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This article begins by posing some fundamental questions about global co‐operation and why co‐operation among nations is necessary. Co‐operation in higher education can foster global understanding and bridge cultural gaps. What is therefore called for is the globalization of universities. For positive international co‐operation in education to occur, the following initiatives are required: global perspectives in the curriculum, foreign students as learning resources, the globalization of universities and colleges, and the disengagement of educational policy from foreign policy.  相似文献   

This paper explores factors influencing parents' choices of single‐sex or co‐educational schools in the independent sector. In doing so, it explores two relatively under‐researched aspects of school choice by focusing upon gender and upon the middle classes. The paper draws upon research conducted in three independent schools—a boys' school, a girls' school and a co‐educational school. Data were generated via questionnaires (225 responses) and semi‐structured interviews (15 sets of parents). The findings suggest that the reputation and exam results of schools are key features guiding parents' school choices. However, whether a school is single‐sex or co‐educational is an important factor for many parents. Furthermore, the long‐held view that single‐sex education has advantages (especially academic) for girls, whilst co‐education has advantages (especially social) for boys, still prevails.  相似文献   

This is a case study of a one‐year arts educational project I – from dreams to reality’ in which artists worked at school with teachers and learning at the school was planned through arts‐based, co‐operative teamwork during one extra school year of 10th grade students in Finnish basic education. The theme of the year was ‘I’, and so the project was designed to highlight everyone's own way of thinking and expressing art. The research task was to determine whether long‐term holistic arts pedagogy and artist co‐operation at school have any significant connection to students’ self‐efficacy and social skills. Data has been collected through students’ self‐evaluations before and after the school year. Altogether 40 students from 10th grade participated in this case study. Half of the pupils participated in an arts educational project called ‘I – from dreams to reality’ and half formed the control group. Artists worked with the test group weekly during a period of one school year (altogether nine months). Students’ self‐evaluations concerning their self‐efficacy and social behaviour were collected by e‐questionnaire. The measures used were Likert‐based evaluation scores of pupils’ self‐assessment of their self‐efficacy and social behaviour in everyday situations at school. According to the results, artist–teacher co‐operation and learning through the arts can be worthwhile experiences to develop students’ self‐efficacy and social skills.  相似文献   

An International Seminar on Educational Technology, organized by the Hungarian National Centre for Educational Technology with the support of UNESCO and the United Nations Development Prograrrme (UNDP), was held in Budapest from 4 to 9 October 1976. The seminar adopted various recommendations concerning the improvement of information exchange on educational technology, the research in this field, and the possibilities for international co‐operation regarding educational audio‐visual material. We give below information on the main topics of discussion and conclusions at this meeting. (For CEPES participation at this meeting see page 33 in this issue.)  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of single‐sex versus co‐educational classes and schools on the progress in language and mathematics of boys and girls at the end of the second year of secondary education are investigated. Data from the Longitudinaal Onderzoek Secundair Onderwijs project are used. Multilevel analyses were carried out on a sample of approximately 4000 pupils, 330 classes (190 single‐sex), 180 teachers and 50 schools (20 single‐sex). The results indicate that for boys the gender composition of the classes has more impact than the gender composition of the schools, whereas for girls the gender composition of the schools is more important. Boys make more progress for language (and not for mathematics) in co‐educational classes even after we have taken into account the selective nature of the classes. Girls, on the other hand, make more progress for mathematics (but not for language) in single‐sex than in co‐educational schools.  相似文献   

The field of fashion design relies on the originality of fashion designers and information on design trends, and design education also focuses on the creative ideas of designers; in this field, design through co‐design is a very limited area. However, with the proliferation of participatory culture, the need to diversify fashion design education methods has also emerged. The purpose of this study is to present an educational framework and an instructional strategy for co‐design based on the changing role of the designer and to obtain educational insight through the implementation of an actual education prototype. To do this, we developed an educational prototype and implemented it with six undergraduate students. Through this study, the participants engaged in the process of design development with the consumer and analysed the instructional insight. As a result, this study redefines the roles and design methods of designers for co‐design and identifies creativity characteristics through the co‐design process. The results of this study can be used as basic data for co‐design education and can contribute to the expansion of fashion design educational methods.  相似文献   

