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Conclusions Physical education should provide opportunities for students to participate in activities that promote fitness and well-being. Implementing best practices into the physical education curriculum can contribute to the understanding and application of a healthy lifestyle for students. Technology applied in the physical education curriculum can provide an opportunity for improved instruction and enhanced student learning in physical education. The current study showed that students not only enjoyed working with computer technology but also preferred this interactive instructional method to a lecture method of instruction. The use of technology within the physical education program seemed to motivate students to engage with the material presented. After completing the web-based activities, students also seemed to be aware of their eating and physical activity habits and the changes that they needed to make in their lifestyles. They also expressed positive attitudes toward the use of technology in their physical education class. This study supports Cradler’s (1992) observation that outcomes will be positive when the effective physical educator uses the appropriate technology with sound pedagogical strategies and applicable content in their curriculum.  相似文献   

Perceived competence is a key motivational determinant of physical activity behaviours in adolescents, and motivational determinants are influenced by the class environment. The purpose of this study was to investigate levels of perceived physical competence, enjoyment and effort in class, focusing on gender and class‐type differences. Participants were 546 adolescents (289 males, 257 females) who were in same‐sex or coeducational physical education classes. The Hierarchical Physical Competence Scale (HPCS) and questionnaire measures of enjoyment and effort in classes were used to investigate students’ perceptions. Results of 2 × 2 multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated that students’ perceptions of physical competence, enjoyment and effort in classes differed according to gender and class type, but these differences must be viewed in light of strong interaction effects. That is, female students reported more positive and adaptive perceptions in same‐sex classes and were more affected by class type than were male students.  相似文献   

随着现代体育课程改革理论与实践的发展,随着终身体育的呼唤,随着现代社会对人类健康要求的日益提高,学校体育教学与学生体质健康关系密不可分。根据我校近三年来学生体质测试数据显示,学生的体质健康状况每况愈下,究其原因,学校体育教学中存在一些不利于提高学生体质健康的问题,为此提出相应教学改革措施。  相似文献   

Physical education in elementary education usually provides children’s first contact with sports. According to the trans-contextual model of motivation, physical education teachers can positively influence children’s beliefs toward and actual leisure time physical activity behavior. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of a dance-based physical education program on motivation regarding physical education lesson participation, as well as leisure time physical activity participation. The sample consisted of 252 pupils attending Grades 5 and 6 of elementary school (Mage?=?10.48 years, SD?=?0.50 years). Participants were randomly assigned into three groups. The first group attended a physical education lesson based on various forms of dance, the second one attended lessons with Greek traditional dances only, and the third group served as active control group that attended the typical curriculum. The intervention lasted six weeks. Before and after the intervention, students completed survey-based measures of motivational climate, motivational regulations in physical education and leisure time, enjoyment, attitudes, perceived behavioral control, subjective norms, and intentions toward leisure time physical activity. In support of the trans-contextual model, results showed that students in the dance intervention programs scored significantly higher in perceptions of motivational climate and beliefs toward leisure time physical activity. The findings of the study suggest that dancing lessons at school can bolster more positive attitudes and beliefs toward physical education and leisure time physical activity.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法,对西北师范大学学生参与体育锻炼的情况进行调查分析,旨在为促进培养学生终身体育意识提供参考.结果表明:大多数学生通过体育课和课外体育活动等体育形式,已经养成良好的体育锻炼意识,但终身体育意识的培养还应通过更加有效的方式予以加强.  相似文献   

健美操深受女大学生的喜欢.高校女生参加健美操锻炼的实践表明,健美操运动能较全面改善女大学生的身体外形结构,消除多余脂肪,增强肌力,提高身体素质,对其形体美、气质美有良好的促进作用.同时能有效地改善心肺功能,提高人体的有氧代谢能力.加强健美锻炼能为贯彻终身体育思想打下良好的基础.  相似文献   

随着社会的进步以及中学生们对体育概念的理解和认知,引起中学体育教学发生很大变化。在中学体育教学中除传统的体育教学内容和形式外,还没有新的体育教学内容出现。从健身、休闲和娱乐等几个方面进行分析,阐述中学开设轮滑课程必要性,使中学体育课朝着"健康第一"、休闲娱乐、终身体育的方向发展。  相似文献   

Currently there is a large variation in the quality of children's experiences, both across and within primary schools and concerns regarding the quality of physical education (PE) teaching. Significantly, a failure to engage children at this critical time in appropriate high quality PE provision, prior to the transition to secondary education, is likely to result in inadequate development of basic movement competence and motivation to be physically active. Critical to this is the collaboration between primary and secondary PE teachers and ensuring that programmes of study for PE are progressive and provide continuity to promote future lifelong physical fitness. A mixed method design was used employing both focus groups and interviews with primary PE teachers to assess their perceptions of the transition process to secondary school and its impacts on children's physical education. Findings would suggest that primary PE teachers receive little support from their secondary counterparts and are often viewed upon as insignificant in providing initial physical education experiences to young children.  相似文献   

体育作为学院的必修课,原有的教材在内容体系、组织形式、教学手段等诸方面已不能适应体育课改革的要求,文章以学生自选体育课为切入点,对原有以普修课为主的教学组织形式作了较大的调整,使之更符合学生个体的需要,让学生主动参与到体育学习中来,达到发展学生个性、培养学生终身体育锻炼意识的目的。  相似文献   

通过分析终身教育思想,学生对健康的认识及全民健身计划纲要,强调对21世纪的大学体育教育改革应以"健康第一"的终身体育为指导思想,加强学生的健康教育,提高教师素质、改革评价体系,充分发挥体育的健身功能,促进学生健康成长.  相似文献   

