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著名人类文化学家Edward.T.Hall将语境文化分为高语境文化和低语境文化,以中国为代表的亚洲国家大都属于高语境文化,而以美国为代表的西方国家属于低语境文化。高低语境文化交际是东西方两种不同文化交际的代表,对其特点、差异、形成因素、历史根源和局限性进行对比分析,有助于在跨文化交际中对不同文化的学习、理解和尊重,避免冲突,减少误解,从而获得成功的跨文化交际。  相似文献   

长久以来,中国一直被文化研究者认为是高语境文化的典型代表之一。本研究从霍尔划分高、低语境交际的标准出发,探讨了高语境文化和低语境文化产生的原因,并提出质疑,进而又对高语境文化与低语境文化的构成原因进行了分析,最后认为中国文化并不是高语境文化,而是处于高语境文化和低语境文化之间的一种文化,并且正在呈现出越来越多的低语境文化特征。  相似文献   

本文从跨文化交际的一个侧面 ,即高语境文化与低语境文化对比入手 ,归纳各自语境文化具有截然相反的特征 ,以及由此而引发的文化冲突。通过对产生冲突深层哲学、伦理、语言和经济发展。综合概述后引出进行成功的跨文化交际的方式和原则。  相似文献   

在交际中,人们除了用语言传递信息,非语言行为同样举足轻重。沉默,作为一种非语言交际行为,在高语境和低语境文化中有着不同的诠释。在高语境文化中,沉默往往赋予积极的意味,是一种特殊的沟通方式;在低语境文化中,沉默常蕴涵消极的意味,是缺乏沟通的表现。这种差异可以从不同的文化环境、思维模式和价值观方面分析原因,以探求相关的跨文化交际应对策略,从而有助于避免文化误解和冲突,促进跨文化交流。  相似文献   

本文从跨文化交际的一个侧面,即高语境文化与低语境文化对比入手,归纳出各自语境文化的特征,以及引起文化冲突的深层哲学、伦理、语言和经济根源.通过对上述方面的综合概述后引出进行成功的跨文化交际的方式和原则.  相似文献   

陈国卿 《南平师专学报》2001,20(1):73-75,,81,
醉座跨文化交际的一个侧面,即高语境文化与低语境文化对比入手,归各自语境文化具有截然相反的特征,以及由此而引发的文化冲突。通过对产生冲突深层哲学、伦理、语言和经济发展。综合概述后引出进行成功的跨文化交际的方式和原则。  相似文献   

本文从跨文化交际的一个侧面,即高语境文化与低语境文化对比入手,归纳出各自语境文化的特征,以及引起文化冲突的深层哲学、伦理、语言和经济根源。通过对上述方面的综合概括后引后引出进行成功的跨文化交际的方式和原则。  相似文献   

文化的价值观念系统的差异必然导致交际模式的差异,高语境文化和低语境文化之间存在着差异,并且这种差异会给跨文化交际带来困难。研究高低语境文化的差异,对于跨文化交际和外语学习有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

高语境与低语境交际存在于一切文化当中,高低语境的差异会在很大程度上影响和决定人们的语言使用,而对高低语境文化的研究也被越来越多的学者所重视。本文通过对高低语境文化理论和例子的研究,以期让读者对其有一个简要的认识。  相似文献   

爱德华﹒霍尔按照语义对话背景和对话语言本身的依赖程度,把文化大体分为高语境文化和低语境文化。他认为中国文化属于高语境文化,而美国文化属于低语境文化。本文借助爱德华霍尔德"高低境文化"理论,对自我的交际生活和翻译方法进行剖析。  相似文献   

Silence,as a form of nonverbal communication,may be interpreted in various ways depending upon the culture.The purpose of this study is to explain misunderstanding concerned with the uses of silence in conversations situated in different cultural backgrounds,and then give possible methods to avoid it.The explanation is mainly based on the two categories related to the context posed by Edward Hall: high-context culture & low-context culture.In this part,the study also contrasts distinct verbal styles in America & Japan,in addition,it analyses different attitudes towards silence from 3 aspects: traditional value,religion and power distance.At end,the study is concluded with 4 solutions that try to solve the problem.  相似文献   