Academic co‐operation between higher education institutions in Hungary and those of western Europe, on the one hand, and those of the United States of America, on the other, are compared. Hungarian co‐operation with western European higher education, particularly the European Union countries, has been far more developed than that with the United States. The greater success and scope of co‐operation with western European higher education institutions is attributed to the comprehensiveness of the TEMPUS Programme of the European Union countries and its careful and well‐planned responses to the problems of the central and eastern European region. However, Hungarian higher education could gain a great deal from more intensive co‐operation with American higher education. Efforts should be made to encourage such co‐operation including the greater involvement of American higher education institutions in TEMPUS projects.  相似文献   


This paper examines selected reform efforts in technical and technological education from a comparative perspective. The similarities and differences between reforms in selected countries – Brazil, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Sweden – are analysed to determine major world‐wide trends. Lessons are drawn which should be useful for nations contemplating reform of their education and training systems. Particular attention is focussed on the time taken to complete reforms effectively and the need for long‐term approaches, relationships between educational reforms and industrial development, the interdependence of reforms affecting general, technical and vocational education, regional co‐operation and the decentralisation of national decision‐making.  相似文献   

In this article an attempt is made to examine the continuing implications of the operation and closure of London’s Risinghill school, a co‐educational comprehensive extant from 1960 to 1965. It is suggested that Risinghill’s controversial headteacher, Michael Duane (1915–1997), was an educational celebrity and folk hero amongst teachers and in British society generally in the late 1960s and 1970s. It is argued that Duane was never able to emerge from the shadow of Leila Berg’s tendentious account of his work at Risinghill and succumbed to his own celebrity ending his career having achieved self‐made martyrdom but very little else.  相似文献   

Social progress being based on an efficient education system and greater efficiency being linked to democratization, immediate steps must be taken to democratize education at all levels in line with the steps being taken to democratize society. Educational democratization is based on the interaction of four major interrelated components: the democratization of the forms of educational activity, the democratization of the content of education, the humanization of the functioning of education institutions and extra‐curricular student activities, and the democratization of the interactions of education with the other spheres of social life. The tasks at hand require the co‐operation of legislators, economists, sociologists teachers, and educational administrators and the passage of a new comprehensive law on education.  相似文献   

This study concentrates on the work of special education teachers in mainstream education in Finland, where these professionals work with children from various classes, usually in a separate room. The research reported in this article by Marjatta Takala of the University of Helsinki, Raija Pirttimaa of the University of Oulu and Minna Törmänen, who is studying for her PhD at the University of Helsinki, involved sending a questionnaire to 133 special education teachers and undertaking observations. The work of the special education teachers was revealed to consist of three elements: teaching, consulting and background work. Teaching, often focusing on giving support to children who had challenges in the main academic subjects, was realised in small groups, in co‐operative or individual settings. Consultation mainly concerned co‐operation and discussion. Behavioural challenges needed a targeted approach. The main problems experienced by the teachers were the lack of time for consultation and co‐operation, an unclear work profile and too much work. The work of special education teachers was partly inclusive, but also entailed segregative elements. The authors discuss the potential for promoting further steps towards inclusion as well as possible changes in organising special educational provision at school level.  相似文献   

This article discusses the impact of computer‐supported co‐operative work tools in the building of educational environments and the facilities such tools bring to educational methodologies. It also demonstrates the relationship between this new technique and the learner‐centred approach in education, a participative style of education in which the learner is actively involved in the learning process. At the same time, the article stresses the importance of collaborative learning. The influence of the new information technologies of intelligent multi‐agent systems is discussed in the context of computer‐supported co‐operative and active learning.  相似文献   

