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在临床医学上,晕厥是一个症状,引起晕厥的原因极其复杂。但对健康成年人来说,晕厥只是一种极轻微、极短暂的不适表现。为了消除大学生在体育运动时对“晕厥”、“休克”的恐惧心理,有必要对体育保健中与晕厥相关的基本概念进行科学描述。该文对“重力性休克”、“直立位低血压性晕厥”、“血管扩张性晕厥”这三个欠严谨的概念进行了必要的修正。  相似文献   

鉴于对青霉素类抗生素的认知水平,由于使用范围、剂量不当,针对性不强而导致产生耐药性;由于配伍不当,药物间相互拮抗、产生反应,使青霉素类抗生素产生沉淀、受到破坏而疗效下降,甚至引起毒副反应.在临床应用过程中,应考虑青霉素类抗生素的稳定性、作用特点,正确、合理的使用,才能奏效,否则,轻者降低疗效;重者造成不良后果.  相似文献   

晕厥是突然发生的、短暂的意识丧失状态,是由于大脑一时性、广泛性供血不足所致。在临床中,经常遇到由于种种原因,在肌肉注射过程中发生晕厥的患者,现将笔者多年的体会汇报如下:  相似文献   

氧哌嗪青霉素在临床上反应较少,我院于1997年2月—9月发生二例该药迟缓过敏反应,现介绍如下: 例1:患者男,68岁,因肺部感染给予0.9%氯化钠100ml加氧哌嗪青霉素3.0静点,每日2次,青霉素皮试阴性,第一、第二次输液后无不良反应,第三次输液至20分钟时,出现枕后部瘙痒,有轻度大小不等皮疹,随即背部、四肢出现大小不等的荨麻疹,立即  相似文献   

氨苄青霉素属半合成青霉素,对革兰氏阳性和阴性细菌均有杀灭作用,临床应用甚广,通过50例患者使用氨苄青霉素的临床总结体会,对于出现的一些情况进行以下探讨; 一、近年来,滥用抗生素的问题已越来越被广大医务人员所重视。尤其是氨苄青霉素能治疗各种感染性疾病,但本人总结,50例中35例临床诊断为上呼吸道感染,而上感  相似文献   

氨苄青霉素(AmPillinum,AP)是临床应用最广泛的半合成广谱抗生素,尤其是基层医院,在其它青霉素类品种尚未普及使用或用量过大,时间过长,浓度过高等因素,而致严重不良反应与防治的新认识,浅析如下,以供临床参考。我卫生所用氨苄青霉素静脉给药前,均给患者作青霉素皮试和氨苄青霉素皮试,皮内试验的配制:  相似文献   

青霉素是最早应用于临床的抗生素,至今仍是治疗众多感染性疾病的首选药。青霉素族分子结构的共同特点是具有β-内酰胺环,是作用于细菌细胞壁粘肽合成的繁殖期杀菌剂。但青霉素有三个主要缺陷:易被胃酸破坏,不耐葡萄球菌青霉素酶及对很多种属的革兰阴性杆菌不敏感。通过对其分子结构中6-氨基基团上添上酰基侧链结构,使更多的青霉素族衍生物相继问世而应用于临床。  相似文献   

急性心肌梗塞(AMI)是指冠状动脉粥样硬化的基础上,冠脉突然闭塞引起心肌不可逆损伤、坏死所致一种临床综合征,其典型的临床症状是持续性心前区绞痛伴有压榨、窒息感,含服硝酸酯类药物不能缓解。老年性AMI上述症状不明显或缺如,常以突发性晕厥、脉缓和低血压为首发表现,而易误诊为脑血管疾病延误诊治。现将1984.1~1999.4月以晕厥为首发症  相似文献   

青霉素自1940年应用于医疗以来,经过半个多世纪的临床实践证实,青霉素类药物较多出现过敏反应。这些过敏反映包括皮疹(药物疹)、药物热、血管神经性水肿、血清病型反应、过敏性休克等,其中以过敏性休克最为严重。  相似文献   

本院注射室在对2600例病人进行肌肉注射时,曾经有10例病人发生晕厥,本文拟从护理角度对由肌肉注射引起晕厥的原因和护理方法进行分析。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 晕厥者男9例,女1例,10例晕厥原因如下:病人因体乏虚弱,注射前精神紧张,注射时有疼痛感及药物刺激感等,其中3  相似文献   

近年由于捕捞,海水浴场及旅游业的开发,被海蜇蜇伤者日渐增多。海蜇蜇伤后毒素可以引起皮肤瘙痒、皮疹、红斑、肌肉痉挛、呼吸困难等症状,严重者可出现过敏中毒性休克、多脏器功能衰竭,甚至死亡。海蜇蜇伤后早期用海水或肥皂水冲洗蜇伤部位、口服抗过敏药。毒素吸收后很快引起过敏、中毒性休克、DIC以及多器官功能障碍者,给予大剂量激素冲击治疗(常用量的30~50倍以上)对病情的转归至关重要。  相似文献   

白细胞介素18及其生物活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白细胞介素18(IL-18)是新近发现的一种细胞因子,能诱导TH1细胞等产生IFN-r,GM-CSF等细胞因子及Fas配体,具有增强THI细胞和NK细胞的细胞毒作用等免疫调节功能,在抗病原微生物感染、抗肿瘤及抗超敏反映等方面具有潜在的应用前景,同时,它也是内毒素诱导的小鼠肝坏死性休克的关键因子。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONShockwavereflectionfromawallsurface,diffractionalongacurvedsurface ,propagationthroughachanneloratubewithvaryingcross  相似文献   