语言和文化有着密切的关系,语言的产生和发展使人类文化得以产生和传承,同时文化在词汇的发展和使用,讲话规则,篇章结构文体风格等方面也影响着语言。在文化领域的研究中,Edward T.Hall从感知和交流方面研究文化之间的异同,历史性的提出文化具有语境性,根据交流中所传达的意义是来自交流的场合还是来自交流的语言将文化分为高语境和低语境,其中认为中国文化是典型的高语境文化,美国文化是典型的低语境文化。本文则试图从高语境和低语境文化的视角出发,来分析英汉句型结构的差异。同时,解析造成这种差异的深层原因。  相似文献   

From an intercultural communication approach,this paper analyses conflicts and reconciliation experienced by Chinese mothers and their Americanized daughters in Amy Tan's work The Joy Luck Club.The conflicts between them are conflicts between two cultures.To understand the conflict and reconciliation between two cultures profoundly, this paper applies the theories of "high-context culture" and "low-context culture" and Hofstede's Value Dimensions. From the film, The Joy Luck Club, it is a new trend that two cultures have been developing from the conflict to reconciliation.  相似文献   

从文化高低语境性方面的差异入手,从句法结构、语义、语用三个方面分析了高语境文化与低语境文化的差异在语言方面的反映,并结合功能翻译理论阐述了文化的高低语境性差异对汉译英造成的影响。  相似文献   

本文以高、低语境文化为切入点,分析学生在英语写作中常遇到的问题及该采用的相应的措施。由于受汉语高语境文化的影响,学生往往在英语写作过程中未能表述恰当,用词含糊,只有由低语境向高语境转移,才能提高学生的英语写作水平。  相似文献   

王静 《海外英语》2012,(12):227-228,244
Language and environment influence each other crossly.Comparing Australian and Chinese culture and language environment,it is not hard to find that they belong to totally opposite different way.From the point of context,the former is low-context and the latter is a traditionally much high-context culture country.In this essay,the different ways and understanding of apology will be explored.Also,analysis of the types,influences,is involved the apologies and the differences in the selection of the apology strategies between English and Chinese.The interesting research is gender influencing the apologies choosing,which will be discussed at the last of assignment.  相似文献   

Classroom communication often involves interactions between students and teachers from dissimilar cultures, which influence classroom learning because of their dissimilar communication styles influenced by their cultures. It is therefore important to study the influence of culture on classroom communication that influences the classroom verbal and nonverbal interactions. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a new instrument to assess eight scales of students?? classroom communication learning environment: Body Language, Communication Rate, Communication Loudness, Eye Contact, English Usage, Verbal Support, Intra-gender Communication and Inter-gender Communication. The instrument was administered to 1,723 upper-secondary biology students in Brunei government schools. The alpha reliability (0.58?C0.91) and discrimination validity (0.08?C0.13) coefficients for these scales were within acceptable ranges. Statistically significant ??2 coefficients suggested that the instrument was able to differentiate between participating biology classes. Students perceived a low level verbal support and sometimes higher teacher communication rate in their classes. Dialects other than English, which is the medium of instruction, have been used in biology classes to some extent. There is a strong tendency for intra-gender than inter-gender communications in classes, which could limit the effectiveness of teaching and learning in constructivist classes  相似文献   

会话含意的推导和理解是Griee会话含意理论中的重点。人们对会话含意的理解并不只是以会话准则为依据,文化语境也是必须考虑的一个因素,因为人们在交谈时所遵循的准则可能因文化而异。不论是一般会话含意还是特殊会话含意的理解都离不开蕴藏在社会中的文化土壤。在交际过程中信息意义的获取离不开对整体文化意义的认知。文章从跨文化交际中的言语交际的角度分析和说明了东西方会话含意的理解和差异。希望为跨文化交际者在进行跨文化交际时提供一定的指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

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