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Accurate information on behavior of young children at home is crucial to the study of child development. The present study compared parent diaries of 5-year-old children's time spent with television to concurrent automated time-lapse video observations. In addition, a number of control groups were employed to assess the effects of observational equipment in the homes. The sample consisted of 334 mostly white middle-class families, of whom 106 had observational equipment installed. Results indicated no systematic subject selection of families who were willing to have observational equipment as compared to the controls. In addition, there were no differences in reported viewing behavior between the observed families and controls. Of 3 types of parent estimates of 5-year-old TV viewing, concurrent diaries correlated best with video observation (r = .84) and produced a very small absolute mean time error. Direct parent estimates of typical time spent viewing produced smaller correlations and large overestimates as compared with diaries.  相似文献   

This experiment tests the hypothesis that background, adult television is a disruptive influence on very young children's behavior. Fifty 12-, 24-, and 36-month-olds played with a variety of toys for 1 hr. For half of the hour, a game show played in the background on a monaural TV set. During the other half hour, the TV was off. The children looked at the TV for only a few seconds at a time and less than once per minute. Nevertheless, background TV significantly reduced toy play episode length as well as focused attention during play. Thus, background television disrupts very young children's play behavior even when they pay little overt attention to it. These findings have implications for subsequent cognitive development.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of distracters on the television viewing of diagnosed ADHD (n = 19) and normal (n = 20) boys who ranged in age from 6 to 12 years. Subjects were videotaped watching four 7-min segments of "3-2-1 Contact," once in the presence and once in the absence of highly appealing toys. The results indicated that, while in the presence of toys, ADHD boys spent one-half as much time as control boys attending to the television. However, when toys were absent, there were no significant differences in visual attention between ADHD and normal boys. The effect of the toy manipulation was most dramatic with younger children of both groups. Recall of didactic content by ADHD boys and normal subjects did not differ significantly, even when the attention of ADHD boys was reduced. These findings suggest that ADHD children, like their normal counterparts, are active and strategic viewers of television.  相似文献   


Research Findings: This observation study investigated the prevalence and correlates of learning contexts provided to preschool-age children in 133 registered child care homes in below-average-income neighborhoods in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. On average, 30% of the observed proportion of time was spent in structured teacher-led activities, 51% in free-choice activities, 10% in routine activities, 1% in watching video/TV, and 7% in transition. Home-based child care providers gave significantly more positive recognition during structured teacher-led activities, and children engaged in more prosocial behavior during free-choice time. Directives and noncompliance occurred more often during transitions. A higher child-to-caregiver ratio was associated with more time spent in free-choice time, and caregiver experience and education were not associated with the time spent in specific learning contexts. Practice or Policy: Similar to preschool and center-based child care, current practice in home-based child care is to offer a mix of structured teacher-led and free-choice activities. To facilitate young children’s skill development within these learning activities typically offered, it is necessary to increase research and provide empirically based professional development opportunities relevant to home-based child care settings. Attention to home-based child care will likely reach many young children and be particularly beneficial for those in low-income households.  相似文献   

Today every child in an Infant or Junior school will almost certainly watch schools’ television as part of their education. Nearly every child will watch TV at home, often for a considerable proportion of his free time. A survey of TV use in Plymouth by Plymouth Educational Television showed that in 1971 and 1972 every Infant and Junior school in that city used some TV each week. A Swedish survey in 1968 showed that most 3 year olds have begun to watch TV attentively; 90% of 3‐4 year olds usually turn on TV to watch a programme, and 75% of 5 year olds keep track of the time for a specific TV programme (Feilitzen & Linne, 1968).

In view of this widespread use of TV by young children, particularly in the educational field, it might be expected that much would be known about young children's perception and understanding of television. In fact there has been very little work done, and the research findings there are conflict. It would seem that answers to questions like — how much information does a 5 year old retain from a TV programme? What is the attention span of an infant age child? How skilled is the young child in accurately perceiving images on television? ‐‐ would be of great interest to both producers and consumers of Educational television. However, the research just does not seem to be in progress.

There is a considerable amount of relevant background information available which suggests results which might be found and this paper will review this and summarise the conclusions to be drawn.  相似文献   

One hundred seven adults' family activities and experiences were studied via the Experience Sampling Method (ESM). Respondents carried automatic paging devices and were randomly signalled to fill out self‐reports over the period of one week. While some scholars have claimed that communication during television viewing is nonexistent, talking occurred during 20 percent of family television time. Respondents who watched more television also spent more time with their families and reported feeling as well affectively while with family members as did light viewers. However, family viewing experiences were reported as being more passive than family activities generally. Heavier viewers also reported lower levels of activation during non‐TV family activities than did light viewers. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The study experimentally tested the relationship between visual attention and comprehension of a TV program. 72 5-year-old children watched a 40-min version of the TV program "Sesame Street." Half the children viewed the program in the presence of a variety of toys and half viewed without toys. The children were then tested for their comprehension of the program. Although visual attention to the TV in the no-toys group was nearly twice that in the toys group, there was no difference between the groups in comprehension. There were, nevertheless, significant within-group correlations between visual attention and comprehension even for questions concerning only auditorily presented material. The results were interpreted as indicating that in a normal TV viewing setting, variations in the comprehensibility of the TV program may determine variations in children's attention to the TV.  相似文献   

