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Building on a rich dataset with information on 65,000 firms and 465,000 European patent applications from 1978 to 2000, this paper addresses the geographical amplitude of international technology generation. First, we show that the number of countries hosting international technological activities is increasing. The USA and some developing nations benefit from this internationalisation. Conversely, although Europe as a whole still plays a leading role in the encouragement of foreign technological activities, some European countries, such as Germany and the UK, appear to be losing their technological appeal. Second, we verify that multinational corporations (MNCs) have increased the geographical amplitude of their technological activities. In fact, the mean number of countries in which MNCs internationalised technology generation has doubled during the 23 years we have analyzed. Third, we address the business characteristics that explain this phenomenon. A negative binomial regression suggests that internationalisation is higher in MNCs showing a greater technological diversification, a higher volume of technological activity, a wider presence in international markets and more experience in the international generation of technology. Finally, American corporations and (regardless of the home country) those firms whose main technological fields are in chemistry, pharmaceuticals, or electronics, present the highest geographical dispersion of their international technological activities.  相似文献   

论韩国造船工业的发展和技术创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘雪明 《科学学研究》2004,22(3):284-289
韩国作为新兴工业化国家,其造船工业的兴起是世界工业发展史上的一个奇迹。韩国造船工业于20世纪70年代初从零点起步,经过短短二十多年的发展,年造船产量超过欧美传统造船强国,并在90年代几次取代日本而居世界第一位。本文着重分析韩国造船工业的发展和技术创新状况,探讨韩国造船工业发展和技术创新的若干促进因素,为中国的工业发展寻找国外借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来国内外部分外学者开始尝试从技术链理论出发,研究发展中国家产业升级的问题,为发展中国家的产业升级研究提供了崭新的视角.本文尝试以产业技术链理论框架为指导,对全球半导体照明产业技术链的空间分布、空间特征及治理结构进行剖析,以便对我国半导体照明产业升级进行指导.产业升级关键是地方产业的技术系统要与发达国家的先进技术体系对接,融入全球技术链,不断进行渐进性技术创新,准确把握产业技术的极限,及时研发产业替代技术,实现产业技术链的链间升级.  相似文献   

应对气候变化成为世界各国关注的焦点,围绕气候外交的国际博弈本质仍是世界各国日趋激烈的科技竞争,随着欧美国家不断制定新的战略计划,科技竞争将由显性化向隐性化特征转变,科技牵引将作为一种新的科技竞争表现形态。随着欧美国家在绿色低碳技术竞争趋于白热化,中国新型工业化进程和绿色低碳技术不断进步,欧美国家对中国双碳战略实施科技牵引的动因逐步形成,并通过气候政策施压、转型路径牵引、技术标准制定等路径进行科技牵引,最后导致科技创新有限化、产业结构转型有限化、高质量发展需求无法满足和一系列安全风险等。文中提出在坚定双碳政治定力,摸底绿色低碳技术发展情况、提升科技创新能力、统筹发展和安全,防范化解风险和深入开展国际合作等方面的建议。  相似文献   

The research reported in this article was carried out as part of a larger prefect investigating the impact of the US Space Program on the American economy. The author describes the influence of governmental programs in space and defense on the growth of the computer and semiconductor industries. Three types of economic impacts are analyzed: the role of the federal government in financing research and development; the importance of the government as a market, particularly in the early stages of an industry's growth; and the extent to which government policy encouraged the entrance of new firms and permitted the survival of companies that might otherwise have failed. The paper also deals with the contribution of Defense and NASA to the acceleration of technological changes and the development of specialized manpower on which the progress of the industry largely depended.The author concludes that large government programs can play an essential role in the growth of high technology industries. The significance of space-defense programs for US semiconductor and computer firms can only be perceived by reviewing each type of impact-economic, technological and manpower. The government's early R & D support, assured demand during startup periods, encouragement of competition, acceleration of technological progress and its facilitating of professional mobility, are the separate impacts which together greatly aided US firms in their rise to a dominant position in the world semiconductor and computer industries.  相似文献   