聋哑高职生就业难问题的形成是多方面因素造成的。本研究采用SCL-90症状量表和自编问卷,对102名临近毕业的聋哑高职生进行了就业心理方面的调查。调查发现,聋哑高职生的依赖、焦虑、抑郁、畏惧和嫉妒心理较健听生更为严重。对此,本文提出了高职院校可通过建立心理档案进行针对性个体辅导、加强"两训一课"等策略提高聋哑高职生的就业能力。  相似文献   

毕业生参加工作后,因为身体素质的原因,不能胜任工作岗位的体力需求,给中职体育教学提出了新的要求,中职学校的体育教学必须围绕学生就业方向安排教学。在培养学生的终身体育意识的同时还要有针对性地加强学生的体能训练,以便使他们具备良好的体能面对工作岗位的特殊要求。所以学校的体育教学应根据将来的职业特点调整和改造课程体系、教学方法和教学内容等,使学生在校期间能够通过体育课的学习锻炼出一副强健的体魄。  相似文献   

Ten graduates and 3 ABD (all but dissertation) students in Lamar University's doctoral program in deaf studies/deaf education were surveyed about their perceptions of the benefits of earning a doctorate of education (Ed.D.) in their field. The program comprised course work on current content information on deaf education, an educational research component, a cognate area, and electives. As part of the program, researchers and scholars in areas related to deaf education were invited to campus to consult with doctoral students. Graduates found jobs at universities, community colleges, and departments of special education. Graduates ranked program components on the basis of perceived value; they rank-ordered the courses on the basis of their value to them in their current work. Graduates also commented on how the program enhanced their professional growth.  相似文献   

学校体育是促进学生体质与健康的手段之一,而体育课是学校体育最重要的组织形式,体育教学是保证体育课程实效的关键和基础.结合我院体育教学改革实践,探讨了高职院校体育教学改革思路,确立了体育教学在高等职业技术院校中的重要性.  相似文献   

随着社会韵不断进步,体育的理念也发生了变化。特别是人类对自身健康认识的提高,改变了人们生存方式。因此,在高校体育教育中终身体育教育尤其重要。本通过大量献资料证明:改进目前高校现状,实现高校体育目标,必须加强终身体育教育,从而加快和推进高校体育改革进程。  相似文献   

Seventy university teacher preparation programs and 100 instructional programs serving at least 120 deaf and hard of hearing students were surveyed separately to (a) determine the demand for additional doctoral-level leadership personnel in deaf education, (b) obtain guidance for university leadership preparation programs in deaf education for the purpose of recruiting leadership personnel, and (c) identify experiences that would be relevant to the positions for which prospective leadership personnel are preparing. Data representing 54% of teacher preparation programs and 65% of instructional programs serving deaf and hard of hearing students in the United States evince the need for additional doctoral-level personnel for faculty positions in university teacher preparation programs in deaf education, as well as the need for leadership positions in instructional programs serving deaf and hard of hearing children. Data also provide direction for leadership preparation programs in addressing the leadership personnel needs of the field.  相似文献   

培养大学生树立正确的体育价值取向,发展学生的体适能教育,是实现终身体育教育目标的最关键环节.本文运用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等,对河南省不同类型10所高校1000名大学生和50名体育教师的体育价值取向若干问题进行了调查研究,旨在促进当代大学生“健康第一,终身体育”观念的形成,并为深化高校体育教育教学改革提供理论参考依据.  相似文献   

Learning to read and write is a challenge for most deaf children due to their limited experiences with, and access to, spoken language. In the case of deaf students who have difficulty processing visual print, literacy becomes an even greater challenge. The study piloted an intervention procedure that incorporated the principles of automaticity, repetition, functional vocabulary, and a positive teacher-student relationship as recommended in programs for struggling readers and adapted them to the needs of two deaf high school students with dyslexia in an American Sign Language-English bilingual program. The findings reveal gains in reading ability on the formal measures, though not more than would be expected over a 6-month period simply due to development. The real improvements were noted in the students' attitudes toward literacy, improved social interaction, and increased self-confidence.  相似文献   

Some 985 secondary school students completed a questionnaire as part of an investigation into the experiences of Asian girls in a secondary school arising out of a larger project concerned with motivational factors in educational attainment. Results indicated that (1) Asian girls enjoyed all aspects of school life as much or more than their non-Asian counterparts; (2) across both ethnic groups girls enjoyed all aspects of school except sports and clubs more than boys; (3) enjoyment of subjects followed sex stereotypical lines, irrespective of ethnicity: girls rated English, French, German, drama, music and home economics as significantly more enjoyable, and boys rated science, craft, design and technology, physical education, information technology and mathematics as more enjoyable; (4) irrespective of gender, Asian students reported more enjoyment of religious education, and lower enjoyment of drama, physical education and home economics; (5) irrespective of ethnic group, girls reported that there was not enough choice of subjects; and (6) Asian students of both sexes rated parents and friends as more important in contributing to academic success. These results are critiqued in a context that questions the desirability of conducting investigations such as this which dichotomise students into groups on the grounds of ethnicity.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the effectiveness of a life skills training program taught as part of physical education lessons. Seventy three, seventh grade students were assigned either in an experimental or in a wait-list control replication group and received an abbreviated version of GOAL, a school-based intervention designed by Danish and colleagues to teach life skills. The program focused on setting goals, making plans for achieving goals and on positive thinking. Students were assessed on physical fitness tests, knowledge about life skills, and beliefs about effective use of life skills. Results showed gains and retention on physical fitness, knowledge and self-beliefs regarding goal setting. These results show that life skills training can be effectively implemented within a school physical education context.  相似文献   

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