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As a prevalent problem in online advertising, CTR prediction has attracted plentiful attention from both academia and industry. Recent studies have been reported to establish CTR prediction models in the graph neural networks (GNNs) framework. However, most of GNNs-based models handle feature interactions in a complete graph, while ignoring causal relationships among features, which results in a huge drop in the performance on out-of-distribution data. This paper is dedicated to developing a causality-based CTR prediction model in the GNNs framework (Causal-GNN) integrating representations of feature graph, user graph and ad graph in the context of online advertising. In our model, a structured representation learning method (GraphFwFM) is designed to capture high-order representations on feature graph based on causal discovery among field features in gated graph neural networks (GGNNs), and GraphSAGE is employed to obtain graph representations of users and ads. Experiments conducted on three public datasets demonstrate the superiority of Causal-GNN in AUC and Logloss and the effectiveness of GraphFwFM in capturing high-order representations on causal feature graph.  相似文献   

Recently, the high popularity of social networks accelerates the development of item recommendation. Integrating the influence diffusion of social networks in recommendation systems is a challenging task since topic distribution over users and items is latent and user topic interest may change over time. In this paper, we propose a dynamic generative model for item recommendation which captures the potential influence logs based on the community-level topic influence diffusion to infer the latent topic distribution over users and items. Our model enables tracking the time-varying distributions of topic interest and topic popularity over communities in social networks. A collapsed Gibbs sampling algorithm is proposed to train the model, and an improved diversification algorithm is proposed to obtain item diversified recommendation list. Extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method. The results validate our approach and show the superiority of our method compared with state-of-the-art diversified recommendation methods.  相似文献   

The matrix factorization model based on user-item rating data has been widely studied and applied in recommender systems. However, data sparsity, the cold-start problem, and poor explainability have restricted its performance. Textual reviews usually contain rich information about items’ features and users’ sentiments and preferences, which can solve the problem of insufficient information from only user ratings. However, most recommendation algorithms that take sentiment analysis of review texts into account are either fine- or coarse-grained, but not both, leading to uncertain accuracy and comprehensiveness regarding user preference. This study proposes a deep learning recommendation model (i.e., DeepCGSR) that integrates textual review sentiments and the rating matrix. DeepCGSR uses the review sets of users and items as a corpus to perform cross-grained sentiment analysis by combining fine- and coarse-grained levels to extract sentiment feature vectors for users and items. Deep learning technology is used to map between the extracted feature vector and latent factor through the rating-based matrix factorization model and obtain deep, nonlinear features to predict the user's rating of an item. Iterative experiments on e-commerce datasets from Amazon show that DeepCGSR consistently outperforms the recommendation models LFM, SVD++, DeepCoNN, TOPICMF, and NARRE. Overall, comparing with other recommendation models, the DeepCGSR model demonstrated improved evaluation results by 14.113% over LFM, 13.786% over SVD++, 9.920% over TOPICMF, 5.122% over DeepCoNN, and 2.765% over NARRE. Meanwhile, the DeepCGSR has great potential in fixing the overfitting and cold-start problems. Built upon previous studies and findings, the DeepCGSR is the state of the art, moving the design and development of the recommendation algorithms forward with improved recommendation accuracy.  相似文献   

Learning latent representations for users and points of interests (POIs) is an important task in location-based social networks (LBSN), which could largely benefit multiple location-based services, such as POI recommendation and social link prediction. Many contextual factors, like geographical influence, user social relationship and temporal information, are available in LBSN and would be useful for this task. However, incorporating all these contextual factors for user and POI representation learning in LBSN remains challenging, due to their heterogeneous nature. Although the encouraging performance of POI recommendation and social link prediction are delivered, most of the existing representation learning methods for LBSN incorporate only one or two of these contextual factors. In this paper, we propose a novel joint representation learning framework for users and POIs in LBSN, named UP2VEC. In UP2VEC, we present a heterogeneous LBSN graph to incorporate all these aforementioned factors. Specifically, the transition probabilities between nodes inside the heterogeneous graph are derived by jointly considering these contextual factors. The latent representations of users and POIs are then learnt by matching the topological structure of the heterogeneous graph. For evaluating the effectiveness of UP2VEC, a series of experiments are conducted with two real-world datasets (Foursquare and Gowalla) in terms of POI recommendation and social link prediction. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed UP2VEC significantly outperforms the existing state-of-the-art alternatives. Further experiment shows the superiority of UP2VEC in handling cold-start problem for POI recommendation.  相似文献   

