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学习指南在这个单元里我们要学习的语法项目是情态动词should和could的用法。语言目标是学会谈论问题和学会提出忠告。通过听、说、读、写运用目标语言,从而达到熟练运用。重点、难点知识点拨:[课文注释]1.Iarguedwithmybestfriend.我和我最要好的朋友争吵了。  相似文献   

同步点拨 【学习目标导航】 1.学会理解并运用should和could的用法。 2.掌握其他情态动词的用法。 3.学会描述人们日常生活中所遇到的各种问题并给出合理的建议。  相似文献   

Completion rates are one measure of the success of apprenticeship training. But little is known about outcomes for youth who begin an apprenticeship in high school. This paper draws primarily on interviews with youth who did not continue training or work in their high school apprenticeship trade in two Canadian provinces. Our analysis focuses on why these youth decided to enrol in high school apprenticeship, why they did not continue and what they did afterwards. Findings suggest that a narrow focus on apprenticeship training completion diverts attention from the complex learning and work transitions experienced by most youth. Instead of assuming a linear pathway from school-to-trades work, we argue that partners involved in high school apprenticeship and policy-makers could do more to raise student awareness of multiple trajectories and skills transfer, make apprenticeship training more expansive, and increase the flexibility of pathways by providing greater articulation between different post-secondary education pathways and opportunities to change direction.  相似文献   

How established is the horizontal permeability between modes of vocational education and training (VET) in Switzerland? Formally encouraged by the Swiss law on VET, horizontal permeability refers to transitions across VET modes, i.e. between dual and school-based VET. This paper first discusses why horizontal permeability is indeed relevant and then empirically examines the horizontal permeability of the Swiss VET system for a given occupation – commercial VET. The latter is the largest VET domain in Switzerland and, importantly, a domain in which school-based VET is well established. The empirical analysis uses panel data following a cohort for over 10 years in the Canton of Geneva. Results show that going from school-based to dual VET within commercial VET increases chances to earn a qualification, however students changing modes lose half a year in the process. These findings suggest that, at least in commercial VET, horizontal permeability is only partial.  相似文献   

在本学期的第二单元,我们学习了should这个情态动词,它的本领大家都见识到了吗?一起来看看should的身手吧!【本领一】表示某种义务或责任。例如:  相似文献   

The paper starts from the observation that teacher attrition/retention seems to be a wicked issue: it seems to have strong face validity and a commonsense meaning, but the literature doesn’t provide a clear and distinctive definition. In the first section, the author analyzes the different ways in which the issue of teacher attrition and retention is problematized—in general and educationally—as the basis for a definition: as an educational issue, teacher attrition and retention refers to the need to prevent good teachers from leaving the job for the wrong reasons. Arguing that teacher attrition/retention constitutes both a problem and a challenge, he continues in the second part of the article foregrounding several lessons learned from the research on teacher attrition. A first lesson is related to the central role of social relationships and teachers’ need for social recognition as well as sense of belonging. Secondly, the impact of performativity policies on teacher attrition is discussed. A final lesson looks at teacher attrition and retention from the perspective of career and teachers’ work lives. The conclusion section outlines an agenda for teacher education, teacher induction, and school development to positively deal with the challenge to keep the good teachers in teaching.  相似文献   

In philosophical and psychological literature, gratitude has normally been promoted as beneficial to oneself and others and as morally good. Being grateful for what you have is conceived as virtuous, while acts expressing gratefulness to those who have benefited you is often regarded as morally praiseworthy, if not morally expected. However, critical interrogations of the moral status of gratitude should also frame the possible cultivation of gratitude in moral education. This article focuses on whether gratitude should be regarded as morally ideal, praiseworthy or expected in contexts marked by social inequity and injustice. It considers competing articulations of gratitude in philosophical and psychological research and how gratitude can be conceived in some cases as praiseworthy and in others as potentially problematic. Finally, it considers the implications of a multipronged view of gratitude for teaching for and about gratitude in social justice education.  相似文献   