This article briefly sets forth some of the goals of international interuniversity co‐operation and the ways in which formal agreements can serve institutional goals. It demonstrates some of the forms which such co‐operation can take and identifies many of the obstacles to the development and the implementation of agreements. Clarity in goals and a continuing assessment of the results of interuniversity co‐operation are urged as significant factors in the successful collaboration between universities.  相似文献   


English: For almost 90 years Germany has developed a well structured public support system for the use of educational audiovisual media. It consists of 600 regional media centres 19 state media centres, and the Institut f,r Film und Bild in Wissenschaft und Unterricht (FWU) as the main producer of educational media. Thanks to federal co‐operation at all levels of the various organisations, the user of the system has access to over 25.000 media titles. New technologies and their vast possibilities are changing all areas of life and are challenging our educational system. The discussions over the advancement of media is accompanied by organisational restructuring measures which are partially due to drastically reduced budgets. After a short outline of the history of the German media centres the author describes the current situation and the possibilities of further development in the near future of the ‘Bildstellen’ organisation.  相似文献   


This article considers the involvement of schools and teachers in schemes which develop work with young offenders as an alternative to prosecution. Data from one such experimental scheme are presented and discussed. Issues are raised about the consequences of schools’ involvement in this kind of policy initiative which begins outside the educational system and entails co‐operation with professional workers in other statutory agencies. A central theme is whether a tightening of the welfare network in this way is unambiguously in the interests of young people.  相似文献   

This article outlines the activities of the Council of Europe in favour of inter‐university co‐operation and exchange. First, the role and tasks of the CC‐PU and then the work programme of the Council of Europe on higher education and research are examined. With regard to academic mobility and European inter‐university co‐operation, the Transfrontier Regional University Co‐operation Programme, the European Postgraduate Training Programme, and the Inter‐university Co‐operation Programme between Europe and Latin America are described. Finally, both the European Networks for Scientific and Technical Co‐operation and the Open Partial Agreement on the Prevention of, Protection Against, and Organisation of Relief in Major Natural and Technological Disasters and their constituent activities are evoked.  相似文献   

The situation with regard to the development of academic co‐operation, both at the national and at the international levels, between European and Chinese universities, is introduced. Some suggestions are made with regard to the future development of such co‐operation.  相似文献   

我国成人高等教育办学机构管理体制存在的问题主要有:高度集权的管理弊端,管办合一的体制缺陷,条块分割的管理壁垒,教育资源市场配置的行政性排斥,社会参与的第三方缺位。创新我国成人高等教育办学机构管理体制,应贯彻"统筹有力"原则,建立跨部门的统筹协调组织机构;加快职能转变,实现政府管理模式创新;进一步简政放权,落实办学机构的法人地位;推进政校分开,实现管办分离的体制改革;发挥市场资源配置的基础性作用;赋予成人高等教育中介组织相应的管理职能。  相似文献   

Pre‐test‐post‐test control group designs are well suited to investigating effects of educational innovations and are common in educational research. They are frequently analysed by means of an ANOVA on change scores, or, what amounts to the same thing, a repeated measures ANOVA to test the treatment by occasion interaction. Although the analysis of change scores has intuitive appeal, such analyses are often inappropriate. An ANCOVA on post‐test scores, with pre‐test scores as co‐variate usually provides a more appropriate and informative analysis. Advantages of the ANCOVA approach are explained and illustrated using SPSS‐X analyses of fabricated data sets.  相似文献   


This article describes a programme of educational intervention aimed at the development of prosocial‐altruistic behaviour, and presents a study which evaluated its efficacy. The sample comprised 110 subjects, aged between 10 and 12 years, from four class‐groups. The intervention, which consisted of a series of activities intended to encourage empathy, perspective‐taking, having the concept of a person, and co‐operation, was carried out by the teacher‐tutor of each group in 15 weekly sessions. The pre‐test/post‐test comparisons showed a significant increase in prosocial‐‐altruistic behaviour (measured by a sociogram on “Consoling and Defending” behaviour and a questionnaire on Prosocial behaviour), as well as an improvement in the capacity for perspective‐taking and in the climate in the classroom.  相似文献   

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