It is often thought that bookwork is likely to be hampered by an accompaniment of television, or more simply of music. Others allege that television reduces the time that is spent with books or writing. It is helpful, therefore, to use a very large survey sample to find out how many people do perform intellectual homework, and how many of these do so with television (or musical) accompaniment. It is clear that doing homework, and doing so with television or musical accompaniment, is a widespread experience, especially among young teenagers. Several statements outlining possible advantages or disadvantages were put to respondents, to record their agreement or disagreement. There was no overwhelming endorsement of disadvantages of an information‐noisy work environment, especially among young teenagers. There is substantial evidence that people believe that the possible competition for one's attention from television or music distracts other potentially disturbing individuals, or that it can act as a kind of ‘sensory screen’.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Services to young children with disabilities and their families are provided through state and federal resources to those who meet eligibility requirements. This article reviews the literature that addresses the transition to preschool special education services occurring from the time a child reaches 2 years, 6 months, of age until the child's third birthday. Practice or Policy: We discuss the conceptual frameworks of transition, as well as the definition and requirements of transition, and factors affecting a smooth transition for young children and their families. We also present literature on transition practices such as technical assistance and collaboration, parent and family experiences, program quality, assistance for children and families, and policy considerations, as well as implications and recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Distractibility during extended visual fixations in children 6 months to 2 years of age was examined. A children's Sesame Street movie (Follow That Bird) was presented to children (N = 40) for a minimum of 20 min while fixation was videotaped and heart rate was recorded. Distractors (computer-generated patterns or another Sesame Street movie) were presented on an adjacent television screen. Consistent with prior research with older preschool-age children, the latency to turn toward the distractor was a function of the length of the look occurring before distractor onset. For the period immediately before distractor onset, children had a greater sustained lowered heart rate for the trials on which they continued looking at the center television monitor than for the trials on which they looked toward the distractor. This pattern of distractibility suggests attention increases over the course of a look toward the television, and that heart rate changes reflect this increase in attention.  相似文献   

This paper examines the preschool environment, finding within it forms and patterns of maltreatment. The preschool is defined as an educational facility for children 212 to 5 years. Described are the major models of preschools, public and private, conservatively estimated at 50.000 in the United States. The study is based on data from observations by the author of 60–70 preschools in the New York City metropolitan area, 1976–1981. This five-year period witnessed a substantial increase in the preschool movement. Explored are factors related to this increase, one significant factor being the idea that early childhood education can never be too early. Demand for early academic competence in young children when combined with longer time periods spent in preschools creates difficulties for children Societal pressure upon preschool teachers to produce cognitively and emotionally competent young children while assuring their health and safety needs leads to outcomes which are cause for concern. Covert forms of maltreatment lie predominantly in staff (directors, teachers, assistants) attitudes toward young children. These include: insistence that children learn to be independent while reinforcing dependent behavior: overemphasis on the acquisition of academic skills, irrespective of age; excessive reliance on packaged “educational” materials; non-use of materials that have intrinsic interest for children; lack of enthusiasm for working with young children; rigid adherence to routine for convenience; dislike of particular children. Overt forms of maltreatment to gain compliance or obedience from young children range from direct verbal attack (insult, sarcasm, ridicule, threats, name calling, humiliation) through emotional abuse (withholding of affection or compassion) to clear physical coercion (pulling, pushing, shoving, yanking, expulsion from class, isolation in class). Such patterns are not limited to a particular model but can occur in each preschool category. Their significance suggests that caring for and educating young children in group settings may not be the panacea society wants it to be. Special preparation for early childhood educators with well supervised internships is certainly a forward step, among many others, which are cooperatively needed at this juncture to improve the preschool environment for all children.  相似文献   

This study used eye‐gaze analysis to determine the extent to which pre‐school children visually attended to print when looking at two storybooks, to contrast visual attention to print for a print‐salient versus a picture‐salient storybook, and to study individual differences in pre‐schoolers' visual preferences. Results indicated that pre‐school children infrequently attended to print: in a traditional picture‐salient storybook, 2.7% of their fixations focused on print and 2.5% of their time was spent looking in regions of print. The children fixated more frequently on print and spent more time looking in print regions when reading a print‐salient storybook, within which 7% of fixations focused on print and 6% of time was spent in print zones. Effect size estimates showed this difference to be consistent with a very large effect. Little variation in visual attention to print was observed across the ten children, and children's alphabet knowledge was not associated with the variance in children's visual attention to print. Educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Very little research has been undertaken to date into the epidemiology of handicaps in New Zealand children of preschool and school age. Overseas prevalence estimates suggest that in this country only a small proportion of children within each category, apart from visual handicap, are receiving special educational provisions. While not necessarily an undesirable state of affairs, several studies conducted as part of Project MASE indicate that many handicapped children in regular classes whom teachers and parents believe require special educational services are not being referred for, and thus do not receive such provision. Possible reasons for non‐referral and strategies for locating such children during the preschool and school years are considered, and the need for greatly expanded research attention to the progress and adjustment of the majority of handicapped children who remain in regular classes is underlined.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study examines the amount of attention to print paid by Taiwanese mothers and children during joint book reading over time and the relationship between the use of print referencing by Taiwanese mothers and the print concepts skills of their children measured at age 3;0. A total of 42 Taiwanese mother–child pairs from middle-class families participated in this study. Mother–child interactions during joint book reading were video recorded and analyzed when the children were 1;2, 2;2, and 3;0. The mothers’ use of print referencing strategies correlated positively and significantly with children’s use of print referencing both synchronically and diachronically during joint book reading. Significant positive correlations were also found between children’s performance on a print concepts test at 3;0 and print referencing strategies used by their mothers when the children were 2;2 and 3;0. Practice or Policy: It is suggested that parents and preschool and kindergarten teachers increase their use of print referencing strategies when they read books to young children.  相似文献   