This paper reports theoretical and experimental study of a new type of interaction of a moving shock wave with an unsteady boundary layer. This type of shock wave-boundary layer interaction describes a moving shock wave interaction with an unsteady boundary layer induced by another shock wave and a rarefaction wave. So it is different from the interaction of a stationary shock wave with steady boundary layer, also different from the interaction of a reflected moving shock wave at the end of a shock tube with unsteady boundary layer induced by an incident shock. Geometrical shock dynamics is used for the theoretical analysis of the shock wave-unsteady boundary layer interaction, and a double-driver shock tube with a rarefaction wave bursting diaphragm is used for the experimental investigation in this work. Projects (No. X61151) supported by Centre for Engineering Research at Zhejiang University of Technology, China  相似文献   

Theimmediate shock deficit refers to the failure of a shock to become associated with contextual stimuli when the shock is presented simultaneously with the rat’s placement in a context. The basic procedure consists of a presentation of the shock as soon as the animal is placed in an observation chamber. Handling of the animal, which immediately precedes the shock, and the novelty of the chamber in which the immediate shock is delivered are potential variables that might be responsible for this associative deficit. In Experiment 1, handling reduced context conditioning but was not responsible for the immediate shock deficit. Experiment 2 revealed that the novelty of the chamber was not a significant factor. These results discount the possibility that handling and the novelty of the chamber are responsible for the deficit produced by the immediate shock. It is suggested that immediate shock could be employed as a control procedure for the study of context conditioning.  相似文献   

Aversive events such as electric shock lead to analgesia. There have been differing views with regard to whether the aversive event itself can lead to analgesia as a direct unconditioned reaction, or whether the analgesia is instead a reaction to fear conditioned to cues present during shock or to other associative processes initiated by the aversive event. Maier (1989, 1990) has argued that aversive events such as shock lead to both types of analgesia, with the type observed depending on test conditions. Unconditioned analgesia was argued to be present soon after shock, with conditioned analgesia replacing the unconditioned form if the subject is allowed to remain in the shock environment. Consistent with this argument, the experiments reported here show that (1) preexposure to the environment in which shock later occurs has no effect on the analgesia soon after shock, but eliminates the later analgesia; (2) the initial postshock analgesia is unaffected by removing the subject from the shock environment to a different environment, but the later reaction is prevented by such a change; (3) returning the subject to the shock environment after confinement in a nonshock environment rearouses an analgesic reaction; and (4) this rearousal does not occur if the subject has first been confined to the shock environment without shock.  相似文献   

利用匹配条件讨论一类非线性方程的激波解.在一定条件下,当边界条件作微小变化时,激波位置作相应的偏移,激波解的形式也发生了较大的改变.最终得出了各种方式情形下,对应的激波解与边解条件的关系.  相似文献   

The roles of CS fear and of context fear in signaled two-way avoidance learning were examined in two experiments in which shock intensity was manipulated either between or within subjects. For each subject, two discrete CSs, a light and a white noise, were used. For between-subjects comparisons, both CSs were paired with the same shock intensity, weak or strong. Under this condition, in which fear of the CSs and the context was greater with strong than with weak shock, avoidance performance varied inversely with shock intensity. For within-subjects comparisons, the light was paired with strong shock and the white noise with weak shock, or vice versa. In this case, context fear was constant during presentation of each CS, and avoidance performance varied directly with shock intensity. Additionally, intertrial responding was directly related to the amount of context fear. These results support effective reinforcement theory, an extension of two-factor theory, which acknowledges the contribution to avoidance learning both of CS fear and of context fear. The interchangeable effectiveness of visual and auditory stimuli as CSs is discussed with regard to stimulus specificity in avoidance learning.  相似文献   

[目的]总结迎香穴得保松封闭治疗变应性鼻炎的治疗体会.[方法]选54例变应性鼻炎患者进行迎香穴得保松封闭治疗,另选取56粒变应性鼻炎患者进行西替利嗪口服及倍氯米松气雾剂局部治疗为对照组.[结果]通过迎香穴得保松封闭治疗总有效率达86.4%,西替利嗪组总有效率61%.两组疗效具有显著差异(p<0.05).[结论]迎香穴封闭治疗变应性鼻炎是一种简单、有效的方法.  相似文献   

Six groups of rats (n = 16) differed with respect to the continuity of shock (continuous or discontinuous) and the shock intensity (.3, .8, or 1.6 mA) used during 65 one-way avoidance-conditioning trials. In general, a facilitative effect on one-way avoidance learning was obtained for continuous as opposed to discontinuous shock and for strong as opposed to weak shock. For both variables, the results are opposite to those obtained in discriminated shuttlebox-avoidance and barpress avoidance tasks. The data support an interpretation of the effect of continuity of shock which holds that discontinuous shock is, in effect, less intense than continuous shock. This interpretation allows the effects of the continuity-of-shock variable to be incorporated within the effective reinforcement theory of avoidance learning which has been proposed to account for shock-intensity effects in various avoidance tasks.  相似文献   

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