While reading behaviour of adolescents is a frequent object of research, most studies in this field are restricted to a single country. This study investigates reading as a leisure-time activity across social groups from three regions differing in reading tradition as well as in the facilities available for reading. The authors analyse the reading behaviour of a total of 2,173 adolescents in the Netherlands, in Beijing (China), and in Cape Town (South Africa). Taking Icek Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour as a starting point, the authors adjusted it to model the three most important determinants of reading behaviour, namely (1) reading attitude; (2) subjective norms (implicit and explicit social pressure to read); and (3) perceived behavioural control, which includes reading proficiency and appropriateness of the available books (book supply). While they found the adjusted model to fit the Dutch and Beijing situation quite well, it appeared to be inappropriate for the Cape Town situation. Despite considerable cultural and situational differences between the Netherlands and Beijing, the results show a similar pattern for these two environments. The most important determinants turn out to be: the hedonic reading attitude, the implicit norm of family and friends, the attractiveness of the available choice of books, and the perceived reading proficiency.  相似文献   

should是一个很有用且使用起来很麻烦的情态动词,你知道它有哪些用法吗?  相似文献   

I think I Can     
如果你认为你败了,那你就一败涂地;如果你认为你不敢,那你就会退缩畏惧;如果你想赢但是认为你不能,那么毫无疑问你就会失利。如果你认  相似文献   

I Show I Am     
“我型我SHOW”究竟让多少人的梦想放光,恐怕已经无法数清。今年,又会有谁再次进驻这个聚光灯闪耀的地方?一轮轮的比赛进行了,一群群的追梦人离开了,留下了承载着他们梦想的人继续前行,我们带着好奇,采访了其中的几位,师洋、高娅媛、何方、戚薇是比赛的佼佼者,却也有着自己的故事。  相似文献   

众所周知,should/would是shall/will的过去式,Should与I/we连用,用于第一人称;would用于其他各种人称。然而在具体使用中,should/would的用法各具特色。下面对两者的异同点作一归纳对比,供参考。  相似文献   

should是一个极其常用的情态动词。下面就它的各种意义和用法作一概述:1.should与第二、三人称主语连用时,具有“强制、命令、威胁”的意思。例如:The students should return all these balls as soon as their P.E.classis over.(命令)。体育课一结束学生们就得把所有的球还回去。2.should用于语气较强的if从句中,意为“万一”、“竟然”。例如:If it should rain tomorrow,the game would be played indoors.万一明天下雨,比赛就在室内举行。Should I go to Europe this summer,I would probably go by ship.倘若我今年夏天去欧洲的…  相似文献   

should是英语中重要的虚词之一,在虚拟式中should具有多种语法语义,其功能主要集中在非真实条件句、“should+动词原形”以及should的语气等三个方面。  相似文献   

should属情态动词,后接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。should的否定形式为should not.缩写形式为should n’t。should有以下几种常见用法:  相似文献   

不少同学在做阅读或听力理解时常因为对“should”的理解不准确而丢分。其主要原因在于对“should”的认识仅限于它是“shall”的过去式以及它能表示义务、责任等,相当于汉语里的“应该”;殊不知它除了以上两种含义用法外,还有很多其他的意思和用法,分述如下:  相似文献   

should属情态动词,后接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。should的否定形式为should not,通常缩写为shouldn’t。should有以下几种常见用法:1.用于提出建议劝告别人。例如:—Tom,I have a toothache.汤姆,我牙痛。—You should see a dentist.你应当去看牙医。—I’m not feeling well these days.I hava bad cough.这些天我身体不适,老是咳嗽。—You shouldn’t smoke so much,think.我认为你不该抽这么多烟。需要注意的是,用should提建议通常含有命令、批评、责备等语气,多用于熟人或朋友之间。对上级、长辈或陌生人提建议最好使用语气委婉的Shall we...?或What How about...?等句式。2.用于第一人称疑问句中,用于征求对方意见。例如:Should I help you wash clothes?要不要我帮你洗衣服?Should I go there by bus?我是否应当坐公共汽车去那里?3.用于表示某种感情色彩,常用于以why,how开头的特殊疑问...  相似文献   

在OICQ上我叫“蒙娜丽莎”,那是一个拥有不朽笑容的女人。在生活中我叫三木,那是一个毫不起眼的平凡的小丫头。 在OICQ上蒙娜丽莎千娇百媚,谈笑自若,顾盼生辉。在生活中三木一切平平,普通得就像众多破折号中的一个,有时一天从早笑到晚,却不知到底在笑些什么。 我不知道哪个才是真正的自己。在OICQ上和生活中我都爱听音乐,英文歌尤甚。R·Kelly有首《IBe-liveve I Can Fly》,是1998年葛莱美获奖金曲之一。很简单的MTV,却有种特别  相似文献   

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