With the information explosion of news articles, personalized news recommendation has become important for users to quickly find news that they are interested in. Existing methods on news recommendation mainly include collaborative filtering methods which rely on direct user-item interactions and content based methods which characterize the content of user reading history. Although these methods have achieved good performances, they still suffer from data sparse problem, since most of them fail to extensively exploit high-order structure information (similar users tend to read similar news articles) in news recommendation systems. In this paper, we propose to build a heterogeneous graph to explicitly model the interactions among users, news and latent topics. The incorporated topic information would help indicate a user’s interest and alleviate the sparsity of user-item interactions. Then we take advantage of graph neural networks to learn user and news representations that encode high-order structure information by propagating embeddings over the graph. The learned user embeddings with complete historic user clicks capture the users’ long-term interests. We also consider a user’s short-term interest using the recent reading history with an attention based LSTM model. Experimental results on real-world datasets show that our proposed model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on news recommendation.  相似文献   

Graph-based multi-view clustering aims to take advantage of multiple view graph information to provide clustering solutions. The consistency constraint of multiple views is the key of multi-view graph clustering. Most existing studies generate fusion graphs and constrain multi-view consistency by clustering loss. We argue that local pair-view consistency can achieve fine-modeling of consensus information in multiple views. Towards this end, we propose a novel Contrastive and Attentive Graph Learning framework for multi-view clustering (CAGL). Specifically, we design a contrastive fine-modeling in multi-view graph learning using maximizing the similarity of pair-view to guarantee the consistency of multiple views. Meanwhile, an Att-weighted refined fusion graph module based on attention networks to capture the capacity difference of different views dynamically and further facilitate the mutual reinforcement of single view and fusion view. Besides, our CAGL can learn a specialized representation for clustering via a self-training clustering module. Finally, we develop a joint optimization objective to balance every module and iteratively optimize the proposed CAGL in the framework of graph encoder–decoder. Experimental results on six benchmarks across different modalities and sizes demonstrate that our CAGL outperforms state-of-the-art baselines.  相似文献   

Online recommender systems have been shown to be vulnerable to group shilling attacks in which attackers of a shilling group collaboratively inject fake profiles with the aim of increasing or decreasing the frequency that particular items are recommended. Existing detection methods mainly use the frequent itemset (dense subgraph) mining or clustering method to generate candidate groups and then utilize the hand-crafted features to identify shilling groups. However, such two-stage detection methods have two limitations. On the one hand, due to the sensitivity of support threshold or clustering parameters setting, it is difficult to guarantee the quality of candidate groups generated. On the other hand, they all rely on manual feature engineering to extract detection features, which is costly and time-consuming. To address these two limitations, we present a shilling group detection method based on graph convolutional network. First, we model the given dataset as a graph by treating users as nodes and co-rating relations between users as edges. By assigning edge weights and filtering normal user relations, we obtain the suspicious user relation graph. Second, we use principal component analysis to refine the rating features of users and obtain the user feature matrix. Third, we design a three-layer graph convolutional network model with a neighbor filtering mechanism and perform user classification by combining both structure and rating features of users. Finally, we detect shilling groups through identifying target items rated by the attackers according to the user classification results. Extensive experiments show that the classification accuracy and detection performance (F1-measure) of the proposed method can reach 98.92% and 99.92% on the Netflix dataset and 93.18% and 92.41% on the Amazon dataset.  相似文献   

Recommendation is an effective marketing tool widely used in the e-commerce business, and can be made based on ratings predicted from the rating data of purchased items. To improve the accuracy of rating prediction, user reviews or product images have been used separately as side information to learn the latent features of users (items). In this study, we developed a hybrid approach to analyze both user sentiments from review texts and user preferences from item images to make item recommendations more personalized for users. The hybrid model consists of two parallel modules to perform a procedure named the multiscale semantic and visual analyses (MSVA). The first module is designated to conduct semantic analysis on review documents in various aspects with word-aware and scale-aware attention mechanisms, while the second module is assigned to extract visual features with block-aware and visual-aware attention mechanisms. The MSVA model was trained, validated and tested using Amazon Product Data containing sampled reviews varying from 492,970 to 1 million records across 22 different domains. Three state-of-the-art recommendation models were used as the baselines for performance comparisons. Averagely, MSVA reduced the mean squared error (MSE) of predicted ratings by 6.00%, 3.14% and 3.25% as opposed to the three baselines. It was demonstrated that combining semantic and visual analyses enhanced MSVA's performance across a wide variety of products, and the multiscale scheme used in both the review and visual modules of MSVA made significant contributions to the rating prediction.  相似文献   

