的概念出发,结合开放教育学习特点,设计了基于翻转课堂的开放教育教学模式。在《现代教育技术》课程中,设计制作微课程资源,建设在线学习环境,以多种形式的课堂教学来实践这一教学模式。  相似文献   

隐性知识视角下创新型人才培养模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
赵兰香  姚萌  吴博 《科研管理》2006,40(11):32-42
信息化技术加速发展使信息技术由教学辅助手段向主导性资源演变,催生一系列教育模式变革。本文以国际新涌现的教育变革为出发点,总结教育现象背后所代表的四类培养模式,并基于知识管理理论,构建了“显性知识学习模型”与“隐性知识学习模型”。通过案例分析、政策梳理及模型对比研究发现:1 教育新模式的出现离不开信息技术支持及政策激励;2信息技术对高等教育的影响不应局限在“工具”层面,而应是教育改革层面的问题;3新型教育模式的出现并非偶然,其实质是对隐性知识的重视。隐性知识教育是高等教育改革的重要方向,本文研究旨在为未来教育变革及政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

2018年,科学基金信息科学领域增设“教育信息科学与技术”申请代码(F0701)资助教育科学基础研究。基于首批F0701科学基金申请与资助项目数据的科学计量分析显示:申请项目涵盖了个性化教学、教育大数据、机器学习、增强现实、教育机器人、学习评测、交互学习、数字资源、协同学习、资源配置等十个主题聚类。研究发现,目前的教育信息科学与技术研究仍处于技术迁移期,主要以信息领域向教育领域渗透的研究工作为主,但对教育领域的重大关键科学问题缺乏深刻凝练,深度交叉融合不足。建议研究者加强对自然科学研究范式的运用、增强研究团队的交叉融合、提高凝练科学问题的能力;建议科学基金进一步充实完善申请代码,引导评审专家根据本领域项目申请的特点进行评估,提高资助率并加大支持力度,促进我国教育信息科学与技术领域整体研究水平的提升。  相似文献   

数字技术对企业发展至关重要。中小型企业是我国经济发展的重要贡献者,相较于大型企业,其对外部环境更为敏感,但现有研究却未解释外部环境影响中小型企业采用数字技术的作用机制。为此,研究基于技术-企业-环境(TOE)框架理论,构建了结构方程模型,并利用207家中国中小型企业的数据对模型进行了实证检验。结果表明,政府政策和竞争压力两个外部环境变量通过技术因素对中国中小型企业采用数字技术产生间接影响;企业层面的感知利得对中小型企业采用数字技术的影响并不显著。研究结论可解释外部环境影响中小型企业采用数字技术的路径,对中国中小型企业数字化转型具有启示意义;同时,结果证实了数字能力和数字兼容性两个技术因素在外部环境与中小型企业采用数字技术间起到的中介作用,可对现有TOE框架理论形成补充与完善。  相似文献   

崔淼  周晓雪 《科研管理》2022,43(4):75-82
   近年来,传统企业纷纷抓住数字技术机遇,致力于进行数字导向的战略更新活动。然而,现有文献对于传统企业数字导向战略更新前因变量的探讨还比较有限。本研究基于IS战略化和战略实践观,提出了“战略化活动-忘却学习-数字导向战略更新”的研究框架,构建了自上而下的创业导向活动、自下而上的组织即兴活动,通过组织忘却学习影响数字导向战略更新的理论模型。本文采用两种研究方法,即问卷调查和案例研究方法,探讨数字导向战略更新的前因及实现路径。研究表明:创业导向和组织即兴均有利于传统企业的数字导向战略更新;忘却学习分别在创业导向与数字化探索创新、组织即兴与数字化探索创新的关系中起到中介作用。本研究细致刻画了传统企业如何通过忘却学习进行数字导向战略更新的作用机制,具有重要的理论及实践价值。  相似文献   

赵兰香  姚萌  吴博 《科研管理》2019,40(11):32-42
信息化技术加速发展使信息技术由教学辅助手段向主导性资源演变,催生一系列教育模式变革。本文以国际新涌现的教育变革为出发点,总结教育现象背后所代表的四类培养模式,并基于知识管理理论,构建了“显性知识学习模型”与“隐性知识学习模型”。通过案例分析、政策梳理及模型对比研究发现:1 教育新模式的出现离不开信息技术支持及政策激励;2信息技术对高等教育的影响不应局限在“工具”层面,而应是教育改革层面的问题;3新型教育模式的出现并非偶然,其实质是对隐性知识的重视。隐性知识教育是高等教育改革的重要方向,本文研究旨在为未来教育变革及政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

当前,在线教育已经成为现代教育的重要组成部分,为教育形式的创新开拓了无限的可能。但是,以慕课为代表的在线教育的课程注册人数通常远远高于最终完成课程的人数,课程完成率较低。该文探索影响在线学习效果特别是课程完成率的因素,并据此提出改进建议。具体采取了实证研究的方法,运用了关联规则挖掘技术和WEKA数据挖掘开源工具,对学堂在线平台上39门课程的学习记录数据进行分析,得出了一系列基于大数据的、有指导意义的在线学习行为方面的关联规则,为进一步开展后续研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(8):104828
With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), professional services firms (PSFs) need to innovate their services to adapt to AI. However, traditional ad hoc innovations driven by individual professionals have limitations in incorporating new technology outside their expertise. Although service R&D—an organizational function for centralized coordination of service innovations in strategically targeted areas—is potentially effective, studies on service R&D have still been scarce. This case study aims to fill the gap by examining how PSFs can establish and utilize service R&D to innovate services, overcoming the challenges of AI adoption. An in-depth qualitative study was conducted on the process by which the Big Four audit firms incorporated AI into their external audit service in Japan in the 2010s. The analysis shows the detailed process of how newly created service R&D organizations advanced AI adoption in the case firms. This study contributes to the literature on innovations in services and PSFs by (1) demonstrating the neglected but critical role of service R&D as an innovation enabler beyond the existing expertise of service firms, (2) constructing a three-phase model of the evolution of the service R&D function, and (3) suggesting the significance of innovation process design for the legitimation of innovations. This study also expands our knowledge of AI adoption, presenting a process tailored to address the challenges inherent in AI adoption for PSFs.  相似文献   

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