Congress enacted and President Reagan signed into law on October 8, 1986, P.L. 99-457, the Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments. These amendments reauthorize the Education of the Handicapped Act (EHA) and include a rigorous national agenda pertaining to more and better services to young special needs children and their families. This agenda was fueled by the recent recognition of the needs and competence of infants, the importance of early life experiences and by the documentation of the benefits of early intervention and preschool services. P.L. 99-457 recognized the unique role of families in the development of handicapped children. The most sweeping changes to EHA since P.L. 94-142, these amendments expanded the provisions of P.L. 94-142 to include handicapped infants and preschool children. The enactment of P.L. 99-457 provides a challenge to the filed of education of the deaf and to early childhood educators to re-examine basic assumptions about the range of services, the professionals providing those services, and the role of families who have children with hearing impairments.  相似文献   

Potential effects of auditory and other communicative experience on development of visual attention were investigated for four groups of infants at 9, 12, and 18 months of age. Participants included 20 deaf infants with deaf mothers, 19 deaf infants with hearing mothers, 21 hearing infants with hearing mothers, and 20 hearing infants with deaf mothers. Infants' hearing status alone did not associate with patterns of visual attention. Deaf infants with deaf mothers showed significantly longer times in the most advanced attention state (coordinated joint) than did deaf infants with hearing mothers. However, other aspects of experience were associated with group differences. Both deaf and hearing children with deaf mothers who signed spent more time onlooking (or watching) their mothers than did children (deaf or hearing) with hearing mothers. Hearing children with hearing mothers spent more time looking at objects than did children with deaf mothers. Despite these differences in time in various attention states, the general trajectory of development of each of the attention states was similar across groups. Results indicate that early visual attention is associated with and potentially influenced by a complex interaction of maturation, communicative experiences, and other developing skills.  相似文献   

We assessed parental differential treatment of siblings (maternal time, affection, discipline) in normal and high-risk families. Differential treatment was measured using home interviews, nightly phone ratings, and daily diaries tracking how mothers spent their time. Subjects were 40 mothers of toddlers (average age 2 years) and preschoolers (average age 4 1/2 years): half were caring for a younger child with a chronic illness (i.e., cystic fibrosis), and half were caring for two healthy children. Little evidence of parental differential treatment was found in the home or phone interview data. However, on the diary variables, both quantitative and qualitative differences in parental treatment were found in cystic fibrosis (CF) versus comparison families. Specifically, mothers spent more individual time with younger, chronically ill children in play and mealtime activities than with their older, healthy siblings. Further, mothers in the CF group rated time spent with older children as significantly more negative than time spent with younger children. Convergence between measures of differential treatment and advantages of using a high-risk comparison approach are discussed.  相似文献   

While the population of bilinguals and English learners continues to rise in our schools, teachers often feel frustrated with their lack of knowledge about best practices to support their multilingual students’ language, socio-emotional and cognitive development. Teachers’ frustration is compounded by the push for assessments in the early years. The aim of this 24-month ethnographic case study is to explore what information linguistically diverse families hold about their bilingual children’s language development and use, and how this information can help teachers (1) understand formal and informal assessment data, and (2) create linguistically appropriate support for young bilinguals and their families. The research was drawn from an ethnographic case study of a dual language (Italian-English) preschool in a major metropolitan area. The private dual language preschool provided education for ages 2.8 years to 6 years of age. The families who participated in this study were primarily immigrants, bilingual and middle class.  相似文献   

4 types of after-school care (formal after-school programs, mother care, informal adult supervision, and self-care) were examined for 216 low-income children ( M age = 9.1 years). After-school care was associated with maternal education, race, and family income but not with child gender, family marital status', neighborhood safety, or parenting style. When maternal education, race, and family income were controlled, attending a formal after-school program was associated with better academic achievement and social adjustment in comparison to other types of after-school care. Children's activities and experiences also varied in different after-school settings. Children in formal programs spent more time in academic activities and enrichment lessons and less time watching TV and playing outside unsupervised than other children. They also spent more time doing activities with peers and adults and less time with siblings than did other children. The time that children spent in these activities was correlated with their academic and conduct grades, peer relations, and emotional adjustment.  相似文献   

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