Graph-based recommendation approaches use a graph model to represent the relationships between users and items, and exploit the graph structure to make recommendations. Recent graph-based recommendation approaches focused on capturing users’ pairwise preferences and utilized a graph model to exploit the relationships between different entities in the graph. In this paper, we focus on the impact of pairwise preferences on the diversity of recommendations. We propose a novel graph-based ranking oriented recommendation algorithm that exploits both explicit and implicit feedback of users. The algorithm utilizes a user-preference-item tripartite graph model and modified resource allocation process to match the target user with users who share similar preferences, and make personalized recommendations. The principle of the additional preference layer is to capture users’ pairwise preferences, provide detailed information of users for further recommendations. Empirical analysis of four benchmark datasets demonstrated that our proposed algorithm performs better in most situations than other graph-based and ranking-oriented benchmark algorithms.  相似文献   

A large volume of data flowing throughout location-based social networks (LBSN) gives support to the recommendation of points-of-interest (POI). One of the major challenges that significantly affects the precision of recommendation is to find dynamic spatio-temporal patterns of visiting behaviors, which can hardly be figured out because of the multiple side factors. To confront this difficulty, we jointly study the effects of users’ social relationships, textual reviews, and POIs’ geographical proximity in order to excavate complex spatio-temporal patterns of visiting behaviors when the data quality is unreliable for location recommendation in spatio-temporal social networks. We craft a novel framework that recommends any user the POIs with effectiveness. The framework contains two significant techniques: (i) a network embedding method is adopted to learn the vectors of users and POIs in an embedding space of low dimension; (ii) a dynamic factor graph model is proposed to model various factors such as the correlation of vectors in the previous phase. A collection of experiments was carried out on two real large-scale datasets, and the experimental outcomes demonstrate the supremacy of the proposed method over the most advanced baseline algorithms owing to its highly effective and efficient performance of POI recommendation.  相似文献   

Session-based recommendation aims to predict items that a user will interact with based on historical behaviors in anonymous sessions. It has long faced two challenges: (1) the dynamic change of user intents which makes user preferences towards items change over time; (2) the uncertainty of user behaviors which adds noise to hinder precise preference learning. They jointly preclude recommender system from capturing real intents of users. Existing methods have not properly solved these problems since they either ignore many useful factors like the temporal information when building item embeddings, or do not explicitly filter out noisy clicks in sessions. To tackle above issues, we propose a novel Dynamic Intent-aware Iterative Denoising Network (DIDN) for session-based recommendation. Specifically, to model the dynamic intents of users, we present a dynamic intent-aware module that incorporates item-aware, user-aware and temporal-aware information to learn dynamic item embeddings. A novel iterative denoising module is then devised to explicitly filter out noisy clicks within a session. In addition, we mine collaborative information to further enrich the session semantics. Extensive experimental results on three real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed DIDN. Specifically, DIDN obtains improvements over the best baselines by 1.66%, 1.75%, and 7.76% in terms of P@20 and 1.70%, 2.20%, and 10.48% in terms of MRR@20 on all datasets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the problem of discovering internally connected communities in event-based social networks (EBSNs) and propose a community detection method by utilizing social influences between users. Different from traditional social network, EBSNs contain different types of entities and links, and users in EBSNs have more complex behaviours. This leads to poor performance of the traditional social influence computation method in EBSNs. Therefore, to quantify the pairwise social influence accurately in EBSNs, we first propose to compute two types of social influences, i.e., structure-based social influence and behaviour-based social influence, by utilizing the online social network structure and offline social behaviours of users. In particular, based on the specific features of EBSNs, the similarities of user preference on three aspects (i.e., topics, regions and organizers) are utilized to measure the behaviour-based social influence. Then, we obtain the unified pairwise social influence by combining these two types of social influences through a weight function. Next, we present a social influence based community detection algorithm which is referred to as SICD. In SICD, inspired by the nonlinear feature learning ability of the autoencoder, we first devise a neighborhood based deep autoencoder algorithm to obtain nonlinear community-oriented latent representations of users, and then utilize the k-means algorithm for community detection. Experimental results conducted on real-world dataset show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Location-based Social Networks (LBSNs) services makes next personalized Point-of-Interest (POI) predictions become a trending research topic. However, due to device failure or intention camouflage, geolocation information missing prevents existing POI-oriented researches for advanced user preference analysis. To this end, we propose a novel model named Bi-STAN, which fuses bi-direction spatiotemporal transition patterns and personalized dynamic preferences, to identify where the user has visited at a past specific time, namely missing check-in POI identification. Furthermore, to relieve data sparsity issues, Bi-STAN explicitly exploits spatiotemporal characteristics by doing bilateral traceback to search related items with high predictive power from user mobility traces. Specifically, Bi-STAN introduces (1) a temporal-aware attention semantic category encoder to unveil the latent semantic category transition patterns by modeling temporal periodicity and attenuation; (2) a spatial-aware attention POI encoder to capture the latent POI transition pattern by modeling spatial regularity and proximity; (3) a multitask-oriented decoder to incorporate personalized and temporal variance preference into learned transition patterns for missing check-in POI and category identification. Based on the complementarity and compatibility of multi-task learning, we further develop Bi-STAN with a self-adaptive learning rate for model optimization. Experimental results on two real-world datasets show the effectiveness of our proposed method. Significantly, Bi-STAN can also be adaptively applied to next POI prediction task with outstanding performances.  相似文献   