张楠  杨红强 《资源科学》2020,42(7):1361-1371
林地资产是当前国际投资机构优选的重要替代投资类别,林地产权结构及其关联的组织模式是影响林地投资及资产组合收益的重要基础。本文系统梳理了欧美典型国家的林地产权及结构演变,归纳了不同产权结构下林地投资主体及组织模式选择。研究发现:①欧美林地产权主要涉及以美国和瑞典为代表的私有产权和以加拿大为代表的公有产权两种类型,私人投机行为和林主权益诉求推进了林地私有产权的演变进程,行政公有产权在加拿大等国仍具有显著地位。②以林地投资管理组织(TIMOs)、房地产信托投资基金(REITs)为代表的公司制模式和以林主协会为代表的协会制模式是林地私有产权的主要组织模式,其中TIMOs、REITs等公司主体助推了林地投资全球化发展;林地公有化产权的经营组织以林务局为主体,依赖省级林务局行政协调能力实现林地可持续经营。③欧美林地投资呈现私人林地碎片化和机构林地集中化的特征,林地的所有权和经营权分离趋势明显,其中传统林产品公司由偏好林地占有转向林地剥离,公有林地由单一行政管理转向综合多功能管理,林地认证由传统生态能力评估转向兼顾林地投资需求评价。结合中国林地投资与欧美国家变化趋势的关联性问题,本文从完善林地产权内部治理结构、积极培育适度规模林业经营主体、推进林地认证市场化进程、构建有约束的林业PPP投资回报机制等方面提供了加快中国林地投资市场化的建议。  相似文献   

The relationship between innovation and employment is addressed in this article through a model and empirical test at industry level for eight European countries in 1994-2004. We investigate this relationship for manufacturing and services and propose a Revised Pavitt taxonomy (covering both of them) in order to identify specific patterns of technological change and job creation and loss. The contrasting effects of strategies of technological or cost competitiveness are investigated using innovation variables from CIS2 and CIS3. Together with demand, wages and industry dynamics, they account for changes in employees and hours worked. The diversity in these relations across industries is also explored; when the model is applied to each Revised Pavitt class, different mechanisms of technological change and effects on jobs emerge.  相似文献   

Linsu Kim 《Research Policy》1980,9(3):254-277
This article presents a model of development stages that shows when and why local firms in a developing country acquire foreign technologies, how they assimilate and improve imported technologies to strengthen their competitiveness, and what and when external influences affect the process of technological change in these firms. Industrial technology in Korea's electronics industry has developed through three salient stages. Initially established through the implementation of imported foreign technology, local firms in the industry then accumulated experience in product design and production operation which provided a basis for limited indigenous efforts for the assimilation of imported technology. Finally, increased market competition in local and international markets and increasing capability of local personnel, together with assimilation of foreign technology, led to gradual improvements of foreign technology. This pattern is also evident in the history of manufacturing industries not only in Korea but also in other countries. The article also presents several propositions for future research.  相似文献   

In the era of “alliance capitalism”, the increasing number of strategic technological partnerships (STPs) has been mainly recorded in the science-based fields, of which information and communications technology (ICT) is a leading sector. The establishment of STPs has also characterised the European ICT industry. The growing technological interrelatedness and the need to acquire capabilities in related fields have been identified in the literature as major explanations for the increase in corporate technological co-operation. This paper investigates the role of corporate technological specialisation factors in the conclusion of STPs in the European ICT industry by carrying out a dynamic analysis. Accordingly, the patterns followed by corporate technological partnerships in the industry in question are investigated since the late 1970s. Based on US patent data granted to the world's largest firms as well as STPs data, the results of the econometric analysis are consistent with the view that the more similar partners' technological portfolios are with one another, the easier it is to absorb each other's capabilities.  相似文献   

近十年来,中国光伏产业迅速发展,并成功追赶和超越其他发达国家成为全球光伏产业领导者。基于创新生态系统视角,本研究探索中国光伏产业追赶与超越的机制。通过对中国光伏企业的案例分析发现,在进入阶段,中国光伏企业利用国际市场需求机会窗口,通过嵌入全球创新生态系统进行技术引进、建立合法性、获取国际资本来提高企业绩效。在追赶和超越阶段,中国光伏企业利用创新生态系统互补性技术机会窗口,通过选择性地知识共享、上下游合作创新、形成全产业链及集聚效应、互补性技术创新来建立本地创新生态系统,以提高绩效并实现追赶和超越。此外,在超越阶段,中国政府帮助光伏企业培育本地下游市场需求,中国光伏企业利用制度政策机会窗口稳固了本地创新生态系统,有效协调生态上下游企业共同创新,保持了中国光伏产业的领先地位。  相似文献   

On the 31st of October 1967 the Council of Ministers of the European Communities instructed a working party on scientific and technological policy, the PREST committee, to examine the possibilities for European technological cooperation in seven principal sectors. After a year long hiatus caused by a dispute over the British application to join the EEC, detailed proposals appeared in the ‘Aigrain report’. This document was sent to several non-member countries, including Britain, along with an invitation to participate. Following discussions in a committee of senior national officials drawn from 19 interested countries (the COST committee) a conference of Ministers responsible for science took place in 1971 at which agreements initiating seven so-called COST research projects were signed.This paper describes the events leading up to this final conference and the launching of the COST projects. These historical details are then used to examine the venture in terms of the concept of commitment to collaborate. Two different analytical perspectives are adopted: firstly we deal with the mechanics of COST as a formula for cooperation and consider the choice of research areas and the machinery used to implement the proposals; secondly we look at the relationship between technological cooperation in COST and the framework of the European Communities.We conclude that the structure of COST is very much related to its political milieu, but that few of the predicted advantages of Community research are likely to be realised. However, several of the difficulties associated with intergovernmental forms of cooperation do appear to have been at least partially solved. Finally, some reflections are offered upon the setbacks to the history of the projects and upon their mixed reception in terms of the conflicting goals of pragmatism, on the one hand, and an attempt, to promulgate a broadly based European science policy on the other.  相似文献   

The semiconductor industry has made great contributions to Taiwan’s economy in the past 20 years. Because of competitive salaries and generous fringe benefits, some famous semiconductor manufacturers have become the best choice for students right after graduation. However, such magnetic effect has gradually faded away in the face of implementation of expensive employee bonuses. In a changeable environment, sharing knowledge will maintain organizational competitiveness and improve employees’ cohesion. As the semiconductor industry is characterized by a low-wage and high-turnover rate, the incurred job insecurities and career uncertainties have begun to force employees to change their cohesion, loyalty to organizations and even to reduce their willingness to share knowledge with others. This study aims to explore the relationships among organizational commitment (OC), knowledge sharing (KS) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in the Taiwanese semiconductor industry. On the basis of 428 subjects, the results show that KS has a partial mediating effect on the OC–OCB relationship.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how the structure and the evolution of inter-firm agreements have shaped the development of the smart card industry. The aim is to establish a closer connection between the evolution of inter-firm agreements in the smart card industry and the patterns of change of technology and demand in this new high-tech industry. Based on a proprietary database covering both collaborative agreements and mergers and acquisitions (M&As) occurring in this industry over the period 1992–2006, we find that the evolution of technology and market demand shapes the dynamics of R&D networks and M&As are likely to change the industry structure. We also find that a small group of producers – first-movers – still control the industry and technological trajectories. Their position arises not for oligopolistic reasons of market structure, but for technological and organizational reasons.  相似文献   

国外数字图书馆的借鉴及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝中丹  刘冷 《现代情报》2006,26(7):85-86
欧美发达国家以强大的工业基础和技术基础,在数字图书馆建设方面成为世界的领导者之一。他们在数字图书馆建设过程中,表现出多元开发,注重规模,大量资金投入,讲求实用等特征。数字图书馆是21世纪图书馆建设的核心目标。我国要借鉴欧美等发达国家的先进经验,在确定目标、转变观念、增加投入、强化合作等方面深入开展数字图书馆建设。  相似文献   

制造业技术创新能力评价与比较研究--以长三角为例   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
制造业是技术创新的主要承担部门。目前对技术创新的研究侧重于企业层面,对产业的技术创新能力研究较少。分析了产业技术创新能力的概念、内涵,提出了产业技术创新能力的评价指标体系,并就长三角地区部分产业的技术创新能力进行了实证分析,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

后发国家消费电子企业核心关键件技术发展路径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋兵  朱方伟  张坚志 《预测》2010,29(1):1-7
在消费电子产业,核心关键件技术位于核心技术链和核心产业链的中端,因此在后发国家企业的产业技术追赶中具有承上启下的枢纽作用。为此在对核心关键件技术系统解构的基础上,进一步分析了其对后发国家企业的技术追赶作用,并以此为依据选取华松公司系统阐释了后发国家消费电子企业核心关键件技术的发展路径,认为核心关键件技术的发展在已有技术轨道上需经历从制造技术、架构技术到部件技术的逆向追赶,而在技术轨道的变迁阶段,能否以逆向追赶为基础快速切入基础技术的应用开发是实现下一代核心关键件技术突破式创新的关键。  相似文献   