Deep multi-view clustering (MVC) is to mine and employ the complex relationships among views to learn the compact data clusters with deep neural networks in an unsupervised manner. The more recent deep contrastive learning (CL) methods have shown promising performance in MVC by learning cluster-oriented deep feature representations, which is realized by contrasting the positive and negative sample pairs. However, most existing deep contrastive MVC methods only focus on the one-side contrastive learning, such as feature-level or cluster-level contrast, failing to integrating the two sides together or bringing in more important aspects of contrast. Additionally, most of them work in a separate two-stage manner, i.e., first feature learning and then data clustering, failing to mutually benefit each other. To fix the above challenges, in this paper we propose a novel joint contrastive triple-learning framework to learn multi-view discriminative feature representation for deep clustering, which is threefold, i.e., feature-level alignment-oriented and commonality-oriented CL, and cluster-level consistency-oriented CL. The former two submodules aim to contrast the encoded feature representations of data samples in different feature levels, while the last contrasts the data samples in the cluster-level representations. Benefiting from the triple contrast, the more discriminative representations of views can be obtained. Meanwhile, a view weight learning module is designed to learn and exploit the quantitative complementary information across the learned discriminative features of each view. Thus, the contrastive triple-learning module, the view weight learning module and the data clustering module with these fused features are jointly performed, so that these modules are mutually beneficial. The extensive experiments on several challenging multi-view datasets show the superiority of the proposed method over many state-of-the-art methods, especially the large improvement of 15.5% and 8.1% on Caltech-4V and CCV in terms of accuracy. Due to the promising performance on visual datasets, the proposed method can be applied into many practical visual applications such as visual recognition and analysis. The source code of the proposed method is provided at https://github.com/ShizheHu/Joint-Contrastive-Triple-learning.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method for semi-supervised clustering of data that only contains pairwise relational information. Specifically, our method simultaneously learns two similarity matrices in feature space and label space, in which similarity matrix in feature space learned by adopting adaptive neighbor strategy while another one obtained through tactful label propagation approach. Moreover, the above two learned matrices explore the local structure (i.e., learned from feature space) and global structure (i.e., learned from label space) of data respectively. Furthermore, most of the existing clustering methods do not fully consider the graph structure, they can not achieve the optimal clustering performance. Therefore, our method forcibly divides the data into c clusters by adding a low rank restriction on the graphical Laplacian matrix. Finally, a restriction of alignment between two similarity matrices is imposed and all items are combined into a unified framework, and an iterative optimization strategy is leveraged to solve the proposed model. Experiments in practical data show that our method has achieved brilliant performance compared with some other state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Recommender Systems deal with the issue of overloading information by retrieving the most relevant sources in the wide range of web services. They help users by predicting their interests in many domains like e-government, social networks, e-commerce and entertainment. Collaborative Filtering (CF) is the most promising technique used in recommender systems to give suggestions based on liked-mind users’ preferences. Despite the widespread use of CF in providing personalized recommendation, this technique has problems including cold start, data sparsity and gray sheep. Eventually, these problems lead to the deterioration of the efficiency of CF. Most existing recommendation methods have been proposed to overcome the problems of CF. However, they fail to suggest the top-n recommendations based on the sequencing of the users’ priorities. In this research, to overcome the shortcomings of CF and current recommendation methods in ranking preference dataset, we have used a new graph-based structure to model the users’ priorities and capture the association between users and items. Users’ profiles are created based on their past and current interest. This is done because their interest can change with time. Our proposed algorithm keeps the preferred items of active user at the beginning of the recommendation list. This means these items come under top-n recommendations, which results in satisfaction among users. The experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm archives the significant improvement in comparison with CF and other proposed recommendation methods in terms of recall, precision, f-measure and MAP metrics using two benchmark datasets including MovieLens and Superstore.  相似文献   

Since meta-paths have the innate ability to capture rich structure and semantic information, meta-path-based recommendations have gained tremendous attention in recent years. However, how to composite these multi-dimensional meta-paths? How to characterize their dynamic characteristics? How to automatically learn their priority and importance to capture users' diverse and personalized preferences at the user-level granularity? These issues are pivotal yet challenging for improving both the performance and the interpretability of recommendations. To address these challenges, we propose a personalized recommendation method via Multi-Dimensional Meta-Paths Temporal Graph Probabilistic Spreading (MD-MP-TGPS). Specifically, we first construct temporal multi-dimensional graphs with full consideration of the interest drift of users, obsolescence and popularity of items, and dynamic update of interaction behavior data. Then we propose a dimension-free temporal graph probabilistic spreading framework via multi-dimensional meta-paths. Moreover, to automatically learn the priority and importance of these multi-dimensional meta-paths at the user-level granularity, we propose two boosting strategies for personalized recommendation. Finally, we conduct comprehensive experiments on two real-world datasets and the experimental results show that the proposed MD-MP-TGPS method outperforms the compared state-of-the-art methods in such performance indicators as precision, recall, F1-score, hamming distance, intra-list diversity and popularity in terms of accuracy, diversity, and novelty.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the adaptive fuzzy event-triggered control (ETC) problem for a class of nonlinear uncertain systems with unknown nonlinear functions. A novel ETC approach that exhibits a combinational triggering (CT) behavior is proposed to update the controller and fuzzy weight vectors, achieving the non-periodic control input signals for nonlinear systems. A CT-based fuzzy adaptive observer is firstly constructed to estimate the unmeasurable states. Based on this, an output feedback ETC is proposed following the backstepping and error transformation methods, which ensures the prescribed dynamic tracking (PDT) performance. The PDT performance indicates that the transient bounds, over-shooting and ultimate values of tracking errors are fully determined by the control parameters and functions chosen by users. The closed-loop stability is guaranteed under the framework of impulsive dynamic system. Besides, the Zeno phenomenon is circumvented. The theoretical analysis indicates that the proposed scheme guarantees control performance while considerably reducing the communication resource utilization and controller updating frequency. Finally, the numerical simulations are conducted to verify the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a novel enhanced latent semantic model based on users’ comments, and employs regularization factors to capture the temporal evolution characteristics of users’ potential topics for each commodity, so as to improve the accuracy of recommendation. The adaptive temporal weighting of multiple preference features is also improved to calculate the preferences of different users at different time periods using human forgetting features, item interest overlap, and similarity at the semantic level of the review text to improve the accuracy of sparse evaluation data. The paper conducts comparison experiments with six temporal matrix-based decomposition baseline methods in nine datasets, and the results show that the accuracy is 31.64% better than TimeSVD++, 21.08% better than BTMF, 15.51% better than TMRevCo, 13.99% better than BPTF, 9.24% better than TCMF, and 3.19% better than MUTPD ,which indicates that the model is more effective in capturing users’ temporal interest drift and better reflects the evolutionary relationship between users’ latent topics and item ratings.  相似文献   

Talent recruitment has become a crucial issue for companies since finding suitable candidates from the massive data on potential candidates from online talent platforms is a challenging task. However, extant studies mainly focus on the scalability and inference ability of models, while the dynamic variability of the importance of each feature in different scenarios is barely addressed. Besides, there is a lack of research on how to depict the hidden potential preference of the job which cannot be derived from job requirements. In this paper, we propose a two-stage resume recommendation model based on deep learning and attention mechanisms, especially considering the latent preference information hidden in the hired employee resumes, named the Attentive Implicit Relationship-Aware Neural Network (AIRANN) model. Specifically, a novel mechanism is proposed herein to extract the hidden potential preference of the corresponding job by deriving the implicit relationship between the target resume and hired employees’ resumes. Existing studies have not considered such resume implicit relationships. Moreover, we propose a Feature Co-Attention mechanism to capture the dynamic interactive importance within the non-text features of both resumes and jobs. For different jobs, the suitability of resumes would be valued from different aspects, including resume implicit relationships, as well as textual and non-textual features. Accordingly, an Aspect-attention mechanism is designed herein to automatically adjust the variant importance of each aspect. Finally, extensive experiments are conducted on a real-world company dataset. The experiment results of ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of each mechanism in the proposed AIRANN model. The experiment results also show that the proposed AIRANN model outperforms other baseline methods, showing a general improvement of 13.31%, 12.49%, 6.5% and 7.17% over the state-of-the-art baseline under F1@6, F1@15, NDCG@6 and NDCG@15, respectively.  相似文献   

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