The comparative kilogram-price of an equivalent product group in international trade is a rough indication of underlying technological capability. Although there are many theoretical and practical difficulties involved in applying this approach to East-West trade, these difficulties can be minimised by a careful selection of product groups. In this connection, advanced chemical products are particularly suitable because the chemical industry is one in which both kilogram-prices and technological sophistication tend to increase hand-in-hand at successive stages of manufacture. The results of this enquiry are quite striking. From the standpoint of bilateral trade, the kilogram-prices of Soviet and East European exports to the EEC countries are consistently lower than those of corresponding imports from the EEC. Throughout the period 1960–1972 these differentials appears to be closing either very slowly or not at all, while the Soviet and East European share of the EEC marked has remained more or less constant or has declined since the mid-1960's. From the alternative perspective of the “neutral” Yugoslavian market, the kilogram-prices of EEC exports are again consistently higher than those obtained by the Comecon coun tries. Moreover, there has been a considerable eroson in the market share of the Comecon countries since the mid-1960's. These general findings are broadly in line with other kinds of estimates and suggest that in these relatively advanced and dynamic sectors of industry, Soviet and East European technology is at present substantially inferior to that of the Common Market countries.  相似文献   

中国经济进入新常态,产业结构面临着较大的转型,矿产资源的消耗数量仍会继续增长,品种更加多样化,管理更加复杂化。产业结构的变动如何影响矿产资源的需求是亟待解决的科学问题。本文分别构建了26个国家铁矿石消耗与产业结构之间的面板门限回归模型和中国铁矿石、铝、铜、铅、锡、锌等六种金属矿产与产业结构之间的门限模型,对产业结构变化与矿产资源需求之间的门限效应进行研究。主要得出以下几点结论:① 产业结构变化与矿产资源需求之间存在着显著的多重作用机制,机制变化前后改变了矿产资源需求的主要因素;② 随着产业结构不断向高技术产业的演进,矿产资源需求也由传统大宗矿产资源转向稀有矿产;③ 中国产业演进过程中金属资源消耗的拐点呈现梯次演进,大宗矿产资源与二次产业结构之间出现多个门槛,部分稀有矿产与二次产业结构之间的门槛也已经出现;④ 中国目前处于矿产资源需求的第二阶段,大宗矿产与高技术产业之间门槛已经出现,稀有金属与高技术产业之间的门槛尚未到来。  相似文献   

基于网站的电子政务评价研究方法综述   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
郝媛媛  李一军  姜荧 《情报科学》2006,24(1):148-152
当今,各国电子政务建设取得了巨大进展。为了有效监控和管理电子政务的进程,推动电子政务的良性发展,各国(特别是欧美国家)政府很早就开始了关于电子政务评价理论与方法的研究。本文尝试从评价范围、评价视角、调查手段等三个方面对欧美国家现有的基于网站的电子政务评价方法研究进行深入剖析。最后指出了现有研究的局限性。  相似文献   

李鹏远  周平  唐金荣  陈其慎 《资源科学》2015,37(5):1030-1037
自2002年中国的黄金市场开放以来,中国的黄金需求大幅增长,于2013年首次成为全球第一大黄金消费国。中国作为具有黄金消费传统习俗的国家,未来的黄金消费需求规模值得深入探讨。本文通过对亚洲、美洲和欧洲地区的黄金制造业黄金消费历史进行分析,得出人均黄金制造业黄金消费量与人均GDP之间并不呈“S”形规律,而是呈一种“倒U”形轨迹;黄金制造业黄金消费强度与人均GDP之间虽然也呈“倒U”形轨迹,但是并没有相近的消费顶点;人均黄金制造业黄金消费量与人均国民收入之间呈“倒U”形轨迹。通过研究日本、美国和欧洲的黄金制造业黄金消费规律并分别在日本模式、美国模式和欧洲模式下对中国的黄金制造业黄金消费量进行预测,预计未来中国的黄金制造业黄金消费量将介于日本模式1 371t与美国模式2 361t之间,为1 800t。  相似文献   

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